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Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-28-2018 02:49 AM)PhDstudent Wrote:  

There are two types of idiots, the one who thinks that everything is a conspiracy and the other one who thinks that there is no conspiracy.

There was a drill in January and guess what, who, and where?

Active shooter drill planned for Thursday night in Squirrel Hill, Darlington Road to close
Emily Balser
Emily Balser | Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

Pittsburgh and Allegheny County police along with the FBI will hold an active shooter drill Thursday night in Squirrel Hill.

The drill will take place from 8 p.m. to midnight at the Jewish Community Center, 5738 Forbes Ave.

Darlington Road will be closed from St. Edmund's Way to Murray Avenue.

Residents may notice a large police presence in the area.

The exercise is closed to the public and the media.

The exercise is to ensure the area is prepared and ready to respond in an active shooter situation. The exercise will include apprehending a shooter, evacuations and treating victims at the scene.

At least 50 volunteers from the Squirrel Hill community and the Jewish Community Center staff will serve as role players for the exercise.

I did some googling. Only two cities had an active shooter drill involving the FBI and a Jewish center. One of those cities was later attacked for real. What a huge coincidence.

[Image: attachment.jpg40486]   

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

The shooter's Gab account was also created in January.

[Image: attachment.jpg40487]   

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

The FBI held their active shooter drill only 0.6 miles from where yesterday's shooting took place.

[Image: attachment.jpg40488]   

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

One month ago, the Senate received a bill to combat "anti-Semitism". I have a feeling this bill will be easily passed!

[Image: attachment.jpg40489]   

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

The average victim age: 74. The shooter exclaimed "All Jews must die", but apparently not ones who have a full life ahead of them.

[Image: attachment.jpg40490]   

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Having read a little bit of history, this much is obvious:

At a certain point during a big decline phase, the powers that be say "fuck it" and start going all in on naked power grabs.

We aren't there yet, but we are getting really close. They're shutting down websites and speakers on the flimsiest pretexts, banning books, etc.

I think deep down, Trump knows there are limits to what he can realistically accomplish. Even if he successfully exposed the deep state, it would result in a total collapse in confidence in the government at both a national and local levels (deep state police depts in a lot of big cities).

Trump can buy us time, but that's all he can do. They will engage in ridiculous, obvious frauds moving forward, and I wouldn't be shocked at all if they just started rigging votes without bothering to hide it too much.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

[quote='Roosh' pid='1876590' dateline='1540739829']
The FBI held their active shooter drill only 0.6 miles from where yesterday's shooting took place.

This is really happening. I am not huge on conspiracy, but what are the odds.

You could actually calculate it. Running some regressions.
Number of mass shootings per year.
How many drills a year with active shooter per year.
Number of places in the United States prone to active shooter situations (i.e. high schools, universities, theaters, churches, mosques, synagogues...).

The line "all jews must die" sounds also so retarded, probably to make everyone watching CNN to not interpret the motive in any other ways.

On another note, I would recommend to not post that on Twitter like you did, it could be a death sentence like GAB.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-27-2018 08:43 PM)BlueMark Wrote:  

Quote:johnnyvee Wrote:

What`s the point of living in a society where you have to carry a gun in order to feel safe? No real trust in your fellow man! I really don`t get that attitude at all. Having the right is one thing, having the need for it is another. Austria and Hungary have both been successful in halting immigration as an example. That`s what I`m talking about. A real solution.

America used to be a high-trust society where
1. People could leave their doors unlocked.
2. Kids could stand by the road and shoot tin cans in the field with a rifle, and no passers-by would freak out.

That ship has already sailed.


What you get for giving in to demands of more security however is not the independent man defending himself. (Which is not that bad.) You will get more law enforcement/surveillance/totalitarian Government. As I said, just give them half a chance...maybe some of those Boston dynamic Terminator drones also, in due time.

Nobody in America would consider private security (either individuals being armed or hiring professional guards) to be a slippery slope toward a totalitarian state.

