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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 02:35 PM
When you bring the site back it will be.......The return of kings
Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 02:36 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Roosh, but understand your reasoning. There's no other payment system that you're not banned from that could take the place of PayPal? It really irks me when censorship wins. I know there are a lot of us who want to help you fight back.
John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 02:40 PM
I'll be pouring out a little liquor when I get home. You've fought the good fight for so long, and your wins far outnumber your losses. Very few men go against the grain and have the kind of social impact/healing influence you have. You've touched so many lives and changed them for the better. And Trump is proof that guys like you are having an impact.
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 02:47 PM
Hoping at the proper time it gets reactivated. At least there is still a lot of knowledge in the archive.
John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List
Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 03:22 PM
Well that sucks. I see your point though, they’ll come for us all eventually.
Make sure you Back this place up.
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 03:23 PM
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you for ROK. I found that site during a very tough time in my life when I was lost after a long term relationship, and I was searching for answers on life, women, and what to do next. I was probably trying to reconcile with my ex at the time, and ROK helped me identify my oneitis and banish it, as I finally freed myself to create a new life. I would say that ROK and the knowledge I gained from there, as well as the network of other "neo-masculinity" sites changed my life, and basically saved me from wallowing in beta-tude and set me back on the right path of masculine growth. It helped me work on myself, got me back into the gym, helped me find new hobbies and friends, tightened up my Game with the ladies, tightened up my mental game as I worked on the fortress on my mind, and I improved my life in numerous other ways.
ROK was my daily Bible for a long time, for several years I would check there daily and happily share all the new articles with friends. I would go back in the archives and read all the articles I could find from my favorite writers on the site, as I branched out onto their affiliate sites as well. I wound up migrating over to the RVF shortly after that and continued my growth offline. Sadly I haven't been visiting ROK as much in the last few years, maybe it's because I learned and internalized so many of the lessons there as second nature that some of the articles became redundant to me, but I would still stop in every once in a while and check out what was new.
The way I see it ROK is a victim of it's success, ROK is like the cure or the antidote to today's SJW-ism and the MSM propaganda...ROK was the Red Pill Cure for millions of Men. Sadly there's not as much money in handing out cures for today's diseases, like the disgusting pharmaceutical industry the money is in the spreading of the diseases and constant medication of them. Because once you've been cured of the Progressive Mental Illness you don't really need to keep taking the cure daily, you become the cure, as you start to walk the walk and talk the talk, and spread the red pill ideas yourself and cure other Men.
I can understand if ROK needs time to rest for a bit as we wage cultural war on many new frontiers, but ROK is leaving a legacy of hundreds of thousands, maybe more, men who have been detoxified and imbued with life-changing knowledge on how to succeed in today's twisted Clown World. But a day will come when the world will need this knowledge again....and we will be ready to Return as Kings, armed with forbidden knowledge that will be needed for the survival of the West. Thank you Roosh
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 03:32 PM
We need to fight smarter. Not harder.
Subvert. Subvert. Subvert.
Have you thought about courting a large donor Roosh to support RoK and get you some help?
I find it hard to believe that there is not someone among us that could sponsor this.
This might be a stupid question, but do you have a bitcoin wallet setup for donations?
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 03:36 PM
Will the old ROK articles of the past 6 years still be visible to read somewhere, or is the whole ROK website (and all its old content) going offline ?
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 03:42 PM
Is there a archive of the site ?
Too many good articles will be lost if it never go back.
Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 03:46 PM
It will remain online as an archive.
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 04:03 PM
The ROK comments section always made me feel good: I realized that there are people out there who are WAAAAAAYYYYYYY more fucked up than I am.
“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.
- President Donald J. Trump
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 04:13 PM
This seems like a smart move Roosh, we run a race of endurance; your best work will be that which you enjoy most. It’s always better to focus on a few things that you do well, especially because of the high standards you hold yourself to. You already know this, but it helps to know others commend your decision. In a world where success is sometimes defined as quantity rather than quality...
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 04:15 PM
Go to the Chateau , the commenters there will make you very greatful for your life !!!!! Some dudes never leave the comment section , its all they got in life. Actually there are quite a few places like that these days.
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 05:12 PM
Sad times, if it weren't for RoK I would have never found the forum (great idea putting links to recent threads at the bottom of the site BTW). I probably read RoK for almost a year before finally joining in December.
From Apple Cider Vinegar to Zinc, I have this community to thank.
Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 05:14 PM
I was disappointed but not altogether surprised to read that the plug was being pulled on ROK. It's tough enough to provide a consistent supply of quality content, but it's even more so when those controlling the means of distribution pull the monetization opportunities out from under you. If it means better content here or improved focus elsewhere, I can understand that as much as the economic angle too.
Roosh once remarked that shame is how they will censor us in the modern era, but it is apparently still true that when shame fails, silencing a few virtual presses is even easier than shutting down the many physical ones scattered beyond the sphere of Silicon Valley's influence. De-platforming the dissidents is only a few emails away. I'm actually surprised this forum is going as strong as it still is.
ROK was helpful to so many guys and gave every one of us willing to bang out an article the opportunity to publish for the benefit of anyone interested. Alas, when it flew too close to the flame and stirred the ire of the SPLC and similar groups, the writing was on the wall - economic censorship and electronic book burning were imminent events. I don't think that actual hate groups are getting as much scrutiny as the growing laundry list of alleged hate groups these days, which includes just about everything to the right of Karl Marx. The idea that ROK qualified as a hate group was beyond ridiculous, but as anyone in this forum knows, we are living in ridiculous times.
Keep your chin up, lads - nobody in a position of power bothers trying to silence ineffective voices. They're worried - they've got good reason to be.
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 05:35 PM
Bravo for the 6 years. Censorship is real and here we see it revealed.
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 06:01 PM
Thanks a lot for creating ROK. I followed that page since its launch years ago.
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 06:29 PM
I wasn`t even on the forum until the disqus thing happened. That`s what made me move over here, since I didn`t like the new comments system. In the wake of the disqus ban, (as Roosh mentioned) the quality of the articles took a real nosedive. Only so many; 4 ways to increase your T-leves that a man can read... No disrespect to the writers, as there where still some good stuff on the site. But it was not the same as when people like Roosh, Quintus, Relampago Furioso, A.V. Yader (my favourite) and others wrote the material. Hope it will be back someday though.
We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.
George L. Mallory
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ROK is going on hiatus after six years
10-01-2018, 06:42 PM
I understand your decision. You're only one man (granted, a man that has accomplished a lot). But often times, narrowing your focus can be more effective. You can rest assured knowing that ROK made an impact in the world and, in some small way, influenced the great cultural changes we have witnessed in the last few years.
"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)