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New Data Confirms "Cool Wine Aunts" Are Suicidally Depressed Alcoholics

New Data Confirms "Cool Wine Aunts" Are Suicidally Depressed Alcoholics

Quote: (11-20-2018 06:02 AM)YoungBlade Wrote:  

I had blood tests and liver panel this year. I've been drinking regularly for 7 years. Was honest with my doctor in the initial check up.

When the results came in, he asked "You drink at least a beer a day, right?"
"Usually, yes."
"It looks like your liver has never even heard of alcohol."

Lucky me I suppose. Definitely not gonna take it as a challenge though.

Look at what DOBA said above about the cancers. My uncle was like you, never had a bad lab result or anything (sans for being a bit overweight). Drank what he wanted, ate what he wanted, everyone talked about how he must have good genes. Then he got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (alcohol is a big cause) and was dead within a year. The cancer-alcohol link is growing everyday in the medical scientific community. And all these new craft beers with all the heavy hops and additives are going to make things worse I imagine.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

New Data Confirms "Cool Wine Aunts" Are Suicidally Depressed Alcoholics

Acetaldehyde is produced by the partial oxidation of ethanol in the human body. It is carcinogenic.

New Data Confirms "Cool Wine Aunts" Are Suicidally Depressed Alcoholics

This scene,or at least the beginning of it, sums it up pretty well...

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

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