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Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

I was born and raised in South America and my parents brought me here when I was young, now I am 33.

Here in the USA (most comfortable place on Earth) I have an excellent job which has allowed me to have an amazing life...I make good money, go on vacations often, and am saving half of everything I make, and I have nothing here tying me down.

I have dated all types of women here in America (black, asian, latina, white) and now my game is at its strongest. I am getting laid by good looking girls often.

At 33 I'm older and my looks are starting to fade and I know I want to be married and have kids sooner than later because I don't want to be an old husband/father. I don't really want the married with kids life but that is thinking in the short term, I need to think in the long term.

In my life I do important things with strategy and choosing a wife seems like it needs the most forethought. How does one choose a good wife? I think the best one for me is one from my country or at least from South America.

I think I am lucky because in my country I have family, life is cheap, I’ve been back almost every year I am comfortable there, I have easy access to woman there.

The current white girl I am dating is a young, tall, fit model type, even speaks good Spanish ...but her culture like a normal American girl's is white. I love white culture its maybe the best but in my home I want to speak Spanish and with Spanish speakers I connect at a deeper level than in English. I want a woman who understands my culture but latinas in America are trash compared to South American ones. Plus I can get date way hotter girls there than here.

I am wondering if I should do something crazy like quit for a year to move back home and get a quality wife.

I would lose years salary and for what…to maybe find decent wife?
I know I can get a job again in my field but never as good as before.
Is this kinda pathetic idea? Saying in America I can’t find a decent wife in the big city I live in now? Woman are crazy everywhere! Latinas in America suck compared to latinas in South America.

I have always wanted to go back home to take a year off climb glaciers, take trips to the Amazon, and have amazing adventures on the cheap because regardless of who I marry I know the party ends after.
I have saved enough where I don't have to work for a year.
It's worth one year of investment for a lifetime of wife ownership?

Advice from the this community is valued! Few people could help me with this other than you all, thanks

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

This is an interesting idea. I wish you the best of luck LF, and I'll be anxiously waiting to hear the feedback you get, as well as what happens with your plan in the future.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-05-2018 07:27 PM)LivingFossil Wrote:  

It's worth one year of investment for a lifetime of wife ownership?

[Image: tenor.gif]

What country are you from? It might be better to find the right girl down there but not bring her back to the States (it's well documented that even good traditional girl can absorb the negatives of our culture and become corrupt).

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Depends where you are looking for them what country.

In peru the woman are doing LABOR work lol. But the woman also are below average looking...
In a country like Colombia a lot of the woman are beautiful but they are entitled. the culture is to treat the woman good and have the woman look like a princess not cook clean etc. Which means instead of cooking they expect to be taken out to restaurants for meals... Etc. This is not wife material. It is good for arm candy. But after a few years their looks fade and they gain weight . good for short term relationships.. but they will get fat and still think they are entitled to be treated like a princess and not lift a finger

IF you want a wife material girl, you can go to asia. Iv had whores cook for me and fold my clothes for my suit case etc lol. well not actual whores but girls i met from the club and brought back with me .

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

It's a fine idea but you don't need a year. Take a one month leave of absence from your job which I'm sure will be rapturously granted once you explain the purpose. Prepare the ground by asking family and friends in your old country to look for suitable girls, to whom you would be introduced ahead of time. Once you're there you should be able to narrow down your focus to a few candidates within the first two weeks, and make your choice by the end of the month. Then you invite her to visit you in the US to seal the deal.

A month should be plenty of time if you plan ahead -- and if you still fail to find a suitable candidate after a month, it is likely that you would fare no better in a year. Might as well make the whole process as efficient as possible and keep your career on track.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-05-2018 07:27 PM)LivingFossil Wrote:  

I was born and raised in South America and my parents brought me here when I was young, now I am 33.

Here in the USA (most comfortable place on Earth) I have an excellent job which has allowed me to have an amazing life...I make good money, go on vacations often, and am saving half of everything I make, and I have nothing here tying me down.

I have dated all types of women here in America (black, asian, latina, white) and now my game is at its strongest. I am getting laid by good looking girls often.

At 33 I'm older and my looks are starting to fade and I know I want to be married and have kids sooner than later because I don't want to be an old husband/father. I don't really want the married with kids life but that is thinking in the short term, I need to think in the long term.

