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Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

This was a long interview but an interesting one, I think, since Krauser rarely does any interviews.

Krauser announces his retirement from picking up and banging different women and says he's looking to get married now. Seems like he has gotten bored of it or perhaps it has became too much work.

A lot of guys have been shitting on him in the comment section on Youtube for this, calling him a blue pill. Particularly because he said things like this:

18:45 "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

What do you guys think about the interview and what he has to say?

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Reminds me of the meme about a woman having sex with 100s of men who is finally ready to ''settle down'' and put on that white dress

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

[Image: cypher%20ignorance%20is%20bliss.jpg]

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Krauser has already been married many years ago (when he was a lot younger) to a Japanese woman before becoming game aware. He has said so publicly on his blog here:


[Image: balls-deep-chapter-one-1.jpg]

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Krauser is an interesting annoying cunt.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Rollo's always been on about how men are actually the romantics and women are just trying to jump from monkey bar to monkey bar, so not surprised this came up on TRM.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

It certainly has to be tough doing thousands of sets to get laid. I'm sure at a certain point you start to feel empty. And then you're traveling a lot. At a certain point you want to be able to share all these unique experiences you have with someone.

There's a good interview on YouTube of Paul Janka (famous NYC-based former PUA), on leaving the pickup world and settling down. I definitely recommend watching the whole thing:


Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Find a girl who loves you and knows you might still pick up girls but you'll go home to her at night if you want someone to share with. Or bring the girls home to share, either way.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

I just started up the clip now, but it'll take me a while to get through it. I hadn't been reading through Krauser's site in quite a while, but checking out again recently, I found his article totally slamming BlackDragon to be particularly interesting.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Quote: (05-01-2019 08:30 AM)Avey Wrote:  

Reminds me of the meme about a woman having sex with 100s of men who is finally ready to ''settle down'' and put on that white dress

Unpopular notion, but I think the game/players life takes a greater toll on men then we'd like to imagine. Some are damaged irreparably.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Following his various adventures, I did wonder to myself as to just how long he'd endeavor to keep the approach-machine/player flame burning so bright, and here we here are, looks like he's ready to be over that whole lifestyle.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Quote: (05-01-2019 10:05 PM)Trumpian Wrote:  

Unpopular notion, but I think the game/players life takes a greater toll on men then we'd like to imagine. Some are damaged irreparably.

I'd agree. I've seen it take a toll on me.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Quote: (05-01-2019 10:05 PM)Trumpian Wrote:  

Quote: (05-01-2019 08:30 AM)Avey Wrote:  

Reminds me of the meme about a woman having sex with 100s of men who is finally ready to ''settle down'' and put on that white dress

Unpopular notion, but I think the game/players life takes a greater toll on men then we'd like to imagine. Some are damaged irreparably.
For sure, I mean how can you not be cynical about people in general when you've fucked so many of them, often after the first meet up.
I've seen people here brag about fucking 4 different girls in alleys in a month time, as if that's something to be proud of.
Keep me away from girls like that, especially from my dick.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

I took one for the team and watched the video. If you are new to the manosphere it could be valuable. For the rest of us, there is no need and no new ground covered.

The level of the LARP is high though, and you will cringe to hear the metaphors they use for themselves and their ideas.

At one point, Rollo complains about people who steal his concepts and pretend to have invented them.

Krauser says it is like "Stolen Valor!"

Rollo agrees.

It is that kind of interview.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

A few takeaways from the interview :

It wasn’t much of an interview in a traditional sense. Rollo monopolizes the conversation evens answers his own questions. He is a better writer than speaker. It is difficult to listen to his rambling about PUA concepts.

Krauser makes a few good points. His analysis on how players develop an avoidant personality is an interesting insight.

Also, his point on how most women are looking for attention from one high value man is a topic that should have received more focus in the interview.

Overall there were some nuggets of interesting dialogue but not a must see interview.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Well I guess he’s gone full circle from being a dork with a plain Asian wife to a faux-bad boy who picked up chicks to back to being a dork.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

I see it on alot of dudes over 40 who have never had kids..Its just a normal thing for childless dudes to look for a woman they can have kids with..

Its only after you have got kids that you figure out no woman can love you like your kids love you.
Guys with no kids will be on a constant unicorn hunt to nowhere..

Krauser Jabba James Marshall although Marshall looks like he has cash which is the main thing.

Funny how only RSD Tyler is a father and old RSD Todd..

Now all these chidless dudes be keyboard warriors about what they going to do when they have kids like they are going t train some dog...Good luck with that..

