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The truth about the Philippines

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-18-2018 01:16 AM)Duke.33 Wrote:  

@Fuckboy, dude lmao. Older guys here get more respect???

Did you not see that video of all the guys upset at old white people for stealing their girls.

I sometimes wonder where people draw these silly conclusions. Did you even bother to talk to the locals or just judge them? Most girls I talked to told me alot of judgement towards filipinas for being with a white guy is usually occurring with the older dudes. Which makes sense because alot of young guys have encouraged me to date a local girl.

It's like people either think everyone here is so nice or a total dick. It's just so extreme.

My post and my experience agrees the Philippines is not as easy as everyone hyped it. But its still easy. If I stay here for a full year like I planned I will bang over 100+ with half assed effort. Compared to the U.S we're I went hard for a year got like 15 bangs with no models.

If your this jaded maybe take a break from women, go surfing.

The video you're talking about has litterally zero value. I only watched a bit but basically it can be summarized as : Video made by a fat fag and two ugly potatoes, where they trap people into saying what they want to hear. And Filipinas that would be okay to meet old foreigners will not say it in the video by shame, or those were removed post-production.

I'm not sure if old guys get more respected, but they look more inoffensive and it's a known fact that a lot of them help Filipino families. So I feel they get more of a neutral, whatever vibe from the locals. While us, reckless fuckboys, unless we put up with their shy, goofy giggles vibe, we get glared at and draw a lot of hate from the local dudes and from the older women. Even the lobby guards, if they don't like you (jealousy), they will get unprofessional and make sure you know about it.

I don't live in the Philippines. But are you working at the same time right now? Because unless you can afford a decent condo at BGC, I found the long-term working conditions pretty grim and unbearable. But even in BGC, it's sterile and uninspiring. The people of BGC are more friendly and open to expats, although there were a few times where girls at the mcdonald or coffee shop would swoon over me and I'd get butthurt glares from local guys. Even Filipinos with money can't help it! They simply can't get satisfied and always get butthurt.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-16-2018 03:02 AM)AsiaBaller Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 12:16 PM)AsiaBaller Wrote:  

Filipinas are hideous and / or obese on average

Learn to read bro. Official statistics state 30% obese, then we probably have at least 20% uglies that don't fall in the category of obese and my statement of and / or is correct.

Okay first of all the obesity rate in Philippines is 5%, not 30%. You are quoting Enhanced Eddies post which is as wrong as all of yours have been. If you look here you will hopefully be able to read and understand that there is a difference between obesity and overweight. The obesity rate in Philippines is 5%, the overweight rate is 23%. That is the SECOND LOWEST OBESITY RATE in the ASEAN countries and one of the lowest in the world, that's right 95% of Filipinas ARE NOT obese.

Secondly you need to work on your writing, if you write "Filipinas are hideous and / or obese on average" it actually means they are either ugly AND obese on average or obese on average. It does mean "Oh you know I meant to combine ugly and obese, so that's what they are on average". I actually have no objection if you say 90% of Filipinas are ugly on average, which is the truth, as 90% in ANY country are ugly and beautiful people are a tiny minority by definition.

I just don't like your total and complete lies about the country, that the women are obese on average, they are not. I've been there and it's a great place overall, with some problems like all countries, with some food you may not like, like in all countries but I have had some fantastic food in Philippines, met some highly intelligent very slim people and would definitely say it is one of the best places to visit. Of course if you stay in 4 dollar rented accommodation your experience may be different, especially if you get to only fuck 1s or 2s, that can make a man bitter granted. But that's not what the Phil is about.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-18-2018 09:51 AM)grandpas fuckoff Wrote:  

Quote: (10-18-2018 01:16 AM)Duke.33 Wrote:  

@Fuckboy, dude lmao. Older guys here get more respect???

Did you not see that video of all the guys upset at old white people for stealing their girls.

I sometimes wonder where people draw these silly conclusions. Did you even bother to talk to the locals or just judge them? Most girls I talked to told me alot of judgement towards filipinas for being with a white guy is usually occurring with the older dudes. Which makes sense because alot of young guys have encouraged me to date a local girl.

It's like people either think everyone here is so nice or a total dick. It's just so extreme.