In my life I do important things with strategy and choosing a wife seems like it needs the most forethought. How does one choose a good wife? I think the best one for me is one from my country or at least from South America.

I think I am lucky because in my country I have family, life is cheap, I’ve been back almost every year I am comfortable there, I have easy access to woman there.

The current white girl I am dating is a young, tall, fit model type, even speaks good Spanish ...but her culture like a normal American girl's is white. I love white culture its maybe the best but in my home I want to speak Spanish and with Spanish speakers I connect at a deeper level than in English. I want a woman who understands my culture but latinas in America are trash compared to South American ones. Plus I can get date way hotter girls there than here.

I am wondering if I should do something crazy like quit for a year to move back home and get a quality wife.

I would lose years salary and for what…to maybe find decent wife?
I know I can get a job again in my field but never as good as before.
Is this kinda pathetic idea? Saying in America I can’t find a decent wife in the big city I live in now? Woman are crazy everywhere! Latinas in America suck compared to latinas in South America.

I have always wanted to go back home to take a year off climb glaciers, take trips to the Amazon, and have amazing adventures on the cheap because regardless of who I marry I know the party ends after.
I have saved enough where I don't have to work for a year.
It's worth one year of investment for a lifetime of wife ownership?

Advice from the this community is valued! Few people could help me with this other than you all, thanks

Hello new member, you reveal everything needed in your post, and it's all about you not the women. Your homework is to read Duke Main's story.

Your proposed solution is to give up your frame. If you don't know what that means there are many posts, it means your unmovable position as a man. This pursuit is prima facie becoming a man who is pedestaling a woman who does not exist, instead of making life better where you are.

The best women anywhere want a man with his shit together so your plan to get a woman is to become a backpacker and consume your savings?

It sounds like you want a character actor instead of a wife. You are 33 and haven't moved beyond the 7th grade generalizations, white, model, latin, crazy, old.

Can you think of a better plan?

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Note: I am not married, so grain of salt and all of that.

I have a close friend who basically limped through life until he hit 30. He failed at school, didn't really have a job, and was a general loser. He had a mental breakdown of sorts at 30 and turned his whole life around.

Now, he is a successful guy. Parents of guys from our old school are frequently commenting that they hope their kid turns out like him. But, just a few short years ago, I wouldn't have lent the guy $20.

And so it has been for a number of men that I know. I made a complete shift in my career just a few years ago, and I'm doing great.

But, that is on the business/financial/professional side of things. A guy can generally turn it around.

Not so much on the personal side.

I have seen countless men destroyed by divorce and bad marriages. Sometimes it's just something you don't bounce back from. You lose your nest egg. You're forced to pay an allowance for the rest of your life. You never see your kids, or if you do they hate you. Not much of a life.

If you want to get married and have kids, your choice of wife will likely affect your life more than a temporary blip in the employment record. That's how I'm approaching the same problem. Personally, I would be willing not only to look overseas. I would be willing to, and have looked in to, moving to another country permanently. There is a paucity of options (as goes women) in many places. And even where the women exist, there is often a culture deadly to proper family life and childrearing.

Brass tacks. In the current global economy, a man might have twenty jobs in his life. If you end up with more than one wife (allowing for widowers and Muslims), you have made a serious error at some point.

I'd do it.

Currently out of office.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Maybe? A lot of it is going to depend on what exactly your homeland is. In Uruguay or Argentina even if you get a job in your field your quality of life is going to painfully decline if you only have a year's worth of savings. Further north you might have a chance, especially if your parents and family have high social status.

Quote: (11-05-2018 10:00 PM)TravelingBodybuilder Wrote:  

Depends where you are looking for them what country.

In peru the woman are doing LABOR work lol. But the woman also are below average looking...
In a country like Colombia a lot of the woman are beautiful but they are entitled. the culture is to treat the woman good and have the woman look like a princess not cook clean etc. Which means instead of cooking they expect to be taken out to restaurants for meals... Etc. This is not wife material. It is good for arm candy. But after a few years their looks fade and they gain weight . good for short term relationships.. but they will get fat and still think they are entitled to be treated like a princess and not lift a finger

IF you want a wife material girl, you can go to asia. Iv had whores cook for me and fold my clothes for my suit case etc lol. well not actual whores but girls i met from the club and brought back with me .

