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Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

I am telling you, every post from Roissy is a classic. But this one?

This is all time great.

He analyzes "the turgid confessional from a feminist who got banged out by a player four hours after they met for a first date drink."

Players and player pretenders, you just HAVE to read this:

Feminist Gets Pumped and Dumped by PUA.

Not only does Roissy point out how the guy gamed her totally...but also, gentlemen, Roissy defines the modern urban femcunt lizard brain, with the hamster running as fast he can inside her head.

The following is not what she wrote...but it's easy to conclude that this is what she's thinking.

"He's interesting....but if I fuck him on the first date, I'll be a slut."....
"He's cocky and makes me laugh....but will he call me tomorrow?"
"God, I want to kiss him...but will he get the wrong idea?"
"Holy shit, I can't believe he pinned me against the wall and devoured my mouth...I'm dripping...but God, I can't fuck him SOOOO soon? Can I?"
"Un-fucking-believable sex...he fucked my pussy like a porn star....but will he take me to dinner? Meet my mom?"

THIS IS THE HAMSTER. This is the little animal running inside her head, the wheel spinning as the little creature gets absolutely nowhere.

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Yeah it was a great post.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

"As he walked me to the train, he asked me if I would come over for a nightcap. Just one. He offered to pay for a cab to take me home afterwards, as I had to work early."

Here ya go....A little cash goes a long way. He offered to pay for a cab. Notice that?

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

paying for a cab you aren't in is a golden move, especially in a city where cabfare usually isnt more then $20

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Quote: (10-26-2011 02:58 PM)Brian Wrote:  

paying for a cab you aren't in is a golden move, especially in a city where cabfare usually isnt more then $20

The point is when you roll out worried about money it hurts your game. I'm sure that dude didn't even think about how much or any other thing except his goal. We have plenty of discussion here over spending that's why I pointed that out.

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

I think people do take the whole "I'm never paying for anything" bit too far. The POINT is to get into the mentality of not taking care of everything, not showering a girl with gifts, not acting how all most AFC's do, not buying drinks for random strangers as a rule or standard (there are exceptions). Using your money as your own competitive advantage is ok when done right, but there is a fine line between making strategic choices and just being used. With experience you learn how to tell the difference between the two. Of course, a lot of it does depend on your personal financial situation too -- and can hurt your odds if you're unable or unwilling to shell out some cash for certain situations (i.e. a cab ride when you are in the position to offer one).

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Quote: (10-26-2011 03:21 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

I think people do take the whole "I'm never paying for anything" bit too far. The POINT is to get into the mentality of not taking care of everything, not showering a girl with gifts, not acting how all most AFC's do, not buying drinks for random strangers as a rule or standard (there are exceptions). Using your money as your own competitive advantage is ok when done right, but there is a fine line between making strategic choices and just being used. With experience you learn how to tell the difference between the two. Of course, a lot of it does depend on your personal financial situation too -- and can hurt your odds.
Very well said.

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

It's very funny but these same women attack men who want to do what they want to do. My cousin's gf called me "lower than dirt" because I got tired of trying to please society's standards and started doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. Their morals are like the wind, it blows one way one second, the next second it blows somewhere else.

Her own older sister gave an ultimatum to her bf to get married and have kids. He dumped her. Now her sister is going around bars and fucking everything left and right.

It's been said by many, including Roissy, "They get the men they deserve".

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Quote: (10-26-2011 04:11 PM)wolf Wrote:  

It's very funny but these same women attack men who want to do what they want to do. My cousin's gf called me "lower than dirt" because I got tired of trying to please society's standards and started doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. Their morals are like the wind, it blows one way one second, the next second it blows somewhere else.

A while back, I had this married woman on the string, and we we're doing it for almost a year. Then she flaked. The conversation went something like this.

"I want something more."
"I don't."
"After all we've been through?"
"Yes, we've been through a lot -- a lot of great conversations and great sex. What more do you want?"
"I don't know, something else."
"Remember this is what you signed up for. I was clear at the beginning.mSo first you wanted great sex you weren't getting, now you got it, and now you want 'more'?"
"I feel like a slut."
"No, when I make love to you, you feel like a real woman. That's what I do for you. That's all you wanted, to feel like that."
"I know, but it's not enough."
"So you're choice is to find someone else who will give you more, or go back to you husband who doesn't do it for you."

She broke down in tears, left, and I never saw her again.

The reality is this: women simply do not understand their own contradictions.

