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The Honk pill (Clown World)

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-15-2019 05:23 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Wait a second.
Why does Australia have to be Muslim?

Aaah lighten up an' stick another pork chop on the barbie. Then we'll go down the mosque and crack open a few tinnies.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-15-2019 07:38 PM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2019 05:23 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Wait a second.
Why does Australia have to be Muslim?

Aaah lighten up an' stick another pork chop on the barbie. Then we'll go down the mosque and crack open a few tinnies.

Well, the Honklers best be careful with their rainbow flags when near any radical Muslims.
Easy to give the wrong impression if said radicals are not up to date on the latest Memetics...

The Honk pill (Clown World)

When the world is a circus filled with unwitting performers, a perfectly absurd comedy of tragic proportions, when the price of admission to Clown World is sanity...then what choice but to point, to laugh, to...honk...and wait for the lights to dim after the final act?

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-15-2019 06:28 PM)Vladimir Gotti Wrote:  

Nobody is advocating that this "clown world" is some new philosophy akin to the red pill. It's another funny meme like the NPC one, that just might break a few leftists out of their shells if properly applied.

Trying to attack it as "unmanly" misses the point. It's not a philosophy, it's a joke. I think there could be a generational divide here because younger guys like me treat everything online as a joke like this, whereas some older or blinder people don't seem to have caught on yet that it really is a clown world out there.

For sure, and it's a funny meme. But (being in my late 20s myself) I do see this as a continuation of hipster or at least millennial irony. Jokes and memes are very effective, but the tendency to turn everything into a joke is ultimately holding our generation back since you can't talk seriously about anything any more. Meanwhile, the people who first started supporting "fully automated luxury communism" as a joke are now setting the agenda in the US Congress. So I feel very ambivalently about all this, because I can still recognise the devastating effect of these memes.

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Solution to the Alien invasion:


The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-15-2019 10:50 AM)Avoy Wrote:  

Well, the Honklers best be careful with their rainbow flags when near any radical Londonistan perhaps.

Fixed that for you.

Honk Honk

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The Honk pill (Clown World)

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The Honk pill (Clown World)

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The Honk pill (Clown World)


The Honk pill (Clown World)

Interestingly, it has been posited that the Joker is insane because he is self-aware that he's in a comic and created for the entertainment others. Occasionally he breaks the 4th wall. The same could be true for Deadpool and his clown like behavior.

On one level, Honk Pill might be a derivation of this concept. Those that have done high doses of psychedelics, especially DMT, might be familiar with the concept that we are being watched by other entities, possibly for their entertainment.

We might be in a highly sophisticated zoo, version of the Sims, or something even more outrageous. The more time and thought you put into this, especially after experiencing other dimensions, the more you trend towards the Joker - taking nothing seriously and laughing and/or insane.

Perhaps insanity is a level of being hyper sane. You get the same sense from the last Alex Jones JRE Podcast.

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Honk honk.




Take care of those titties for me.

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-20-2019 11:22 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

Honk honk.



At first I thought that someone had made a statue about the oppression of muslim women.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-18-2019 04:51 PM)SockPuppetofRoosh Wrote:  

Interestingly, it has been posited that the Joker is insane because he is self-aware that he's in a comic and created for the entertainment others. Occasionally he breaks the 4th wall.

Those that have done high doses of psychedelics, especially DMT, might be familiar with the concept that we are being watched by other entities, possibly for their entertainment.

An interesting concept, but it was already explored in depth way back in the late 80s by Grant Morrison, (who has also had experiences with other dimensional beings while on DMT.)

He took a D-list character named Animal Man and used him to really explore and deconstruct the idea of what comic books characters really are, not unlike Alan Moore.

Towards the end of the story arc, Animal Man and a buddy go out to the desert and take peyote. During his trip, he sees the reader looking down at him. He discovers he's merely a comic book character. In a later issue, he even meets Grant Morrison, his writer.

[Image: lJvcYSI.jpg]
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Anyway, on topic:

Charlize Theron Confirms Daughter Jackson is Trans

Charlize Theron loves her kids. She can’t talk about them without holding back tears and in a recent interview with the Daily Mail she illustrates why she’s a truly great parent. In 2012 the actress adopted her second child, Jackson. Over the last year, speculation started building that Jackson might be transgender and now Theron is confirming that’s the case.