It is impossible to emphasize enough how much country matters.

If you want hot girls raised in a high class families, the Venezualan diaspora has scattered good Venezolanas all over. If you are willing and able to pick up Portuguese, Southern Brasil has some gems. Argentina offers potential super model looks at the expense of girls raised in an absolutely broken culture, and Uruguay offers similar with a bit more humility. Peru offers very traditional girls capable of just as much dedication as Asia, but the indigenous look isn't for everyone (and the whiter girls will be as entitled as anywhere).

Maybe stretch out your timeline and take some shorter trips. Give yourself some room to not make any panic decisions. Maybe set a window of 35-40 to acquire a wife. 40 means you'll be about 60 when you get your first kid's high school graduation, and 60 is an age where if you take care of yourself, you can still be very physically capable.

If you bring value to your employer you can likely negotiate a month or several (unpaid) month long leaves of absence in the name of personal enrichment. If you are at a big corp, cheat the system by starting at the hr or diversity office about your desire to connect with your culture at a deeper level. This is a gamble, but you may be able to come back to the same job and level of income. Usually these departments are stacked against men, but if you can play them for your advantage go for it. Disfruta the irony in the crew set up to oppressing men helping you find a traditional wife because you short circuited their script.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-05-2018 10:25 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Hello new member, you reveal everything needed in your post, and it's all about you not the women. Your homework is to read Duke Main's story.

Your proposed solution is to give up your frame. If you don't know what that means there are many posts, it means your unmovable position as a man. This pursuit is prima facie becoming a man who is pedestaling a woman who does not exist, instead of making life better where you are.

The best women anywhere want a man with his shit together so your plan to get a woman is to become a backpacker and consume your savings?

It sounds like you want a character actor instead of a wife. You are 33 and haven't moved beyond the 7th grade generalizations, white, model, latin, crazy, old.

Can you think of a better plan?

^ I second that. The likelihood of finding a partner that ends up being the right one comes unexpectedly when you're aggressively chasing those other fine pursuits in life (insert whatever).

What else makes you tick outside of just enjoying the comforts of your native culture & merely finding a suitable LTR?

If you haven't found "the one" yet, maybe it's a great idea to take on other:
A) side business ventures,
B) new hobbies,
C) travel to new destinations outside of the bubbles you've been exposed to.

^(I have a lot of married friends who WISH they could do any of the following above but are handcuffed by their situation obviously).

I once again have to agree with OTR bc you still have a LOT to experience in life outside of drifting back to your roots and/or finding a suitable LTR.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-06-2018 12:54 AM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2018 10:25 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Hello new member, you reveal everything needed in your post, and it's all about you not the women. Your homework is to read Duke Main's story.

Your proposed solution is to give up your frame. If you don't know what that means there are many posts, it means your unmovable position as a man. This pursuit is prima facie becoming a man who is pedestaling a woman who does not exist, instead of making life better where you are.

The best women anywhere want a man with his shit together so your plan to get a woman is to become a backpacker and consume your savings?

It sounds like you want a character actor instead of a wife. You are 33 and haven't moved beyond the 7th grade generalizations, white, model, latin, crazy, old.

Can you think of a better plan?

^ I second that. The likelihood of finding a partner that ends up being the right one comes unexpectedly when you're aggressively chasing those other fine pursuits in life (insert whatever).

What else makes you tick outside of just enjoying the comforts of your native culture & merely finding a suitable LTR?

If you haven't found "the one" yet, maybe it's a great idea to take on other:
A) side business ventures,
B) new hobbies,
C) travel to new destinations outside of the bubbles you've been exposed to.

^(I have a lot of married friends who WISH they could do any of the following above but are handcuffed by their situation obviously).

I once again have to agree with OTR bc you still have a LOT to experience in life outside of drifting back to your roots and/or finding a suitable LTR.

Totally disagree with both of the above.

Man is a hunter, we chase what we want, and we conquer it.

