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Prepago or typical Colombian

Prepago or typical Colombian

So I met this 9/10 Paisa on Colombian Cupid. I banged her for 2 weeks straight. She’s a local TV presenter in Colombia. Took her to a hacienda, then to Valle de Cocora. Met her mother and sister. Of course she never paid for anything while she was with me - literally didn’t even bring her cartera with her (purse). I remember we had some legit arguments because I felt like she wasn’t even trying to have a little financial dignity. Like... buy me a fucking cappuccino at Juan Valdez, huevon... its the gesture that counts. Whenever I brought it up she would say Colombia is a different culture and over here girls want to he “conquered” and guys should basically bend over backwards for their queens and bla bla

I enjoyed the banter and the light arguing because it always resulted with my dick balls deep in her tight empanada

I didn’t feel like I was with a hooker because I didn’t pay her and she really doted on me. I mean it was lovey dovey romantic shit all the way. And she was a real person with a career and an education so even questioning if she was a prostitute seemed quite offensive

But then.

After I left Colombia we kept in touch but then months later she subtly would ask me to send her a couple “gifts”. Things she couldn’t get in Colombia. One was a pair of designer sneakers that cost some $400 . I said no fucking way . Couple weeks later she posts a selfie with her wearing the sneakers...lol she must have found some other dude to pay for em.

Also: she sent me insanely hot videos of her wearing lingerie and doing porno style shit. Almost like... a cam girl or a prepago . I had to wonder where and why she got all that lingerie stuff if she was single.

Did I get two weeks free sex with a puta? I’m starting to wonder

Prepago or typical Colombian

The OP got banned real fast, that must have been some sort of record Lol

Prepago or typical Colombian

Yeah, 41 posts , 16 new threads.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Prepago or typical Colombian

Sounds like a semi-pro to me. These girls love the tourists because they only have to spend a few days with them and then when they go home they all send them free shit and they live like royalty. One guy is paying her apartment, another is sending her designer clothes, another is paying her utilities, another is paying her vacations, and then she's fucking the guy(s) she really likes on the side for free.

Some guys like to play this game, but in reality you're paying for it whether you can admit it to yourself or not.

Prepago or typical Colombian

If a girl likes you (prepago or normal girl)she would be just as happy eating empanadas at the street corner with you.

If prepagos are your thing, then accept it that her attention is stipulated that you spend money on her.
If you have a barrio girl who works at the mall making the mínimum. Don't expect her to pay for a simple coffee either. It would be nice but don't expect it. Of course this message is for the newbies. The cats on here know the drill.

Prepago or typical Colombian

I would say neither prepago nor typical Colombian, just a girl who sees you as a sucker who she can extract money from. These types of girls will still do this to guys they like. This has nothing to do with social class either. I have met dirt poor barrio girls and also girls who come from rich families who are like this. I think the ones who come from rich families are spoiled by their parents their whole lives so they expect it from guys.

Prepago or typical Colombian

She is a Grilla. does the same with every dude from that site. as a tourist not much you can do. at least you banged her. for sure she does the same to dudes she never bangs. if her career dies at some point she will become prepago. If you live here you can make these girls fall in love and start spending that $$$ on you

Prepago or typical Colombian

Quote: (10-21-2018 10:23 AM)Polero Wrote:  

The OP got banned real fast, that must have been some sort of record Lol

Why did he get banned?

Prepago or typical Colombian

It doesn't matter how much money she makes, she's a woman. She's always gonna want money or shit from you. Plus you were being a chump by even re-affirming it to her while you were buying her food and the whole 9 when you were in Colombia but hey, she makes a lot of money so she can pay too right? LOL. Also you mentioned gift(s) being plural so you probably did fall for that pussy an sent her some shit that was cheap here. Moving on, you only mention one which you said you denied then you saw in a picture of what you said you didn't send later (meaning she has another you aka monkey branching like a typical woman).

Also you seem to be possibly attempting to troll or you are just a genuine douche. Either way whomever made the ban hammer decision did so swift with no fucks given.

