Quote: (10-18-2018 01:16 AM)Duke.33 Wrote:
@Fuckboy, dude lmao. Older guys here get more respect???
Did you not see that video of all the guys upset at old white people for stealing their girls.
I sometimes wonder where people draw these silly conclusions. Did you even bother to talk to the locals or just judge them? Most girls I talked to told me alot of judgement towards filipinas for being with a white guy is usually occurring with the older dudes. Which makes sense because alot of young guys have encouraged me to date a local girl.
It's like people either think everyone here is so nice or a total dick. It's just so extreme.
My post and my experience agrees the Philippines is not as easy as everyone hyped it. But its still easy. If I stay here for a full year like I planned I will bang over 100+ with half assed effort. Compared to the U.S we're I went hard for a year got like 15 bangs with no models.
If your this jaded maybe take a break from women, go surfing.
The video you're talking about has litterally zero value. I only watched a bit but basically it can be summarized as : Video made by a fat fag and two ugly potatoes, where they trap people into saying what they want to hear. And Filipinas that would be okay to meet old foreigners will not say it in the video by shame, or those were removed post-production.
I'm not sure if old guys get more respected, but they look more inoffensive and it's a known fact that a lot of them help Filipino families. So I feel they get more of a neutral, whatever vibe from the locals. While us, reckless fuckboys, unless we put up with their shy, goofy giggles vibe, we get glared at and draw a lot of hate from the local dudes and from the older women. Even the lobby guards, if they don't like you (jealousy), they will get unprofessional and make sure you know about it.
I don't live in the Philippines. But are you working at the same time right now? Because unless you can afford a decent condo at BGC, I found the long-term working conditions pretty grim and unbearable. But even in BGC, it's sterile and uninspiring. The people of BGC are more friendly and open to expats, although there were a few times where girls at the mcdonald or coffee shop would swoon over me and I'd get butthurt glares from local guys. Even Filipinos with money can't help it! They simply can't get satisfied and always get butthurt.