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Anxiety because of the audience

Anxiety because of the audience

Do you guys ever pull back from an approach because it bothers you to have others overhear how you game a girl? It happens to me sometimes on quiet trains or on the bus especially.

I went to this new bar at like 1pm on a Sunday cause its just outside my house and I was waiting for someone. I chatted it up with the reception girl and a bartender who was sitting down eating and we had a really fun interaction. I said I was leaving to have lunch and the girl wanted me to stay and have lunch at the place...... She didnt want me to leave and I know it was an opening to game her more but I felt awkward get her number in front of the other dude.

Should I have not given a shit and gotten her number anyway? I remember hearing abour reputation and how she wouldnt want to seem slutty in front of other people or whatever though, but maybe thats just an excuse.

Anyways, this is my first post and I really love the forum!

Anxiety because of the audience

embrace it. There's always an audience.

Anxiety because of the audience

It shouldn't be a problem trying to make a new friend. <HINT>

Anxiety because of the audience

So don't approach her and let the opportunity pass forever.

Anxiety because of the audience

yea you guys are right, i need to stop being a pussy. thanks broken, trotter and roosh

Anxiety because of the audience

Quote: (06-18-2009 12:52 AM)nexeffect Wrote:  

yea you guys are right, i need to stop being a pussy. thanks broken, trotter and roosh

It's not about being a pussy, it's about you giving too much shit about how others might react. Be natural, confident and know what you're doing. And, hey, most of the time others really have other things to worry about than judging whatever you're doing, so you don't need their approval.

Anxiety because of the audience

forget about everyone in the place, imagine that u r alone with her, and let her choose the limit between u and her, keep escalating until she stops u, the far u go the more anxious she`s gonna be to c u again

Anxiety because of the audience

Here's how I think of it: when you go in for an approach you're going in for a performance. I did a little acting before so that's the natural way for me to think of it and I think another pua does the same (Cajun). When you go in with a smile expecting good results the rest of the world is basically tuned out because you know you're gonna give a good performance so you better do your best work to get your best results and just wait till the show is over to think over your performance. Just remember life is a grand stage and everyone else is auxillary.

Anxiety because of the audience

Quote: (07-02-2009 02:17 AM)kerouac Wrote:  

Here's how I think of it: when you go in for an approach you're going in for a performance. I did a little acting before so that's the natural way for me to think of it and I think another pua does the same (Cajun). When you go in with a smile expecting good results the rest of the world is basically tuned out because you know you're gonna give a good performance so you better do your best work to get your best results and just wait till the show is over to think over your performance. Just remember life is a grand stage and everyone else is auxillary.

I like your thinking.

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