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ROK is going on hiatus after six years

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

What does Tyrone have to say about this? I assume he's devastated!

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Just saw the replies to the Return of Kings twitter page posting about the hiatus

Lot of bastards mocking Roosh.
Pisses me off

So easy to be a hater these days, much harder to create something, like Roosh has done

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Thank you Roosh, Return of Kings managed to reach a lot of normies and other men to issues pertaining to them.
Plus the outrage some articles produced was great entertainment <insert Michael Jackson popcorn gif>

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

I will always be thankful for this article about ayahuasca. It's been one hell of a ride since I read it. I had no idea anything like Amazonian plant medicines existed before I read it.

I honestly think that any man of orientation, age, religion, race, or persuasion would find a few articles on ROK useful.

And I was seriously considering submitting an article or two myself.

Here is the article. This guy doesn't write here anymore:

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Loved ROK. Was a fan of it since day 1. Helped me in so many ways. Also got me on the forum. Incredible wisdom on that site. You should make a book set from the articles and sell it.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Quote: (10-01-2018 03:23 PM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

From the bottom of my heart, Thank you for ROK. I found that site during a very tough time in my life when I was lost after a long term relationship, and I was searching for answers on life, women, and what to do next. I was probably trying to reconcile with my ex at the time, and ROK helped me identify my oneitis and banish it, as I finally freed myself to create a new life. I would say that ROK and the knowledge I gained from there, as well as the network of other "neo-masculinity" sites changed my life, and basically saved me from wallowing in beta-tude and set me back on the right path of masculine growth. It helped me work on myself, got me back into the gym, helped me find new hobbies and friends, tightened up my Game with the ladies, tightened up my mental game as I worked on the fortress on my mind, and I improved my life in numerous other ways.

ROK was my daily Bible for a long time, for several years I would check there daily and happily share all the new articles with friends. I would go back in the archives and read all the articles I could find from my favorite writers on the site, as I branched out onto their affiliate sites as well. I wound up migrating over to the RVF shortly after that and continued my growth offline. Sadly I haven't been visiting ROK as much in the last few years, maybe it's because I learned and internalized so many of the lessons there as second nature that some of the articles became redundant to me, but I would still stop in every once in a while and check out what was new.

The way I see it ROK is a victim of it's success, ROK is like the cure or the antidote to today's SJW-ism and the MSM propaganda...ROK was the Red Pill Cure for millions of Men. Sadly there's not as much money in handing out cures for today's diseases, like the disgusting pharmaceutical industry the money is in the spreading of the diseases and constant medication of them. Because once you've been cured of the Progressive Mental Illness you don't really need to keep taking the cure daily, you become the cure, as you start to walk the walk and talk the talk, and spread the red pill ideas yourself and cure other Men.

I can understand if ROK needs time to rest for a bit as we wage cultural war on many new frontiers, but ROK is leaving a legacy of hundreds of thousands, maybe more, men who have been detoxified and imbued with life-changing knowledge on how to succeed in today's twisted Clown World. But a day will come when the world will need this knowledge again....and we will be ready to Return as Kings, armed with forbidden knowledge that will be needed for the survival of the West. Thank you Roosh

Echoed what Damien said and more. ROK helped me through some tough breakups and eventually lead me to the forum. I was an ROK fanboy since the beginning.

When I moved past the pickup stage of my life, and realized that I was surrounded at work and social situations by SJW lunatics, a site like ROK was crucial for me to maintain sanity. I felt alone in the world, abandoned by my friends, family, and romantic partners. It was extremely reassuring to come across a group of guys who viewed the world the world the way I did, saw the insanity that society pushed on us. I felt a sort of closeness and tribal bond with the regular commenters there. I got to know their life stories and personalities. I echoed their statements and even met a few of them. I'll always be grateful for the existence of that site.

I felt my stomach drop today when I heard the news-I had to take a minute at work. Had I not discovered that bastion of red-pill thought, suicidal depression was not out of the question for me.