To chase money/professional upgrades in the hopes that it will lead to a quality woman, especially in the West, is completely off base. If you want to chase money and professional upgrades, by all means do so, but the correlation between success in that area and success with women is very weak in the West nowadays. Sure, if you become a rap star or movie star, this success will translate, but let's be real, 99.9999% of people will not become rap starts or movie stars. Living in a fantasy land where we dole out advice based on that best case scenario is silly.

If you follow their advice, most likely you will achieve some money/professional success. You will also be older by the time that happens, offsetting most, or all, or more than, the gains achieved.

To put the situation in layman's terms, in the West you're better off being unemployed and having a great instagram account than working 60 hours a week, having a fat bank account, and having a law degree, in terms of what it will do for you in regards to meeting women, both of low and high quality.

Work on yourself if you want, definitely, it's a magnificent pursuit, but in no way will it compensate, for 99.9999% of us anyhow, for the losses you incur in this area by staying in the West longer.

One of the posters mentioned how "finding the right one comes unexpectedly," and he's correct in a way, if you were a gay bottom or a woman, this could happen. You can just go for walks and "the right one" can notice your great ass or aesthetic face and come unexpectedly, maybe right on that great ass or aesthetic face. As a man, however, this notion is absurd. The right one will not come along in some freak event, for most of us anyhow, even if you are good looking, and that means if you want a quality girl, you have to actively prioritize the search for that girl.

If you're looking for a girl that's fairly commonly found, then the above advice is actually fine, and I think that's at the core of the divergence in thought in threads like this. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a virgin or low partner count girl from a two parent family who doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't do drugs, has no tattoos, is bright, and is kind and still able to trust 100%, then that search needs to be prioritized if you want a shot at success. Those women simply don't exist in the West in large enough numbers to make finding them by happenstance feasible. Focused action is required for those girls. For damaged women, promiscuous women, single moms, older women, tattooed women, yes, for them, take the advice of the posters above, absolutely, don't prioritize women over career/money if that's the kind of women you consort with.

And on the off chance that either of the posters above did secure a quality woman by following their own advice, then I'm happy for their good fortune, but that good fortune would be the exception, not the rule.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

^I'm speaking from personal experience in terms of the "serious flings" I've had.

Men should indeed pro-actively gravitate towards the things, individuals, and experiences that they perceive will bring the most value into their lives...or as you put it "hunt" because it's indeed in our nature.

In terms of OTR mentioning "frame," women can absolutely sense weakness in a man if he's pursuing them in order to compensate for this "empty feeling" that sits inside of him.

Even the most successful & well accomplished individuals will eventually feel "stagnant" as trying to find this one imaginary companion isn't going to resolve whatever emptiness sits inside of them.

OP sounds like a well-rounded person who's experienced some great things in life but to settle for this imaginary partner bc he apparently "knows it all" is a misleading mindset.

Also, I never suggested that "staying in the west" is the best or only solution. OTR & I are pretty big travelers that speak multiple languages as we're giving insight that's based on our experiences.

Whenever you go out & try something new whether it's a pursuit (leisurely or business) or a new travel destination, it opens your world towards new possibilities.

This shouldn't be an oversimplified choice A or choice B scenario that OP is limiting his options to as the possibilities for him are much more extensive than that.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

I didn't really read your post or any of the replies.

If the worst thing that can happen is that you need to return and get another job.

Why the hell would you not do it

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-06-2018 02:07 AM)Brosemite Wrote:  

^I'm speaking from personal experience in terms of the "serious flings" I've had.

Men should indeed pro-actively gravitate towards the things, individuals, and experiences that they perceive will bring the most value into their lives...or as you put it "hunt" because it's indeed in our nature.

In terms of OTR mentioning "frame," women can absolutely sense weakness in a man if he's pursuing them in order to compensate for this "empty feeling" that sits inside of him.

Agreed, yeah, although OP could lie about his reasons for travel in order to get past this particular issue. It could also be framed in a romantic way in certain countries and it could pass muster or even be a positive.

"I'm traveling the world searching for the love of my life...because, as my father once said, what is life without a great Love?"

^^ If you're coming from a place of truth, that angle can get panties wet in certain cultures, especially if you also have your act together.

