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The God pill

The God pill

For the first time, the Vatican has opened its exorcism course to all Christian faiths.


In a First, Rome Offers Exorcism Classes For All Major Christian Faiths
By Cathy Burke | Wednesday, 08 May 2019 04:39 PM

The Roman Catholic Church for the first time has opened up its annual exorcism class in Rome to practitioners from all major Christian faiths.

The week-long training course for exorcists began Monday, the Telegraph reported.

“The idea is to help each other, to establish best practices if you will,” Father Pedro Barrajon, 61, one of the organizers, told the Telegraph. “This is the first time that different denominations have come together to compare their experiences on exorcisms.”

“Expelling the devil goes back to the earliest origins of the Christian Church,” he added. “'The Catholic rite is very structured, whereas some of the other churches are more creative, they don't use a precise format.”

Pope Francis has made frequent references to the existence of the devil, and says priests shouldn’t hesitate to refer people to an exorcist.

Perth Now reported the Pontifical University of Regina Apostolorum — a Vatican-affiliated university in Rome that’s been holding annual exorcism conventions for Catholic priests for the past 14 years — opened the doors of the 14th Exorcism and Prayer of Liberation Course to some 250 Catholics, Lutherans, Greek Orthodox and Protestant priests.

The classes include “Angels and Demons in the Sacred Scripture,” “The Historical Origins of the Rite of Exorcism’” and “The Symbology of Occult and Satanic Rituals,” the Daily Mail reported.

The Catholic Church says demonic possession is on the rise, and in 2014, it formally recognized the ancient ritual of exorcism under Canon Law — and gave official approval to the formal creation of the International Association of Exorcists, Perth Now reported.

The God pill

Its amazing how God seems to ensure certain circumstances occur at just right time to fulfill the word that he has spoken

The destruction of the temple of Jerusalem:

The timely rain that helped bring down the city of Jerusalem. Fulfilling the words of Jesus of the destruction of the city and temple after rejecting him combined with divisions among the Jews as well as the attempts to sabotage the Roman assault. Opening their way to a final assault on the city.

In the Campaigns of Alexander the Great. Predicted in the book of Daniel. A competent General Memnon of Rhodes(Who proposed starving out Alexander's Army by Scorched earth tactics which was rejected by the Satraps) that would have seriously hampered his campaign suddenly died of sickness:


The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 11:06 AM)The Father Wrote:  

Quote: (03-29-2019 09:03 AM)Ski pro Wrote:  

It’s April 1st on Monday. You’re early.

Did he get banned for this, or some other post?


The God pill

Quote: (05-09-2019 11:43 PM)The Son Wrote:  

Quote: (03-29-2019 11:06 AM)The Father Wrote:  

Quote: (03-29-2019 09:03 AM)Ski pro Wrote:  

It’s April 1st on Monday. You’re early.

Did he get banned for this, or some other post?


[Image: attachment.jpg41777]   

The God pill

Harsh reality never dies :

27:4 Anger is cruel and destructive, but it is nothing compared to jealousy.

27:15 A nagging wife is like water going drip-drip-drip on a rainy day.

27:20 Human desires are like the world of the dead—there is always room for more.

29:3 ...It is a foolish waste to spend money on prostitutes.

29:27 The righteous hate the wicked, and the wicked hate the righteous.

The God pill

How the Holy spirit guides the saved believer into truth:


The God pill

I'd like to thank Roosh for posting that video of FR Ripperger earlier.

I was raised catholic but this man seems to be cut from a different cloth.

This video on moral weakness hits pretty hard. He makes some great points about effeminacy in modern men.

Another great discussion of self-knowledge as it relates to vices and virtues.

I am starting to believe that all the self-improvement content I have read and continue to see on twitter is just watered down religious teachings.

The God pill

Quote: (05-09-2019 08:26 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

Its amazing how God seems to ensure certain circumstances occur at just right time to fulfill the word that he has spoken

The destruction of the temple of Jerusalem:

The timely rain that helped bring down the city of Jerusalem. Fulfilling the words of Jesus of the destruction of the city and temple after rejecting him combined with divisions among the Jews as well as the attempts to sabotage the Roman assault. Opening their way to a final assault on the city.