“I have two beautiful daughters,” she says. The actress goes on to explain that upon adopting Jackson, “I thought she was a boy….Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I’m not a boy!'”

Honk Honk.

The Honk pill (Clown World)


When you stare into the abyss, the abyss honks back at you.

[Image: Joker-Honkler.jpg]

[Image: D4kW0IWWsAArZ1P.jpg]

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-20-2019 01:07 PM)etwsake Wrote:  

Charlize Theron Confirms Daughter Jackson is Trans

Charlize Theron loves her kids. She can’t talk about them without holding back tears and in a recent interview with the Daily Mail she illustrates why she’s a truly great parent. In 2012 the actress adopted her second child, Jackson. Over the last year, speculation started building that Jackson might be transgender and now Theron is confirming that’s the case.

“I have two beautiful daughters,” she says. The actress goes on to explain that upon adopting Jackson, “I thought she was a boy….Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I’m not a boy!'”

Honk Honk.

[Image: 44Jbuk7.gif]

[Image: giphy.gif]

The Honk pill (Clown World)

I'd been thinking on this for a while, and, well, I always thought it was Clown World, particularly during my childhood. I'd also noted that if you read the writings of the Saints, they all understood the lack of value in the material on a deep level, and this was when their societies weren't collapsing into emotionally-driven insanity, as ours is.

One of St Louis De Montfort's suggested prayers for one of the Mysteries of the Rosary is to 'Teach me how to despise the world'. St Therese of Lisieux quotes the Old Testament to label everything under the sun during her trip to Rome - particularly the Nobility - as 'vanity and vexation of Spirit'.

As such, I suspect if one develops a contempt for the world, then combines that with emotional detachment from the world, the end result will eventually be either the God Pill, or complete despair.

This is probably the most useful video you could watch on the subject, in terms of how to survive going forward, living as someone who sees Reality Objectively, as opposed to seeing Reality Subjectively, (as the majority is increasingly-doing), without going insane. 30 minutes, but it's worth it.

If you listen to what he says about Cultivating Shared Outrage, you'll understand why I sensed ages back that we're not supposed to see what is happening around Trump, and to turn your gaze away. I'd now extrapolate that to society as a whole.

Remember my book mark the other day? "Happiness is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it." The video explains how to cope, or you can continue to share the path of those on the Right who devolved into the same Emotional Reactivity of the Left.

Note that, despite the Gnostic intention of the video, most of what he says matches the Carmelite Mysticism I've been following, where the teachings of St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross result in emotional constancy: eventually, with conformity of will to God's, both Joy and Suffering will both mean 'nothing' to me. This is exactly what I saw in the steadiness of the Priest and Nun's reactions at the Monastery after the Notre Dame fire, and I'd said months back to a friend that eventually I expected, if I keep walking this road, to 'even out', where I have neither extreme highs or lows in mood, just steady peace, and a full presence in the moment. As I said in that thread, your response remains the same.

If you think society is not going insane: it was my birthday today, though I initially-forgot. I contemplated yesterday that in my 47 years, I've seen five-year-olds getting caned for daring to tell someone to 'shut up', to being taught to celebrate Sodomy. I said to a Priest the other day that I've gone from being told I'm a bad person for standing outside the church, to being told I'm a bad person for standing inside it, in the space of those 47 years.

He gave an amused grunt.

By this stage, I'm not convinced the majority of people possess any genuine conviction in their beliefs whatsoever. As such, what value is there for you in sharing the values of the world?

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Ecclesiastes 1:14

I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit.


I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

Along with that one passage about - "One should live in the world, yet not be of the world."

At least the Roman's can claim a bit of ignorance to the cycles of civilization.
They did not readily have internet access for one.

We have no fucking excuse... [Image: confused.gif]

Tex Arcane :

Homo-Sapiens is not a learning animal.

The Honk pill (Clown World)

"killfies" [Image: lol.gif]


The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-22-2019 08:15 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

"killfies" [Image: lol.gif]


That seems low.