If anything, calls for more private security and calls more government security come from different sides of the political aisle.

-Saying that the ship has sailed is like saying that the US that used to exist is gone forever. Fair enough if that`s what you think, but you`re implying that we will get a multiracial, dystopian, conflict/civil war laden future from this point. Instead of adapting, we need to go to the source of the problem.

-The same people who call for more private security are often very pro police and military. Which are after all Government branches.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-27-2018 07:53 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2018 07:20 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2018 07:00 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2018 05:13 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2018 04:57 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

You need to go look at the migrant invasion of europe thread immediately.

The implied issues I mentioned would be just those things. But you don`t solve that by making the whole land more controlled and surveyed all the time. That`s how you lose your freedom. This is not the wild west we`re talking about. If you ask Government for more control, they will be extremely happy to comply. This is a false narrative/Hegelian dialectic type trap. Let the migrants in>more violence etc>less freedom/extraordinary measures. (As far as Europe is concerned.)

Also, even though I`m not a particularly religious man, armed guards at a church seems a bit absurd again. What happened to; turn the other cheek. I don`t think good old (((Jesus))) would approve of that.

This is a gross misunderstanding of the Bible and what it teaches. You have a right to protect yourself and follow the laws of the land that allow you to defend yourself.

Sounds like you either did not study the Bible enough or you allowed someone to paint a picture that Jesus is some granola eating hippy that would never defend himself, respect law and order, or his own people if it ever came down to it. If anything NOT properly defending your own families actually puts a generational CURSE on your lives, which is notoriously difficult to break.

Oh boy, that`s a debate I`ve been through many times before. It always ends you with bible quotations being flung back and forth.

And do you know why? Because the bible is a collection of texts from various authors and cultures, with different values and outlooks. It`s also very heavily edited. If you just pick one text or segment you can justify anything you want. I would say that the Jews (or at least Zionists) understand the danger of the new Testament teachings though, and hence they keep it away from themselves, like they always do with other things they promote towards Europeans.

I`m sure you will disagree, but to be honest I`m tired of that old discussion.

Fair enough. One of the few things I do not debate here is the Bible. Mostly because almost everyone in RVF and Manosphere are atheist for whatever reasons, and that is not a productive use of my time nor am I actually good at witnessing to athiest/Satanic/cultish/Catholic etc. people. Ask Scorpion if you really want to know for sure. He is more than qualified to explain it. Either way, it is still utterly ridiculous and absurd for you atheist types to describe Christ or the Bible as against personal self defense. If that is the way most Europeans think, then you guys are getting what you deserve there for a reason.

Jesus did literally bitch slap a bunch of Jewish merchants in a synagogue until they all ran away.... flipped over tables like a Jerome from the hood getting paid on a Friday... just sayin. You think he isn't about that action? Shiiiiiiit. He was chilling with his crew and told them all who was gonna snitch. He isn't the type to rape someone's wife and cut her head off in front of them after he has busted a nut, like Mohammad would, but you got him mixed up for something he is not.

As I mentioned, examples and quotes from the bible ad infinitum is what you get with these discussions, so I won`t continue this time.

But for the record I would like to state that I`m more of an agnostic than explicitly atheist. You can never disprove the God hypothesis after all. Absence of evidence...etc.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Roosh posted

""I did some googling. Only two cities had an active shooter drill involving the FBI and a Jewish center. One of those cities was later attacked for real. What a huge coincidence.""

You did some (((Googling))) , but do you really consider (((their))) results reliable ??

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-27-2018 07:15 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Apathy and nihilism trolls are very dangerous and work to brainwash retarded crazies like this guy.

I've seen these "trump is controlled opposition" trolls online and they're either obviously mentally unwell or disinfo shills.

Be very careful of those wanting to make you think there's no way out or no democratic solution. They don't have your best interest in mind.

