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What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Hi guys, I took a break from social media and traveled a bit, in Sweden and Norway. Not for the women. I made a deal with my myself, that I would travel to do sightseeing and enjoy the natural beauty and history of a country. Not for easy sex, as I used to.
I did enjoy it, at least in the beginning, but I ended up having depression. I could not do any more sightseeing or enjoy the the natural beauty and history of a country.
I did not respect the deal I made with myself, I said ''fuck the monuments, the mountains, the fjords and the rich history' and started chasing tail again.
I made some approaches in Stockholm clubs and streets and ended up banging two drunk 3s. I know, shame on me. Not even 5s. But I was drunk, too.
But seeing all these hot women around with high bitch shields, I was wondering, what it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

[Image: BANG-Roosh-V.jpg]


[Image: Game-by-Roosh-V.jpg]

depending on availability.

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

You probably got depressed because you were lonely. It's the worst thing about the nomadic lifestyle.
I would recommend staying in each place for at least a month, join some group sport or a social group. If you want to just travel quickly and do sightseeing find a friend or a girl to do it with you.

As far as banging 7s+, either have high SMV(especially looks) or stay in one place for at least a couple of months and build social circle that will help you get higher quality girls. Also, obviously avoid places where average quality is super low(like the Philippines). I saw just a handful of 7+ in a couple of months I lived in Davao.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

What do you look like? Are you tall? Athletic? Do you stand out in that environ?

The hardest part about sightseeing AND getting laid is you’re burning the candle at both ends. Even if you’re successful (perhaps even more so if successful) it’s not sustainable.

You need 8 hours solid sleep to recover from walking 10km a day. Taking in shitloads of new historical information and pictures is mentally draining. Most guys I meet in hostels are in party mode. They do the bare minimum of sightseeing. Basically just perimeter walking.

Oftentimes on tripe I come home dead tired. I’d be like oh great now I gotta update my social media with all these phenomenal pics and videos. Get them on my computer and organized in folders. Plan for another day tomorrow doing 10 new things. Repeat this every day and night. It’s like working two jobs.

Interesting choice. Scandinavia is gonna be tough. About the only advantage might be most girls speak English. I came to the conclusion of just save it for when I’m an old man. So many other places to travel where you can run game with less effort and more reward. Plus they’re cheaper.

Try getting your feet wet in SEA. You’ll figure it out. Not saying it’s a steady stream of 7s. More like your choice of 6s online and 7s if you make an actual effort.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Quote: (09-28-2018 12:27 PM)Choo Choo Train Wrote:  

You need 8 hours solid sleep to recover from walking 10km a day. Taking in shitloads of new historical information and pictures is mentally draining.

I walked more than 10km a day, maybe 20km. I could not sleep at night and had nightmares. Then, I was exhausted, but wanted to stick my dick in something. So I found that hipster Swedish 3 in a grocery store and asked me if I wanted to smoke a joint with her...

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Personal choice. Can’t really comment without knowing your physucal looks and circumstances. But sounds like you’re braindead and exhausted from long days. And you realize a real hottie takes on average 5 hours.

I will often take no bang vs an ugly girl. I have made my peace with it. I don’t see it as a loss. I got to spend my day doing what I wanted. If I can add sex to it that’s icing on the cake. But I’m not going to bang an ugly chick. Pass.

I got laid by the hot girls in high school and college. Lots of guys never got that and feel like they missed out. By the time they’re free to travel they’re making up for lost time. When I started to travel I was quite happy to finally be free of pussy constraints. I even went MGTOW for awhile before I realized I was passing up opportunities to, ahem, immerse myself.

I still feel anything less than 5 isn’t worth my time. It just grossed me out. I’d rather sightsee. The saddest part of being a hardcore tourist is you miss so many instadate and day game opportunities. It’s not worth walking in the other direction ten minutes or stopping what you’re doing.

Hell even finding time to text during the day is an issue. If I’m out sightseeing I usually only can send a few texts a day. Not enough back and forth to line up a date for the evening with a cold approach or new match. You really do have your work cut out for you.

Have you thought about finding a 7+ girl to travel with you? That’s it’s own challenge. Most girls I see backpacking or seriously traveling are 7 or less.

The hot ones are just doing the party mode/selfie thing. You can’t travel with them and be serious. Plus they piss away all their money on short trips then go back to shitty jobs.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Scandinavia in general is super boring for solo travelers. What did you expect ?

Quote: (09-28-2018 01:11 PM)Choo Choo Train Wrote:  

Have you thought about finding a 7+ girl to travel with you? That’s it’s own challenge. Most girls I see backpacking or seriously traveling are 7 or less.

The hot ones are just doing the party mode/selfie thing. You can’t travel with them and be serious. Plus they piss away all their money on short trips then go back to shitty jobs.