In the Campaigns of Alexander the Great. Predicted in the book of Daniel. A competent General Memnon of Rhodes(Who proposed starving out Alexander's Army by Scorched earth tactics which was rejected by the Satraps) that would have seriously hampered his campaign suddenly died of sickness:


Interesting, In the Gospel of John 11:48 the Pharisees tell Caiphas that if they dont' kill Jesus, everyone will follow him and then the Romans will take away their nation and destroy the temple. Looks like killing the Son of God didn't solve the problem.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

The God pill

I realised the other night, in another dark night of my soul that I never got around to posting that stuff I said I would. It's kind of drifted now. The thoughts come so fast. The moods even quicker. Mine and others...

But I still have an idea of what it was about. It just seems so unimportant now, and what I have to say, so inconsequential.

I'm a novice here. In the house of God. In the house of Men.

I dwell more in the house of spirits. Between the world of God and Man.


Things have been hard for me lately. Losing my brother, losing my connection to my mother. Coming to know what true powerlessness feels like with having my finances crippled. Seeing my step father crippled and paralysed at the end of his life.

God has chosen me. But it might not be the God you always think of. I didn't choose this path.

God is the thing you cry out to when you have no voice. When your family betray and forsake you. When you have nothing. Left. To gain. Or to lose.

There are no atheists in foxholes. Yeah, that's right.

There are no atheists in the back of the car when you get kidnapped and you are just a child. And two grown men up front in the big seats let you know with all their might and smite, they have hit the holy jackpot.

Some men get near death experiences on the battlefield. Others get them in the backs of cars. Some get them on long distant and remote roads in Australia. Some in America. Some in deserts of the Middle East.

I won't ever speak of my times in my deepest of prayer. But I will say my prayers were answered. And I'm talking to you now.

But that is just half the story and the journey. Lots gone on since then.

And now it picks up.

Forget about all that. Go back through my posts if you really want to know.

Now that I've ranted and raved like the madman I am, it's time to dial it down and give thanks. For having some kind of voice. For having some kind of 'people' that listen to you. Thank you my brothers. With all my heart.

The other day was a new experience for me. I thought it was the day I go to jail. I've managed to avoid all that trouble so far, but that day seemed like a good day to die.

The carers came in to look after my relative. The next door neighbour - a little short-arse runt started mouthing off to them and intimidating them and generally harassing them. They were very distressed. Keep in mind these are minimum wage monkeys that just have to wipe arses and get no thanks for it - they don't deserve that.

I'm versed in the lingo of the street. I'm not a hardman. I know hardmen. I know the game. And when this little 5 foot 5 little cunt started mouthing off to the person that was going to wipe the shit off my relatives arse, I wanted blood. They made it appear that the beef was to do with cars being blocked but it's more bigger than that. We won't go in to that here.

The guy that came in was visibly shook. He was gay. I'm good with that. He was a nice guy. A clean guy. A straight up guy. I respect him. His fellow carer was a guy called 'Jamal' a black guy - a young guy. A sweet guy. Not gay I don't think. But he was a bit taken aback too.

The fucking adrenaline coursed through my veins. Now is my time. This is what I do bird for. Let's fucking go...

It not only was an insult on my crippled relative, my sick poor mother, the carers, but an insult on me. From a fucking short arse.

I pictured how it would go. I knock on the door. He answers. I hit immediately. I get done. Possible prison time.

He answers. Mouths off. I don't hit. What do I do then?

The whole scenarios were going though my mind.

I saw no good outcome.

To make matters worse, my mother is screaming 'let it go - don't you dare do anything'. So I just let it go.

I thought I'd go out the next day when they were all in the garden just so I could give a bit of the 'evil eye', but the old biddy caught that too.

For some reason, she will just not kick back. This isn't for the slight on them. It's for the fucking slight on me the little prick.

I am boiling. I am raging by this point.

I see no way out. I want a drink.

