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Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife


THIS IS A PSA WARNING not to give this guy any money $$$$$

A couple of months ago, I was sitting bored in usa. I saw a thread about the canary islands and my eyes and ears perked up instantly being as I was in the midwest bored at wintertime and was looking for an adventure.

Boy did I get a shitty adventure.

Long story short- I did not do my research I had zero idea who this "PUA" dude was because apparently, he thinks he is famous.

I lived with him in this small shit satellite town called Los realjos by Puerto de La cruz in the north of Tenerife island for a month that seemed to go by very slowly.

I asked him nicely If I could move out in 30 days. literally. thats it. He went off the RAILS bonkers and physically threatened me for no reason... well no sane reason I suppose. He then proceeded to steal money from my room.

For two months, I watched this dude bang approximately zero girls, sleep 20 hours a day and yell at his parents who are like 70 years and literally bankrolling his meager existence. He literally does nothing all day and claims his 20 dollar paypals and patreons are his "work" when at the end of each month he has far below what he actually needs to live in a fucking resort town (he makes like 400 dollers a month jesus). Nothing against folks making bankroll that way... but his "website" ... well you can judge for yourself. He hates on roosh daily yet has never actually been successful at anything in his entire life including a "PHD" he claims to have LOL. he is making some boring shit philosophy game that he thinks will make him rich. He was so excited one night to show me, I didnt have the heart to tell him how fucking stupid and lame his game was. He is wanted in the USA for scamming people on ebay out of 100K. He thinks he is tough because he went to jail in sweeden for being a dumbass and stealing iphones from old ladies then attacked a police dog and almost killed it.

he is 43 years old with zero friends (im not even trying to be mean it was literally sad)

he no joke lusts over 15 and 16 years old Scandinavian 4's and 5's who come here and he tries to go live in their dorm with them for free rent after he supposedly bangs them-- nothing against living in a dorm rent free... but his mind is like LASER FOCUSED on this avenue for free rent lol... not to mention these girls are horrid- sad man

for days I had to hear how dumb I was because I wasn't a philosophy major like him. I held my tongue at every interaction because he is physically bigger than me and he gets aggressive in like 4 seconds of any confrontation because he is a "real man" as he puts it.....[Image: tard.gif] yes.. a real man who is on a year-long pussy drought trying to give other dudes advice

I truly believe he has a MENTAL ILLNESS and again I'm not trying to be mean - the point of this post is to WARN YOU GUYS --- if you approached by ANYONE (especially this "man" to be a roommate- do EXTREME due diligence) - when I realized I did not like him within 5 seconds of meeting him when I landed it was already too late, I had already paid him on PayPal and flown across the world. Other accommodations were significantly more expensive so I went against my better judgment and stayed. There were also early warning signs before I left USA but I chose to ignore them and come anyway because I was blinded with excitement to get the fuck out the winter and go surfing and bang scandanavians.

let my loss be your gain- this forum has provided me with a place of refuge... so I felt the need to make this post so no other guys will make the same dumb mistake I did.

he can respond on all his dumb shadow accounts anyway he wants- I literally have zero skin in the game besides my rent money he stole. I don't care, im a solo traveler who needed a place to live and bang.

In sum- be VERY CAUTIOUS with a random dude even from the forum- he could easily have an unaddressed mental illness that you are not aware of-- this goes for all roommates of course

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

So the username is/was Addonis? Banned by now?

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

So you flew all the way from the midwest to the Canary Islands to live with a weirdo from RVF for a month and stayed the entire time?

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Why would you pay someone to teach you game when the meetup section here is FREE..

The best guys in the game will teach you stuff if you buy them a beer and ask them.

I really don't get it.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

So did u see any hot scandi's there?

