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American woman sexually violated in India

American woman sexually violated in India

Quote: (10-03-2018 12:51 PM)robreke Wrote:  

I've noticed a growing trend in the US of American white girls wanting to travel to India.

I've overheard several conversations at the coffee shop or having lunch somewhere and also including girls I know. It usually goes like "I'm going to India, I'm so excited!"

All I can think when I hear this is "of all the places in the world you can go, why would anyone want to travel to that shit hole?"

One of the travel junkies I dated loved India, said it was one of her favorite places. She hired a driver/tour guide to keep her and her friend safe, let them know which places to stay away from, which toilets were safe to use (seriously), and so on.

My take on her and why she loved India:

1) The usual spiritual/yoga shit that's been pointed out above
2) The element of danger actually excites them; in all likelihood they won't get raped, but the fact that there's a chance makes them feel they are pushing their limits and also the limits of what society deems acceptable, thereby bolstering their own sense of independence. Women make stupid/dangerous choices like this all the time, it's the travel version of dating a criminal badboy.

American woman sexually violated in India

Quote: (10-03-2018 01:53 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 12:51 PM)robreke Wrote:  

I've noticed a growing trend in the US of American white girls wanting to travel to India.

I've overheard several conversations at the coffee shop or having lunch somewhere and also including girls I know. It usually goes like "I'm going to India, I'm so excited!"

All I can think when I hear this is "of all the places in the world you can go, why would anyone want to travel to that shit hole?"

One of the travel junkies I dated loved India, said it was one of her favorite places. She hired a driver/tour guide to keep her and her friend safe, let them know which places to stay away from, which toilets were safe to use (seriously), and so on.

My take on her and why she loved India:

1) The usual spiritual/yoga shit that's been pointed out above
2) The element of danger actually excites them; in all likelihood they won't get raped, but the fact that there's a chance makes them feel they are pushing their limits and also the limits of what society deems acceptable, thereby bolstering their own sense of independence. Women make stupid/dangerous choices like this all the time, it's the travel version of dating a criminal badboy.

I kinda hear you on this. I mean it's really nothing new. Western folks (women included) have been traveling there for that "spiritual" borderline hippie experience since the Beatles era. The Beatles spent a lot of time in India right?

The Beatles in India - Wikipedia

[Image: beatles_in_india_2.png]

American woman sexually violated in India

Show bobs and vagene plz

White people travel there because Hinduism is in its origin indo-european aka white spiritualism and there is no longer any such thing in Europe or the US.

American woman sexually violated in India

Quote: (10-03-2018 10:21 AM)Horus Wrote:  

I was hanging out with a French girl for a few days, and she admitted the main reason she followed me around was that she didn't feel safe after a guy grabbed her when she was walking back to her hostel...

Did she repay your protection in the only way that she could? [Image: banana.gif]

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

American woman sexually violated in India

I was in India in 2010 and it sucked, even I'm glad for the experience. A lot of girls travel alone or in pair. Also back home, when I mention India the eyes get wide. India is a want to go place for a lot of girls. Here it is mostly because of all those Bollywood movies. Also the Vegan - Yoga vibe plays into this.
Meet two french girls that did travel with a private driver and never went out at night. Beside the annoying people, the dirt and the scammers, for women its not a nice place.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

American woman sexually violated in India

Quote: (10-03-2018 10:21 AM)Horus Wrote:  

When I travelled to India, every single female traveler I met had stories of harassment and dicey situations involving local men. I was hanging out with a French girl for a few days, and she admitted the main reason she followed me around was that she didn't feel safe after a guy grabbed her when she was walking back to her hostel, and even then she was groped in the street while I was standing right next to her. And then there were the stares, the hundreds of cold dead eyes that followed her everywhere she went. After visiting that country, I can confirm that rape culture does in fact exist. One thing that stands out is how few unaccompanied women you see in the streets there, probably because they're well aware that it's not safe to be alone. (The exception was in Punjab province where the guys seem to be a little less rapey for whatever reason). It's hilarious when idealistic starry-eyed western chicks travel to India expecting to find the most spiritual place in earth, and even after they experience the reality, they desperately hold onto the delusion that it's not a souless hell hole.

Punjab is Sikh territory, a very different people. Held off the Muslim invaders for centuries. A lot of religious doctrine about defending the weak, and track record of actually following it a lot of times

American woman sexually violated in India

Any girl who has or does travel either alone or with friends anywhere has always been a dealbreaker red flag for many reasons. The delusion of this girl is one of them.

American woman sexually violated in India

This is the difference between feelings and facts
She feels she has the right to go anywhere by herself and expects to be safe, in doing so refuses to take responsibility of her own personal safety
I know for a fact that going out alone in a foreign 3rd world country does have risks, I take all the precautions necessary to stay safe and accept my personal responsibility

American woman sexually violated in India


Would fix air conditioner

American woman sexually violated in India

Quote: (10-03-2018 06:27 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

The Indian thirst for white girls is real.