Really hot girls (8+) are not into backpacking. A girl who takes good care of herself will not sleep in a dirty, smelly hostel dorm. Instead she will travel with her sponsor/boyfriend or her group of friends for a couple weeks here an there and, like you said, piss all the money on hotels, clothes shopping (both before and during the trip), fancy restaurants and cocktails.
I was dating a "princess" in Poland who didn't even know what a hostel was. For her travelling was like preparing for a wedding. She had to buy a ton of useless shit, needed checked luggage even for short trips, liked to spend a lot of time in coffee shops instead of exploring the city etc. Better to just go alone and find a local girl.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Stay in places longer and do a mixture of both. Obviously the higher the SMV you have the better your results will be, but the same is said for location/logistics.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

It's hard plain and simple, on my last trip to mexico i banged two 5's but did get one soft 7. The 7+ girls I talked all blew me out. You just have to keep trying.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

You can listen to me cuz I actually know what I'm talking about

What you need to do is read more tips and tricks on game tactics

Lol jk

Looks, money, status >


Some proof


[Image: x9s5LdL.jpg]

Money (more attainable if you are ugly as shit):

[Image: 22dc620b-cb3d-4a98-a726-bdc851cdddce.jpg]

Status (very attainable but not if you're traveling around from place to place like a sex tourist):

Too lazy

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):


BTC: 1A5WUGDNGnsxGJ62CXadV6T2oapKfFu4T3
ETH: 0x9019d135dD1FFA06f0CC53C5942cBce806a943dd

(If I miss your reply PM me)

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Quote: (09-28-2018 08:09 PM)whiteknightrises Wrote:  

You can listen to me cuz I actually know what I'm talking about

What you need to do is read more tips and tricks on game tactics

Lol jk

Looks, money, status >


Some proof


[Image: x9s5LdL.jpg]

Money (more attainable if you are ugly as shit):

[Image: 22dc620b-cb3d-4a98-a726-bdc851cdddce.jpg]

Status (very attainable but not if you're traveling around from place to place like a sex tourist):

Too lazy

LOL that Ray profile is hysterical (and the responses to it). All I can think is this. A lot of the chicks know the profile is likely a trolling mechanism but they are taking a gamble based off the fact that they dig the SMV they perceive from that picture plus the general bad boy attitude being projected.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

I’ve gotten some girls in the 7 to 8 range to hardcore travel with me. They had decent personalities that took forever to filter for. They didn’t complain or try to run shit or I’d never have them along.

However they were NOT into the traveling. Basically they’d just sit and wait for me at attractions unless it was something easy like a zoo or waterfall. (Even then I sometimes had o make th final ascent up the peak alone bc she couldn’t do it.)

They were “along for the ride” with me because I was a polite, cute, buff, white guy who made traveling easy by doing all the planning, reservations, set a strong/safe frame. In a country like Scandinavia they’d basically have no reason to single me out for a fling! Maybe if it was 1946 and the war just ended.

They had seen all my all my social media pics and video. Always saying how great it must be to see beautiful stuff everyday. How jealous they were. Bored always just being at home. But the reality of constant travel was too tough for them.

Even with me doing everything it was not sustainable. Keep in mind we were in private budget accommodations, not dorms. The level of comfort was ok. You wouldn’t want to take selfies in the room but we had hot water, AC, privacy, a good bed.

After a few months they got exhausted. They worried about their stuff back home. Of course they had sponsors and orbiters welcoming them with open arms. They had enough selfies and photos I took of them to be satisfied.

To be honest I was usually ready to move on to a new area of the world and date others anyway. Usually I’d take a break and go MGTOW for awhile. Still I definitely enjoyed the time I had with those girls. The places we traveled together would have been lonely and boring. With no options to meet anyone for even a quick hookup.

And those girls were the exceptions. It’s a sad reality. Most attractive women would rather sit home bored and unsatisifed with life than step outside their comfort zone.

The other big problem I encountered was weak passports. The counties that are good for women will often have visa issues if you want to cross a border with her.

Its less of an issue of you stay in the same region. For instance most of the ten ASEAN countries can travel freely amongst themselves. But if you want to bring her to Japan or Europe it’s problematic.

The hotter 7+ girls are often looking for older guys to sponsor them for that very reason. The fun traveling guy is mostly good for flings. As others have said they can get a luxury trip from a daddy.

Even the girls I had traveled with had photos on their phones of luxury trips with old fat bald guys or a group of their gfs. We went to some of the same destinations. And she was like wow, was this attraction here the whole time? Pretty pathetic.

I always look at the western couples I see traveling around the world together. Mostly they’re both below a 7. Single girls in hostels arent much better. There are some cute ones but nothing to write home about.

In the rare instances I’ve seen 8+ girls in hostels or just traveling they have always had an orbiter with them. Whether it’s a beta guy or her girl friend.

There’s virtually no way you can crack that nut without becoming a sycophant. I’ve talked to some of the orbiters before. These guys had completely changed their plans to follow the girl around and are usually honest that they’ve been completely friend zoned. Still there they are. Hoping. Waiting. Three is a crowd.

