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People who use someone's death to get attention

People who use someone's death to get attention

So this 19 year old girl from my hometown died recently. I didn't know her personally, but I had heard her name a few times and a lot of people I know knew her. As soon as word spread about her death, Facebook began to blow up with statuses about her.

Of course her close friends and family are entitled to do or say whatever they feel they need to, but then you have the fucking attention whores. They post all these statuses pretending she was their best friend, they were so close, ect, when they barely knew her or didn't like her. These people do this so they can get a bunch of "likes" and comments from other attention whores who want to be part of the "action" of the tragedy and get sympathy when in reality they weren't close at all.

A couple years ago, one of my best friend's ex girlfriend (they were together for three years) killed herself. The same thing happened then, where people who barely knew her posted all this stuff on Facebook and blew up my buddy's phone with texts and calls, once again wanting to be part of the "action".

Same thing with the 10th anniversary of 9/11. I remember seeing all these statuses like "That day changed my life forever" when in reality it didn't change a god damn thing for them.

I know, I know, I should get off Facebook, but really the only thing I use it for is shit talking, which is pretty fun. Is it just me who gets pissed off at these people who use others' deaths to try to get attention and sympathy?

People who use someone's death to get attention

Another reason (of thousands) for me to stay off facebook.

These people are like parasites, eliminate them from your life and you'll be doing yourself a favor. Better sources of higher quality entertainment out there.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

People who use someone's death to get attention

OH YEAH. Facebook is ALL about attention whoring, and I actually find it useful. It's just people I've been friends with for years, old school friends that reconnected, and some internationals that I've either met or got tight with from other sites. I don't add friends of friends (unless I want to spit at her because she's fine). Like you, I love to talk shit with my people on there. But I agree - chicks are big for these incredible displays of fake emotion, more to show off to others. I love when they try to shame you into posting some bullshit only THEY care about on your status. I let 'em know...I'm here for MY enjoyment, not yours.

I hear about people using it for dating/hookups, but I don't try to hit up randoms on it. I HAVE used it to try to find out info on chicks I've met either on other sites or in person, just to see if I find anything interesting. There ARE ways to use it to your advantage.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

People who use someone's death to get attention

Facebook was the shit back in 2006; not anymore! I hate giving up all my chips in 2 minutes to anyone that checks my Facebook.

Mystery is part of what makes a man very attractive to women, and FB strips away all mystery about you.


People who use someone's death to get attention

Quote: (12-05-2011 11:25 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Facebook was the shit back in 2006; not anymore! I hate giving up all my chips in 2 minutes to anyone that checks my Facebook.

Mystery is part of what makes a man very attractive to women, and FB strips away all mystery about you.


Facebook itself doesn't strip the's all about what you put on there. You don't have to volunteer anything you don't want to. In some instances, it can actually be positive PR for you.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

People who use someone's death to get attention

This isn't about facebook. Look what happened when Steve Jobs died. Same shit, but adults being attention whores.

People who use someone's death to get attention

Quote: (12-05-2011 11:40 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (12-05-2011 11:25 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Facebook was the shit back in 2006; not anymore! I hate giving up all my chips in 2 minutes to anyone that checks my Facebook.

Mystery is part of what makes a man very attractive to women, and FB strips away all mystery about you.


Facebook itself doesn't strip the's all about what you put on there. You don't have to volunteer anything you don't want to. In some instances, it can actually be positive PR for you.

yeah, but you just defeated the whole purpose of Facebook. It's designed for you to showcase your that someone can easily capture it in 10 minutes of looking at whom you're fucking, and how many people write on your wall saying you're hot...[Image: dodgy.gif]

Not to mention all the CIA/FBI agencies who keep tabs on your shit, and who communicates with you.

But, I'm not here to convince anyone to not use each his own.

I'm not going to hijack babel's thread on deaths being a means of attention whore syndrome, especially in women. In that regard, monkey see monkey do.

If 1 million people say 7-11 decaf coffee is cool, then all of a sudden you see every fucking teenager in high-school with a cup of black decaf 7-11 coffee and another million likes on 7-11 coffee on Facebook. Same shit happened with Justin Bieber.

Death is a strong emotion. Women love anything that has to do with strong, deep emotions like crack addicts.

90% of women are genetically engineered to follow packs. Only few women are true leaders/alpha like Joan of Arc than can actually lead armies into battle. Only 1 alpha female is born per year imo, the rest are pack followers.


People who use someone's death to get attention

''They wait until a man is gone and say he was the best'' Papoose..(this motherfucker is so lyrical)

People who use someone's death to get attention

"yeah, but you just defeated the whole purpose of Facebook. It's designed for you to showcase your that someone can easily capture it in 10 minutes of looking at whom you're fucking, and how many people write on your wall saying you're hot..."

How did I defeat the purpose of it? My point is you can use Facebook in the fashion you CHOOSE. Who decided that the purpose was to showcase your life, just because so many decide to use it that way? Some use it for business. Others use it for silliness. Others use it to show off. It can be whatever you want it to be. If law enforcement busts some clown because he went on Facebook and bragged, then Facebook isn't the problem. The clown fucked up.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

People who use someone's death to get attention

Here's the one that always pisses me off: some kid gets raped and then eaten by a bear or something, then the news is all over it, and they always ALWAYS film some stupid candlelight vigil where a bunch of obese prole women who aren't related or even acquainted with the victim get filmed blubbering over it on the local news. There's your obnoxious attention-seeking behavior right there.

People who use someone's death to get attention

Quote: (12-07-2011 11:00 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Here's the one that always pisses me off: some kid gets raped and then eaten by a bear or something, then the news is all over it, and they always ALWAYS film some stupid candlelight vigil where a bunch of obese prole women who aren't related or even acquainted with the victim get filmed blubbering over it on the local news. There's your obnoxious attention-seeking behavior right there.

Yep...Facebook is simply another outlet in a culture of attention-whoring. The ability to be minted as a celebrity for doing nothing, or doing something really stupid started on tv. I think MTV/Real World started this. Then, people who did something stupid were being treated like celebs by news programs, then Hollywood comes calling (Monica Lewinsky got invited to Oscar parties, then started getting prime tables in top restaurants, and after a while she felt she DESERVED to be treated like a celeb and bitched when she didn't get a great table!). Then book deals. For people that aren't the least bit exceptional, other than getting press attention for doing something disgusting, stupid, bizarre, etc.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

People who use someone's death to get attention

Quote: (12-07-2011 11:00 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Here's the one that always pisses me off: some kid gets raped and then eaten by a bear or something, then the news is all over it, and they always ALWAYS film some stupid candlelight vigil where a bunch of obese prole women who aren't related or even acquainted with the victim get filmed blubbering over it on the local news. There's your obnoxious attention-seeking behavior right there.

Yep. Some kid at my college jumped off a balcony and killed himself a few months ago. They had a candlelight vigil and all that and like 2,000 people tried to show up to his funeral. I could almost kind of understand if the kid grew up here and was super popular or city-wide famous or something, but he wasn't. He was from another state. All these people who maybe walked past him once on campus started acting like they knew him well.

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