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Asian Girls

Asian Girls

I've been with 2 Asian girls, one from China and one from Thiland. Both of them were playing hard to get when I went in for the kiss. I got a head turn from both of them when I first went to kiss them probably about 5 times each. Then, finally when I got the kiss in they were practically in love from that moment on. Anyways, it seemed like being persistant was the key. But, I also took into consideration that I tried hooking up with both really fast. Last night was when I got with the Thia girls and I went for the kiss probably 20 or 30 minutes after I met her. The Chinese girl, I knew her for about 3 and a half hours but we were amongst a bunch of friends in a tiny apartement for the first three hours, then we went to a club and I made the move in probably 30 minutes again. I'm wondering, has anyone else had the head turn a lot from Asian women?

Asian Girls

I don't care for asian chicks. I don't find them attractive and most of them turn out to be money, grubbing, whores.

Asian Girls

I'm not big on asian girls either. They both ended up being real into it, and I wasn't. the Chinese chick was even married and still wrote me for weeks after I met her. I told the Thai chick I just got out of a relationship and she goes, "Well, isn't it too early to start another?" I'm thinking, "Who the hell said anything about starting another, I just want to hook up." They can also be really annoying and they have no shame, which can be embarrassing at times. For instance, in Rio is where I met the Chinese girl, and people in China try and stay as white as possible. This girl layered on her sunblock to where her face and body where completely white. It was so embarrassing. I never experienced them being money grubbing though. The Chinese chick actually paid for my dinner, then again she was a doctor and made good money. The Chinese chick didn't even tell me she was married until after we hooked up. We are sitting in bed and she goes, "What would you say if I told you I was married and had kids." Pretty fucked up. She said she didn't have kids but was married.

Asian Girls

Chinese people are crazy, conservative, stoic, money grubbing whack jobs. Trust me, I'm half Chinese. Chinese culture is depressingly anti-social. It's no wonder I identify entirely with Whites rather than Orientals.

If you like Oriental girls, go for Japanese or Korean. Certain types of South Eastern Asians should be ok.

Also, stay away from half Asian hybrids, they're just fucking CRAZY!!!

Asian Girls

Damn...lotsa ppl here don't like Asian chicks.

More for me to hit up on!!!!!!!!!!!

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