So much anger, so much rage.

I do not have an outlet.

I go for a walk.


There is a church in our hamlet. It is exquisite.

I went there before when my bro was dying. It was my first time there after he died.

And that brought a kind of reference point to me.

The stars were shining bright, in between the clouds rolling by.

I sat on a bench after walking up the hill. A most beautiful graveyard. I made a point of circling the church, saying 'hello', to not be disrespectful and step over anything I shouldn't. The dead understand.

I found the bench. Seated between two great pillars. Maybe not Stonehenge. But 400-500 years old and close.

I found Arcturus - the brightest star in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere. I felt good that I had learned its place, its name. I wanted to bring my telescope up here, and 'observe'.

I felt all my rage, my need for revenge. My acceptance that I would get a criminal record and do maybe 5 years in a prison for serious GBH. My calmness at it all.

Such rage. What can calm such a savage beast?

As I passed the graves, I heard a voice. No, not a voice, a sound, no, not a sound, a kind of whisper, a kind of 'contemplation'.

How dare I bring my petty arguments here in to this sacred place. This was not an admonishment of sorts, more a realisation. It was not harsh, it was gentle, but it was firm.

Who am I?

I had been at that graveyard months and years earlier, looking at the stones. And here I was again, ignoring them, caught up in my own personal petty squabble.

I said 'sorry' to the dead. I asked to know them. Regretted that I could not. Contemplated their lives. Their petty little squabbles.

I thought how silly of me it was to carry this temporary argument here to this most sacred of places. I felt humbled. And at that moment a wind passed through. Not a cold wind. Though it was quite cold that night. It just brushed up against me.

I smiled. I felt peace. I felt connection. I felt calm.

In my savage breast.

I could hardly believe the transformation. I had not expected this.

I only asked a little, but was given back very much.

There was another moment as well. On this still calm night.

Someone that I remembered and had deep thoughts for - again, the winds blew warm across my face.

When remembering the dead, even in a graveyard or church where your loved ones are not buried, these things are appreciated.

I thought of the soldiers and the armies in place so that I might do this now. And I considered the soldiers and the armies of past where some of them actually died so that I could have this quiet moment.

I gave thanks to God, and I gave thanks to the young men that fight in the name of God, to just allow me this small quiet moment.

Through them a conduit runs.

Look up in to that night sky. On a quiet night.

If you listen hard enough...

Let it all go.

Be quiet.

The God pill

That is a beautiful story Rigsby.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

Quote: (05-10-2019 09:44 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2019 08:26 AM)infowarrior1 Wrote:  

Its amazing how God seems to ensure certain circumstances occur at just right time to fulfill the word that he has spoken

The destruction of the temple of Jerusalem:

The timely rain that helped bring down the city of Jerusalem. Fulfilling the words of Jesus of the destruction of the city and temple after rejecting him combined with divisions among the Jews as well as the attempts to sabotage the Roman assault. Opening their way to a final assault on the city.

In the Campaigns of Alexander the Great. Predicted in the book of Daniel. A competent General Memnon of Rhodes(Who proposed starving out Alexander's Army by Scorched earth tactics which was rejected by the Satraps) that would have seriously hampered his campaign suddenly died of sickness:


Interesting, In the Gospel of John 11:48 the Pharisees tell Caiphas that if they dont' kill Jesus, everyone will follow him and then the Romans will take away their nation and destroy the temple. Looks like killing the Son of God didn't solve the problem.

Indeed. The one thing that would have solved the problem is accepting Jesus.

But since they of their own free will rejected him. The scriptures therefore prophesized according to such a free will decision that they would take.

I believe that if Judas did repent. Then the scriptures would have been quite different from the very beginning.

The God pill

Somebody earlier was asking about Gnosticism. I just wrote an extensive piece on what Gnosticism is, along with some examples from contemporary culture. It's here if you're interested.