That being said, I often regret not using ROK properly. I should have used it as an outlet for frustration and creative writing, not made it a lifestyle. Spilling those thoughts in public cost me dearly socially, dating, and even professionally. If I had to do it again, I would have set a few hours a week for ROK time and forbid myself to speak or think of the site.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

The problem is, companies are using the SPLC's designated "hate groups" as a proxy threshold for policing, banning, and general unpersoning. They won't declare it if publicly asked, but it's safe to assume that any corporation that has made a donation or other declaration of support for the SPLC has this criteria firmly planted in their employee procedure manual.

Since Return of Kings has earned that bona fide badge of honor, whiners from all leftist walks of life call up every company ever touched by Roosh and screech that they are supporting hate groups until they cave and ban his wretched self.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Really enjoyed Return of Kings. I found it in 2013 don't even remember how but I kept returning to it and only after 6 months did I notice the forum link in the bottom corner so i came here too. Lots of classic articles I need to save.
Contrary to what everyone is saying, I think the wild-west, trashy nature of the comment section made it great. You'd get everything from Quintus Curtius to highschool dropouts arguing about things it was very unique.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Y'all have any favourite articles? I liked this one in particular, I've read it a few times to immunize myself against insults:

I only contributed one article to ROK, but I think it was pretty decent:

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

I came to the Manosphere as a result of discovering Return of Kings 4 years ago. I had my eyes opened, and my view of women and, indeed, life in general, changed as a result of what I read there, and on other sites that I was led to. Sadly, the site is not what it was, for reasons already mentioned, but I still browse it, and I will mourn its passing.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Sad news indeed. It seems in latest months left has been successful with direct or indirect closing of many right wing / red pill platforms. Global darkness is winning.

My whole successful life is built upon red pill advice I found on internet. Without free speech in internet I would still be miserable. I am so sad for what would happen to the younger generation if internet gets censored.

I have learned enough to be well for a lifetime, but with each red pill platform closed I would feel more and more lonely.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years


Thank you for everything you did with ROK. It was my gateway to the forum. I haven't read it in years, probably more than 4, but when I found it it was a big deal for me - not least because it lead me here. I think it is a good decision on your part to mothball it for now. At its peak it was a tremendous resource - full of funny, informative articles, and I remember many happy times spent reading through page after page of articles. The impact it had on me was significant, and it is not an exaggeration to say it has improved my life.

I am very sorry to hear that your revenues had taken such a hit. With the declining quality of articles, I actually assumed that you had simply decided to cash in on a large readership and publish more lower quality articles that maximised your own returns. I think that would have been very understandable, given all of the slings and arrows you have endured on behalf of sane men everywhere, but it means something to me to hear that was not the case and I am grateful for your integrity.

What you have created is a wonderful, and very special thing. I very often have cause to feel grateful for this place, and your efforts, but these thoughts and feelings don't often coincide with an appropriate opportunity to express that gratitude. Thank you for everything you have done, not just with ROK. This forum is, in my opinion, the greatest of your public contributions. I am incredibly thankful for it.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Was never a big fan of RoK as the content was not catered to my tastes, however i think it had a great run and triggered a whole lot of soy.

Hopefully Roosh can get some rest and comeback stronger.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

I'm incredibly sad to hear this Roosh. I know you put so much of yourself into RoK and it's sad to see the communist goons forcing you to close it. Even worse, this is also the last wakeup call to the big league conservative personalities and politicians - if Roosh who is quite resilient, diversified and doesn't depend on one a single income source can be shut down like this, they need to seriously rethink their plans and take action before it's too late.

If you ever decide to restart it and need some content, just let me know and I'll be glad to provide a few articles for free.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Though I don’t like it, I understand why it became very difficult to maintain RoK any more. However, wouldn’t it be possible to compile an ebook „Best of RoK“? It would not be too much work, I (and probably many others) would buy it immediately, and it would be a way to monetarise all the work even after the PayPal ban.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

The left is celebrating: "Deplatforming works!"


Coming up next....

"Locking up people works!"
"Disarming the entire population works!"
"Assassination works!"

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Quote: (10-02-2018 08:52 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The left is celebrating: "Deplatforming works!"


Coming up next....

