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Selling a Dream

Selling a Dream

This is something new I've been trying in the online world. I haven't perfected it yet so I haven't brought it out in the real world....yet.

The recession is affecting everyone including all the lizards out there. This means plenty of younger sluts struggling to find jobs. I've been seeing more and more girls mention their job frustrations and issues on their profiles. I've been sending messages asking what's wrong and letting them know that I hate seeing anyone in that position because I've been there. They spill the beans and I listen like a worried father. Then I casually mention I have a family member with law offices around town who might be looking for a secretary. You can switch this up but make it an easy job that any whore can perform. Ask them their job history, if they have a resume, etc. Sell the dream. Let them know it would probably be best for everyone if you meet up with her so you can make sure she has what it takes before sealing the deal. You don't want to send trash to a loved one's office right?

Three 18 and 19 yr olds gave me their number with this method over the past few days. I didn't ask for shit but they just threw it out there. I'll update this after I "interview" the sluts

Selling a Dream

that aint game.

Selling a Dream

Quote: (10-25-2011 10:47 PM)Tyler_Durden Wrote:  

that aint game.
[Image: troll.gif] I suspected you after seeing your posts in the Notch thread

Selling a Dream

meh just being honest. and assuming the pic n tone of ur response im assuming ur saying lying is game?

Selling a Dream

I don't give a fuck about what classifies as game. I only care about sticking my dick down a bitches throat and tearing her pussy up.

Selling a Dream

so ur admitting u got no game and yet women should sleep wit u? just pay for it dude

Selling a Dream

Quote: (10-25-2011 11:07 PM)houston Wrote:  

I don't give a fuck about what classifies as game. I only care about sticking my dick down a bitches throat and tearing her pussy up.

Shame on you Houston. How could you bring yourself to LIE to women for sex. Haven't you learned anything on this forum? How can you plan on having a relationship by lying right off the bat. You need to go to one of those feminist meetings and tell those women what your doing, and let them set you straight.

Selling a Dream

Quote: (10-25-2011 11:17 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (10-25-2011 11:07 PM)houston Wrote:  

I don't give a fuck about what classifies as game. I only care about sticking my dick down a bitches throat and tearing her pussy up.

Shame on you Houston. How could you bring yourself to LIE to women for sex. Haven't you learned anything on this forum? How can you plan on having a relationship by lying right off the bat. You need to go to one of those feminist meetings and tell those women what your doing, and let them set you straight.

haha i get it i get it. but seriosly if theres degrees of lying, if ur lying like yeah i love this song too then wateva, but straight up lying about being able to get a girl a job is just lame as. houston even said it himself, he dosnt care about game, he only wants a quick fix of happines

Selling a Dream

Ignoring anything about the moral rights and wrongs or whether it's game or not - have you considered that you could probably do the exact same thing with a whole lot less effort and less dancing around the issue by cutting through all the BS and being more direct about your offer?

As much as she might pretend she doesn't know the score - she does.

It's a simple exchange - you help her, she gives you sex.

I don't personally recommend doing what you're doing BUT girls who are willing to give sex in exchange in order to advance their prospects (money, status, career) tend to respond to guys who can firmly cut through all the BS. Some will walk away from it, but those ones probably will walk away anyways.

This works especially well with models and actresses who are interested in using their looks and sex to hook a guy who can give them a leg up in the business. But the girl has to actually believe that you can back up what you say (read: you got the cash and the connections).

It's less effective on women who are willing to do the hard work on their own and will not have sex with a guy just to get an advantage in their business. In fact, it pretty much screens these kind of women out of your life completely in the long run.

Again, I wouldn't do it simply because of the girls it leaves me with (hot, manipulative, care more about my status than me), but that's my own personal choice. It can and has been done quite extensively. Many guys with lots of status/money are running this kind of thing without even realizing it (the ones who realize it, end up getting laid like madmen).

Selling a Dream

that's awesome. please let us know if you can turn it into a lay.

on a similar note, I know a guy who worked in retail and whenever he met a hot chick at work he'd tell them there might be job openings soon, then he'd interview them on the spot.

later that night he'd call them and set up a date. was pretty pimp.

Selling a Dream

ok i thought this forum was about game. the one thing u gotta remember is confidence. how in the world are u showing any confidence if ur not being urself? it shows u arent confident in urself so u gotta hide behind a wall of lies.

yes we all want the same thing. but its how we get it thats trully important. do u want to be the charming confident dude in the club that women all love, or do u want to be that creep that had to lie to get wat he wanted? if u chose the later itll only make things worse.

ull be replacin all game wit just lies. no confidence in urself but only in the lie. do u really want to disrespect urself that much?

Selling a Dream

it's just a technique to meet and bang women

same as dudes that get into photography or bartending just to meet and bang women

it's all game

Selling a Dream

I don't know anyone who has a law firm or any job openings for these girls. I'm not actually getting a bitch a job! Fuck that shit.

Tyler you're obviously a bitch or a faggot beta who is trying to preach.

