Never understood people's dislike of them. Always had one on our farm when younger, killing mice and leaving gifts for us out of them at the front. They're minature killing machines/tigers that have the decency to actually cover their shit (rare in the animal world). They're clean and groomed. They're also the masters of self amusement (as I like to be, totally self generated and absorbed, yet still curious about the world, very direct as well)
As gay as this sounds, the times I acted like a cat, was the times women were most into be. Dogs are fine, but are loyal to the point where they can get abused and still won't leave and are always telling you want to want to hear, and needy. Lile I'm being conned, like he would give to anybody regardless, not much of a personal connection. All of the affection is ironically a bit impersonal. Dogs are escapism.
Cats have dynamic personalities even within the course of a few minutes, some incredible, some nasty, but they won't tell you want to hear, cats are the real world and I like the real world and I want to see. They're independent. The best animal I ever had was a tomcat that all the upsides of a dog with none of the downsides. He'd wait at the bottom of the lane everyday on the school bus drop me off and he's walk me up. He was the most fascinating pet you could have, and a joy to have. He made me his bitch and I loved it
He'd sit on the chimney pot of our house and survey the rural landscape like a king on his throne.
A Reddit red pill post summarised it well:
Want affection(rare) on their own terms
Demand affection when they are distracted with something important. (are you reading reddit with the cat crossing in front of your screen, only to ignore you when YOU are ready to pet it?)
You serve ME, I do not serve you attitude.
I go out to prowl...but I come home. I prowl, it is what I do.
I do what I want.
Your goal should only be to feed me what I want and when I want.
I'll bring you dead animals once in a while (gifts that aren't wanted but impose a "it's the thought that counts" admiration)
Cuddle when YOU want, cut it short, then bounce.
Indifference mildly peppered with punctuated affection (to keep interest).
The only interaction you get is when you play with me (sex)
Being a dog will get you killed in the end in this world, it takes a cat to survive.