You have a supposedly proud to be brown loser in here who already advised his fellow brown Roosh males not to associate with Indian women that don't have white female friends because in his words....they're the ugly ones.

Not surprised one bit.

American woman sexually violated in India

The Indian thirst for white girls is not really because they are 'attractive'.

They have the 'exotic' factor but it's mainly because in India, white girls are considered promiscuous and easy compared to Indian women.

That's why guys message them on Facebook asking them to show their tits instantly. They don't do that to Indian or Middle Eastern girls for the most part

Source : an authentic Indian from India

American woman sexually violated in India

Quote: (10-03-2018 11:52 PM)Western tiger Wrote:  

The Indian thirst for white girls is not really because they are 'attractive'.

They have the 'exotic' factor but it's mainly because in India white girls are considered promiscuous and easy compared to Indian women.

That's why guys message them on Facebook asking them to show their tits instantly. They don't do that to Indian or Middle Eastern girls for the most part

Source : an authentic Indian from India

Yeah sure tell yourself that bud.

You have proud Indians that rep in my area probably the highest populated enclave in North America.

And then you have Indians that have a inferiority complex towards whites exclusively. They couldn't give a shit whether or not a black or a Oriental woman wants to fuck them or even be in their social circle.

But the great almighty Whitey?????....Thats a whole new ballgame. That acceptance is like a drug to them.

Dates all the way back to that phony assed peace loving racist "hero" Ghandi......even his white worshipping uncle Tom ass. It meant the WORLD to him not only to be admired by "them", but to not be lumped at the same level as in his memoirs the "kaffirs" and "slant eyes".

Oh how he couldn't stand that!

I went on a date with this Punjab one over the summer.....told me she considered herself in her words "white washed". Broad as close to being white as my dark ass lmao.

What's hilarious is you'll almost NEVER see white folks seeking out the acceptance of them: "Geez what I gotta do to be in these Indian people's cool books?"

I've often heard these whites I've worked with tend to make snide racist "curry smell", turban remarks/jokes. Mocking their language dialect. And i chastise their asses for it.

I only tend to get along with them fresh off the boat Indians.....real down to earth mofos. On the other hand any Indian of that Ghandi mindset can join his ass in the next lifetime for all I care.

American woman sexually violated in India

Quote: (10-04-2018 01:07 AM)Banna Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 11:52 PM)Western tiger Wrote:  

The Indian thirst for white girls is not really because they are 'attractive'.

They have the 'exotic' factor but it's mainly because in India white girls are considered promiscuous and easy compared to Indian women.

That's why guys message them on Facebook asking them to show their tits instantly. They don't do that to Indian or Middle Eastern girls for the most part

Source : an authentic Indian from India

Yeah sure tell yourself that bud.

You have proud Indians that rep in my area probably the highest populated enclave in North America.

And then you have Indians that have a inferiority complex towards whites exclusively. I'd say over 90% of their men could give 2 shits whether or not a black or a Oriental woman wants to fuck them or even be in their social circle.

But the great almighty Whitey?????....Thats a whole new ballgame. That acceptance is like a drug to them.

Dates all the way back to that phony assed peace loving racist "hero" Ghandi......even his white worshipping uncle Tom ass. It meant the WORLD to him not only to be admired by "them", but to not be lumped at the same level as in his memoirs the "kaffirs" and "slant eyes".

Oh how he couldn't stand that!

I went on a date with this Punjab one over the summer.....told me she considered herself in her words "white washed". Broad as close to being white as my dark ass lmao.

What's hilarious is you'll almost NEVER see white folks seeking out the acceptance of them: "Geez what I gotta do to be in these Indian people's cool books?"

I've often heard these whites I've worked with tend to make snide racist "curry smell", turban remarks/jokes. Mocking their language dialect. And i chastise their asses for it.

I only tend to get along with them fresh off the boat Indians.....real down to earth mofos. On the other hand any Indian of that Ghandi mindset can join his ass in the next lifetime for all I care.

American woman sexually violated in India

Are you black mate?

Yeah I agree. I'm from India, actual Indian not Indian America or British Indian or other.

Like I said in our country the men view white women as promiscuous cheap and easy. If you look at the skit above the first line the guy says "my parents would be mad if I got a white girl home". Indian culture generally views them as alien. Even kumail nanjiani who is Pakistani referred to it in his SNL skit when he said his parents were disappointed with his brother for marrying a white girl.

The preference for fair skin doesn't necessarily translate into a preference for white people just like the preference amongst whites for tanned skin doesn't necessarily translate into preference for Indians or Latinos or whatever.