The Founding Fathers and Jefferson especially would disagree with you.

I like Trump for the mere fact he makes the left unhinged. But the president is a ceremonial figurehead at best. "Controlled opposition" is a naive phrasing. Everybody in power is beholden to somebody. You can't climb a ladder without rungs.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-28-2018 10:24 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The average victim age: 74. The shooter exclaimed "All Jews must die", but apparently not ones who have a full life ahead of them.

He apparently wasn't as good a planner or marksman as the Vegas country music fest shooter either. Color me surprised.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-27-2018 07:53 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2018 07:20 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2018 07:00 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2018 05:13 PM)Johnnyvee Wrote:  

Quote: (10-27-2018 04:57 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

You need to go look at the migrant invasion of europe thread immediately.

The implied issues I mentioned would be just those things. But you don`t solve that by making the whole land more controlled and surveyed all the time. That`s how you lose your freedom. This is not the wild west we`re talking about. If you ask Government for more control, they will be extremely happy to comply. This is a false narrative/Hegelian dialectic type trap. Let the migrants in>more violence etc>less freedom/extraordinary measures. (As far as Europe is concerned.)

Also, even though I`m not a particularly religious man, armed guards at a church seems a bit absurd again. What happened to; turn the other cheek. I don`t think good old (((Jesus))) would approve of that.

This is a gross misunderstanding of the Bible and what it teaches. You have a right to protect yourself and follow the laws of the land that allow you to defend yourself.

Sounds like you either did not study the Bible enough or you allowed someone to paint a picture that Jesus is some granola eating hippy that would never defend himself, respect law and order, or his own people if it ever came down to it. If anything NOT properly defending your own families actually puts a generational CURSE on your lives, which is notoriously difficult to break.

Oh boy, that`s a debate I`ve been through many times before. It always ends you with bible quotations being flung back and forth.

And do you know why? Because the bible is a collection of texts from various authors and cultures, with different values and outlooks. It`s also very heavily edited. If you just pick one text or segment you can justify anything you want. I would say that the Jews (or at least Zionists) understand the danger of the new Testament teachings though, and hence they keep it away from themselves, like they always do with other things they promote towards Europeans.

I`m sure you will disagree, but to be honest I`m tired of that old discussion.

Fair enough. One of the few things I do not debate here is the Bible. Mostly because almost everyone in RVF and Manosphere are atheist for whatever reasons, and that is not a productive use of my time nor am I actually good at witnessing to athiest/Satanic/cultish/Catholic etc. people. Ask Scorpion if you really want to know for sure. He is more than qualified to explain it. Either way, it is still utterly ridiculous and absurd for you atheist types to describe Christ or the Bible as against personal self defense. If that is the way most Europeans think, then you guys are getting what you deserve there for a reason.

Jesus did literally bitch slap a bunch of Jewish merchants in a synagogue until they all ran away.... flipped over tables like a Jerome from the hood getting paid on a Friday... just sayin. You think he isn't about that action? Shiiiiiiit. He was chilling with his crew and told them all who was gonna snitch. He isn't the type to rape someone's wife and cut her head off in front of them after he has busted a nut, like Mohammad would, but you got him mixed up for something he is not.

Jesus was also quite content to let Israel remain subjugated to a foreign power because "his kingdom was not of this world".

I've noticed the same ethereal indifference amongst Christians in the present day. Especially on the immigration issue since we're all God's children after all.

Perhaps when the U.S becomes a Mexican state, and Europe a caliphate, they'll avert their gaze from the heavens and realize Western civilization was worth defending.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-28-2018 10:24 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The average victim age: 74. The shooter exclaimed "All Jews must die", but apparently not ones who have a full life ahead of them.

Couldn't it just be that White Floridans and religious attendees tend to be significantly older than average. Not to mention more fragile and likely to die.

