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Sluts give back to the world

Sluts give back to the world

Quote: (11-14-2018 03:57 AM)BadBoyGamer Wrote:  

Quote:DonnyGately Wrote:

If you don't think there's a diff btw 2 girls, one aged 24 who's had 2 sexual partners, and one 24 or younger that has 20 a year

I never said there are no psychological effects.

What is the magical number?

At what point does a "good girl" turn into a "slut"?

Quote:DonnyGately Wrote:

Much of the point of Game is to turn that 'good girl' into your 'slut' for one night/weekend/etc. Get her to do things with you that she wouldn't do for anyone else.

First you say that being a "slut" is about the amount of sexual partners she has had. You even give some numbers to illustrate your point. But now you say something else. Now you state that a girl can be made into a slut by gaming or fucking her a certain way.

So a virgin can become a slut just by being fucked once?

Quote:DonnyGately Wrote:

This isn't even remotely debatable ...

You do not even have a proper definition for the word "slut" as I showed above.

But all this is besides the point. I believe that classifying girls into these fictional categories is harmfull for guys.

Some guys end up searching for this special "good girl" and get angry when they cannot find her.

Or even worse: they find this "good girl", marry her and then have a shitty sex life. Because the very moment she gives a blow job or something he considers her a "slut". Forcing her to always hide her sexuality.

Or as my best friend did. He calls every single girl who shows sexual interest in him a "slut". Because he believes only "sluts" show sexual interest. He married a fundamental Christian girl and thinks giving an hour long massage makes her horny.

So, perhaps this is worthy of some debate. Don't you think?

The word slut has a pretty clear definition (a promiscuous woman) and women who thoroughly qualify for said definition do exist. Just because there is some room for subjectivity in a word doesn't mean we should never use it. Should we never use the word fat because there is no universally agreed upon cut off point?

Given the reasonable stakes of a woman's sexual reputation, I agree that the word should be used judiciously (just a hunch that a girl has been with some guys shouldn't suffice). If you were present at a casual gang bang she hosted it is pretty clear cut.

Sluts give back to the world

I don't ever slut-shame, I think it's poor form for Gamers & like getting BJs in bar bathrooms. Nevertheless, a girl who bangs 20 guys a year, every year since she turned 16 is a slut, and a virgin is not, and to treat/game them the same way is an obvious error.

This is inarguable.

60% of kids are graduating HS as virgins now, sexual activity is way down from when we were that age. You can definitely find 19-20yr girls that have slept with one bf in college and that's it.

I don't think a girl with 2 partners is de facto 'better' than a girl with 20 like some here, the girl who is better for me is better for me and that's all I care about.

Sluts give back to the world

Quote: (11-14-2018 06:12 PM)DonnyGately Wrote:  

I don't ever slut-shame, I think it's poor form for Gamers & like getting BJs in bar bathrooms. Nevertheless, a girl who bangs 20 guys a year, every year since she turned 16 is a slut, and a virgin is not, and to treat/game them the same way is an obvious error.

Very true!

Quote: (11-14-2018 06:12 PM)DonnyGately Wrote:  

60% of kids are graduating HS as virgins now, sexual activity is way down from when we were that age. You can definitely find 19-20yr girls that have slept with one bf in college and that's it.
I don't think a girl with 2 partners is de facto 'better' than a girl with 20 like some here, the girl who is better for me is better for me and that's all I care about.

I can't really say that I believe more women are abstaining from sex in high school. We should all be dubious regarding any data relying on female self reporting and honesty.

What that said.... I have noticed 2 major trends. Younger women are hyper focused on fucking quality men. They are much more hypergamous than previous generations and significantly less Caucasian. That combines with a major decline in the quality of boys. There were a lot of solid boys when I was growing up. I can see that now despite the fact that I wasn't one of them. Many of the boys today are paralyzed with fear of sexual allegations... or just fear of doing something wrong. They are afraid to hit up girls in person, and now afraid to say something wrong digitally.

Regarding the number of dicks. I've been with enough women to know that the more dicks a woman has had... the less she is going to be happy with just one.

Sluts give back to the world

Quote:DonnyGately Wrote:

I don't ever slut-shame, I think it's poor form for Gamers & like getting BJs in bar bathrooms.


Quote:DonnyGately Wrote:

60% of kids are graduating HS as virgins now, sexual activity is way down from when we were that age.

Where do those numbers come from?

I cannot for the hell of me imagine a world where this number goes down. Girls are becoming sexual earlier and earlier. Now days I see 12 year old girls walk around in ways that are disturbing for that age. Seems like mothers are stmulating/teaching girls how to use their sexuality early on.

Boys however are an entirely different story. I feel sad for them.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

Sluts give back to the world

It really doesn't matter what you believe w/r/t the datayi or not.

And it was 60% of HS students, not 'of girls.'

Unless you think the boys are lying about....being virgins....when they're actually sexually experienced? Pretty sure it goes the other way.

In 26 years, the data shows virgins increasing from 46% to 60%, whether either number is off by a few percent, you're surveying the same kinds of teens, and the direction and magnitude is going to be the same, exactitude not required.

With such easy access to porn and vibrators over a quarter-century, is anyone really surprised? I had, literally, zero access to porn in college. I didn't even have a car to drive to a sex shop and buy some. But their were tons of pretty girls on campus so I didn't need it anyway.

Now imagine some non-alpha 18y kid, living somewhere colder, girls bodies are hidden most of the time and many more are not in shape compared to 25 years ago, but he can get incredible streaming pron of every variety on his phone [and the same goes for the shy girls]. No wonder they're banging less. Every single college girl I talk to has btw one vibrator and a large drawer full of them.

Sluts give back to the world

Getting data on sexuality is notoriously difficult. People do not speak the truth.

Obviously there be a lot of virgin boys around. A whole lot less virgin girls.

It will scare a lot of guys, to know about the things girls do at these young ages.

Only few select guys (the Chads) get to experience this.

Only three ways to do something: "The right way. The wrong way. Or my way. Obviously my way is best."

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