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Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Starting this thread to see which locations offer the best balance between local talent/beauty and "DTF'ness" of the girls.

Please rate some of the locations you've been to, following the below format:

City: Medellin (note: best to rate places you've stayed at least 1 week, ideally at least 2 weeks)
Beauty: 7.5/10 (rate girls beauty overall)
DTF: 7/10 (rate girls proneness for ONS/SDL)

City: Bangkok
Beauty: 6.5/10
DTF: 8/10

City: Warsaw
Beauty: 7.5/10
DTF: 5/10

Optional: You can also specify some info about you to see how that impacts your experience in the cities you're rating. For example:

My ethnicity: White
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180lbs
Perceived looks: 6.5/10
Feel free to add more info

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

These threads are too subjective and therefore a bit useless in the sense that different guys will have totally different experiences in each city. I’ve been to both BKK and Medellin and do better in the latter since I speak Spanish well and knowtge culture while others do much better in the former. Also, the 1-10 rating scale of women’s beauty has been discussed at length in a billion threads on here, again, it’s just too subjective.

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Another statistics obsessed (autist style) thread.

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Feel free to share your opinions and experiences which is what a forum is about.

Also I added this section, to put things into perspective:

"Optional: You can also specify some info about you to see how that impacts your experience in the cities you're rating. For example:

My ethnicity: White
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180lbs
Perceived looks: 6.5/10
Feel free to add more info"

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

City: Miami, Florida
Beauty: 10/10
DTF: 9.5/10

City: New York City
Beauty: 9.5/10
DTF: 10/10

City: Chicago, Illinois
Beauty: 8/10
DTF: 8.5/10

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

City: London, UK
Beauty: 9/10
DTF: 8.5/10

City: Denver, Colorado
Beauty: 7/10
DTF: 4.5/10

City: Rome, Italy
Beauty: 8/10
DTF: 3.5/10

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

City: San Francisco, California
Beauty: 6/10
DTF: 5.5/10

City: Montreal, Canada
Beauty: 8.5/10
DTF: 7/10

City: Boston, Massachusetts
Beauty: 6.5/10
DTF: 7/10

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

City: Barcelona, Spain
Beauty: 8.5/10
DTF: 5/10

City: Milan, Italy
Beauty: 8/10
DTF: 6/10

City: Naples, Italy
Beauty: 7.5/10
DTF: 4.5/10

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

If you build it, the autists will come.

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

City: Venice, Italy
Beauty: 7/10
DTF: 8.5/10

City: Ft Lauderdale, Florida (only during spring break in March/April)
Beauty: 8/10
DTF: 9.5/10

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

City: Toronto
Beauty: 7.5/10
DTF: 7.5/10

City: Montreal
Beauty: 7.5/10
DTF: 7/10

City: Istanbul
Beauty: 7/10
DTF: 4/10

City: Dubai
Beauty: 6.5/10
DTF: 6.5/10

City: New York
Beauty: 7.5/10
DTF: 7/10

City: Seattle
Beauty: 6.5/10
DTF: 6/10

City: Bogota
Beauty: 7.5/10
DTF: 8/10

City: Medellin
Beauty: 8/10
DTF: 7.5/10

About me:
White with brown hair green eyes
6 ft tall
Good social skills, few years experience with girls

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

^How many years experience with boys do you have?

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

haha scotian supposedly you're not interested in the thread yet you keep posting and read my post til the end apparently [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif] LOL. Talk about autism. You come off as an attention seeking little girl tbh. Just move on and go pollute another thread

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

The entire world is apparently between a 7 and 9.

Well done, usefulness of thread 10/10

Americans are dreamers too

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Is Boston really that ugly?

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

One guy's 7 is another guy's 3.

Example, I have anglo friends that would call a blonde with a beautiful face and with big tits and no ass a 10. To me that's a completely unattractive, disproportioned woman, a 5 at best, and often the tits are fake anyways, but I've seen anglo friends buy these girls month-long vacations in Europe to try to get them to date them, while the same dude is ignoring the equally beautiful-faced Asian, but with a B cup coupled with a nice butt, a more well-proportioned woman, objectively, as in, her breasts and butt match, she doesn't look like she's going to topple at any moment. And nice values on top of that too.

The rating scales simply don't translate from dude to dude, especially when you go above a 7, but all along the scale too.

Colonialism's after-effects, cultural biases, blonde inflation, the media, personal experiences, even your own mother's looks and personality, all of these things play huge roles in what each man finds attractive and unattractive.

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

City: Cebu
Beauty: 5/10
DTF: 8/10

City: Manila
Beauty: 6/10
DTF: 7.5/10

City: Bangkok
Beauty: 6.5/10
DTF: N/A for me, from observing others: 8/10

City: Toronto
Beauty: 7.5/10
DTF: 5/10

White, 6ft, 180lb, 6-7/10

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

City: Sydney
Beauty: 2/10
DTF: 8/10 (but not with you, with the 20 thirsty jacked dudes on steroids begging her)

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Quote: (12-27-2018 03:08 PM)Day Game Bang Wrote:  

City: San Francisco, California
Beauty: 2.5/10
DTF: 5.5/10

Fixed that for ya, mah man. [Image: wink.gif]

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

San Francisco @ 2.5 ? lol

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Quote: (12-30-2018 09:42 PM)Day Game Bang Wrote:  

San Francisco @ 2.5 ? lol

Yeah, I was there last year.

It was horrifying and shocking how ugly the women were. It was rare for me to find anything above a 3. SF definitely has the ugliest women of any city in North America, bar none.

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

A thread that could have been useful...

... Rendered useless by mountains of subjective data that doesn't mean jack****!

Why doesn't it mean jack****?

Because the data is posted by people whose game or credibility no one knows? [Except RatIntheWoods and FlashJackson of course (my shout out to you two) AND the posters that already pointed out the idiocy of this thread before me]

Advice to them: For god's sakes, make a new year's resolution to -
1) NOT Start useless threads like this
2) Show us you can approach worth a damn
3) Show us you can get laid maybe just once
4) Read more post less

Source of their madness: Autism, [Image: gay.gif] or [Image: troll.gif]

Happy New Year, gentlemen! [Image: wink.gif]

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Beauty 4
Dtf 3.5

Beauty 5.5
Dtf 6.5

Beauty 7.5
Dtf 11

Beauty 7.5
Dtf 7.5

Don’t go to Melbourne ever. Just don’t. NYC girls are great for night game ONS. Have logistics and a positive attitude and you’re all set their.
White 6 ft light brown hair 7.5 looks

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Beauty 6/10
DTF 6/10
Born and Raised in Seattle for over 19 years, not that great tbh, many better US cities.

Beauty 8/10
DTF 7/10

Beauty 6.5/10
DTF 8/10

Mixed Race White/Asian 6'0 180 lbs.

Ultimately, we should care more about being effective than simply nobly intentioned. It is not enough to dream well: the true measure is what we achieve.

Rate Girls Beauty vs. DTF Factor by City

Quote: (12-31-2018 12:28 PM)GoingHAM20 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2018 09:42 PM)Day Game Bang Wrote:  

San Francisco @ 2.5 ? lol

Yeah, I was there last year.

It was horrifying and shocking how ugly the women were. It was rare for me to find anything above a 3. SF definitely has the ugliest women of any city in North America, bar none.

Haha yeah I was in SF last year too...1 year ago to be exact. 2.5 is harsh, I would rate them about a 4/10 for beauty

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