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Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

If there is no such thing as karma, and the universe is truly chaotic, then there is no hope for Jews to control gentile society and consequently they will be increasingly targeted for attacks - false flag or otherwise. On the other hand, if we do live in a universe of perfect karma, then I fully expect there to be at least an attempt at a final solution to the so called "Jewish problem," perhaps in the form of a bio weapon or some other awful scenario. In either case, who really brought it about in the first place?

In other words, why have Jews been expelled from every virtually every nation among whom they have dwelt? If I have a bad relationship, maybe it's not my fault. If I have hundreds of bad relationships with people spanning millenia, then maybe it is time for some introspection on my part. Right?

I am not advocating violence - the opposite actually - it would be nice to break the cycle. The man who attacked the Synagogue claimed that Jews were trying to cause the genocide of his ethnic group. Is it possible that he was an alphabet agency controlled useful idiot guided to attack before mid-terms? Yes. Is there any evidence to support his claims, however, that Jewish groups had advocated for the opening of borders in the west? Does the Kalergi plan exist?

Will we ever see any reflection in the Jewish community for a possible reason for why they are targeted for (despicable) attacks?

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Jews have not been expelled from virtually every country in which they have dwelt. That is demonstrably false. Also false is the assertion that Kalergi was a Jew. He was not .

The vast majority of terrorism and fatal attacks in the world are Muslim attacks on Christians. While this recent synagogue attack was the worst attack on Jews in the enitire history of this country, it would hardly register a blurb in Nigeria where hundreds of bombings and kidnappings and shootings happen every year against Christians and perpetrated by Muslims. Would you ask Christian people in Nigeria to be introspective about why they keep suffering atracks. I wouldn't nor would I ask Jews to engage in the same absurd thought exercise.

The attacker was a fat slob childless loser who had no friends or girl friends and posted excessive anti Jewish posts online all day. All had was the internet and his posting career. He called his gun collection his family.It's safe to assume he hated himself, and why not ? Just look at the guy. Hating Jews was just a proxy for hating himself. And easy because there are thousands of similar guys online welcoming him with open arms who will ignore all his myriad faults as long as he joins them in their obsessed Jew hysteria.

Be honest with yourself. Go back in time 5 days before the murders happened. If he came into the holocaust fact finding thread and spouted his opinion on Jews and the holocaust, would he find sympathetic ears? ,many guys that agree with his opinions ? Would ge get rep points from the usual suspects. Yes to all 3 and you damn straight know it.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-28-2018 05:50 PM)10119 Wrote:  

Jews have not been expelled from virtually every country in which they have dwelt. That is demonstrably false. Also false is the assertion that Kalergi was a Jew. He was not .

The vast majority of terrorism and fatal attacks in the world are Muslim attacks on Christians. While this recent synagogue attack was the worst attack on Jews in the enitire history of this country, it would hardly register a blurb in Nigeria where hundreds of bombings and kidnappings and shootings happen every year against Christians and perpetrated by Muslims. Would you ask Christian people in Nigeria to be introspective about why they keep suffering atracks. I wouldn't nor would I ask Jews to engage in the same absurd thought exercise.

The attacker was a fat slob childless loser who had no friends or girl friends and posted excessive anti Jewish posts online all day. All had was the internet and his posting career. He called his gun collection his family.It's safe to assume he hated himself, and why not ? Just look at the guy. Hating Jews was just a proxy for hating himself. And easy because there are thousands of similar guys online welcoming him with open arms who will ignore all his myriad faults as long as he joins them in their obsessed Jew hysteria.

Be honest with yourself. Go back in time 5 days before the murders happened. If he came into the holocaust fact finding thread and spouted his opinion on Jews and the holocaust, would he find sympathetic ears? ,many guys that agree with his opinions ? Would ge get rep points from the usual suspects. Yes to all 3 and you damn straight know it.

[Image: 98323781.gif]

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Thanks Caduceus. That post added a lot of value to the forum. Care to refute what I wrote ? Tell me where I lied ? Im open to read it .