Between 1980 and now, most years, more people than that have died at train crossings.

Last year it was 270.

In 1981 it was 728.

Maybe all the stupid people who used to die trying to beat a lowering train gate are now dying selfie deaths.

And the stupidity is remaining constant.


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Honk pill (Clown World)

First time I've heard of this, LOVE IT! 4chan rules.

On a very serious note though I'm hauling ass to build connections and make even more money. That day of me begging on the streets will never happen.


Fresh off the presses from vox day:

Dmitry Orlov: I think that the American empire is very much over already, but it hasn’t been put to any sort of serious stress test yet, and so nobody realizes that this is the case. Some event will come along which will leave the power center utterly humiliated and unable to countenance this humiliation and make adjustments. Things will go downhill from there as everyone in government in media does their best to pretend that the problem doesn’t exist. My hope is that the US military personnel currently scattered throughout the planet will not be simply abandoned once the money runs out, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if that is what happens.

The Saker: Lastly, a similar but fundamentally different question: can the US (as opposed to the Empire) survive Trump and, if so, how? Will there be a civil war? A military coup? Insurrection? Strikes? A US version of the Yellow Vests?

Dmitry Orlov: The US, as some set of institutions that serves the interests of some dwindling number of people, is likely to continue functioning for quite some time. The question is: who is going to be included and who isn’t? There is little doubt that retirees, as a category, have nothing to look forward to from the US: their retirements, whether public or private, have already been spent. There is little doubt that young people, who have already been bled dry by poor job prospects and ridiculous student loans, have nothing to look forward to either.

But, as I’ve said before, the US isn’t so much a country as a country club. Membership has its privileges, and members don’t care at all what life is like for those who are in the country but aren’t members of the club. The recent initiatives to let everyone in and to let non-citizens vote amply demonstrates that US citizenship, by itself, counts for absolutely nothing. The only birthright of a US citizen is to live as a bum on the street, surrounded by other bums, many of them foreigners from what Trump has termed “shithole countries.”

It will be interesting to see how public and government workers, as a group, react to the realization that the retirements they have been promised no longer exist; perhaps that will tip the entire system into a defunct state. And once the fracking bubble is over and another third of the population finds that it can no longer afford to drive, that might force through some sort of reset as well. But then the entire system of militarized police is designed to crush any sort of rebellion, and most people know that. Given the choice between certain death and just sitting on the sidewalk doing drugs, most people will choose the latter....

At this rate, when the end of the US finally arrives, most of the people won’t be in a position to notice while the rest won’t be capable of absorbing that sort of upsetting information and will choose to ignore it. Everybody wants to know how the story ends, but that sort of information probably isn’t good for anyone’s sanity.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Quote: (04-22-2019 06:05 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

I'd been thinking on this for a while, and, well, I always thought it was Clown World, particularly during my childhood. I'd also noted that if you read the writings of the Saints, they all understood the lack of value in the material on a deep level, and this was when their societies weren't collapsing into emotionally-driven insanity, as ours is.

One of St Louis De Montfort's suggested prayers for one of the Mysteries of the Rosary is to 'Teach me how to despise the world'. St Therese of Lisieux quotes the Old Testament to label everything under the sun during her trip to Rome - particularly the Nobility - as 'vanity and vexation of Spirit'.

As such, I suspect if one develops a contempt for the world, then combines that with emotional detachment from the world, the end result will eventually be either the God Pill, or complete despair.

This is probably the most useful video you could watch on the subject, in terms of how to survive going forward, living as someone who sees Reality Objectively, as opposed to seeing Reality Subjectively, (as the majority is increasingly-doing), without going insane. 30 minutes, but it's worth it.

If you listen to what he says about Cultivating Shared Outrage, you'll understand why I sensed ages back that we're not supposed to see what is happening around Trump, and to turn your gaze away. I'd now extrapolate that to society as a whole.

Remember my book mark the other day? "Happiness is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it." The video explains how to cope, or you can continue to share the path of those on the Right who devolved into the same Emotional Reactivity of the Left.