My post and my experience agrees the Philippines is not as easy as everyone hyped it. But its still easy. If I stay here for a full year like I planned I will bang over 100+ with half assed effort. Compared to the U.S we're I went hard for a year got like 15 bangs with no models.

If your this jaded maybe take a break from women, go surfing.

The video you're talking about has litterally zero value. I only watched a bit but basically it can be summarized as : Video made by a fat fag and two ugly potatoes, where they trap people into saying what they want to hear. And Filipinas that would be okay to meet old foreigners will not say it in the video by shame, or those were removed post-production.

I'm not sure if old guys get more respected, but they look more inoffensive and it's a known fact that a lot of them help Filipino families. So I feel they get more of a neutral, whatever vibe from the locals. While us, reckless fuckboys, unless we put up with their shy, goofy giggles vibe, we get glared at and draw a lot of hate from the local dudes and from the older women. Even the lobby guards, if they don't like you (jealousy), they will get unprofessional and make sure you know about it.

I don't live in the Philippines. But are you working at the same time right now? Because unless you can afford a decent condo at BGC, I found the long-term working conditions pretty grim and unbearable. But even in BGC, it's sterile and uninspiring. The people of BGC are more friendly and open to expats, although there were a few times where girls at the mcdonald or coffee shop would swoon over me and I'd get butthurt glares from local guys. Even Filipinos with money can't help it! They simply can't get satisfied and always get butthurt.

Or it could just be that you come across as a wanker and they notice it, I did and you only had to write one post.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-18-2018 10:40 AM)Jefferson Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2018 03:02 AM)AsiaBaller Wrote:  

Quote: (10-13-2018 12:16 PM)AsiaBaller Wrote:  

Filipinas are hideous and / or obese on average

Learn to read bro. Official statistics state 30% obese, then we probably have at least 20% uglies that don't fall in the category of obese and my statement of and / or is correct.

Okay first of all the obesity rate in Philippines is 5%, not 30%. You are quoting Enhanced Eddies post which is as wrong as all of yours have been. If you look here you will hopefully be able to read and understand that there is a difference between obesity and overweight. The obesity rate in Philippines is 5%, the overweight rate is 23%. That is the SECOND LOWEST OBESITY RATE in the ASEAN countries and one of the lowest in the world, that's right 95% of Filipinas ARE NOT obese.

Secondly you need to work on your writing, if you write "Filipinas are hideous and / or obese on average" it actually means they are either ugly AND obese on average or obese on average. It does mean "Oh you know I meant to combine ugly and obese, so that's what they are on average". I actually have no objection if you say 90% of Filipinas are ugly on average, which is the truth, as 90% in ANY country are ugly and beautiful people are a tiny minority by definition.

I just don't like your total and complete lies about the country, that the women are obese on average, they are not. I've been there and it's a great place overall, with some problems like all countries, with some food you may not like, like in all countries but I have had some fantastic food in Philippines, met some highly intelligent very slim people and would definitely say it is one of the best places to visit. Of course if you stay in 4 dollar rented accommodation your experience may be different, especially if you get to only fuck 1s or 2s, that can make a man bitter granted. But that's not what the Phil is about.

It depends on what your definition of obese is. If you're thinking in your mind the typical fat american obese person then no obviously the average philipinas are not. If you have small bone density and muscle mass, you can look fine and even skinny when your bodyfat is high.

The correct term here is called skinnyfat which the majority of the people in the phils are because of their terrible diets.

Essential fat10–13%2–5%

If we go by these standards then yes I think on average the philipinas are obese or close to it but if we're just going by the eye test. They obviously are not.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-19-2018 04:12 AM)kazz Wrote:  

Or it could just be that you come across as a wanker and they notice it, I did and you only had to write one post.

That was mean.

Quote:Duke.33 Wrote:

are you still here? sounds like you are getting some hiso tail, good job.

Duke.33, I can't reply to private messages so I'll write here.

No, I'm not in the Philippines at the moment. Oh yes, so many hiso 9s and 10s yeaaah

The truth about the Philippines

The Philippines has changed. But why has it changed? Especially places like Manila and Cebu...

Hmm could it be interent forums and word of mouth encouraging thousands of bang missions?

Think about it. Right now in Manila there’s probably a hundred young game-aware white guys working over Tinder, clubs, etc. This has had an effect.

