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Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Solid writing on crypto reddit today.

You guys should check that out. I doubt it's made up since the guy has a good rep.


Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

What's it say?

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Classic case of divorce rape. The wife convinced him to take a series of steps to move to the US, cash out his bitcoin (by her luck at the top of the bubble), and then she divorced him and cleaned him out.

I've heard of wives convincing their husbands to move to a lifelong alimony state with the premeditated intent to divorce him and get the maximum lifetime alimony. In this case, he's the one that wanted to move to the US, but she's the one that convinced him to convert all his bitcoin from untraceable assets he bought before the marriage into solid conventional assets that she could strip from him (she got just under $1 million).

She also convinced him to do some counseling about his "temper". He thought, "what, I don't have a temper problem, but whatever. If she wants me to go, I'll go". Then when she hit him for divorce, she claimed she was afraid due to his known temper problems, and used it for extra leverage.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

For obvious reasons we're not allowed to discuss how this scenario should rightly be dealt with, but I'm pretty sure we're all thinking it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him


Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Ah women, the vaginal Jew. This is why we need White Sharia!!!

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Quote: (12-07-2018 09:36 PM)PharaohRa Wrote:  

Ah women, the vaginal Jew.

So is the phrase "Jewish woman" inherently self-repetition?

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Quote: (12-07-2018 10:02 PM)moneyshot Wrote:  

Quote: (12-07-2018 09:36 PM)PharaohRa Wrote:  

Ah women, the vaginal Jew.

So is the phrase "Jewish woman" inherently self-repetition?

In a way, you can argue that!

Btw, I have argued in past posts that Jews act like women!

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

You can see the red flags in his writing. Two huge ones for me were calling her his 'partner'. And the second one was that he didn't want to live in a big expensive mansion and neighbourhood but his wife did so he went along with it. No backbone at all.

He probably was always compromising and supplicating like that which disgusts women to the point that they will do easily do incredibly cruel things such as this.

Sadly he probably doesn't even realise his behaviour was wrong from what he wrote and the comments below. He is still not red pilled yet.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Actually the guy was the one who pushed the U.S move...

Doesn't say what nationality the wife was, but I'd bet a pretty penny she was Russian (or from somewhere in the FSU). That was a pretty impressive con job.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

And if you read more closely you can see he pushed the US move and she pushed the move to a huge expensive place in a rich neighbourhood.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Quote: (12-07-2018 10:41 PM)Trumpian Wrote:  

Actually the guy was the one who pushed the U.S move...

Doesn't say what nationality the wife was, but I'd bet a pretty penny she was Russian (or from somewhere in the FSU). That was a pretty impressive con job.

He did write that she is a US citizen

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

With a few rare exceptions, why anyone gets married to a lower income/lower wealth woman in 2018 USA is truly beyond me.You have be ignorant, stupid, or desperate to do it at this point. Countless examples of divorce rape out there and people still do it. So stupid.

Why don't federal caps on child support exist?

Why is alimony even a thing in 2018?

Why are people still making legal binding contracts with women in a legal/culture environment that INCENTIVIZES destroying families?

Sure... you can move to a state with somewhat more sensible laws and get a pre-nup but the bitch can just move to another state and file the paperwork where it's to her advantage. And with how corrupt the courts/gov't appear to be these days, do you want to bet a large chunk of your hard earned wealth that the gov't won't fuck you over in some way even if you do everything by the book?

You want kids? Have kids. Bitch will get child support whether you're married or not. Try to do it at least in a state with caps on child support. You can have a family minus a marriage license.

You want to be married as husband and wife? Go somewhere that isn't trying to fuck you over constantly or get the laws changed. Until then, DON'T GET MARRIED in the USA.

I got sympathy for the older guys. Young folks? In 2018 with the internet? Pretty hard to give a shit at this point. Some people simply have to learn the hard way.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him


Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Partner is a business term. If a woman you’re dating calls you that, then plan your escape. Her only attraction to you is hypergamous.

Marriages with wide hypergamous gaps is like a cleaner claiming to be a partner of a law firm and the business founder acquising to her prétentions. She’s no interest in law and brought nothing to the partnership but suddenly has every interest in winding up the firm and liquidising her partnership.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

This is scary and a good reminder of how bad we guys are at reading (manipulative)women. He seems like a smart guy and you better believe he had 0 idea of what's really going on. They probably cuddled and planned the next 20 years together the day before she revealed her true colors.

Not nearly as bad, but a short personal story: I had GF for 3 years who I thought was my soulmate, everything perfect... We always talked about traveling and later settling down somewhere abroad together.