"Locking up people works!"
"Disarming the entire population works!"
"Assassination works!"

No one paying attention....Paypal sure was.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Quote: (10-02-2018 08:52 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The left is celebrating: "Deplatforming works!"


You're being ridiculed by the man below (David Fatrelle). Wear it as a badge of honor...

[Image: DavidFutrelle.jpg]

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

ROK is going on hiatus after six years


No one paying attention....Paypal sure was.

And Amazon, Disqus, Youtube, Facebook, Shopify...

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Quote: (10-02-2018 08:52 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The left is celebrating: "Deplatforming works!"


Coming up next....

"Locking up people works!"
"Disarming the entire population works!"
"Assassination works!"

It is very sad to see these useful idiots trying to shut down all the aspects of their culture that actually protect them during times of hardship.

Shut down Free Speech.

End Presumption of Innocence.

Scuttle due process.

Abolish reason and evidence.

Civility is a white man's trick.

Bring back the struggle session.

No forgiveness. No mercy. No more paying your debt to society. Guilt is now eternal.

Science is oppressive.

Abolish the term "Big Bang." It scares women.

Nation States and borders are racist.

All male sexuality is rape.

I can see why some people say the world is post 1984. No real need for big brother anymore.

People are competing to outdo one another in dismantling all protections for citizens against governments and groups and their narcissism is so complete that they cannot fathom that any of this will one day be used against them.

Manboobz claiming victory reminds me of my little sister commanding me to breathe, and then saying, "See, you have to do what I say."

What a tool.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Thank you for ROK, Roosh! I remember being barely a teen and seeing it on some website. The website was talking bad about it, so I decided to check it out. I read it weekly for almost 5-6 years.

ROK is going on hiatus after six years


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Quote: (10-02-2018 10:32 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2018 08:52 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

The left is celebrating: "Deplatforming works!"


Coming up next....

"Locking up people works!"
"Disarming the entire population works!"
"Assassination works!"

It is very sad to see these useful idiots trying to shut down all the aspects of their culture that actually protect them during times of hardship.

Shut down Free Speech.

End Presumption of Innocence.

Scuttle due process.

Abolish reason and evidence.

Civility is a white man's trick.

Bring back the struggle session.

No forgiveness. No mercy. No more paying your debt to society. Guilt is now eternal.

Science is oppressive.

Abolish the term "Big Bang." It scares women.

Nation States and borders are racist.

All male sexuality is rape.

I can see why some people say the world is post 1984. No real need for big brother anymore.

People are competing to outdo one another in dismantling all protections for citizens against governments and groups and their narcissism is so complete that they cannot fathom that any of this will one day be used against them.

Manboobz claiming victory reminds me of my little sister commanding me to breathe, and then saying, "See, you have to do what I say."

What a tool.

You know, H.L. Mencken categorized law as a metaphysical realm. I used to disagree with that, but it seems to be more and more the case. The courts are now based more on emotionalism/political religion rather than empiricism.

Just today in Sweden, the former leader of the Nobel committee was sentenced to two years in jail for rape. There was no technical evidence, just the accounts of the alleged victim and her radical Feminist friends. (Same situation as with the Cosby thing etc.) I think we can all see where this is going to end...with violence. Most people are to stupid to learn from history it seems.

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Do you have a Mencken quote or reference where he says this?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

ROK is going on hiatus after six years

Quote: (10-02-2018 02:34 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Do you have a Mencken quote or reference where he says this?

"The human mind, at its present stage of development, cannot function without the aid of fictions, but neither can it function without the aid of facts—save, perhaps, when it is housed in the skull of a university professor of philosophy. Of the two, the facts are enormously the more important. In certain metaphysical fields, e.g. those of mathematics, law, theology, osteopathy and ethics—the fiction will probably hold out for many years, but elsewhere the fact slowly ousts it, and that ousting is what is called intellectual progress. Very few fictions remain in use in anatomy, or in plumbing and gas-fitting; they have even begun to disappear from economics."

He also famously said that; "a judge is a law student who marks his own examination papers."

We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.

George L. Mallory

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