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Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

This is my datasheet about Australia. I did not get laid...it wasn't the intent of the trip ( I have a gf and I was staying with friends) but I tried tinder and approached a few girls. Gamed in clubs until I could makeout but not more.

I was in these locations:

-Byron Bay
-Airlie Beach

A few observations:

I had a lot more matches than back home in Canada. Like a lot of matches with actually pretty hot and fit girls. This has not happened to me since I went to Russia. All girls I matched with were white (blondes or brown hair). I matched with a lot of expats also.

Almost no Arabs/muslims in Australia. Almost no blacks. I could see american blacks killing it here...while the same cannot be said about arabs. Most minorities are asian. I did not notice any IOI from asian girls.

There are many many 18-22 year old europeans doing a minivan tour of the east coast. If you are around that age, it could be the trio of a lifetime to bang many young europeans, especially germans. They are not that hot but are fit and happy. For older guys this group can be harder to target.

I specifically said that I'm French Canadian in my bio and a lot of girls seemed to dig that. French is exotic here and Canadians are usually seen as cool cousins...Australians love Canada, especially Whistler. I don't think Australians love americans as much.

Plenty of UK expat girls, they seemed pretty cool and I had the best interaction online and in bars with them.

The Australisn girls were much better looking than what I was expecting. Lot of slim and fit hotties with pretty faces, smiles and just enough makeout (sometimed too much). I really thought they dressed feminine with their flowered summer/beach dresses. Definately a good surprise.

The accent and slang as a bit difficult for me to understand with some girls in clubs...but for most girls it wasnt too bad. I had an harder time understanding the guys.

Datasheet will follow in the next post.

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Real quick..what was your favorite city? Might be interested in a trip out there soon

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

wow I had a completely different experience when I was there 3 years ago, I have not seen a single 8 in 7 months except 1 russian on hollidays. I also went on tinder in Melbourne last month using the passport feature to see if the quality changed, and in Melbourne it's still the same: lower than 3 tier France mostly 4's and 5's.

IMO australian girls don't give a fuck about foreigners there is so many backpackers that if you are foreign and young you are broke in their minds. I find them too masculine bitchy and I didn't even bother approaching them on a night out, as 50% were drugged out of their minds on MDMA every single time. Aslo at $300 the gramm of coke in Oz, australian bitches will suck and fuck you in the club bathroom for some coke.

I do agree about the blacks killing it there I became friend with a black dude from Paris girls were aprroching him while out.

Australia is a great country with wonderful landscapes, quality of life and wages. Ozzy dudes are the funniest and easy going guys I have ever met but their women are entitled and low quality for the majority male competition is sky high, I guess you can't have it all.

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

You went to smaller touristy/hippy places where people go holidays, even Sydney is touristy.

There is really no exotic factor in Australia, its diversified AF plus you have tones of tourists coming from all over the world.
Having said that I can see how girls might rate you a few extra points just for being French, for some reason having something to do with France is seen is sophisticated and sexy, I think its worldwide phenomenon.
From now on Im claiming that im half French, it makes women wet their panties[Image: smile.gif]

In Melbourne there are many blacks from Africa, usually Somalians, Sudanese and Ethiopians but you hardly see them with white women and when you do its with some trashy druggie or fat woman.

Competition is so high in Australia, so many high quality white dudes competing and just being ordinary black wont cut it, if you are American black 7+ then yes, you are in a good position to do well down under.

Btw, Sydney is full Arabs, Lebanese for the most part, many in Melbourne too.

Im impressed with your Tinder results, you must be young and good looking, 7+?
How old are you and whats your level of physical attractiveness

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

I'm not saying it's easy to get laid but I was expecting a much worse quality of girls ( the aussies in Europe I met were pretty average). I can post a pic of my tinder results.

I'm comparing to Chicago, where I matched mostly with fatties or busted girls...

I found that Aussie girls looked entitled for the most part but they were pretty cool once they found out I was more of a "flashpacker" than backpacker and that I actually had money. We were also introduced by social circle friends living in Sydney. I found girls hard to approach when they were were with guy friends at first but once drunk they were friendly. Daytime girls are friendly also. I also found some of them more feminine than masculine (with heels) but there are some quite masculine ones also.

Guys were pretty good looking though, competition is high...can't deny that.

Keep in mind i'm 6 ft 1, dark hair and dark beard, i'm pretty fit/muscular now compared to before...the Aussie I made out with was feeling my torso the whole time and I'm under the impression I got some pretty good ioi at the beach or when shirtless.

Mr.Roundtree in Australia


what did you think of the places in Queensland, specifically Brisbane and Cairns? Good for game? Were the women there more receptive to being approached than in Sydney, or less?

Thanks for the write up

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

I had the most fun in Cairns and I think it was the place that had the best mix of local Australians, australian tourists and foreign tourists. The nightlife is pretty good ( even sunday night was ok) due to the influx of tourists. I made out with my fit aussie there and she was desperate for me to come bang her the next day.

The city itself is pretty shitty but there are many cool tours to fo ftom Cairns.

I had lot of matches in Brisbane and didnt use a boost there...take it for what its worth. Queensland seemed to have lot of down to earth fit girls. Brisbane is pretty boring though and no nightlife during the week.