Daygame itself is a constant unicorn hunt.Like only whores go out at night and holy madonnas go out in the day..

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:29 AM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Daygame itself is a constant unicorn hunt.Like only whores go out at night and holy madonnas go out in the day..

I don't disagree.

However, if you are expecting to get a good relationship/someone to have children with and be a good mom to kids out of your average club girl that you hook up with through night game, you will likely be disappointed.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

May be there is a relationship between increase of male game in the society, the increase of women sluttiness and decrease of strong family values?

Just a thought experiment. There are many men that want to be players and don't care about family values. They want to sleep around with many girls and have crazy sex orgies because of porn brainwashing etc. Women react to this in their own way by learning to be very bitchy or succumbing to the natural forces of game and going down the cock-carousel. Isn't this a chicken and egg problem? Instead of trying to fuck as many girls as possible and trying to achieve a player status wouldn't it be better if we tried to achieve a stronger family bond? How can we ask for a human connection when all we care about is pumping and dumping? It's never enough to be with a 5 or a 6, we need a 7 or a 8? And we keep chasing the bigger and higher thrill. Since when creating a family is determined by the 'hotness' rating of the girl? I feel that we're rejecting perfectly capable mothers of our children purely based on looks alone. At some point this might lead to our own demise because a "successful" man cannot possibly settle down with a 5. He'll be ridiculed and shamed.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:29 AM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Its only after you have got kids that you figure out no woman can love you like your kids love you. Guys with no kids will be on a constant unicorn hunt to nowhere..

This. I've come to believe that romance is sort of a cruel trick biology plays on us as a means to an end. And it plays that trick when we are the most naive and gullible. It drives us to produce kids but it is wholly unconcerned about our long-term happiness. And so the bloom is off the rose pretty soon after the honeymoon and the arrival of the kids and from then on euphoria gives way to endless responsibility. This was constant fodder for sitcoms long before it all became codified in "red pill". Men should know better. This new wave of trad-con sentiment in the manosphere seems to be in denial or is unconcerned with this, like it's simply our duty to society to just accept this. To sort of purple-pill your way through. I don't see how that ends well, especially in a corrosive era of no-fault-divorce, #MeToo, and instant-gratification.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Quote: (05-04-2019 04:43 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

Krauser makes a few good points. His analysis on how players develop an avoidant personality is an interesting insight.

Yea. But i disagree what he said about being a PUA makes you become a narcissist. If anything it humbles you.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Quote: (05-05-2019 11:47 AM)questor70 Wrote:  

It drives us to produce kids but it is wholly unconcerned about our long-term happiness.

The happiest couples seem to have found happiness in the relationship itself. As long as we're looking for happiness outside the relationship we'll never find it in it. I think the big issue is the propaganda that the grass is greener on the other side. Once you're in a relationship you're constantly craving more and think you can do better. You want to have a "cool" lifestyle and for people to envy you. There is nothing cool to love your family and be a good husband/wife. It's banal.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

If you live for meaning in your life, you'll be happier than if you live for happiness.

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:50 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:29 AM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Daygame itself is a constant unicorn hunt.Like only whores go out at night and holy madonnas go out in the day..

I don't disagree.

However, if you are expecting to get a good relationship/someone to have children with and be a good mom to kids out of your average club girl that you hook up with through night game, you will likely be disappointed.

Dude all the chicks I knew in the day are good mothers now and conservative as fuck.These are chicks who use to fuck coke dealers ,DJs and date bouncers.

To speak to them now is like it never happened.They erased everything to be mothers..

They take their kids to ballet, soccer and are well off.All punched out with a good beta..Only a couple got divorced but they remarried quick as they are pretty and fit.

Every single chick can turn feral or slutty for the right dude depending on how she is feeling..Girls just want to have fun.

There is a massive whore madonna complex with daygame so guys end up doing 1000 sets.Compared with a nightgamer who takes up daygame but has nightgame mindset in that girls just want to have fun and fuck

So the ONS at night is somehow different to SDL ?
Fucking a chick in a nightclub toilet is different to fucking one in day time in a handicapped toilet?.It's the same chick.
And when chicks travel nothing counts so the nicest girls get fucked by 12 dudes while on holiday it does not count to her..

The nice girl that gets opened in daygame maybe has a Tinder account which she activates now and then to fuck dudes 3 or 4 points above her who don't take her on dates..Daygamer dates her putting himself in boyfriend frame

Night game day game is the same as both are tough.It just depends on you..I have respect for the daygame art but they have no respect for dudes doing other forms of game.And those LDM guys don't pick hot English girls from higher social class than themselves except for that Tusk dude or Jabba.
Jabba being more my style

The only way to vet quick with alot of intel for a wife etc is social circle game.Everything is a gamble though...

