Quote: (10-19-2018 05:22 PM)Delta Wrote:
The only girls that view getting laid as some sort of accomplishment are ones that have standards a mile out of their own league.
No such thing in regards to banging.
There's enough guys, good looking or not, successful or not, that will bang anything. Enough of them that a girl can't get points for banging a good looking or successful guy.
She can only get points for LTR'ing one.
It's hard for a guy to get laid with a lot of women, that's why guys that do it get some social status. On the other hand, it's easy for a girl to get laid with a lot of men, that's why girls that get laid with a lot of men are looked down on.
It's hard for a girl to only sleep with no men at all, or only one guy. That's why those girls are looked up to. It's easy for a guy to be a virgin, that's why those guys are looked down on.
It all makes perfect sense when you consider the difficulties, or lack thereof, involved. That said, I think guys are better off over the long term going for quality as well, over quantity. Unless you're at Genghis Khan or Chinese Emperor levels and are getting quantity, and quality, and impregnating them all. Then by all means, go for it. For us mere mortal men, I think going for quality is better over the long term than going for quantity. But sometimes you just have that itch, and it's got to get scratched and what are you going to do, "la carne es debil." Translation: "The flesh is weak."
Anyhow, this girl's trying to get points for something that any girl can do, something that has no difficulty. It's blathering nonsense.
It's like bragging about how dumb you are. You would only do that if you're really dumb.