The first error of Gnosticism can be found in the word itself. ‘Gnostic’ derives from the Greek word gnostikos – ‘having knowledge’; and in this sense it’s harmless enough. Certainly there exist esoteric disciplines that require a lifetime of study to master, and attaining a level of expertise in them is a laudable accomplishment. But the Gnostics aren’t simply referring to scholarship when they use the word. Their focus is on secret knowledge; hidden knowledge; occult knowledge that which can only be attained through transcendent, intuitive means. They assert that this knowledge is intentionally obfuscated against the world, though snippets of it can be detected in myths and scripture, once the dogma has been done away with.

The God pill

What I don't understand is why God would spawn his avatar among (((them))), instead of either the political center of the world: Rome, or from where most of the philosophy backing up the bible ended up coming: Greece. Wouldn't it be easier to get the message of the New Testament out from either of those places?

The God pill

Quote: (05-11-2019 07:50 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

What I don't understand is why God would spawn his avatar among (((them))), instead of either the political center of the world: Rome, or from where most of the philosophy backing up the bible ended up coming: Greece. Wouldn't it be easier to get the message of the New Testament out from either of those places?

The New Testament was the fulfillment of the Old Testament. So, the choice that you cite was actually made thousands of years before the New Testament.


6 “For you are a [a]holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth. 7 The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples; 8 but because the Lord loves you, and because He would keep the oath which He swore to your fathers, the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.

Deuteronomy 7:6-8

Regarding the original choice, an ant may as well wonder why men build houses instead of living under the dirt. You will never know the mind of God. The place from which the message sprang is irrelevant, because if God wants to get his message out, His will will be done.

Having said that, the best answer from a human comprehension perspective is that Israel was the Panama Canal of its day. Why were ancient nations always fighting over Israel and Judea back in ancient times? During most of that time, aside from the time of King Solomon, it was a humble backwater.

It was because Israel contained all the major trade routes (the Via Maris, the Kings Highway, etc.) that linked the major world powers of the day: Egypt and the northern empires of Syria, Anatolia and Mesopotamia. In essence, the trade routes through Israel were the information superhighway of the day. What better way to get out God's message to the known world?


Via Maris is the modern name for an ancient trade route, dating from the early Bronze Age, linking Egypt with the northern empires of Syria, Anatolia and Mesopotamia — modern day Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Turkey and Syria. In Latin, Via Maris means "way of the sea." It is a historic road that runs along the Israeli Mediterranean coast.

Besides, it is not as if being a Jew was easy. The curses and punishments in Deuteronomy promised to Israel if they fail are eye-watering in their severity and extremity -- and ultimately all of God's curses actually happened when the Jews did disobey God, contrary to His very clear warnings.

Read Deuteronomy 28:15-68 for a list of all the curses that God called down upon the people of Israel for their disobedience. History establishes that all of these things actually happened to the Jewish people, including the eating of their own offspring (cannibalism) during the Roman sacking of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple (as Jesus predicted).


45 Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee:

46 And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever.

47 Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things;

48 Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the Lord shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.

49 The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, as swift as the eagle flieth; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand;

50 A nation of fierce countenance, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor shew favour to the young

51 And he shall eat the fruit of thy cattle, and the fruit of thy land, until thou be destroyed: which also shall not leave thee either corn, wine, or oil, or the increase of thy kine, or flocks of thy sheep, until he have destroyed thee.

52 And he shall besiege thee in all thy gates, until thy high and fenced walls come down, wherein thou trustedst, throughout all thy land: and he shall besiege thee in all thy gates throughout all thy land, which the Lord thy God hath given thee.

53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee

Deuteronomy 28:45-53

The God pill

Quote: (05-11-2019 07:50 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

What I don't understand is why God would spawn his avatar among (((them))), instead of either the political center of the world: Rome, or from where most of the philosophy backing up the bible ended up coming: Greece. Wouldn't it be easier to get the message of the New Testament out from either of those places?

I wouldn't even begin to proffer a clear answer.
Yet one thing that does come to mind, is the prominence / key aspect of Israel as depicted in Revelations.