And another thing I have noticed in my leftard city.The trend of 33-35 year old chicks partnering up with 26-30 year old dudes and having kids.I'm seeing this more than older dude younger chick having kid..I high five older dads its so fucking rare here now...and I work with mostly dudes

Krauser in new interview: "I still have a Disney view of marriage"

Krauser elaborates upon his choice on one of his videos on his channel. His latest video as of now explains this in full detail but basically he summarises the game journey for a man as a cycle.

He admitted to starting the game journey as a self-proclaimed Chode McNumbnuts as reality hits with the red pill, hypergamy, assessing his situation then and so on.

Then the player takes off through his game journey throughout the majority of the cycle seeing the world altogether and going through it in a different light.

An older player like Krauser after rattling at least more than a hundred or so birds and would feel like they've had enough and there is no further significant gain if he were to still continue pushing for more.
Essentially he has finally reached the end of the player cycle and now simply desires a white picket fence suburban lifestyle.

I've met quite a few older players who have finally reached the end of the cycle and have decided to if not are already are settling down in a monogamous relationship like everyone else and essentially falling back into the real world. They have the advantage of going through the game and reflect upon it.

Meanwhile I'm nowhere near that and accept what I have to go through.

[Image: mindblown3.gif]

Quote: (05-06-2019 05:11 AM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:50 AM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 09:29 AM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Daygame itself is a constant unicorn hunt.Like only whores go out at night and holy madonnas go out in the day..

I don't disagree.

However, if you are expecting to get a good relationship/someone to have children with and be a good mom to kids out of your average club girl that you hook up with through night game, you will likely be disappointed.

Dude all the chicks I knew in the day are good mothers now and conservative as fuck.These are chicks who use to fuck coke dealers ,DJs and date bouncers.

To speak to them now is like it never happened.They erased everything to be mothers..

They take their kids to ballet, soccer and are well off.All punched out with a good beta..Only a couple got divorced but they remarried quick as they are pretty and fit.

Every single chick can turn feral or slutty for the right dude depending on how she is feeling..Girls just want to have fun.

There is a massive whore madonna complex with daygame so guys end up doing 1000 sets.Compared with a nightgamer who takes up daygame but has nightgame mindset in that girls just want to have fun and fuck

So the ONS at night is somehow different to SDL ?
Fucking a chick in a nightclub toilet is different to fucking one in day time in a handicapped toilet?.It's the same chick.
And when chicks travel nothing counts so the nicest girls get fucked by 12 dudes while on holiday it does not count to her..

The nice girl that gets opened in daygame maybe has a Tinder account which she activates now and then to fuck dudes 3 or 4 points above her who don't take her on dates..Daygamer dates her putting himself in boyfriend frame

Night game day game is the same as both are tough.It just depends on you..I have respect for the daygame art but they have no respect for dudes doing other forms of game.And those LDM guys don't pick hot English girls from higher social class than themselves except for that Tusk dude or Jabba.
Jabba being more my style

The only way to vet quick with alot of intel for a wife etc is social circle game.Everything is a gamble though...

And another thing I have noticed in my leftard city.The trend of 33-35 year old chicks partnering up with 26-30 year old dudes and having kids.I'm seeing this more than older dude younger chick having kid..I high five older dads its so fucking rare here now...and I work with mostly dudes

[Image: clap2.gif]

[Image: smiley_beat_dead_horse2.gif]

We're beating a dead horse or parroting what's already out there but these are just one of many alpha fucks beta bucks or hypergamy scenarios whatever you would like to call it.

Knew someone who used to come up to the city for the weekend, only to get picked up by big buff Chad McGee and at the end of the night tells us she doesn't need to come back with us nor for anyone to tell her what to do as she goes home with him.
Someone could make like Roosh on his Roosh Hour videos and pretend to talk like a girl here then giggling would be very befitting here.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

[Image: carousel.gif]

Fast forward almost several years later and her ageing looks is a big giveaway she's really hitting the wall and settles for some frumpy looking overweight dude sharing the same hobby as her who otherwise she would never give a second look at back in her prime or at least play nice with him back then.

[Image: spongebob.gif]
[Image: facepalm2.gif]
[Image: laugh3.gif]

Third person observation can really offer great insights to start getting into the player cycle.

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