6yo Black Teen Believes She's White, Redpills Dr. Phil on People of Her Real Race
10-27-2018, 12:33 AM
She's black and hates Black Americans. I'm a British-Indian and I hate Indian-Americans - does that mean I'm white?
In an exclusive with ESSENCE, Nina is now speaking out against the lies her family purported on Dr. Phil’s show, and how Treasure and her mother only appeared on the show for the free trip and to become a meme.
“I knew they were going to L.A. but I didn’t know what it was about,” Nina said, when asked if she knew about their Dr. Phil appearance. “They told us they weren’t allowed to say what the show was about. I thought it was something she actually did in her real life.”
And by real life, Nina means that Treasure is currently on the run from Michigan’s Child Protective Services, after dropping out of school and being a ward of the state.
“Treasure stopped going to school for a very long time. She’s into a lot of craziness. She puts herself out there, she has all of these hustles. She’s banned from CVS. She’s done a lot,” Nina stated.
Quote: (10-27-2018 09:11 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:
All I want for Christmas is for someone to lock this chick in a room with Woah Vicky and livestream it for 24 hours straight.
Quote: (10-25-2018 10:56 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:
Quote: (10-25-2018 09:42 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:
Hate to say it but she's the type of girl I would go after at that age.
Given what her teeth look like where you ever attracted to Bugs Bunny when he dressed up like a girl bunny? (bonus point if you know what movie that's from)