Quote: (11-06-2018 02:07 AM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Even the most successful & well accomplished individuals will eventually feel "stagnant" as trying to find this one imaginary companion isn't going to resolve whatever emptiness sits inside of them.

OP sounds like a well-rounded person who's experienced some great things in life but to settle for this imaginary partner bc he apparently "knows it all" is a misleading mindset.

These women aren't imaginary, though. They're just rare in the West. They do exist, though, and it's a reason why a large amount of the forum's members are immigrants, including Roosh. In a way, we're looking for a woman that will treat us as well as our mothers treated our fathers.

On the other hand, for many of the non-immigrant members of the forum, they may never have experienced or been in the presence of that kind of love from a woman to a man, or of unconditional love from a mother to a son. Granted, even these quality women will not give us, their partners, unconditional love, there are duties we must perform to keep their love. However, if we fulfill our roles correctly, they will give us something close to unconditional love, and our children will actually get it, all of it, unconditional love. I knew a guy whose mother ruined his credit by writing hot checks in his name when he was young. Another whose mother blames all of her failings on Republicans, and spends most of her days doing so. Another whose mother, after he spent a year in Europe and was home for a few days, couldn't wait for him to leave so that she could put his room up for rent. She said hello to him when he walked in after his year-long absence. No hug, no kiss, no "tell me what you've been up to for a year." Two white women and one black woman. All three native-born American women. Many guys in America don't have fathers and spend the first 18 years of their lives hearing their mother insult their fathers, who in many cases left their mother because she's an ugly person on the inside.

So I completely understand where guys come from when they use the word "imaginary" when referring to these women. They don't believe they exist, and it's easy to see why. And it's very unfortunate.

There's a saying, "pick your parents wisely, it's the most important decision you'll never make." We can't. And that random outcome in regards to who raised us impacts us every day of our lives, even after our parents are no longer raising us, and even after they are no longer with us.

So much so that some guys will think these women are imaginary.

They are not imaginary.

And they are priceless.

The best gift a man could ever give his sons and daughters is a great mother, and the search for one is well worth it, even to the temporary de-prioritization of a few other areas of life.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

What did you mean when you said Argentinian women are broken?

Also how about Brazilian and Chile women?

Also where do you find Venezuelan women now that they are scattered.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-05-2018 07:27 PM)LivingFossil Wrote:  

I was born and raised in South America and my parents brought me here when I was young, now I am 33.

Here in the USA (most comfortable place on Earth) I have an excellent job which has allowed me to have an amazing life...I make good money, go on vacations often, and am saving half of everything I make, and I have nothing here tying me down.

I have dated all types of women here in America (black, asian, latina, white) and now my game is at its strongest. I am getting laid by good looking girls often.

At 33 I'm older and my looks are starting to fade and I know I want to be married and have kids sooner than later because I don't want to be an old husband/father. I don't really want the married with kids life but that is thinking in the short term, I need to think in the long term.

In my life I do important things with strategy and choosing a wife seems like it needs the most forethought. How does one choose a good wife? I think the best one for me is one from my country or at least from South America.

I think I am lucky because in my country I have family, life is cheap, I’ve been back almost every year I am comfortable there, I have easy access to woman there.

The current white girl I am dating is a young, tall, fit model type, even speaks good Spanish ...but her culture like a normal American girl's is white. I love white culture its maybe the best but in my home I want to speak Spanish and with Spanish speakers I connect at a deeper level than in English. I want a woman who understands my culture but latinas in America are trash compared to South American ones. Plus I can get date way hotter girls there than here.

I am wondering if I should do something crazy like quit for a year to move back home and get a quality wife.

I would lose years salary and for what…to maybe find decent wife?
I know I can get a job again in my field but never as good as before.
Is this kinda pathetic idea? Saying in America I can’t find a decent wife in the big city I live in now? Woman are crazy everywhere! Latinas in America suck compared to latinas in South America.

I have always wanted to go back home to take a year off climb glaciers, take trips to the Amazon, and have amazing adventures on the cheap because regardless of who I marry I know the party ends after.
I have saved enough where I don't have to work for a year.
It's worth one year of investment for a lifetime of wife ownership?