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Why would you fly half way around the world to live with someone, from the internet, that you'd never met before? That seems like a recipe for disaster. You're lucky you only had a "shitty adventure" and didn't get raped by some obese gay man.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Guys- I did not pay him to teach me game lol just a place to stay in canary islands

and yes... this was an extremely dumb idea of mine....lesson learned

and YES "adonis" or however the fuck you spell his weak name is the guy constantly banned on the forum.

i'll just leave this here


Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

But why did you spend two months living with him? Couldn't you just leave and ask for a refund on PayPal? I don't understand how you disliked the guy 5 seconds after meeting him but spent 60 days sleeping in his house.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

icycalm's response:
icycalm no densetsu continues: thread-71889.html
Most of it is sheer lies of course
I will let you figure out which parts are true
It's insane what a 180 this guy did after I threw him out
Same exact behavior as a girl
The moment he had 4 cops between me and him he started spewing 30-days' worth of abuse on me
The guy basically spent the equivalent of a week in the street, and didn't even manage a date. That's why he wanted to leave early
He calls me mentally ill, but he can't even finish half a paragraph with proper punctuation
I could have made an alt and responded, but the forum already owned him:
"But why did you spend two months living with him? Couldn't you just leave and ask for a refund on PayPal? I don't understand how you disliked the guy 5 seconds after meeting him but spent 60 days sleeping in his house."
He makes $4000 a month, and he loses his marbles about losing a few hundred euros
Never seen such a miser in my life
I never once went into his room, btw (the money I kept was his security deposit only, as we had agreed)
The masculinity stuff was just me trying to give him some advice to improve his game. He matched with a Ukrainian 10 on Tinder in Kiev, and he lost her on the date. I told him that a girl like that is not likely to stick around for a guy whose favorite discussion subject is recycling and "reducing your carbon footprint"
I said you can see that the PUA gurus are lame from the fact that they don't drive
And he was like "I don't drive either"
So I had to say, "yeah, you are not exactly very masculine either"
And then I had to try to explain to him why men enjoy driving lol
He makes fun of me for enjoying my sites and the game I am making, but he HATES his English teaching work, and he is studying for a cybersecurity work that he doesn't like either. He will just hate it less than English teaching
He also hates his hometown, St. Louis
And he makes fun of me for loving my home and my town
Utter trash attitude, from every perspective
The only aspect of his personality that I approve is his go-getter attitude
He basically puts all his mental energy into his finances, and that allows him to spend all year living abroad
Then he has no mental energy for anything else. He doesn't even watch movies. His entertainment is watching political videos on YT, so the only thing you can discuss with him is the latest political news, recycling, and how easy it is to get laid in the Philippines
I understand lying to the cops, if it will get them to do what you want, but lying to a forum in which I don't post and where no one knows either me or him?
He must be in some airbnb, unable to work (because he needs extra space and a good connection to do so), and unable to get laid, so he has nothing other to do than stalk me online
I told him "no" three times, warned him that I would explode if he kept pushing me, but he kept pushing
Apparently he's never met a man before. That's the only way I can understand his behavior. He just thought that if he kept nagging me I would give in, or that he could otherwise simply stop the nagging whenever he wanted and things would go back to normal
But how can I trust someone sleeping in my home who doesn't want to be there and thinks that I owe him something?
I have tens of thousands of euros worth of hard- and software in here
I could easily wake up one day and it could all be gone (as I am also a heavy sleeper, though not the 20 hours per day that he said lol--I was merely awake during the night when he was sleeping so he rarely saw me)
So once he had lost my trust, he had to go
I tried to explain all this to him, but he just kept repeating his bs like a broken record
At which point I just wanted quiet in my home, and kicked him out
If anyone has an account on there, you are welcome to copy-paste the above in the thread
Otherwise whatever

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Quote: (01-06-2019 10:03 AM)kini Wrote:  

