Quote: (10-15-2018 06:25 AM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:
I wonder what would happen if a white guy, say 25-45, decent looking, went to a medium sized city, learned tagalog to a reasonably fluent level and spoke it with everyone, learned a bit about the history and current events, adapted his mannerisms slightly in order to fit in a bit, and mostly dressed like the locals, and lived according to the average local income level (regardless of his real income), and overall integrated himself while not selling out and trying too hard.
I agree! I was thinking of doing that, I'm awful at learning new languages but it might be enough if I could learn to speak basic phrases. Some of them do get excited when I say Kumusta or salamat po. I planned on staying here for a year but I might go check out Indonesian and Thailand. I feel like whats missing is their is no deep dive on what country is best for getting 9's and 10's with social circle.
Now about this video, it has a
notice how in this one the first three guys all say "show me the money"? dont you think its odd their responding similar?
How many people did they actually interview? Lets say they interview 30 guys.
lets say 10 reacted with anger
10 did not even care
10 said oh i'm happy for them
they could easily only show the angry reactions. WHY? Because they have an agenda, they want to point out how half Filipinos and white people are only favored because of colonialism attitudes and they need to rise up as one and be proud of who they are. This sounds good but notice how they are putting white people down?
I do feel for him because he is a darker filipino and much heavier, he clearly is not getting laid a lot, so I understand his anger. But notice the reverse racism??
he uses science and facts to prove brown skin is better. Imagine if i made a video about why white skin is better and used facts that favor my side. People would yell, people would call me a white supremacist, a bigot. Yet he seems to get away with this. Its just as racist. If he thinks brown skin is better good for him, I'm happy he is proud of his race, but theirs no need to bash white people or his underlining anger at America. Notice how he tries to use qualifying statements, he will say things like I do not hate america and they are not the problem, then he goes on to say, we gave him crab mentality?? Really America a nation where we publicly reward the ones who win in life gave you crab mentality?
Its like if I said oh I'm not a racist and I have black friends, but man blacks are causing a lot of crime here and have bad manners. His video to me is seething with hatred for white people and half white half Filipinos. I understand his anger, he seems sexually frustrated, however do not take this video as everyone in the Philippines is like this.
I have been asking around about crab mentality here is some snippets from some girls I chat with:
Girl 1: (this is a girl near the top for a Filipina (models here) )
I never had a bad experience except some girl feeling insecure, but when we talk about a filipino with a older dude that is when the mentality arises.
whats sad is filipinos can be on top of the list for being racist.
she also went on to say a lot of that is more common in the provinces and with poor Filipinos.
she also told me some guys are butt hurt because they think they cant get the girls they want because of money. She means that their insecure attitudes are the bigger turn off not the lack of money. Sounds like the same guys complaining in the west.
girl 2:
yes it does happen, she told me out of her 10 friends only 2 wanted a white guy but she thinks more are secretly interested but too scared to admit it in her peer group.
I asked if half Filipinos are more popular in her observations she said yes, but not because they are seen as more attractive but because they will not get shit from anyone for it, where as a white guy some people will give them shit.
this only 2 girls, I'm going to hit up tinder and ask my dates, this will be more interesting than talking about the usual where are you from and how old are you, blah blah questions.