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Bedding an ex

Bedding an ex

I recently ended things with my ex after six months - she was okay bringing things to an end, too, and I don't regret the decision. It was amicable.

As we broke up, I suggested straight out that we just be fuck-buddies but she politely declined. Even so, I think it's still plausible she could be one I occasionally take out, sleep with etc - which would be ideal for me. Because of our social circle we will see one another regularly enough so that won't be an issue. She lives very near me. I also know how horny she can be, and how averse she is to attaching herself exclusively to men, so I figure that if she's single and suddenly feels the urge, I want to position myself to take advantage of that.

We've since seen a fair bit of each other twice, and each time she refused a drink when I offered her one (a mistake if I was only just starting to hit on her, I know) - I suspect because she knew having a drink or two might lead to us to the bedroom.

How would others here drive this scenario the way I want? I don't want her back and I am not going to let a continuing interest in sex with her get in the way of pursuing other women. But she is extremely good in bed and I want more of that occasionally - is there a reasonably easy way to go about getting it? Or should I forget this and move on from her sexually as well as relationship-wise?

Bedding an ex

Don't go out of your way to see her. If she's at the same venue as you, say hello at some point, but play it cool. Aloofness is key in this situation. Maintain the vibe of being casual friends.

If she indicates she wants more, escalate steadily, smoothly. Don't offer her drinks. Not because it's necessarily supplicating, but because it may come off as you wanting to get her drunk and bang her.

Being seen with other girls would be a great aid as well, both at that moment and later.

Bedding an ex

With my last two g/f's I've been able to keep them as FB's for a while after the break up. It however took 2-4 weeks for me to make that happen though. I broke off all contact but I would see them at bars while I was out with other girls. I think this is key since I believe it kicks in their drive to not want to lose out to some other "skank".

Once I see them at bars my dynamic while interacting with them is that we fucked, she loved it, and she wants it bad again. I don't overtly say I want to fuck her again but through my body language and physical interactions there's the assumption that we're going to be banging later. I'd be playful, confident, and a bit of an asshole.

I would help em pick out guys to talk to, and have them watch me run game on other girls. The reoccurring theme is for them to see you interacting with other girls that are enjoying your company. There's going to be a point where you just see they want you again and it's then I just grab them by the hand and say let's get out of here.

Bedding an ex

Very good advice. Thanks both of you.

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