At which point I just wanted quiet in my home, and kicked him out

So did you refund him the money for the days he was unable to stay because you kicked him out? If not that makes you a scammer, and the way both of you are bickering makes you sound like women.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Quote: (01-06-2019 10:03 AM)kini Wrote:  

icycalm's response:
icycalm no densetsu continues: thread-71889.html
Most of it is sheer lies of course
I will let you figure out which parts are true
It's insane what a 180 this guy did after I threw him out
Same exact behavior as a girl
The moment he had 4 cops between me and him he started spewing 30-days' worth of abuse on me
The guy basically spent the equivalent of a week in the street, and didn't even manage a date. That's why he wanted to leave early
He calls me mentally ill, but he can't even finish half a paragraph with proper punctuation
I could have made an alt and responded, but the forum already owned him:
"But why did you spend two months living with him? Couldn't you just leave and ask for a refund on PayPal? I don't understand how you disliked the guy 5 seconds after meeting him but spent 60 days sleeping in his house."
He makes $4000 a month, and he loses his marbles about losing a few hundred euros
Never seen such a miser in my life
I never once went into his room, btw (the money I kept was his security deposit only, as we had agreed)
The masculinity stuff was just me trying to give him some advice to improve his game. He matched with a Ukrainian 10 on Tinder in Kiev, and he lost her on the date. I told him that a girl like that is not likely to stick around for a guy whose favorite discussion subject is recycling and "reducing your carbon footprint"
I said you can see that the PUA gurus are lame from the fact that they don't drive
And he was like "I don't drive either"
So I had to say, "yeah, you are not exactly very masculine either"
And then I had to try to explain to him why men enjoy driving lol
He makes fun of me for enjoying my sites and the game I am making, but he HATES his English teaching work, and he is studying for a cybersecurity work that he doesn't like either. He will just hate it less than English teaching
He also hates his hometown, St. Louis
And he makes fun of me for loving my home and my town
Utter trash attitude, from every perspective
The only aspect of his personality that I approve is his go-getter attitude
He basically puts all his mental energy into his finances, and that allows him to spend all year living abroad
Then he has no mental energy for anything else. He doesn't even watch movies. His entertainment is watching political videos on YT, so the only thing you can discuss with him is the latest political news, recycling, and how easy it is to get laid in the Philippines
I understand lying to the cops, if it will get them to do what you want, but lying to a forum in which I don't post and where no one knows either me or him?
He must be in some airbnb, unable to work (because he needs extra space and a good connection to do so), and unable to get laid, so he has nothing other to do than stalk me online
I told him "no" three times, warned him that I would explode if he kept pushing me, but he kept pushing
Apparently he's never met a man before. That's the only way I can understand his behavior. He just thought that if he kept nagging me I would give in, or that he could otherwise simply stop the nagging whenever he wanted and things would go back to normal
But how can I trust someone sleeping in my home who doesn't want to be there and thinks that I owe him something?
I have tens of thousands of euros worth of hard- and software in here
I could easily wake up one day and it could all be gone (as I am also a heavy sleeper, though not the 20 hours per day that he said lol--I was merely awake during the night when he was sleeping so he rarely saw me)
So once he had lost my trust, he had to go
I tried to explain all this to him, but he just kept repeating his bs like a broken record
At which point I just wanted quiet in my home, and kicked him out
If anyone has an account on there, you are welcome to copy-paste the above in the thread
Otherwise whatever

Pot meet kettle, holy shit I knew that there were some weirdos on this forum but this thread takes the cake, OP WTF dude? So you're both basically doxxing each other on here, or maybe both accounts are the same guy and he's just doing this for attention, who knows?

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Quote: (01-06-2019 10:03 AM)kini Wrote:  

He calls me mentally ill, but he can't even finish half a paragraph with proper punctuation

To be honest, your post is just as bad. Why are you writing in free verse?

I have no idea what's going on in this thread.

[Image: wtf.jpg]

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

OP talking to himself... Who is it this time...


Dragan's team?


Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

I am copy-pasting from Discord. That's what a chat looks like.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

The subject of this thread is an author of philosophy books, so unlike the OP, he can write:

This thread is being discussed in his Discord server, which is where I and kini found out about it. icy doesn't care about being doxxed because he's been publishing online for 14 years. This isn't his first rodeo.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

My money is betting that the OP, the weirdo PUA guy and the previous three low post newbie posters in this thread are all the same person.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Quote: (01-06-2019 01:11 PM)scotian Wrote:  

My money is betting that the OP, the weirdo PUA guy and the previous three low post newbie posters in this thread are all the same person.