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Quote: (10-26-2011 04:39 PM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2011 04:11 PM)wolf Wrote:  

It's very funny but these same women attack men who want to do what they want to do. My cousin's gf called me "lower than dirt" because I got tired of trying to please society's standards and started doing what I want to do, when I want to do it. Their morals are like the wind, it blows one way one second, the next second it blows somewhere else.

A while back, I had this married woman on the string, and we we're doing it for almost a year. Then she flaked. The conversation went something like this.

"I want something more."
"I don't."
"After all we've been through?"
"Yes, we've been through a lot -- a lot of great conversations and great sex. What more do you want?"
"I don't know, something else."
"Remember this is what you signed up for. I was clear at the beginning.mSo first you wanted great sex you weren't getting, now you got it, and now you want 'more'?"
"I feel like a slut."
"No, when I make love to you, you feel like a real woman. That's what I do for you. That's all you wanted, to feel like that."
"I know, but it's not enough."
"So you're choice is to find someone else who will give you more, or go back to you husband who doesn't do it for you."

She broke down in tears, left, and I never saw her again.

The reality is this: women simply do not understand their own contradictions.

What's worse is not only they don't understand their contradictions but they will fuck us up if we go alongside their contradictions(Marriage, Children, and etc.). I'm scared of getting married, because I've already been put in some serious situations with women, these were women I dated, women I was in relationships with!!!!!!

Looking at you gives me some hope in staying unmarried and having a fulfilling life.

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

I honestly think that as programmed as men may be to cheat in a LTR, women are even more so, if they're honest with themselves.

Their desires are so contradictory so as for it to be impossible for them to be satisfied in any one single situation, requiring multiple liasons of different types. There really isn't anything wrong with this if society can get over it's problem with such a dynamic and if everyone is upfront about it, IMO, but we're collectively a long way from that.

DISCLAIMER: I don't know what I'm talking about and my posts are opinion, not advice.

Quote:Gmac Wrote:
your time > her feelings

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Here is an e-mail I received from an attractive classmate of mine in law school. (First part is about a comment I made about her date who is into renaissance fairs.)

I quote:

Lol, right? Maybe my orcs will help his trolls capture a village. The irony is three years ago I ended a relationship with a totally nice, reasonably attractive, remarkably normal guy because I thought he was boring and I could do better. He got married last week and I'm hanging out with court jesters. Sometimes god says WHOMP WHOMP.

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Some classy comments in the article Roissy dissected...women encouraging eahc other to have sex soon and express their control and sexuality and telling the woman its ok to sleep on first date with dude...saying they did it and got married to the guy or still dating him after 5 years...I love this shit....more pussy for me....

The Lizard Whisperer.......

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Quote: (10-26-2011 06:36 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Here is an e-mail I received from an attractive classmate of mine in law school. (First part is about a comment I made about her date who is into renaissance fairs.)

I quote:

Lol, right? Maybe my orcs will help his trolls capture a village. The irony is three years ago I ended a relationship with a totally nice, reasonably attractive, remarkably normal guy because I thought he was boring and I could do better. He got married last week and I'm hanging out with court jesters. Sometimes god says WHOMP WHOMP.

That is tremendous.

Players, if you want additional evidence (if any were needed) that

1. Women are hypergamous


2. Most women simply don't know it

Here it is.

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Quote: (10-26-2011 09:14 PM)satanova77 Wrote:  

Some classy comments in the article Roissy dissected...women encouraging eahc other to have sex soon and express their control and sexuality and telling the woman its ok to sleep on first date with dude...saying they did it and got married to the guy or still dating him after 5 years...I love this shit....more pussy for me....


Once again women, especially women with a feminist bent, simply don't understand their own contradictions.

They want to be free as independent women to "express" their sexual being yet don't want to be "objects" to be lusted after.

Yet men are driven by lust, so when the femcunts express themselves sexually, they become the very victims of masculine lust that they despise (or profess to despise, being good little femnazis).

The irony is delicious...because it allows us men to taste lots and lots of pussy.

The hamster in the femcunt head runs clockwise...and then it runs counterclockwise -- in a never-ending perpetual motion machine of disorienting compulsions.

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

this is the 1000 dollar line in the aticle "I slept with how that man made me feel."

Roissy's Dissects Lizard's Brain as She Tells, Inadvertantly, How She Was Gamed

Quote: (10-26-2011 04:11 PM)wolf Wrote:  

Their morals are like the wind, it blows one way one second, the next second it blows somewhere else.

this is so true. Make them feel something and they'll rationalize it later.

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