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

I had a great time when I went to Brisbane and Sunshine/Gold Coast. Things that were in my favor: 6’4” and muscular, stayed in apartments/hotel had money to spend, and being a black American helped. I wasn’t swimming in matches but I was getting the same quality of girls that I’m currently getting now (6/7s). Young white Australia girls were impossible for me to get so I settled with tourists and mid 20s and up Ozzie gals. I wish I could of made it to Cairns as I’ve heard similar things as Mr.Roundtree.

I actually found Australia to not be that expensive. I didn’t visit Sydney and went in November so that may be an entirely different beast.

It sounds like you could of done very well if you decided to go more for gaming. Most guys who go there get totally blown out.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Quote: (02-26-2019 03:07 PM)MrRoundtree Wrote:  

Almost no Arabs/muslims in Australia. Almost no blacks. I could see american blacks killing it here...while the same cannot be said about arabs.

What made you come to that conclusion?

Not exactly an Arab but Indian here, I've had a pretty good experience with Aussie women although that was when they were abroad.

You see no Arabs in the country but doesn't Australia have a huge Lebanese population?

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Quote: (02-27-2019 11:06 PM)a beer is enough Wrote:  

Quote: (02-26-2019 03:07 PM)MrRoundtree Wrote:  

Almost no Arabs/muslims in Australia. Almost no blacks. I could see american blacks killing it here...while the same cannot be said about arabs.

What made you come to that conclusion?

Not exactly an Arab but Indian here, I've had a pretty good experience with Aussie women although that was when they were abroad.

You see no Arabs in the country but doesn't Australia have a huge Lebanese population?

[Image: confused.gif]

Obviously people who just come to Australia on a short visit and go to the touristy areas won't see many Arabs/Middle Eastern people if any at all.

Look deeper into the suburbs and there are actually tons of lebbos and other Middle Eastern people especially in Sydney.
It is too easy to pay attention to the glossy brochures and Google Image Searches.

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

This quick video is just a parody of the lebbos in the suburbs but it will give you some idea:

But if you want an absolutely realistic insight then look up some Canadian called Lauren Southern where she visited the Sydney suburb of Lakemba:

Melbourne has the highest concentration of Greeks outside of Greece.
Supposedly London up in the UK has the highest concentration of Lithuanians outside of Lithuania but I wasn't able to recognise them at the time nor are they are a common theme in the London thread in the forum.

Australia is not a place like Amsterdam where you will see Arabs in the city centre sitting in outside cafes smoking shishas.

[Image: american.gif]
There's nothing special about being a Yank here in Australia.
The old school Aussies might have a term coined up for them known as seppo.
seppo = Septic Tank = Shit Talker

Besides that then MrRoundTree's short visit would be kind of on point.

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Im in Bris at the moment ...there are way, way more better looking chicks than Melbourne..Way more feminine

Also OP the places you went are all very beach orientated which means there is no hiding their body ,they compete more.The beach is where its at..anywhere.

I checked Tinder and its better than Melbourne also.
Note I don't do Tinder.

I have not been out due to work but again what I saw on Tues and Weds is better than Melbourne..I went to a bar after the gym in my gym clothes and it was off its tits good on a Wednesday..
I went as the designated driver with some chicks from work and it was better than Melbourne on a Tuesday.

I think the action is outside of the CBD.I think there is better daygame here than Melbs

Brisbane and Qld has more Amogs than Syd and Melb..

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Mate come to Australia for the great natural wonders, the thrilling landscapes, the wide open spaces, the curious animals and the long golden deserted beaches.

But come here for the girls? Oh FUCK NO. Much better you bring your own, ours are all fat, slutty. entitled bush pigs.

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Funny thing is I actually met a Lebanese bouncer who understood everything I said in French and called me out for making fun of the dolled-up plastic girl in front of us.

There seems to be a lot of lebanese in Sydney indeed but never as many as in big cities in Canada. I also don't really consider Lebanese muslims, most of them are christian are pretty cool and good party buddies.

In bars I never met lebanese guys or girls though.

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Quote: (02-28-2019 10:37 PM)MrRoundtree Wrote:  

There seems to be a lot of lebanese in Sydney indeed but never as many as in big cities in Canada. I also don't really consider Lebanese muslims, most of them are christian are pretty cool and good party buddies.

In bars I never met lebanese guys or girls though.

Quite a bit of Lebanese in my city too (Dallas)...most of them are Christian..but even the ones who "grew up Muslim" drink, party like crazy, and eat pork all the time haha

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Majority of Leabnese are muslims , and arab is the main language.

That being said many arab muslims countries are just muslim by name but dont practice.

Tunisia -Marroco - Leabnon are the main examples for that.

Mr.Roundtree in Australia

Quote: (03-01-2019 11:03 PM)casa-nostra Wrote:  

Majority of Leabnese are muslims , and arab is the main language.

That being said many arab muslims countries are just muslim by name but dont practice.

Tunisia -Marroco - Leabnon are the main examples for that.

Most Lebanese in Lebanon are Muslim, for sure. But there are a tonne of Christian Lebanese in Western countries - I’m assuming the religious wars drove them out a few decades ago.

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