Selling a Dream

gotta agree with tyler on this one.. If straight up lying about everything to get pussy is what makes you happy, then go for it.. I'd rather try and win them by actually making them want to lose all impulses and bang me through my conversation/looks.

If i just wanted to stick my dick in something i'd pay for it

Selling a Dream

Quote: (10-26-2011 12:18 AM)rockdaspot Wrote:  

it's just a technique to meet and bang women

same as dudes that get into photography or bartending just to meet and bang women

it's all game

yeah its a tech i agree, but it def aint game.
for example i wouldnt pick up photography just to get girls. cause then im just empty and no1 wants to stick around wit sometin empty. would u b mates wit a dude that likes wat u like? or likes wat u like just so he can have friends. some things with women.

Selling a Dream

the game we're playing is getting laid

some guys dress really well to help their game

some guys throw money around to help their game

some guys travel to poor countries to help their game

and some guys sell dreams to help their game

I applaud dude for trying something different. there's no harm done at all here.

Selling a Dream

Quote: (10-26-2011 12:48 AM)houston Wrote:  

I don't know anyone who has a law firm or any job openings for these girls. I'm not actually getting a bitch a job! Fuck that shit.

Tyler you're obviously a bitch or a faggot beta who is trying to preach.

nah dude ur clearly the bitch here because u wont face up to wat u r, a beta who has to lie to get wat u know doesnt belond to u. if u were a alpha u would confident in urself, ur looks and ur situation. u wouldnt have to think of lies and tricks to get girls, if anything a alpha knows girls r gonna b chasin him. but girls dont do that to poor lying betas do they?

Selling a Dream

Quote: (10-26-2011 01:03 AM)rockdaspot Wrote:  

the game we're playing is getting laid

some guys dress really well to help their game

some guys throw money around to help their game

some guys travel to poor countries to help their game

and some guys sell dreams to help their game

I applaud dude for trying something different. there's no harm done at all here.

wrong dude, the game aint about gettin laid. gettin laid is easy as as shown by ur examples. the game is gettin the girls with nothing but urself. no money. no tricks. no gimicks. no lies. just u. as gay as this is gonna sound its kinda like wat jackie chan said in karate kid about kung fu being everywere

Selling a Dream


in that case, next time you go out to meet women don't shower or shave for a few weeks and tell them how many women you've slept with and all your deepest and darkest secrets so they can get to know the real you right away

Selling a Dream

Quote: (10-26-2011 01:19 AM)rockdaspot Wrote:  


in that case, next time you go out to meet women don't shower or shave for a few weeks and tell them how many women you've slept with and all your deepest and darkest secrets so they can get to know the real you right away

so in other words u only shower and shave just to get girls? and as for telling girls how many iv slept with, they usually arent suprised and dont mind.

Selling a Dream

Quote: (10-26-2011 01:26 AM)Tyler_Durden Wrote:  

Quote: (10-26-2011 01:19 AM)rockdaspot Wrote:  


in that case, next time you go out to meet women don't shower or shave for a few weeks and tell them how many women you've slept with and all your deepest and darkest secrets so they can get to know the real you right away

so in other words u only shower and shave just to get girls? and as for telling girls how many iv slept with, they usually arent suprised and dont mind.

I'm saying there is an element of marketing ourselves effectively to get girls, get a job or to get most things we want.

for some guys the marketing is very minor (such as yourself) and sometimes it's major.

either way there's nothing wrong with some clever marketing and a bit of manipulation to get girls in my opinion and I believe that it is all part of the game.

I'm NOT saying one should hurt girls deliberately but telling them you'll pass a resume on to a friend is harmless and actually quite smart in my opinion (if it works).

Selling a Dream

to the OP, what's ur plan for the interview and to transition to sex?

Selling a Dream

dude i understand wat ur sayin with the whole marketing thing, but the thing is game isnt marketing. u dont have to market urself if u have game.
lying and manipulating goes against wat the game is. think about this. wats more important and will def get more girls and needs alot less work. confidence or lies? and wen i say lies i mean all manipulation.
things tricks and marketing as u put em, r all things that r keepin beta's from becoming alphas. its a mind set ppl. if ppl rely on paying and lying and doing things u dont want to, then u never really test urself. and the only person cockblocking u is urself.

Selling a Dream

I respect what your saying.

I'm not saying lie throughout the whole interaction or relationship.

I'm saying if you are smart enough to hack the game to make it easier for you then do it.

The OP is essentially experimenting with a hack to meet more women. He will still need decent game to lead that to sex.

Selling a Dream

all i can say about the OP, STOP WATCHING PORN.

in a serious note, not trying be a jerk or anything but thats not how your suppose to get pussy, the people who get the pussy are straight forward people who make things clear right off the bat or give clues about who they are if a female sees that your beating around the bush just to get ass shes gonna disrespect you the only way i see it happening is if THEY KNOW you just wanna get ass but other than that you sound like a guy who never got pussy in his life. just some helpful advice.

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