And all of us are Greek Kamaki resurrected. Who has been controlled by (((them))) all along (which explains how he could afford all those gifts).

It's not paranoia if (((they))) are really out to get you!

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

If Greek Kamaki did make a come back that would be great

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife


He makes $4000 a month, and he loses his marbles about losing a few hundred euros
Never seen such a miser in my life

Typical Spantard attitude feeling entitled to fucking some random guy over for a small amount because he makes modest money. Newsflash jerk off, ripping people of pisses them off.

And weird dude who posted this shit : f*ck off and learn to visit places without knowing anybody.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Quote: (01-06-2019 02:19 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Typical Spantard attitude feeling entitled to fucking some random guy over for a small amount because he makes modest money.

I don't know about Spain, but where I come from an agreement is an agreement. Low T/feminine guy doesn't get to break them at will with no repercussions unless he really is a woman with nice long hair and a large set of tits. Then maybe an exception can be made.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Hopefully OP posts again to explain to us why he thought this could've possibly been a good idea. I'm sure that the Canary Islands are really nice, as I really did like mainland Spain but it's a bit far and flights are probably a lot more expensive than flights from the midwest to the Caribbean and Latin America. Why didn't this guy just go chill in Mexico or Peru for a month? And of course, how could you possibly think that moving in with a PUA guy would be a good idea?

As Linux suggested, there's enough RVF guys scattered throughout the world that at any given time a guy on here could book a flight to Saigon, Medellin, Kiev, etc and be hanging out with a bunch of chill dudes. I was recently in the Mayan Riviera of Mexico and hung out with three other cool RVF dudes for a few days in Playa Del Carmen for example.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Quote: (01-05-2019 07:46 AM)Super Average Man Wrote:  

But why did you spend two months living with him? Couldn't you just leave and ask for a refund on PayPal? I don't understand how you disliked the guy 5 seconds after meeting him but spent 60 days sleeping in his house.

I paid a partial amount on paypal the rest in cash which was super stupid.

You guys have to remember I was working hard all day then going out gaming and exploring for the rest of the day so the 30 days I was there I was barely just "chilling" inside the weirdo's house. Just work and sleep. As you can imagine I was exhausting after this and he would always bother me with the dumbest shit like his gay ass website and all the ebay scams for 100K he did.

its easy for this Greek swindler dumbass to say this about money $ - his poor 70 year old Greek parents give him 1,700 euro monthly to sit in his room (literally on his bed) for 20 hours and be weird as fuck.

He has this strange room where he locks all his WORTHLESS old electronics. It's supremely strange. Its like super messy and has a few 2012 LCD tvs and an old htc vive that isnt even working and the old ass oclulus thats deff worth 0 dollers. He told me multiple times he has actually lost money on storing all his stuff when he could have literally thrown it in the trash, downsized places and saved way more.

I did not tell this dumbass ugly ass homer simpson face looking bald (except in the neck like homer simposon) that i "dont like to drive" I said 100 times I dont like to drive in traffic and that in the future with self-driving cars it will be illegal to drive on highways potentially. Of course, I like sports cars/ teslas/ motorcycles...

wow - I told him to recycle ... you don't care about the planet you deff dont care about yourself because your teeth are hella stained and yellow- when you smile it looks like the sun real talk ugly. Only 10% of material recycled is able to be re-used but its still keeping all the plastic out of the ocean... we were on an island for fuck sake.

wow I watched one YT political video that was on my home page... all he did is talk nonsense politics about countries HE HAS NEVER BEEN! Its really amazing to hear someone speak about a country that has never even stepped foot in it going on complete hearsay. Yet, hes an "expert" on almost every country in the world! lol