The women are the same physically. Their standards are slowly increasing and so are their attitudes. You can’t expect a ridiculous boost like +4 SMV. Same thing is happening in Columbia. Maybe try Africa.

Also why would using google earth to look at the Philippines make anyone feel qualified to post on this thread. My god. Common guys.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-17-2018 02:44 PM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

I've been to the Philippines hundreds of times with Google Earth Airlines...

It's bad enough when guys think they're experts on a place they've never been to based purely on their tinder plus matches...

But seriously wtf is this??

[Image: gtfo.gif]


The truth about the Philippines

^Reminds me of Dash Global’s wikipedia data sheets he used to post years ago

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-19-2018 07:21 AM)Ten Feet Tall Right Now Wrote:  

The Philippines has changed. But why has it changed? Especially places like Manila and Cebu...

Hmm could it be interent forums and word of mouth encouraging thousands of bang missions?

Think about it. Right now in Manila there’s probably a hundred young game-aware white guys working over Tinder, clubs, etc. This has had an effect.

The women are the same physically. Their standards are slowly increasing and so are their attitudes. You can’t expect a ridiculous boost like +4 SMV. Same thing is happening in Columbia. Maybe try Africa.

Also why would using google earth to look at the Philippines make anyone feel qualified to post on this thread. My god. Common guys.

its no surprise its changing, its a english speaking country, as roosh said before english speaking countries usually always get infected the first.its also massively overhyped. people think they will lay 9s and 10s when they go, they end up with 4s and 3s with broke ass wallets and personalities.

The truth about the Philippines

If people here just want to show up and say yeah I'm white suck my dick, why bother with Manila or Cebu? how about go to Zamaboga and risk getting kidnapped, doubt theirs white people there. In fact I was talking to a girl with a perfect body there, saw her in a video walking around with the ugliest white guy ever.

I asked if she tapped that, she said no that's my sisters boyfriend's neighbor from California just showing him around. LMAO. though on the downside you would probably be eskimo brothers with the trashiest white people, like Plumber Joe.

But seriously I post a thread to set proper expectations, but with all this negativity people are going to come here and think my god how do I get laid in the Philippines??

Its honestly not that hard, once you accept girls have the ability to reject you and yes flake you, you will

1. stop whining like a bitch
2. treat it like your anywhere else and you still have to win them over, you know actually show your not a dip shit and can talk to girls.
3. realize you were being a bitch and over-reacted on a online forum.

I would hate to see some of you in America, probably start saying absurd stuff, like all girls are fat and no one gets laid.

The whole mindset of I'm a white god suck my dick, was always a poisonous mindset that well set you up for failure. kind of like back in the day when people thought if all you did was go to college you were set. Worked in the past now the market has changed and most people are floundering around.

YES the average white guy can get hot women, YES there are hot women here how else do they keep winning on the international stage for pageants, YES they have options, NO they wont respond well to your bitch game.

1. you don't like Filipinas? great don't come here problem solved
2. you dont like obesse or ugly filipinas, great dont talk to them
3. girls here are bitchier? great don't talk to them.
4. the country is a giant shit hole you cant stand? Cool change countries problem solved.

still have complaints?

5. Am i being a bitch instead of accepting reality and working on my self to get the results I want?

this thread would be more useful if people shared their tips and strategy for getting with hot girls here and more on the culture and the different cities and their cultures and how that affects the game instead its like a group therapy session for people that want to be self-validated for being victims.

6. did anything I just said piss you off to the point where you want to start a flame war? Re-read 5 please.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-19-2018 05:38 AM)Stickman Wrote:  

It depends on what your definition of obese is.

Yes it does. Asian countries actually use a LOWER definition of obesity to take account of their genetic body type which predisposes them to lower height, muscle mass, bone density etc. It's already factored in. Even with these LOWER thresholds the obesity rate in Philippines is 5%, so 95% of Filipinas are not obese.

I actually like only petite and slim women, that's my thing. Which is why I like to go to Philippines.

Quote: (10-19-2018 05:38 AM)Stickman Wrote:  

If we go by these standards then yes I think on average the philipinas are obese or close to it but if we're just going by the eye test. They obviously are not.

Well you may think that. But your thinking would be wrong. On average Filipinas are not obese. Five per cent of Filipinas are obese, and another 23% are overweight, the very, very vast majority of Filipinas, 95 per cent, are not obese.