There are some things you mentioned there that I agree with. It's an unfortunate by product of colonialism that is being addressed and will be eradicated within the next decade.

All in all the whites managed to bend every culture to their whim but no culture has held out as much as Indias. If white people started turning India into their backyard like how they did Thailand the whole country would revolt and no foreign nation will ever have a military base here unlike Japan or whatever.

All in all, remember the voices on the internet tend to be that of an amplified minority. Which other country has such a strong local culture that has survived colonialism or which other country apart from China is fiercely carving out their place in this new world

Cheers man and I agree forget the bobs and vagene or whatever, homegrown Indians are 10x more down to earth than foreign born Indians [Image: smile.gif]

American woman sexually violated in India

Pretty sad and a blight on a great culture just when we've eradicated open defecation in India (search Swach Bharat). I wouldn't advise foreign women to visit India and if they do, they should avoid Haryana, Delhi, Punjab and broader Uttar Pradesh at all costs (Mumbai as well but not as bad).

Thirst is all pervasive in India, however, the North is the known harassment capital. Down South and West you'll probably just get benign stares. Don't know where Horus was in Punjab but its pretty "rapey" given that Punjab and its neighbours are where the gender ratios are most skewed together with the general Indian thirst.

A must visit for all Indians but for the rest of. you SKIP India until 2030 (SUPERPOWER 2030 boyos).

American woman sexually violated in India

And I agree about that idiot Gandhi. The whites hyped him up because he fit their liberal world view of how the "savage natives" should gain independence in a just manner except now with the nationalists in charge people in India don't really like Gandhi. They consider him too pacifist.

They adore Bhagat singh who was killing British soldiers in cold blood and people like subash Chandra bose who allied himself with Hitler and the Japanese to form a breakaway faction of the Indian army to fight the British in burma. We made a move called "our dear friend, Hitler" who helped us fight the British and mein kampf is a bestseller in India.

Modern India is the absolute opposite of Gandhi worldview but you will never hear this side because the west still controls the media and these kind of world events is beyond their comprehension. Ultimately, you can't suppress truth and my hope is that in thirty years when we will be a serious economic power with all the influence that goes with that we will tell these stories.

American woman sexually violated in India

@ Western Tiger which part of India are you from?

American woman sexually violated in India

I'm mixed, dad is from Delhi mum from Bangalore but I grew up speaking kannada

American woman sexually violated in India

I hear Bangalore is a pretty awesome city man (and still growing rapidly). I have high hopes for India and am probably thinking about spending a year that at some point (got my OCI sorted so no visa hassles). My grandparents are from Surat.

There seems to be ridiculous levels of development every time I visit (mainly visit Mumbai, Surat and Ahmedabad these days). Your opinions on Modi? Even southern gujarati muslims (I'm muslim) seem to love him these days so I assume he is doing something right.

American woman sexually violated in India

Jordan AKA Travellight is the biggest attention whore on YouTube. Possibly the internet. I've been aware of her for years because I used to watch her friend Poppy's ("Where's Poppy?") videos about China. The chick is from a wealthy Miami family and claims she makes her perma-travel funds via the stock market. Her boyfriend looks like Moby. They travel separately all the time and she once had a different dude in her videos so I guarantee he has been cucked. Love those titties though.

WUAFDIEOPC (Would Use As Flotation Devices in Event of Plane Crash).

"If you're gonna raise a ruckus, one word of advice: if you're gonna do wrong, buddy, do wrong right."

American woman sexually violated in India

To be frank I hate him.

Their policies don't seem to be based on factual reasoning as much as grandstanding. (similar to trump in my opinion)

When it comes to decisions on this scale you need as many talented qualified people in the same room as you can get and he and amit shah tend to sideline people who don't align with their views. I can see why they do that because their resentment runs deep all the way back to nehru banning the RSS and their disgust that English is becoming the neutral language in India rather than hindi but it is what it is

At the end of the day I see India becoming like Italy, a corrupt inefficient government but one where basic systems work especially those that will rely on computerized systems like aadhar to provide some sense of accountability and the average person having a good quality of life.

Our size ensures we will be top 3 minimum if not top 2 second only to China but this will take time. I will probably only catch a glimpse of it at retirement.

At current growth rates we will catch up with the USA on PPP as early as 2030 but overtake then on nominal around 2060 assuming we maintain 7% for the next 30 years and then plateau at around 4.5 - 5%. Easily doable in my opinion but we will see.

American woman sexually violated in India

And yeah, Bangalore is like Mumbai without the homelessness and the frantic pace though I hear it is projected to be a megacity soon.

When we landed there back in early 2000 it was a sleepy garden only for retired generals and students. Half of the neighborhoods now were still palmgrove forests.

