(06-12-2023, 06:49 PM)BadwolfLives Wrote: (06-12-2023, 03:45 PM)PAG Wrote: (06-12-2023, 03:28 AM)BadwolfLives Wrote: (06-11-2023, 04:31 PM)PAG Wrote: Umm, do you realize that girls you date or marry from other countries are leftist/liberal? A conservative girl would never date an outsider, and interracial marriage is unthinkable. A liberal IS open to new ideas.
No, what you're talking about is being a progressive. The girls in those other countries are raised with traditional values. That's why they consider marriage with a foreigner because the foreigner will align (or in the case of 'game', pretend to align) with those values.
Progressive means that your beliefs change and adapt to new situations. But only a sith deals in absolutes my friend, people are not just the sum of their politics. People from all nations are individuals and want to be happy. Saying that they'll outright reject someone over their language, colour of their skin or culture is hyperbole. When you put two people together who share similar interests or values, they usually become friends. I think you may need a little more experience being friends with conservatives before jumping to conclusions about how we think. My wife is also a conservative person as are her family. She entertained the thought of something different and it blossomed into a relationship.
You must be an American, all of you are nuts. You lot both left and right are racist, bigoted and selfish liars. I wish we could build a wall around your country and blast it into space.
Lol, no, you're referring to perhaps 40 percent of progressive liberals who push transsexual stuff. Globally, traditional values are still significant. Traditional values emphasize collectivism, self-restraint, the preservation of traditional practices, safety, and stability. Modern values are motivations to pursue one's own success, dominance over others, or personal satisfaction (what you low IQ think of as feminists). Clearly, you do not want a woman with modern values because she will likely supplant you when something better comes along, but you will choose modern values for yourself. Why do you fools in the manosphere always contradict yourselves? You should presumably take a course in political science so as not to appear retarded. The cultural, social, and political philosophy of conservatism varies according to the culture and civilization in which it manifests. Depending on the nation, conservatives in Western culture aim to promote a variety of social institutions, including the nuclear family, organized religion, the military, property rights, and monarchy. The primary concern of modern Chinese conservatism is the preservation of traditional culture and ethnic Chinese, not the political status quo. The majority of contemporary Chinese Marxists advocate for a return to a state-planned economy, if not a return to greater state intervention in socioeconomic life. The recent convergence of cultural conservatism and leftism represents a dramatic reversal of some longstanding and profoundly entrenched ideologies.
I advocate what is closest to natural law that empowers people. You wouldn't understand that being a Canadian from the underclass 
I spent half my life in Asia, I was over there when you were sitting in diapers sucking on your mom's tit. Yeah, all three of the 90 yearold Marxists that still know or care what that means. They have a word for retards like you in China 白术 Báizhú but in your case it's Haizhu. I'm willing to bet you've never been to China before, you clearly have zero insight into what China and Chinese life is really like. I don't even know why I waste my time talking to someone who's alias means trash. They hate you leftards with a passion, doubly so if you're black. You're in for a very rude awakening if you think the communists are coming to save you, sounds like everything you know about China comes from a textbook. China is easily the most right-wing, capitalist, religious and conservative country in the world right now. They are communist in name only.
Interesting, maybe that is why you're so weird and out of touch with reality
I asked a few Chinese acquaintances if what you say is accurate.
Girl 1 said you sound like an uneducated taxi driver
Girl 2 said you might be out of the Twilight Zone
girl 3 said she doesn't hate anyone
Girl 4 said your thoughts make her head hurt
The People's Republic of China is officially an atheist state, but the government formally recognizes four religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity (Catholicism and Protestantism) and Islam. Han Chinese culture embodies a concept of religion that differs from the one that is common in the Abrahamic traditions, which are based on the belief in an omnipotent God who exists outside the world and human race and has complete power over them. Chinese religions, in general, do not place as much emphasis as Christianity does on exclusivity and doctrine.
Han Chinese culture is marked by a "harmonious holism" in which religious expression is syncretic and religious systems encompass elements that grow, change, and transform but remain within an organic whole. According to Boston University's 2020 World Religion Database, there are 499 million folk and ethnic religionists (34 percent), 474 million agnostics (33 percent), 228 million Buddhists (16 percent), 106 million Christians (7.4 percent), 100 million atheists (7 percent), 23.7 million Muslims (1.7 percent) in China.
Sadly, you really don't know much about China.