I don't know I suppose there are people who've had bad experiences with Philippines and that's just their perspective, to hate on the Philippines. But when that takes obviously mentally ill forms such as claiming that some of the slimmest people on this planet are obese, then you need to do a reality check.

The truth about the Philippines

lol majority of pinays are not 'slim'. most of em have that fat pudgy rice belly going on hidden underneath their clothes at the very least. a good number of them are downright fat as fuck and morbidly obese with all that gross, unhealthy deep fried food like jollie bee's, and all the American fast food chains they got there. have you even been to the Philippines?


The truth about the Philippines

Yes, I've been to Philippines. I've been with exceptionally slim girls. I'm sorry you only get to fuck the fatties.

Do you also live in 4 dollar rental accommodation?

The truth about the Philippines

gentleman.....gentleman stop being soi

the uninteresting truth lies somewhere in the middle

but yes...Jollibee

The truth about the Philippines

No, the truth is actually that 95% of Filipinas are not obese.

And Jollibee sell burgers that are no more unhealthy than burgers anywhere else. You can actually order meals with rice that are far lower in calories than meals in most other fast food places.

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-19-2018 10:31 AM)Jefferson Wrote:  

I've been with exceptionally slim girls.

Congrats on having sex with underfed skeletons. You want a cookie?

The truth about the Philippines

Just slim, nice perky breasts. An ideal weight really.

I actually avoid cookies as I don't want to become obese like some people. But thank you.

The truth about the Philippines

My eyesight stinks, but I wager more than half the girls in Manila are overweight and not slim. Maybe not obese but they definitely pack the pounds in the wrong places. Then they pad their clothes or wear baggy shit to make it not seem obvious.

@Jefferson Are you Filipino or Married to a Filipina? I do not understand why you are being so sensitive. No one is calling your asawa fat, ok?

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

The truth about the Philippines

Obviously you would lose that wager. About a quarter of Filipinas are overweight, 75% are not.

I ain't Filipino, I'm sure as hell not married to a Filipina, nor am I sensitive. I'm just saying that Filipinas are among the slimmest people on the planet, if you're complaining about girls in Phil being too fat on average you got some major issues, with eyesight or reality distortion of some other kind.

The truth about the Philippines

This thread makes me sad. We should probably shut it down and just search for quality posts that have been made in the past that honestly explore the pros and cons of the Philippines.

If you think the country is basically paradise filled with 8s and 9s who will gladly be impregnated by any old foreigner with a job or pension, you'll be disappointed by the reality on the ground. The Philippines IS dirty, poor and has bad infrastructure. And some Filipinos are jaded by their interactions with asshole foreigners.

If you think most filipinas are fat, ugly and bitchy, you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself how you became so miserable. There are at least hundreds of thousands of attractive, kind hearted, open minded women all over the place.

Your experience in the Phils is going to depend on your attitude, attributes and game, just like everywhere else on this planet.

The truth about the Philippines

The bottom line is the Philippines is not the anomaly it used to be in 2014 and prior, and if you're not a good looking guy with game, you may end up with a bunch of semi-pros. Probably without even knowing it since a lot of the guys that fall in that bracket are socially off.

If you're a good looking guy, well, now you have to work for it.

And yes, the diet in the Phils is very unhealthy, so you do get a population that is skinny-fat, as one of the guys pointed out, it is what it is. On top of that, there's also a lot of people that are undernourished, and that does affect IQ levels, like it or not. I hope that improves over time with the economic growth.

The culture is not very efficient, things that would not happen in some of the more efficient parts of the U.S. happen here. The Philippines is not Burger King, you can't have it your way, like you can in America. In many cases, you can forget about ordering what you want at a restaurant and it comes down to "Ok, well let's forget about what's on this menu here, what can I actually order?" Then they point to the one thing that you can order. It's just more fun in the Philippines.

Also, the girls there are expert liars, like in much of Asia. There's still stigmas to sleeping around, so girls will lie even more than Western girls, who don't face the same stigmas for sharing their behaviors. You'll have a girl whose been with 5, 10 guys, or more, telling you she's a virgin. And you'll believe it too because she deserves an Oscar for how she acted like she'd never seen a dick before when you first made love to her.