I dont give a fuck about my grammar dumbass SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH

ya... I like the phillippines... so do a lot of people here... wow shocker... ive fucked more cunts than he has even talked to in his life.

wow ... I dont like living in st. louie... shocker... because everyone on the forum must love their hometowns so much... I work hard to travel... and have freedom... something he has zero idea about. He literally said making 20K a year would be like the ultimate dream for him and golden goose. jesus.

when he got all bitchy before the cops came his voice literally sounded like a woman im not even joking- the way he like "silent yells" its super weird guys - please someone just hear him when he gets his menstruation cycle (hangry) in real life.

whats hilarious about him calling me out for teaching online is that he was BEGGING ME TO JOIN MY COMPANY AND PAY ME 10% OF ALL HIS EARNINGS FOR HELPING HIM. I have multiple witnesses for this (because my friend in the Philippines is making his own teaching website) -- I connected them on facebook one day (stupidly) and my friend went away from keyboard for a bunch of days because he got a new chick in the phils- during this time Greek fag homer Simpson look alike "Alex" would not stop bothering me daily why my friend wasn't getting back to him on top of me getting him a teaching job from different companies. wow.

and this dude is some type of fortune teller I guess also because apparently, he thinks I will not like my career (which is not cybersecurity lol I lied to him) but my starting pay will be 95K and I love the work.

No prior agreement is valid when nothing is in writing- I said I MIGHT stay for 3 months... not solid plans at all. Espeically after witnessing what I saw homer simposon do. On the other hand- giving someone (or some-thing lol) 30 days notice is the standard operating procedure. He had some british guy living with him prior to my arrival... I had no idea about.. who had the exact same problem with him... odd I would have never guessed.

peeps-- I am fucking American traveler from STL born and fucking raised. I do not claim to have crazy good game.. my game is clown game. this is a greek weirdo. 43 with zero job prospects, and absolutely zero decent looking girls.

lesson learned. money lost. Gotta work even harder now to replenish my "greek swindler" rainy day fund.

I will just leave this here... looks like he is wanted on a federal warrant in usa. Even though this is old- Federal warrants do not expire LOL!

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Quote: (01-06-2019 04:33 PM)I_luh_durian Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2019 07:46 AM)Super Average Man Wrote:  

But why did you spend two months living with him? Couldn't you just leave and ask for a refund on PayPal? I don't understand how you disliked the guy 5 seconds after meeting him but spent 60 days sleeping in his house.

I paid a partial amount on paypal the rest in cash which was super stupid.

You guys have to remember I was working hard all day then going out gaming and exploring for the rest of the day so the 30 days I was there I was barely just "chilling" inside the weirdo's house. Just work and sleep. As you can imagine I was exhausting after this and he would always bother me with the dumbest shit like his gay ass website and all the ebay scams for 100K he did.

its easy for this Greek swindler dumbass to say this about money $ - his poor 70 year old Greek parents give him 1,700 euro monthly to sit in his room (literally on his bed) for 20 hours and be weird as fuck.

He has this strange room where he locks all his WORTHLESS old electronics. It's supremely strange. Its like super messy and has a few 2012 LCD tvs and an old htc vive that isnt even working and the old ass oclulus thats deff worth 0 dollers. He told me multiple times he has actually lost money on storing all his stuff when he could have literally thrown it in the trash, downsized places and saved way more.

I did not tell this dumbass ugly ass homer simpson face looking bald (except in the neck like homer simposon) that i "dont like to drive" I said 100 times I dont like to drive in traffic and that in the future with self-driving cars it will be illegal to drive on highways potentially. Of course, I like sports cars/ teslas/ motorcycles...

wow - I told him to recycle ... you don't care about the planet you deff dont care about yourself because your teeth are hella stained and yellow- when you smile it looks like the sun real talk ugly. Only 10% of material recycled is able to be re-used but its still keeping all the plastic out of the ocean... we were on an island for fuck sake.