Advice from the this community is valued! Few people could help me with this other than you all, thanks

Your reason for moving abroad is bad. By sating that you want to quit your job to find a latina wife back home, you making a women the focus of your life and not complimentary. And a women can smell that like shark smells blood in the water when a guys main focus is her and not his own goals.

Instead of moving back home to find a wife, perhaps try to find other reasons to move. Some do it as a business move, some do it because they tired of the feminist propoganda taking over daily life. The important thing is that you do it for your own interest.

Once you are that guy who focuses on his own goals, it becomes easier for you to attract women, and you can then choose the one that suits your need.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

@OP, try to focus less on finding a wife abroad and try to focus on:
1) which place/weather would suit you the most (example: If you like big cities with no rain Lima is good for you, if you prefer colder weather and smaller cities the South of Chile might be good etc)
2) would your abilities be helping you to find at least a part-time job easily? If not is an online job an option for you? (i suggest freelancer, always worked out great for me)
3) would you like to do an online business, if yes try to read A LOT in the next months, if the answer is no consider creating a company in the place you go to and read their laws (dry I know, but essential)
4) if the previous points are all cleared, you might be able to jump from one part of Latin America to another part (from Lima it is easy to get to Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico, Panama, Bolivia even Paraguay). If you find a potential wife material it would make much more sense to bring her from let's say Colombia to Peru.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-05-2018 07:27 PM)LivingFossil Wrote:  

I have an excellent job which has allowed me to have an amazing life... I make good money, go on vacations often, and am saving half of everything I make, and I have nothing here tying me down.

Looks like you're financially in a decent place. However, I would advise against leaving the "excellent" job, for any reason, unless you have another source of income lined up that can cover your living expenses and investments. Why not take a few months to build up some side businesses, freelance gigs, and/or investments that can sustain you irrespective of your job and location?

Quote: (11-05-2018 07:27 PM)LivingFossil Wrote:  

At 33 I'm older and my looks are starting to fade and I know I want to be married and have kids sooner than later because I don't want to be an old husband/father. I don't really want the married with kids life but that is thinking in the short term, I need to think in the long term.

Looks starting to fade at 33? As far as I know, this shouldn't be the case. You should be in your prime for 2-5 years more. Better search in this forum to help you out with it.

You don't want the "married with kids life" and yet want kids? Why force it upon yourself then? Oh, you're scared you'll end up as an old father because you "have" to have kids. You're on the path to fucking up your kids with this mindset.

Quote: (11-05-2018 07:27 PM)LivingFossil Wrote:  

The current white girl I am dating is a young, tall, fit model type, even speaks good Spanish ...but her culture like a normal American girl's is white. I love white culture its maybe the best but in my home, I want to speak Spanish and with Spanish speakers I connect at a deeper level than in English. I want a woman who understands my culture but latinas in America are trash compared to South American ones. Plus I can get date way hotter girls there than here.

Can't she learn Spanish and your culture? Tell her your viewpoint about it. You get your preferred white and a Spanish-speaking girl. If a man is worth it, the girl will change herself to fit into his life. Think of water filling a glass, mug, and bucket etc. by taking their shapes.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-06-2018 02:24 AM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

These women aren't imaginary, though. They're just rare in the West. They do exist, though, and it's a reason why a large amount of the forum's members are immigrants, including Roosh. In a way, we're looking for a woman that will treat us as well as our mothers treated our fathers.

Ok I get what you mean. Surprisingly, there might be some of these women in the "west" as well.

OP seems to think that his parents country is the ONLY place he can find suitable wife material. Coming from a guy who's parents are first gen immigrants too, I'd have to disagree with that notion.

I'd be cheating myself horribly if just assuming that the ONLY place I could find suitable wife material would be my parents home country in Asia.

That's why I've spent much time learning new languages from different parts of the world and visiting new countries within Asia & mainly other continents to open my mind towards "new possibilities."

They say the best education you can get is a mixture of A) work B) in class and C) travel experiences.

I'd have to agree with that completely because my extensive travel experiences have given me a better idea of how to calibrate what I should be looking for in terms of things like friendship, dating, or possible LTR material.

Once again, this isn't an oversimplified close-ended question of:
A) Woman in west
B) Woman in OP's home country

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

The top notch, high quality, upper-class, pretty Latinas are in Miami. Why not look there?