Teen pregnancy rates are pretty high in the country, so there's lots of unmarried mothers. While divorce may be illegal, people do separate all the time and simply cohabitate with new partners.

There's a drug war going on, if you enjoy smoking weed, you're treading on thin ice here if a local has a grudge against you for a million reasons, be it economic jealousy or jealousy over a girl you're banging that he wanted. The drug war also includes a new nationalism against foreigners and what they're up to in the Phils. All it takes is one rogue officer and you could be in trouble or dead, like that Korean guy that was kidnapped from his home by police officers and tortured and killed in police headquarters.

The Philippines is experiencing an economic boom as well, and more jobs means less foreigner value as the local men compete better and the local women are less deficient in basic needs.

It's just not what it used to be, and it never will be.

That's just what it is, now you have to work harder for it, even if you're a good looking guy, and if you're not good looking, or if you're old, or old and not good looking, well, in either case, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel now, and that's with some effort. The two week bang missions from before, costing two thousand dollars or so, aren't really worth it anymore. Those were never my thing, I think America is one of the easiest countries in the world to get laid in, there's no point in flying around the world just for sex. However, for some guys America is hard to get laid in, as the forum has gone over. For the guys in that boat, just realize in the Philippines you're basically banging promiscuous women that every other American in that boat is banging, and you're banging them after considerable effort. You may bring an STD back with you on your flight home.

P4P isn't my thing, but in reality, for the lowest value guys, on a pound for pound basis, you're better off going to Amsterdam and doing the P4P thing. They're not that expensive and they're WAY hotter than what you can get in the Phils as a low value guy, without dealing with the frustrations of a developing country where you can get killed just crossing the street, being forced to dodge through traffic. Red = Stop? Green = Go? Forget about it, too complex. Here it's like in that movie about King Arthur, "First Knight," where Richard Gere has to cross a gauntlet of blades and dangerous objects. That's what crossing the street is like in the Phils, and you have to do it every day. You can easily get injured or run over, and no one will bat an eye. If you were not attractive before an accident, think about how unattractive you'll be after getting hit by a taxi driving around chaotically.

Then there's theft. The street kids will surround you, 6 to 8 of them at a time or more, and they'll start by just chatting, you'll think it's endearing, then one of them will reach in your pocket, grab your wallet with your ATM card in it, maybe your passport too if you carried it with you, and then run for it. The other kids will get in the way, and you're too slow anyways, those kids are fast. Even if you do chase him, where is he leading you, to a trap? You don't want to take a wrong turn and get lost in a slum. Then you could be dealing with adult criminals. The police do nothing because the children can't be punished. So they're free to steal at will. Absolutely nothing you can do about it, and don't even think of laying a hand on one, because lets be real they're still children.

So yeah. Some truths about the Philippines.

The truth about the Philippines

Some more "truths" about the Philippines:

The real reason the economy of the Philippines is not excelling is not low IQ, the weather or chronic obesity (lol), it is the fact that the Philippines were fucked over by the USA, who only allowed the country to become independent a few decades ago. Naturally the building of proper institutions was hampered by hundreds of years of colonial exploitation. In addition the fragmented island nature of the country makes transport difficult. To this day the Philippines does not have a united language, its people remain fragmented linguistically.

The country is still developing and very much going in the right direction. Thankfully it avoided an idiotic civil war that caused catastrophe and hundreds of thousands of dead, like the US had to go through shortly after its independence.

Having said that a lot of women are semi-pro, and habitual liars, like everywhere. There is corruption, like everywhere, including America.

Even so, it is much more acceptable to a Filipina if you are 20 years older than her, people give you freedom generally to live your live there. You don't have to look like a model to score in Philippines. Of course it helps, of course you're not going to walk down the street and have women throw themselves at you. You'll always have to work, you always did, now or 30 years ago.

There is a lot more freedom in Philippines than in many other countries, it is indeed more fun in the Philippines.

The women have a silky touch and skin you don't find in Europe and NAmerica, they actually aim to please you above and beyond in the bedroom and are much more ready to let you raw dog than in other places.

Wherever you take a ferry there's twenty guys ready to carry your suitcase, taxis are still fantastically cheap.

You have the best Mexican restaurant in the world, Maya, in Cebu. One of the best Chinese too, the Shangri La in Lapu Lapu. You can have delicious suckling pig, excellent and cheap massages.

