Sex with a girl you connect with is very enjoyable, but I’ve realized it’s no quite as exciting as getting a new lay every time. Especially if I feel I’m one of the few guys she’s slept with—that purity and novelty is a huge turn on. But then again night game ONS are also fun if she’s young enough.
Some guys here have a rotation, but I don’t think I see the benefit in that. Most girls are intellectually boring, have no ambition, and can talk of little more than what Netflix show they’re watching. They’re cute and have their quirks, but so common I see no reason to stay with them; you can find these girls everywhere at any time.
Perhaps a better solution to having plates, is making dates with new girls for the companionship, then moving on instead of banging for a second time.
Would this be too mean to the girls? It’s pushing it... I kind of do a variation of this now, but I do bang them at least a couple of times, most of the time 3.
What I’m considering is a merging of night game ONS, and of social circle or day game short term relationships.
I’m really great at dates, and usually have no problem banging on the first, so this should be interesting. Hopefully it’s drama free.
What would be a good excuse to ghost after the lay? I don’t want to go around hurting women, but this solution is just too perfect. Of course some girls you do want to spend more time with, and this method seems to be the logical one to find the right girl, you feel worthy of being given more.
Some guys here have a rotation, but I don’t think I see the benefit in that. Most girls are intellectually boring, have no ambition, and can talk of little more than what Netflix show they’re watching. They’re cute and have their quirks, but so common I see no reason to stay with them; you can find these girls everywhere at any time.
Perhaps a better solution to having plates, is making dates with new girls for the companionship, then moving on instead of banging for a second time.
Would this be too mean to the girls? It’s pushing it... I kind of do a variation of this now, but I do bang them at least a couple of times, most of the time 3.
What I’m considering is a merging of night game ONS, and of social circle or day game short term relationships.
I’m really great at dates, and usually have no problem banging on the first, so this should be interesting. Hopefully it’s drama free.
What would be a good excuse to ghost after the lay? I don’t want to go around hurting women, but this solution is just too perfect. Of course some girls you do want to spend more time with, and this method seems to be the logical one to find the right girl, you feel worthy of being given more.