When it was time to go she broke down and confessed that she always hated the idea of going anywhere and was just "playing along" to make me happy and stay together. She even said she was always extremely annoyed every time we talked about this... I couldn't believe it, I thought she was even more enthusiastic about it than me. For 3 years and I had NO CLUE. I thought I was good at reading people... nope.
She begged me to stay and I almost did, but part of me was just DONE and I knew I couldn't postpone my dreams anymore... So I went alone(trying to do long distance relationship at first) but got over her in like a week - special thanks to some lovely latinas [Image: smile.gif]

Lesson learned.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Is there anything to stop this guy going public, and giving his story to the papers?

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

High rep members on Reddit lie all the time. My favorite tale was a "MMA Fighter in a Los Angeles hostel beating a skinny snorer into a coma" - except if it really did happen it would be public record and a rag like the Dailymail (which likes to piss on everything bad about America) would be bragging about it.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Blindsided he says. He really was. A genuine blue pill guy that had no idea what he was getting into. My alarm bells would be ringing if my wife was suddenly telling me to buy the most expensive house I could. It just sounds really nutty and id dismiss the opinion of a woman anyhow. In 2018 it's becoming normal and healthy to be skeptical of your wife. If you guys know effective ways to key and voice loggers on smartphones please let me know.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Quote: (12-07-2018 08:22 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

For obvious reasons we're not allowed to discuss how this scenario should rightly be dealt with, but I'm pretty sure we're all thinking it.

Definitely time to buy a nice boat and attempt to rekindle the romance with a week sailing around the Caribbean.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Do insurance firms offer products to men seeking to manage the divorce risk?

If insurance firms won’t touch marriage contracts, then that’s all we need to know.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

The best thing to probably do is to keep her out of your salary, finances, until you get married. Before you get married, stash most of the money in cash, gold, crypto, or abroad where she can't touch it.

Keep enough visibly saved for her to be comfortable. You have to deal with the ego drop when you eventually show her your finances and it's much less than you have achieved and worked so hard for.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Quote: (12-09-2018 04:55 AM)Graft Wrote:  

The best thing to probably do is to keep her out of your salary, finances, until you get married. Before you get married, stash most of the money in cash, gold, crypto, or abroad where she can't touch it.

Keep enough visibly saved for her to be comfortable. You have to deal with the ego drop when you eventually show her your finances and it's much less than you have achieved and worked so hard for.

Keeping secrets like that makes it pointless to be married anyway.

You might as well make it clear that you have the assets and that those assets are attainable only by you.

The seeds of evil thought grow where you allow the soil to be fertile for them.

"Yes, I have a million in crypto. No, you aren't allowed to have the codes. I'm the man, I manage the finances. My money dies with me. Are you happy living with a millionaire or would you like an egalitarian marriage with a bum?"

She might sulk for a day or two, but after that she's going to take the path of least resistance, and nobody can say that anyone was deceived.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

And this is why marriage is a bad idea. Too much risk for little reward.

Seriously, why get the state involved in these thigns anyway? Can't you just go to a priest or whatever and declare your love in front of your favorite deity, without having the state involved?

Why do guys so badly want a government approved little paper that can screw them over for life?

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Wife waits until he cashes out all his crypto and then immediately divorces him

Quote: (12-09-2018 05:27 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2018 04:55 AM)Graft Wrote:  

The best thing to probably do is to keep her out of your salary, finances, until you get married. Before you get married, stash most of the money in cash, gold, crypto, or abroad where she can't touch it.

Keep enough visibly saved for her to be comfortable. You have to deal with the ego drop when you eventually show her your finances and it's much less than you have achieved and worked so hard for.

Keeping secrets like that makes it pointless to be married anyway.

You might as well make it clear that you have the assets and that those assets are attainable only by you.

The seeds of evil thought grow where you allow the soil to be fertile for them.

"Yes, I have a million in crypto. No, you aren't allowed to have the codes. I'm the man, I manage the finances. My money dies with me. Are you happy living with a millionaire or would you like an egalitarian marriage with a bum?"

She might sulk for a day or two, but after that she's going to take the path of least resistance, and nobody can say that anyone was deceived.

I can imagine that being called "emotional abuse, asset concealment" by a lawyer. Then the judge will say hand over the "Bit-CONE" to which you say no. To punish you for your defiance your ex wife now gets the entire house, the car and your entire pension fund.

Being honest about your financials with a woman is like trusting a child with a PIN code to your gun safe.

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