Note that, despite the Gnostic intention of the video, most of what he says matches the Carmelite Mysticism I've been following, where the teachings of St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross result in emotional constancy: eventually, with conformity of will to God's, both Joy and Suffering will both mean 'nothing' to me. This is exactly what I saw in the steadiness of the Priest and Nun's reactions at the Monastery after the Notre Dame fire, and I'd said months back to a friend that eventually I expected, if I keep walking this road, to 'even out', where I have neither extreme highs or lows in mood, just steady peace, and a full presence in the moment. As I said in that thread, your response remains the same.

If you think society is not going insane: it was my birthday today, though I initially-forgot. I contemplated yesterday that in my 47 years, I've seen five-year-olds getting caned for daring to tell someone to 'shut up', to being taught to celebrate Sodomy. I said to a Priest the other day that I've gone from being told I'm a bad person for standing outside the church, to being told I'm a bad person for standing inside it, in the space of those 47 years.

He gave an amused grunt.

By this stage, I'm not convinced the majority of people possess any genuine conviction in their beliefs whatsoever. As such, what value is there for you in sharing the values of the world?

I still haven't finished that post I was writing and preparing for days, for the God Pill. No one noticed, no one cared. Why should they? Each man's journey is his own.

Each man's suffering is his own.

Clown world? God World?

It's all the same.

Nothing gives me pleasure any more (anhedonia).

I don't want to be part of any club.

What? Fucking young sluts on some sandy Isle while the sun beats down and the sangria flows? Good! Not bad at all! But still, not enough right now.

I've fucked the hottest bitches in the hottest scenarios that you would not believe. My life has been like a real time porno. Did it make me a better man? A wiser man? No..

I'd give it all just to see a relative be able to get their affairs in order. To walk one last time in the sunlight. But mine is not to bargain. I am just a little man.

I've learned to have contempt for this world alright.

St. John of the Cross is a figure I keep coming across on my travels. Long dark nights of the soul. One day I'll unleash that essay.

But I get too caught up in the Alchemist stuff, the Buddhist stuff. It's ok. I like to tie it all together.

There was a piss head called 'John' in my local pub. People called him 'bible John'. He didn't come out much. He was pious most of the time but every now and again, when he cracked, he came out and got fucking wrecked on good ale. I talked to him a few times. We shared a bar stool together. I shared it with ex-football hooligans before him, so it was no problem. They talked shit. John talked sense.

He went in to great depth. There was no subject you could approach that he would shy away from. The further in to the heart of it you went, the more he rejoiced. The fucker had the light shining right through him. That warm feeling.

We did that whole catholic/protestant thing. He had his opinions, but he wasn't going to get in to any of that sectarian shit.

All the while, I watched, with my situational awareness - how others laughed, at 'bible john' and his new 'disciple'.

Godless men.

It was a privilege to sit on a bar stool with bible john and be taught the testaments. Drinking good ale.

I still don't believe.

But I'd take one of every bible john I meet over ten of them, heathens.

Just have a modicum of respect. Don't be a know-it-all.

I hate to come the large charlie big potato, but fuck it...

I've high balled and sniffed coke off the finest of porn queen's assholes. Like that is some kind of achievement.

But give me the company of people like bible john, for just half an hour, and I know which ones I would choose.

The light, just fucking shining through him.


I'm done with this world. It holds nothing for me any more.

But to share a bar stool drinking good ale with the likes of bible john?

I'm in, motherfuckers!

AB, I can feel the light burning through you too.

Keep on schooling us heathens.

While clown world just takes hold ever further, like a cancer. Inseparable from its host.

I don't want to be a part of this, or even witness to it.

But we are all along for the ride, whether we like it or not...

The Honk pill (Clown World)



The Honk pill (Clown World)

[Image: D44-OVgd-U4-AADvnw.jpg]

The Honk pill (Clown World)

Crying Game or Culinary Game...?

Russian doctor murders, dismembers and cooks woman after realising while they had sex that she had previously been a man

Mikhail Tikhonov, 27, murdered Nina Surgutskaya, 25, in Kursk, eastern Russia
The pair were having sex when Tikhonov discovered she was formerly a man
Tikhonov confessed to dismembering Ms Surgutskaya and cooking her body

The Honk pill (Clown World)

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For your editing needs.

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