Some of the lesser known beaches like Bantayan's are not crowded with people, and ideal for relaxing. They have the best pineapple juice in the world, freshly squeezed, and one of the best Mango Ice Creams I had in the Bluewater Resort on Lapu Lapu.

In terms of IQ the Philippines takes a middle position among the world's countries, ahead of Mexico, Brazil, Montenegro, Albania, Indonesia, Egypt, and India, no mean feat given that the average will be dragged down by the victims of extreme poverty who can't attend school due to poverty.

There is no truth. There is only perspective. If you failed in the Philippines and had a bad experience you'll hate the country. If you had a great time there, like I did you'll love the country. It's just perspective.

But one thing is for certain, the girls are among the skinniest in the world, and one of the few places in the world largely spared by the obesity epidemic that has the USA and much of the rest of the world in an iron grip.

The truth about the Philippines

What a bunch of doomsday crap. There’s no easier place on earth; bottom line. And that’s not going away anytime soon.

That’s in response to Spaniards post btw

The truth about the Philippines

Quote: (10-19-2018 02:07 PM)Jefferson Wrote:  

Some more "truths" about the Philippines:

The real reason the economy of the Philippines is not excelling is not low IQ, the weather or chronic obesity (lol), it is the fact that the Philippines were fucked over by the USA, who only allowed the country to become independent a few decades ago. Naturally the building of proper institutions was hampered by hundreds of years of colonial exploitation. In addition the fragmented island nature of the country makes transport difficult. To this day the Philippines does not have a united language, its people remain fragmented linguistically.

The country is still developing and very much going in the right direction. Thankfully it avoided an idiotic civil war that caused catastrophe and hundreds of thousands of dead, like the US had to go through shortly after its independence.

Having said that a lot of women are semi-pro, and habitual liars, like everywhere. There is corruption, like everywhere, including America.

Even so, it is much more acceptable to a Filipina if you are 20 years older than her, people give you freedom generally to live your live there. You don't have to look like a model to score in Philippines. Of course it helps, of course you're not going to walk down the street and have women throw themselves at you. You'll always have to work, you always did, now or 30 years ago.

There is a lot more freedom in Philippines than in many other countries, it is indeed more fun in the Philippines.

The women have a silky touch and skin you don't find in Europe and NAmerica, they actually aim to please you above and beyond in the bedroom and are much more ready to let you raw dog than in other places.

Wherever you take a ferry there's twenty guys ready to carry your suitcase, taxis are still fantastically cheap.

You have the best Mexican restaurant in the world, Maya, in Cebu. One of the best Chinese too, the Shangri La in Lapu Lapu. You can have delicious suckling pig, excellent and cheap massages.

Some of the lesser known beaches like Bantayan's are not crowded with people, and ideal for relaxing. They have the best pineapple juice in the world, freshly squeezed, and one of the best Mango Ice Creams I had in the Bluewater Resort on Lapu Lapu.

In terms of IQ the Philippines takes a middle position among the world's countries, ahead of Mexico, Brazil, Montenegro, Albania, Indonesia, Egypt, and India, no mean feat given that the average will be dragged down by the victims of extreme poverty who can't attend school due to poverty.

There is no truth. There is only perspective. If you failed in the Philippines and had a bad experience you'll hate the country. If you had a great time there, like I did you'll love the country. It's just perspective.

But one thing is for certain, the girls are among the skinniest in the world, and one of the few places in the world largely spared by the obesity epidemic that has the USA and much of the rest of the world in an iron grip.

I won't comment on other things but I want to address the weight topic because I think you are a little bit misguided here.

The manilatime article you posted provided little to no information regarding how they conduct their research. What metrics they used etc...

If using purely eye test, I would say on average the average Pinay are skinny but it does NOT mean they don't carry a lot of fat. It's called skinny-fat. The majority of Filipinos carry their excess weight in their stomach and love handle which is something you cannot easily see.

It make sense if you have a nation that have fried food and rice with little veggies as their diet. Compound that with the little exercises they do.

Anyways, I don't think 95% of the Filipinos are overweight and I don't think the Filipinos on average are "skinny" either. It's somewhere in between. Why is it always one extreme or another? the truth is always somewhere in middle.

The truth about the Philippines

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