wow I watched one YT political video that was on my home page... all he did is talk nonsense politics about countries HE HAS NEVER BEEN! Its really amazing to hear someone speak about a country that has never even stepped foot in it going on complete hearsay. Yet, hes an "expert" on almost every country in the world! lol

I dont give a fuck about my grammar dumbass SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH

ya... I like the phillippines... so do a lot of people here... wow shocker... ive fucked more cunts than he has even talked to in his life.

wow ... I dont like living in st. louie... shocker... because everyone on the forum must love their hometowns so much... I work hard to travel... and have freedom... something he has zero idea about. He literally said making 20K a year would be like the ultimate dream for him and golden goose. jesus.

when he got all bitchy before the cops came his voice literally sounded like a woman im not even joking- the way he like "silent yells" its super weird guys - please someone just hear him when he gets his menstruation cycle (hangry) in real life.

whats hilarious about him calling me out for teaching online is that he was BEGGING ME TO JOIN MY COMPANY AND PAY ME 10% OF ALL HIS EARNINGS FOR HELPING HIM. I have multiple witnesses for this (because my friend in the Philippines is making his own teaching website) -- I connected them on facebook one day (stupidly) and my friend went away from keyboard for a bunch of days because he got a new chick in the phils- during this time Greek fag homer Simpson look alike "Alex" would not stop bothering me daily why my friend wasn't getting back to him on top of me getting him a teaching job from different companies. wow.

and this dude is some type of fortune teller I guess also because apparently, he thinks I will not like my career (which is not cybersecurity lol I lied to him) but my starting pay will be 95K and I love the work.

No prior agreement is valid when nothing is in writing- I said I MIGHT stay for 3 months... not solid plans at all. Espeically after witnessing what I saw homer simposon do. On the other hand- giving someone (or some-thing lol) 30 days notice is the standard operating procedure. He had some british guy living with him prior to my arrival... I had no idea about.. who had the exact same problem with him... odd I would have never guessed.

peeps-- I am fucking American traveler from STL born and fucking raised. I do not claim to have crazy good game.. my game is clown game. this is a greek weirdo. 43 with zero job prospects, and absolutely zero decent looking girls.

lesson learned. money lost. Gotta work even harder now to replenish my "greek swindler" rainy day fund.

I will just leave this here... looks like he is wanted on a federal warrant in usa. Even though this is old- Federal warrants do not expire LOL!

Were his elbows too pointy as well?

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

Quote: (01-06-2019 03:58 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Hopefully OP posts again to explain to us why he thought this could've possibly been a good idea. I'm sure that the Canary Islands are really nice, as I really did like mainland Spain but it's a bit far and flights are probably a lot more expensive than flights from the midwest to the Caribbean and Latin America. Why didn't this guy just go chill in Mexico or Peru for a month? And of course, how could you possibly think that moving in with a PUA guy would be a good idea?

As Linux suggested, there's enough RVF guys scattered throughout the world that at any given time a guy on here could book a flight to Saigon, Medellin, Kiev, etc and be hanging out with a bunch of chill dudes. I was recently in the Mayan Riviera of Mexico and hung out with three other cool RVF dudes for a few days in Playa Del Carmen for example.

no joke I got my round trip from NYC for 500 bucks! Regarding the countries you listed with respect scotian- I have been to most of them you named and enjoy them no doubt and thats a solid list- just wanted to see a new one and try the luck in the Canaries. I couldn't believe it either. Even though most euros ive heard speaking about it think canaries are trashy or something I was always allured by the name and pictures etc. so I thought why not at least try it? But I understand the doubts.

by the way - just p.s. I actually really like the town of Puerto De la Cruz its a bit of a hidden gem in some small ways and I do appreciate homer simpson showing me the town etc.

There are opportunities to game here. Right before I left, I did get lucky with a polish girl on holiday and managed to make out with a girl living here from thailand of all places on my last night. Anyone can pm for pics. But I would not come here strictly for game no.

Alex Kierkegaard aka "Addonis" - Canary Islands -Tenerife

OP what happened when the cops got involved, was that while you were there?
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