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Having trouble at house parties

Having trouble at house parties

Hey guys, I'm having a real easy time meeting women at parties, but the prob is i cannot get them upstairs to a room any advice????

Having trouble at house parties

I throw parties at my house all the time. The key to this is to not drop it too soon. What I tend to do is build a solid rapport with a girl and then lead her up to my room as a pretense of somehow integrating a prop into the conversation. ie. we are talking about travelling in Africa or whatever so I want to show her my photos, or I am braggin about my leather bound books and rich mahogany furniature so I show her. She knows inside that she is going to your bedroom for (maybe) something more, or you have no game, and you need to escalate a bit before. Bring her up and then leave the door open. Don't force it, or it will totally backfire, and ruin your vibe for the rest of the night. I guess if it is at her house you could do the same, ask to see her pictures or something.

F*ck those are good parties. I need to throw another one soon.

Also, leave your door open to your room, and girls will just make their way to your room. I threw a party one time and went into my room and there was a cute Mexican girl sleeping in my bed, and honest to god two girls making out on my desk. I walked up to them, and panicked like a tool saying something like "hey, im getting in on this." And then totally pussied out and went back to the party with a sort of look of horny shock on my face.

I then went home with a different Mexican girl, hooked up with her, and didn't blow my load. I came home at like 6 and the other Mexican girl was still in my bed, so I had sex with her.

!Viva Mexic(anas)!

Having trouble at house parties

Have you tried drugs?

Booze stash?

Picasso painting on your wall?

Stupid Trinket from a third world country?

View of the ocean?

The Guide to Getting More out of Life

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