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Elderly Opener works

Elderly Opener works

So, I got a call today from an old man with the wrong phone number...10 friggin minutes later we were talking about what I do for work. He elderly opened me! Again, it worked with being openly confused about why he got the wrong number, asking questions about how he could possibly have the wrong number and who he was really looking for.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Elderly Opener works

Yes it does. In Chicago's Millenium Park (Day Game Heaven) last month, some dude elderly opened my gal while I was away taking pictures for a minute (can't say I blame him). As I was walking back, I heard him pointing all confused and saying "what is that thing?" She can usually see dudes coming a mile away, but in this case she suspected nothing and had her guard down. Instead she was ready to have a conversation and factually said "I don't really know, but '46' can explain it." Then I, knowing what he was up to, explained to him in excruciating detail what it was just to be a d!ck, and saw him becoming dejected. Then I pulled him aside and told him I was just kidding, I liked his roll, do more approaches, and keep his confidence high. Roosh's ideas are spreading, lol.

Elderly Opener works

For me Elderly game is the best thing out there.
Its easy, harmless and suitable to almost all settings, including night game in some cases.

The Hit ratio of elderly game is fantastic for me, It is the #1 game in my repertoire

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Elderly Opener works

All hail the elderly opener! [Image: icon_worship.gif]

Elderly Opener works

Yesterday an old man opened me in the gym by asking how many sets I usually do. Next thing I know he is telling me travel stories.

Elderly Opener works

I was at work and old guy opened me by commenting on the Dr.Pepper I was drinking. He told me to watch out for the caffeine. Then he talked about how while his son would drink it to stay up all night and study for college exams. We went into a conversation about where his son goes and what he studied. Then we talked about myself and where I go to school, what I'm studying for. Then he baited with me by talking about where he went to college after the war. Which led to him talking about war stories and his career, and marriage. After about 20 minuets his wife came and they left.

Elderly Opener works

Hail the Elderly opener!! [Image: icon_worship.gif]

the best game ever made!!!

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Elderly Opener works

A couple days ago an elderly lady opened my on the bus..I could barely understand her heavily accented german..but I ended up talking to her the best i could.

damn...i feel played

I am the cock carousel

Elderly Opener works

The other day at the coffee shop an elderly man opened me by asking how to get on the internet. Next 10 minutes I was helping him how to set up his browser for cafe viewing ("Can you show me how?") and I was fielding his seemingly stupid and obvious questions.
No bait, but the point was I stayed with him.

I've always liked talking to the elderly, now I find it even funnier because I think of Day Bang and take notes on what questions to ask on my next chat with a girl.

"Be confused" guys, "be confused"!

Go from this [Image: catlady.gif] to this [Image: hump.gif]

Elderly Opener works

It's scary how successful going elderly is at getting your foot in the door. Excluding street approaches where the girl might be in a hurry, you're basically guaranteed 2 minutes of her attention as long as you can keep the ramble going without being too obvious about your bait or asking a personal question. I've never been blown out or had a girl immediately accuse me of hitting on her from my opener alone.

Elderly Opener works

I had to cancel some vacation plans to visit family in a large senior-living community. I'll be staying for a week, and doesn't look like there'll be many girls nearby. Guess I'll just have to learn elderly game from the masters and take notes...

[Image: cool.gif]

Elderly Opener works

Goddamn! I am dying laughing at this!

Elderly Opener works

This even works in club environments.. it's just a great way to get a conversation going.

Elderly Opener works

Me gusta el "Elderly Opener."

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Elderly Opener works

I got to start opening with these on the subway and buses. Elderly openers are amazing.

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