The God pill

So then how much credulity do you guys give to the Jewish religion prior to Jesus? Say God could have, if he wanted to, instead come down to Earth as Thor or Hercules and given the New Testament, resulting in a Christianity that was basically the same set of moral principles but with Nordic or Hellenic window dressing.

The reason I'm thinking about this is that one of the most obnoxious things I hear from (((special people))) is the rationalization of all their misdeeds by virtue of being the chosen people of God. Problem is that Christians are kind of forced into implicitly accepting that framework due to the Old Testament being Israelite-centric, despite the universalism in Christianity. Comparatively if you go at it from say a Deist perspective (God spun the universe up initially and hasn't fucked with it since then) then the biblical importance of Israel looks a lot like it was written by a human hand with self-interest in mind.

The God pill

It's not really up to any one human to judge or weigh the sins of another.

Yet if there is any spiritual prominence of Hebrews. It's also possible the expectations, standards & punishments for them are also more prominent as a result...?
If Hebrew folk readily reject Yeshua, even though he came from within their own ranks. I certainly would not want to be in the shoes of those Hebrew folk on a more cosmic level.

Then there are certain denominations that take it that the '12 tribes of Israel' are not strictly Jewish in nature.
Rather a lineage that then also pertains to Christians of Britain, Christians of Canada, Australia, America etc.

Also, it is somewhat odd for Hebrew folk to consider themselves special, if they only read half the story.

The God pill

I guess the Jews being given a special prominence and then fucking it up via hubris would be thematically in line with the story of Lucifer. That and the popular depiction of demons having big noses...

The God pill

Quote: (05-12-2019 12:34 AM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

So then how much credulity do you guys give to the Jewish religion prior to Jesus? Say God could have, if he wanted to, instead come down to Earth as Thor or Hercules and given the New Testament, resulting in a Christianity that was basically the same set of moral principles but with Nordic or Hellenic window dressing.

The reason I'm thinking about this is that one of the most obnoxious things I hear from (((special people))) is the rationalization of all their misdeeds by virtue of being the chosen people of God. Problem is that Christians are kind of forced into implicitly accepting that framework due to the Old Testament being Israelite-centric, despite the universalism in Christianity. Comparatively if you go at it from say a Deist perspective (God spun the universe up initially and hasn't fucked with it since then) then the biblical importance of Israel looks a lot like it was written by a human hand with self-interest in mind.

This is really complex because it involves eschatology, the Scofield Bible, and especially the heresy of dispensationalism, among other things. Those who believe in the eschatological doctrine of dispensationalism, which is a very recent doctrine, believe that the future of the State of Israel is highly relevant to the end times and therefore highly relevant to modern Christianity.

People such as myself believe that modern Israel is utterly irrelevant to modern Christianity and is simply a fantastic historical place to visit to marvel where Jesus walked and where God's plan of salvation occurred. Christians (having accepted God's Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior) now constitute spiritual Israel -- and God's children. This was orthodox thinking for about two thousand years, until the advent of the doctrine of dispensationalism.


Return of Jews Illusion.—The illusory hope of the restoration of the Jewish nation at Jerusalem is destined to lure millions into the desert of destruction. The promises to the Jew­ish nation were all conditioned on obedience. God did all that He could ever do for the Jews in sending them His prophets and finally His Son. He did not cast away His people. The very first Christian churches in apostolic times were made up almost entirely of Jews. The Israel of God, to whom the promises are made, is spiritual Israel. To Abraham and his seed belong the promises. "If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

The God pill

BortimusPrime asks a good question, how do we console the fact that Yawhe is an ethnonationalist jewish pagan god, when we are not jewish?

I attempted to shimmy into gnosticism, but Aurini was quite merciless in his takedown of that train of thought.

I suppose British Israelism is an option. The Tribe of Dan were at the very least Indo-Europeans.

The God pill

Quote: (05-12-2019 05:00 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

BortimusPrime asks a good question, how do we console the fact that Yawhe is an ethnonationalist jewish pagan god, when we are not jewish?

I attempted to shimmy into gnosticism, but Aurini was quite merciless in his takedown of that train of thought.

I suppose British Israelism is an option. The Tribe of Dan were at the very least Indo-Europeans.