How fast the times change

American woman sexually violated in India

Sounds great, particularly less homeless people. Mumbai has become really difficult for middle class families. Real Estate is ridiculous and commuting is insane. I was interested in buying a condo but at 2 crore for a tiny 1 BHK that I will use at most a month in a year, it's insane to buy.

It has become like New York in a sense. Great for the average young gun to have fun, living in cramped apartments at a premium but impossible for families unless you're part of the 0.01%. Bangalore sounds a lot like Pune or Ahmedabad. Good choices for a family.

The projected sizes of future Indian cities are insane. Particularly considering all the additional numbers are UP or bihari bhaiyyas flooding in.

American woman sexually violated in India

Quote: (10-04-2018 01:12 AM)Banna Wrote:  

Quote: (10-04-2018 01:07 AM)Banna Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 11:52 PM)Western tiger Wrote:  

The Indian thirst for white girls is not really because they are 'attractive'.

They have the 'exotic' factor but it's mainly because in India white girls are considered promiscuous and easy compared to Indian women.

That's why guys message them on Facebook asking them to show their tits instantly. They don't do that to Indian or Middle Eastern girls for the most part

Source : an authentic Indian from India

Yeah sure tell yourself that bud.

You have proud Indians that rep in my area probably the highest populated enclave in North America.

And then you have Indians that have a inferiority complex towards whites exclusively. I'd say over 90% of their men could give 2 shits whether or not a black or a Oriental woman wants to fuck them or even be in their social circle.

But the great almighty Whitey?????....Thats a whole new ballgame. That acceptance is like a drug to them.

Dates all the way back to that phony assed peace loving racist "hero" Ghandi......even his white worshipping uncle Tom ass. It meant the WORLD to him not only to be admired by "them", but to not be lumped at the same level as in his memoirs the "kaffirs" and "slant eyes".

Oh how he couldn't stand that!

I went on a date with this Punjab one over the summer.....told me she considered herself in her words "white washed". Broad as close to being white as my dark ass lmao.

What's hilarious is you'll almost NEVER see white folks seeking out the acceptance of them: "Geez what I gotta do to be in these Indian people's cool books?"

I've often heard these whites I've worked with tend to make snide racist "curry smell", turban remarks/jokes. Mocking their language dialect. And i chastise their asses for it.

I only tend to get along with them fresh off the boat Indians.....real down to earth mofos. On the other hand any Indian of that Ghandi mindset can join his ass in the next lifetime for all I care.

>Loves Indian Indians.
>Hates Westernised Indians.
>Lives in Canada.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

American woman sexually violated in India

Ahahahah, yeah. We're going to have at least 30 cities the size of Tokyo which should hold the majority of the population.

The real game changer is when we build institutions to churn out the skills we need. We've got the engineers which is a good start but we need lawyers, city planners, judges, doctors and so many more. The politicians are fucking jokers but behind the scenes there are some very smart people who are building these things. I'm in a first world country only to enjoy myself and make a lot of money but in a few years I'm going home. There is too much happening and the country is changing at lightening pace.

China raised the bar, threw down a marker and changed the game. For so long all we were talking about was how to destroy Pakistan then China bought our whole neighborhood and now we're trying to build home grown fifth gen aircrafts and aircraft carriers and every Indian down in their heart knows we will never catch the Chinese but our neighbourhood is ours and we will bow to no one. The only way that happens is if our economy reaches its potential. That's why even BJP zealots and the English speaking luytens talk about development. That's all the country cares about now.

Every Indian who says the country is shit and they will never come back are comparing it to the developed world. We know where we are and where we need to be and gone are the days when we stayed in our own bubble and let the world be. When we blew nuclear bombs in Rajasthan and the Americans sanctioned is the country cheered and atal became a national hero, when Indira Gandhi defied the west to fly jets into Pakistan and liberate Bangladesh the country called her 'amma'. That's the real India, one where the flag of hindustan has been raised everywhere, one which is becoming increasingly assertive and will pursue her own interests at all costs not the outdated western concepts of spirituality and gandhi or whatever horseshit.

The western world laughs at us now but that's fine, their governments know what we can be and the third world still takes our lead though they all lean towards China economically now. The Americans renamed their command the indo pacific and want to sell us their tech now because they know its a fools errand to contain China in the south China sea. Lol, good for us I guess, we get the tech transfer and we will still hold them at arms length.

Anyway, that was just me rambling. Bangalore is very expensive now. Should buy a place in pune which has all the nice aspects of Bangalore minus the bad ones and where prices are going to skyrocket soon. My dad was a poor villager who went to work in the oil fields in Tunisia, came back and bought farmland in Bangalore when it was still a retirement village and sold everything to developers a while back.

Now all he does is play golf all day lol

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