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Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Story developing.



At least 11 injured after gunman opens fire in club during college country night

two scoops
two genders
two terms

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub


Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Looks like the deep state can't get their scheduling right anymore.
The midterm elections are over.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

I don't care what the MSM-driven determination is for what counts as a mass shooting.

If there are less that three people dead then it doesn't count. At this rate, junior hosing a crowd with his airsoft rifles is going to waltz into the history books.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Well, I think we are up to double figures sadly. Some on twatter say as high as 30 but it's all unconfirmed so far. Been described as middle-eastern with a beard, but he's also been described as being White, who the fuck knows yet. Shot the security guard first, then turned on the kids.

It's not safe to be a country music fan now, what with this and Vegas (anyone remember Vegas?).

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

It's 11 confirmed for now.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

I hope the shooter wasn't on Twitter, otherwise that would mean Twitter would have to find a new host.......I mean, wouldn't it? Isn't that how this works nowadays?

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Already identified as a adult white male. Weapon used was a handgun

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub


"Several witnesses told TV stations that a tall man clad all in black with a hood and his face partly covered first shot at a bouncer working the door, then opened fire, seemingly at random, at the people inside."

Shaping up to be Antifa.

Those assholes entirely fill the legal definition of a terror group. The fact that they haven't been put on the appropriate lists thus far has been a dangerous gamble of political opportunism from Trump's administration, and it's regular people that are paying the price.

If this turns out to be Antifa then people are going to start losing faith that Trump is seriously interested in protecting the people who put him in office and suffer public slings and arrows for it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

It was also country western night at the bar.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub


....Great bravery shown by police. California Highway Patrol was on scene within 3 minutes, with first officer to enter shot numerous times. That Sheriff’s Sergeant died in the hospital. God bless all of the victims and families of the victims. Thank you to Law Enforcement.

I know it can be quite the warm climate at times.
Yet surely it's rather prudent to wear a ballistic vest at all times when on duty as a cop in CA...?

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

You can still get shot wearing a bullet proof best.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Just realized this is right around Elliot Rodger's old stomping grounds

two scoops
two genders
two terms

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Quote: (11-08-2018 06:41 AM)Richard Turpin Wrote:  

It's not safe to be a country music fan now, what with this and Vegas (anyone remember Vegas?).

I do. I've got the Stephen Paddock face mold here.

I've been post processing his lifelike CGI for the last 12 months on my PC, no cheap Chinese farm here!

All edited in Sony Vegas of course.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Quote: (11-08-2018 08:24 AM)Horus Wrote:  

You can still get shot wearing a bullet proof best.

Yes, even with those ballistic masks SF types may use, you can still get struck through the eyeball.
The idea is to mitigate risk as much as reasonably possible.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

I thought it was the religion of peace, or some other angry protected race because the media didn't release the race of the shooter on my end.

If this is indeed some white ANTIFA basement dweller, this is the first step to civil war as in blood on the streets civil war. Many of us knew for a long time that this is where we're headed. Unless Trump clamps down on these worthless NPCs, I welcome the inevitable.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

I've been to Borderline several times, and have friends who were there last night. As far as I can tell none of them were hurt.

I highly doubt this is politically motivated. While Borderline has more Trump supporters than a typical college-age party, most people there couldn't give a fuck about politics. Its a bunch of college kids getting drunk and dancing country music. There's a chance it is some jihadist Muslim, but I'd be surprised... Thousand Oaks is the middle of suburbia, just doesn't make sense for them to go there of all places.

I am almost certain that this is some fucking incel, who can't get laid and decided to take it out on everybody else. Borderline was notorious for having really attractive women, especially on Wednesdays, which is why it was worth the 40 min drive from LA. The scumbag probably went a few times, couldn't pull, and decided to take it out on everybody else.

Wish this fucker would've just killed himself.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Quote: (11-08-2018 09:13 AM)HornyRamone Wrote:  

I thought it was the religion of peace, or some other angry protected race because the media didn't release the race of the shooter on my end.

The MSM "whitened" the photos of the Irianian woman who shot up Youtube, George Zimmerman, and I think Cesar Sayoc. They'll have to release the guy's info eventually. In Canada they've really buried our mass killers' identities lately (last two were a Pakistani and an Armenian).

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Remember when the American left were hippies, preaching peace and love?

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Daily Mail is calling him a 'tattooed, trench-coat wearing, ex-marine'. White, 29 years old, named Ian Long;


‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

This piece of shit used a smoke screen before opening up. That's pretty messed up. But I'm not surprised at this shit anymore. As society becomes increasingly dysfunctional there will be more tragedies like this from people breaking.

Well there were students from a Christian university and it was country night? Clearly this is a gun control issue and Enough Is Enough. No Hate involved here. If it were literally any other group it'd be more rampant Hate in Trump's America. Look at the pictures, no protected classes involved here, so we know the narrative already.

Will be interesting to see the the if LA Kings raise money for the victims and sew patches of a hashtag on their jerseys and then sell them and then raise even more money with other NHL teams pitching in for the victims like the Pittsburgh Penguins did for that Jewish Synagogue. If this gets memory holed I'm gonna be irate. But I'm sure the LA Jewish community will rally around the Christians and conservatives who were targeted here.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

The problem is that white people are invariably the victims of these mass shootings. That will only accelerate the demographic slide we're currently experiencing.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

Anyplace where hot women congregate are going to be prime targets for Incel shooters. Hot yoga studios, gyms, bars, malls etc gonna get hit up more and more.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

As a centerist, I’ve been rediculing the left big time recently and am somewhat saddened by ‘Muh gay feminist black Muslim. has taken over the house. Soooooo progressive. But I garuntee Conservatives are gonna try to ignore the fact that this dude was a member of the armed forces.

Tweet already deleted.

Mass Shooting in CA Nightclub

I used to spend a bit of time out there. In case you aren't aware Thousand Oaks is a remote S.F. valley suburb mostly favored by the financially well off. More conservative compared with L.A. at least, so I'm not surprised that the shooter chose this location.

Well, this is one among many reasons why I chose to leave CA. Too many nutheads.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

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