There have been instances of non-jewish women Ruth and Rahab becoming Israelite by worshipping the same God as the Israelites and marrying into their bloodline.

No. 2 the prohibitions of intermarriage is primarily religious in nature.
Deuteronomy 7:3-4

3Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4because they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods. Then the anger of the LORD will burn against you, and He will swiftly destroy you

no. 3

Romans 11:11-24
11 I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.

12 Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?

13 For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office:

14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.

15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

16 For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.

17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;

18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.

19 Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in.

20 Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:

21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

23 And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.

24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?

Basically. The non-jews are grafted into True Israel as a result of belief. All Christians are part of Israel for they believed in the Messiah.

Galatians 3:7

7 Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.

The God pill

^ This is a great topic. I have wondered the same, about how can Jews be the "chosen people" yet be such jerks in modern times. I have two thoughts on the subject:

1. Is a Jew a Jew? I know people who will wear the name Jew as a shield but are not religious at all. They are just degenerates with a Jewish heritage. Perhaps it is like many other religions where the figureheads you see on TV (Pope, Southern Baptist Convention) do not represent the devout members of the faith. That is my weaker position, and I lean more towards the next one.

2. For the larger nation of Israel, remember the parable of the prodigal son. The prodigal son was the obvious favorite, and the obedient son was jealous but the Father still loved them both. Perhaps Israel is the prodigal son, and will be the most rebellious nation, and will have to endure the most severe lessons before finally returning to God.

In the prodigal son parable, would the father have tolerated the obedient son talking crap about the prodigal son while he was in rebellion, or if the obedient son went out on a mission to beat or kill the prodigal son for dishonoring the family? No.

The jews have dropped the ball with God's favor time and time again, even going so far as killing his son (see also the parable of the vineyard owner). Yet they are God's original tribes. The more they rebel, the more laps they will have to do around the desert, before they come to the kingdom of heaven. Yet when they finally do repent they will be welcomed with open arms.

If that seems frustrating or unfair, I recommend having children of your own to understand that perspective and parable.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

The God pill

I suspect Jews and Christians aren't really worshiping the same God. The Christian God is clearly a universalist conception above culture, while Yahweh sounds like just another tribal god conveniently focused entirely on the culture that invented him.

Vox Day makes a good point that "Judeo-Christianity" is just a tool for Jews to ingratiate themselves to Christians and get what they want out of them. Notice how the cooperation between Jews and Israel-supporting Christians is one-way: Christians that think Israel needs to exist for Jesus to come back support the Jews while Jews still take every opportunity to shit on Christians.

The God pill

There's no such thing as "judeo-christianity", it is a completely meaningless term.

You could argue that christianity is Judeo-Hellenic, but even that is stretching it.

Israel as a country and area is inconsequential, it is Sumeria, Babylon and Egypt, which were the "other" compared to Greece.

The God pill

Quote: (05-12-2019 04:40 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

I suspect Jews and Christians aren't really worshiping the same God. The Christian God is clearly a universalist conception above culture, while Yahweh sounds like just another tribal god conveniently focused entirely on the culture that invented him.

Vox Day makes a good point that "Judeo-Christianity" is just a tool for Jews to ingratiate themselves to Christians and get what they want out of them. Notice how the cooperation between Jews and Israel-supporting Christians is one-way: Christians that think Israel needs to exist for Jesus to come back support the Jews while Jews still take every opportunity to shit on Christians.

I have heard this theory before as well, but I can't reconcile how Jesus would be the son of God or sent by God if they were separate beings with different groups of worshippers.

If Jesus was from God, but then took a different path he becomes a rebel against God which then follows the Gnostic and Luciferian/Satanist path.

On the second point, I do agree that is wrong, the place that Christians give to the current nation of Israel. They are like a family member that has become addicted to drugs, not a priest to be worshipped. Using the prodigal son mentality, you don't support an addict but you also don't persecute them. People need only to know that Israel doesn't recognize Messianic Jews under the "law of return" to know what their current attitude towards Jesus is.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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