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue


We knew it was coming as soon as Trump declared himself a "nationalist." Like pulling pins out of grenades. A GAB SHOOTER. DURING A BRIS. I am sobbing. Sobbing. Why won't anyone help us shut this shit down? Please. HELP US. They are not the "other point of view". THEY ARE NAZIS.

A bris for twins adopted by a gay couple. I want to sympathize, but man...

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Kalergi was, in the words of Hitler "a rootless half breed". He was funded by 3 Jewish families - Baruch, Warburg and Rothschild.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

This shooting took place a few minutes from my place. Kind of upsetting to see this so heavily politicized on either end of the spectrum, but that's how these things go.

Killing innocent people is senseless, end of story.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-28-2018 07:19 PM)hommefatale Wrote:  

This shooting took place a few minutes from my place. Kind of upsetting to see this so heavily politicized on either end of the spectrum, but that's how these things go.

Killing innocent people is senseless, end of story.

You waited 4 months to post and this is your first message. Yeah that's not odd at all.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-28-2018 10:34 AM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

I think deep down, Trump knows there are limits to what he can realistically accomplish. Even if he successfully exposed the deep state, it would result in a total collapse in confidence in the government at both a national and local levels (deep state police depts in a lot of big cities).

Buddy, Trump is PROBABLY Deep State theatre, just like crisis actors. The NPC programming goes deep on many levels.

Key phrases:

*shady casino guy (ofcourse)
*bailed out by banksters (powerful friends, and owes debt)
*groomed by the Clintons (best mates)
*implanted into current popular culture via television, the Oprah presidential interview wasn't a coincidence either (future projection/exposure tactic, implanted by media "industry")
*(((German))) grandfather (look at the photos) and other family ties
*uses much loved pop culture conspiracies to promote agendas (Q intel/internet) (another level of long term NPC programming via media... there is a reason people love conspiracies)
*conveniently targets and controls "red" voters via the feels (targeted, emotionally driven marketing, a very useful tool)
*should I keep going?

The only reason this site will remain open is because it has been infiltrated for intel gathering and covert NPC programming, just look at the influx of obvious trolls on this thread, let alone the not so obvious ops throughout the forum. I wouldn't be surprised if the shooter's "background identity" was harvested from forums such as RVF.

Roosh, you're in for it lol [Image: tongue.gif]

Edit: Shit, I wouldn't be surprised if another level of the Trump op was to flush out "Trumpeting dissenters" and opposition to the bigger game so it's all easier to shut down. Alex Jones "de-platforming" and his pro-Trump support seems like a big fat red herring with extra thick commie-red lipstick. He's even growing a beard now for extra effect and appeal.

What a good show! Ticks ALL the boxes.

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

Quote: (10-28-2018 07:42 PM)username Wrote:  

Quote: (10-28-2018 07:19 PM)hommefatale Wrote:  

This shooting took place a few minutes from my place. Kind of upsetting to see this so heavily politicized on either end of the spectrum, but that's how these things go.

Killing innocent people is senseless, end of story.

You waited 4 months to post and this is your first message. Yeah that's not odd at all.

You got me, this must mean I'm a Soros-funded sleeper cell agent, planted in your precious community [Image: banana.gif]

Mass Shooting in a Pittsburgh Synagogue

One thing that really struck me was how old the victims were, many in their 80s and 90s. And they were a conservative group. They were innocent. The Hollywood scum remain untouched and protected. Ask yourself "who benefits" and why is all of this happening in October like a firehose just went off? And why is it instantly being politicized by the left? It is clear that the goal is to totally eliminate conservative freedom of speech. Even though Trump is the president, we are still the underdogs and refugees in our own country being forced to go underground to survive. The deep state is more powerful than the president. I think it is time to start questioning beliefs about "democracy" and "freedom of speech" when the other side is so clearly intent on totalitarian rule under a degenerate nightmare dystopia.

Rico... Sauve....

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