A Latina in Miami will be exposed to some American culture (even though Miami feels like another country) and she would not be a FOB girl that would need complete adjustment to living in the U.S.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-06-2018 02:27 AM)Quays2 Wrote:  

What did you mean when you said Argentinian women are broken?

Also how about Brazilian and Chile women?

Also where do you find Venezuelan women now that they are scattered.

The people of Argentina are culturally broken. High ego, low motivation, and not particularly good cooks. Alien sense of humor.

Brasileras hard to pigeonhole because Brasil is a big country with very pronounced regional differences. I haven't met too many Chileñas.

You tend to find Venezolanas scattered just about everywhere, but mostly in capital cities. Generally the sooner they got out the higher status their family was back home.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

I'm surprised that OPs' looks are fading at 33.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Quote: (11-06-2018 01:48 AM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

If you're looking for a girl that's fairly commonly found, then the above advice is actually fine, and I think that's at the core of the divergence in thought in threads like this. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a virgin or low partner count girl from a two parent family who doesn't drink alcohol, doesn't do drugs, has no tattoos, is bright, and is kind and still able to trust 100%, then that search needs to be prioritized if you want a shot at success. Those women simply don't exist in the West in large enough numbers to make finding them by happenstance feasible. Focused action is required for those girls. For damaged women, promiscuous women, single moms, older women, tattooed women, yes, for them, take the advice of the posters above, absolutely, don't prioritize women over career/money if that's the kind of women you consort with.

And on the off chance that either of the posters above did secure a quality woman by following their own advice, then I'm happy for their good fortune, but that good fortune would be the exception, not the rule.

Quote: (11-06-2018 11:39 AM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (11-06-2018 02:24 AM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

These women aren't imaginary, though. They're just rare in the West. They do exist, though, and it's a reason why a large amount of the forum's members are immigrants, including Roosh. In a way, we're looking for a woman that will treat us as well as our mothers treated our fathers.

Ok I get what you mean. Surprisingly, there might be some of these women in the "west" as well.

OP seems to think that his parents country is the ONLY place he can find suitable wife material. Coming from a guy who's parents are first gen immigrants too, I'd have to disagree with that notion.

I'd be cheating myself horribly if just assuming that the ONLY place I could find suitable wife material would be my parents home country in Asia.

That's why I've spent much time learning new languages from different parts of the world and visiting new countries within Asia & mainly other continents to open my mind towards "new possibilities."

They say the best education you can get is a mixture of A) work B) in class and C) travel experiences.

I'd have to agree with that completely because my extensive travel experiences have given me a better idea of how to calibrate what I should be looking for in terms of things like friendship, dating, or possible LTR material.

Once again, this isn't an oversimplified close-ended question of:
A) Woman in west
B) Woman in OP's home country

I agree with this line of thinking.

I'm also an immigrant to the U.S. (or, I was, but that's another story). So, I completely understand the drive to consider women from the "ancestral home". And, in some cases, it can make a lot of sense. On the other hand, it is true that a small number of these women exist in places like the U.S.

I look at it like a Venn Diagram. Some of the circles might be (as said) low/no sexual history, solid extended family, religious/philosophical/political values are pro-family, younger, not career driven, etc. As you go to places like the U.S., those circles get pulled further apart. Feweer and fewer women will fit the bill. But, the U.S. has a massive population. So, if you are talking about 3% of the population, that is still millions and millions of people.

But then, as I am always going on about, you have to consider the domain. This might be the country or region or, even, an ethnic group. Whatever culture the girl is stewing in will be key. And, that is where you can run in to a set of problems that exist in the U.S., but will be minimized or absent in other places.

The first is the most obvious and often mentioned - what happens if you bring the girl to the U.S.? Does she become "Americanized". No bueno.

Apart from that, there is the consideration of what you are willing to give up or put up with for a girl. The best example I can think of is the religious girl. I know a number of almost 10s that are 23-28 and would love to get married. The catch: they are insanely religious. It is the most important thing in their lives. Full stop. That's it. If you want in, you will not only have to marry them, you will have to sign up for church/temple/whatever five days a week, and helping out all the time, for free. You have to sign up for no TV in the house. No normal internet usage. And, don't you dare get caught looking at porn. Most men don't want to go that far, even if the wife they get ticks all the boxes.