Quote: (10-21-2018 01:51 PM)headovertail Wrote:  

Quote: (10-21-2018 10:23 AM)Polero Wrote:  

The OP got banned real fast, that must have been some sort of record Lol

Why did he get banned?

Because of this most likely:

Quote: (10-21-2018 10:27 AM)NoMoreTO Wrote:  

Yeah, 41 posts , 16 new threads.

"For each man must learn to live within the citadel of himself."
-Marcus Aurelius

Prepago or typical Colombian

All chicks want money without working for it.

Naive Cheapskate got banned.

Prepago or typical Colombian

I’m not sure whether the OP has a legit story or whether he’s practicing romance-novel writing.

But, in my years of visiting Colombia, I’ve met two women who had been newscasters on television, one in Valledupar and the other in Popayan. (The one who had worked in Valledupar had a very pretty face, dark hair and green eyes; the one who had worked in Popayan was much more average.)

Neither had earned much money as newscasters, and both were in their early twenties when they worked as newscasters.

I’ve no doubt that a non-insignificant percentage of Colombianas working as newscasters need to supplement their incomes by accepting presents from their novios or through more straightforward arrangements.

My guess on a top-tier salary for a Colombian newscaster is about what Ex-CNN newscaster Claudia Palacios earns: Claudia Palacios returned to a government-owned station in Bogota and caused a controversy when her salary of about $12,000 (USD) per month became public. So, while that’s good money, it’s not rock-star money. And, a couple of other top-tier (in looks) newscasters on Caracol, Jennifer Montoya and Silvana Altahona, have found their way to television stations (Spanish-language stations in Los Angeles and Miami) in the United States.

Prepago or typical Colombian

I'm not sure if OP was a troll or not but he was starting a bunch of threads like this one and the other one about Colombia/Latin Cupid that should have gone in the Colombia Master thread. He was also arguing that Colombia is as safe as the US, which is quite the claim, since most of us who've spent a significant amount of time in Colombia would disagree on. He actually didn't seem that bad, he had some decent insights but maybe was a bit too enthusiastic. It's hard to tell these days, apparently there's guys with nothing better to do than to go on RVF and write BS threads about subjects they know nothing about.

Prepago or typical Colombian

Don't want to be anyone lawyer but I spoke to OP on whatsapp the other day, definitely not a troll. He seems like a genuine guy he even put me in touch with some friend over in another Colombian city. I agree he was opening too many threads about his life though lol

Prepago or typical Colombian

Quote: (10-23-2018 10:15 AM)farfallah Wrote:  

I’m not sure whether the OP has a legit story or whether he’s practicing romance-novel writing.

But, in my years of visiting Colombia, I’ve met two women who had been newscasters on television, one in Valledupar and the other in Popayan. (The one who had worked in Valledupar had a very pretty face, dark hair and green eyes; the one who had worked in Popayan was much more average.)

Neither had earned much money as newscasters, and both were in their early twenties when they worked as newscasters.

I’ve no doubt that a non-insignificant percentage of Colombianas working as newscasters need to supplement their incomes by accepting presents from their novios or through more straightforward arrangements.

My guess on a top-tier salary for a Colombian newscaster is about what Ex-CNN newscaster Claudia Palacios earns: Claudia Palacios returned to a government-owned station in Bogota and caused a controversy when her salary of about $12,000 (USD) per month became public. So, while that’s good money, it’s not rock-star money.

I’ve no doubt that a non-insignificant percentage of Colombianas working as newscasters need to supplement their incomes by accepting presents from their novios or through more straightforward arrangements:
I agree, but these TV women are not to be found on a famous, low-cost public website like the one mentioned by OP.

Come to think of it, I have been told that, in various Latin American countries, women like that, female TV presenters and models, are on offer on "books" that are circulated within some wealthy hi-so circles. But certainly not on the internet.

Also, 12.000 usd as salary in Colombia is very good money. I mean, with a salary like that, in six or seven months you could buy a quite good little apartment (outside of Poblado though I'd say). (You're right anyway, it's not rock-star money, would be rock-star money only in, say, Cuba)

Prepago or typical Colombian

$12k per month anywhere is good money. If you want to live beyond your means anywhere it could be little.

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