Quote: (10-10-2018 03:12 AM)The Catalyst Wrote:
I don't know anything about New Zeland. But I know about some particular holiday spots in South America. In some of these towns, they don't even have electricity receive a lot of tourists. I know some of my friends went to work 10 hours per day on summer lived on disgusting houses with other 10 guys and still banged tourist girls like there was no tomorrow.
It's the holiday spot magic. This is not that different than the locals in tourist spots in the Caribbean, Cusco or even things like the
Rimini lothario that was posted a few days ago. Of course, people are going to fit a different profile according to the place they are at. The local guy in Peru is going to be all about "psychedelic plants and ancient native understanding" while the Italian playboy is going to be all about the Italian stylish lover stereotype.
Do you think Italian career-oriented women living their daily rat race would give a fuck about this middle-aged man who has nothing on his life but promoting events by approaching girls on the street if he lived in Rome?
Do you think that a Caribbean city girl would dare to be seen with one of those almost homeless black guys from the beach town?
Of course not, but those guys don't give a fuck and why should they? They get enough action from their niche. I don't get the hate either. Sure it's not the kind of life I would strive for, but those guys seem to be living pretty fulfilling lives with enough sex and most importantly, roots and friendships they have had all their lives.
I'm going to go deep on an important factor: they don't care. You tell me you do all those things to be more attractive, they don't. They just enjoy whatever they have. Coming from a society full of rules and people trying hard, a lot of girls find that careless attitude attractive, at least for the brief time they are on holidays.
You can't be a semi successful well groomed men on a big city and play on the same field. In fact very few men in a big city could pull this kind of thing. There are always exceptions, like the well known "struggling artists" but still, those kind of guys tend to be very well known in their alternative social circles.