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Okay so this is my second time creating a RVF account. The first time I was banned for posting outside of newbies before 50 posts. Ok a little bit about myself. I have OCD and had a psychotic episode in high school so I had to go to a community college. I transfer to a uni after 3 years and am doing ok. I constantly have intrusive thoughts related to my own competence as a result and keep thinking what if I was stupid like all the other ones even though I am not. What should I do to stop these intrusive thoughts.


This is a Game forum. You should seek help from a qualified psychologist or therapist.


Quote: (10-11-2018 03:22 AM)badvik97 Wrote:  

Okay so this is my second time creating a RVF account. The first time I was banned for posting outside of newbies before 50 posts. Ok a little bit about myself. I have OCD and had a psychotic episode in high school so I had to go to a community college. I transfer to a uni after 3 years and am doing ok. I constantly have intrusive thoughts related to my own competence as a result and keep thinking what if I was stupid like all the other ones even though I am not. What should I do to stop these intrusive thoughts.

Contact some one who is qualified to provide mental health support/advice. Not on a game forum.


Quote: (10-11-2018 03:22 AM)badvik97 Wrote:  

Okay so this is my second time creating a RVF account. The first time I was banned for posting outside of newbies before 50 posts.

[Image: facepalm2.gif]

Quote: (05-16-2012 07:53 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Rules Of The Forum

(Updated 8/24/18)
5. Your account and posts are permanent. Accounts and posts can never be deleted, even if you're banned. You have 60 minutes to edit any post you make. You also cannot maintain more than one account. You cannot register again if you have been previously banned.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.


I think I;m misremembering things sorry, I'll have to get back on my meds.


Quote: (10-11-2018 03:22 AM)badvik97 Wrote:  

Okay so this is my second time creating a RVF account. The first time I was banned for posting outside of newbies before 50 posts. Ok a little bit about myself. I have OCD and had a psychotic episode in high school so I had to go to a community college. I transfer to a uni after 3 years and am doing ok. I constantly have intrusive thoughts related to my own competence as a result and keep thinking what if I was stupid like all the other ones even though I am not. What should I do to stop these intrusive thoughts.

Take your SSRIs and Lithium.

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