The issue is that the larger culture in the U.S. makes women like this rather rare outside of certain religious communities.

Such is not the case in other countries. There are many, many countries in the world in which "quality women" or "good girls" or whatever are a product of cultural control, not religious control. Women in these places can be more "normal" - as in, not super religious - while also ticking most if not all of the other boxes.

This is why I supported OPs idea in my first post. At the very least, I think that seeing more quality women in another country can give you that taste for what is possible and what you should and shouldn't settle for.

Currently out of office.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Yeah I don't think a woman from the ancestral motherland by default should be automatic either.

Do your due diligence because I've had relatives who were subsequently divorce raped in that situation too.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

A man who leaves money to chase a woman will end up with neither.

Should I quit my job to find a latina wife in my homeland in South America?

Wow, thank yall for responding.

Ill respond to what some have said....

I dont wanna say what country I'm from, but I have traveled all over SA and know very well the differences in the woman I'd say I know this better than most people, mostly like all over the world its a lot is about big city vrs small town.

I do plan on moving back to SA in sometime but, the best place to make money is USA not SA, I must bring her back. I should tell you I do know some Christian Americans that have met SA girls in churches, were girls are down to marry fast, and they have had good long marriages here in the USA.

Honestly I dont know what I want in a wife....this is such a hard question! Feminine, hard working, not a career chaser, good mother, good genetics, similar principals as me.

Ive gone to SA for months at a time for several years....Ive had long distance friends but if there is no chance of my staying there I doesnt really work....it can be done but I think to it right one year is better than a few months

I have never had my life so together, I live way too comfortable here. I got it all but it gets boring. I not gonna say I am busy shooing away models but I only have time for one or two dates a week and I have more than enough decent woman. My game is good I think I do very good for a SA man in America, I think I have an advantage actually. Few SA males in America that are educated, not broke, and lift.

Ive date tons of Asian chicks, family and friends always made fun of me for my yellow fever...it took like a decade but I am FINALLY over it hahaha. I love Asian girls but I just don't wanna share my DNA with them...as in kids.

What's wrong with dating model type girls? That's what I was programmed to like, but as I speak to older men all over the world they tell me about the burden of having a good looking gf/wife....many say its not work it....especially older Colombian men. I think men like woman get jadded by bad experiences, I ve met sooo many American men who beg me to never marry. I'm half convinced but having a wife and kids seems like most "natural" think to do, and in SA and if my family if you dont do it there must be something wrong with your brain or you are gay...thought I have older cousins who stick to pets.

I have been saving half of every paycheck for the last five years. I can easily afford to take a year off and not work, especially if I am at my home in SA where everything is cheap. Here in America live as if I was in SA....cheap with few possessions. I would not need to work while in SA. Id travel for part of the time. I just know that my great job will not be here for me a year later, but I know I can get a decent job very easily in my field when I get back. In fact I don't know if I wanna come back to my USA hometown anyways. I am thinking if I quit it will be July 2019.

My looks are fading at 33! That doesn't matter to the woman, I am still good looking enough and am very confident. I just said that to say I see I am ageing and should take action. Humans were meant to live only to about 40 or 50 civilization is just like a zoo where all animals have record life spans. In SA I can easily date a quality early 20s girls and people would be good with it, my whole family in SA is always trying to hook me up with hot 20 year olds, and Ive dated several but I keep coming back to the USA so whats the point.

All I know is I have been very lucky to have my foot in two worlds USA and SA and see how relationships and woman are in both I am very lucky that I can go between both worlds easier that almost anyone. I just think the responsible thing to go is when I am ready to go the place that matches what I most want. That being said American woman from smaller towns are not that bad. I live in big city, all the woman I date are way too educated, want to keep living in the city, and are career chasers, I actually like meeting less educated woman. Dating doctors, lawyers or girls who make six figures means nothing to me, I am more interested their ratios, principals and non professional passions.

Thanks you for your time, I really think few people can give me good feedback like y'all.

One question:
In order to bring a girl to the USA from SA do I have to legally marry her in a way she could divorce rape me? Can I just marry her in SA to avoid that?

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