It’s kinda funny but if I count the top 5 most beautiful women I’ve ever met traveling they ALL had this situation. Two had this + were part of an even larger impromptu group that were all now traveling “together”. Oh how fun! After one dinner with all of them I was like yeah there great people, but oh fuck no. I have my own agenda.

If you’re willing to settle down a bit there is another option. You can basically date a local girl who works. Then you only see her every weekend or every other weekend.

If she’s not living with family and a bit older (22+) she will give you most of her free time. Then you can plan to do the National Park type stuff when she has a long weekend.

The main problem with this is the inconvenience. Maybe it’s rainy for your weekend hike up Mount Fuji. But earlier or later in the week it was clear and way less crowded (no need for reservations or heavy planning).

The other downside is you will likely be making much longer drives and flying a lot. Then rushing to see everything in a short amount for time. Instead of just traveling through an area point to point with your only time constraint being your visa.

Still that trade off can be worthwhile if she’s cute, pays for herself, has a good car, and you can stay with her for free. That can really increase your flexibility. Something to consider.

Often times I would stay on longer in the area to sightsee in my own for a few weeks. I’d use the time we had together to pipeline and get the serious sightseeing stuff done. My girls had a “look the other way” attitude to avoid fights. So basically that means your girl has to be less than you in SMV.

They all kind of have the expectation that you’ll eventually settle down. So be prepared for that. If you’re lucky she might be a flight attendant or something travel oriented like a tour bus guide.

When you filter for all these things the options dwindle. That’s why it’s important to always fly into a big city. Try to pipeline and spend at least a month. You can often pull something decent for a medium term thing. Sometimes you come up empty though.

At least you can have some nightlife and hookups before you he’s dodf into the countryside. But always be prepared to MGTOW if you’re actually traveling for the experience. Sometimes you’ll come across stress free layups in small towns too. They’re probably not gonna be 7s though.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

It depends on how exciting you are what your vibe look ..thats look ..not looks are like.What was your experience with Scandi birds before you went.
Basically they've got boring, no passion, blue pillers in abundance.
If you can't hit bars etc good luck.I found alot of repression with Scandi chicks they need that excuse to let go.

These chicks are 1st worlders they have safety and support.So unless you bring fuck boi animal vibes forget it.
Swedish dudes are good looking stylish cats however its the Swedish dude with charisma that gets the pussy.These chicks have male beauty so you don't have to be a pretty boy..which is why I love Scandi chicks.

I met 2 Vietnamese Aussie dudes that swear Sweden is Pussy Paradise for them.I had to explain it was because they were Alpha and out going.

You burned your energy and vibe site seeing.Probably got home at 7 asleep by 830...

To me it sounds like you got into a last minute panic.How many approaches did you do on 7s and 8s?And I mean IRL not online?

About social media.

There is a line I see drawn by chicks between guys that take photos and guys that don't .Chicks have had 10s of dick pics sent to them but have never been choked never had their hair pulled or their butt smacked irl..That is sad.
But guys are wasting all their male energy on taking pics turning it estrogen energy for likes.
I was kicking myself at my complete lack of pics then realized actually that's my strength.I turn into a bitch the minute I start concentrating on pics..

In 2013 I got in trouble for taking pics now I get in trouble for not taking pics but I get the close..If she wants to take pics with you different story...

In the 90s I took many pics with a real camera what happened was I found it hard to stay on par with the Euro beauty I got back in Oz so would not live in the real world instead I pined after these pics ..

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

I bet those same Aussie guys were also happy to fly around the world to have sex. He’s asking about actually traveling to travel and get decent pussy. It’s a big trade off. Just look at digital nomads thread. Barely crests 7s by traveling in drunk guy party mode.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?


what it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

For a 7?
Good game, good logistics and some luck.
It's not actually that difficult.
8+ is where it gets interesting.

Quote: (09-28-2018 11:50 PM)Choo Choo Train Wrote:  

I’ve gotten some girls in the 7 to 8 range to hardcore travel with me.
However they were NOT into the traveling.

Traveling with a woman is a huge hassle and not worth it.
Massively inconvenient.

Vacation, sure.
Holiday, no problem.
But traveling?

They are just not made to cope with it, neither physically nor mentally.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

It’s possible to get a few weeks to a few months traveling with a decently attractive girl. Thats enough time for doing a rural loop and some national parks. I’d agree that beyond that it probably isn’t worth it for full time travel.

It’s mostly luck to find a woman who is in between jobs, on summer break if a student, or who will use her annual two week vacation to take a trip.

I’ve given up on the hope of finding a location independent, financially independent, and hot woman 18-40. It’s unheard of. If she does have that you’d likely have to be a male model or celebrity to hold onto her past a ONS.

Your best bet is a student who has off for 3 months or so. Most guys trips fall under that timeframe.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Well, this thread is very useful, but not very popular. I guess very few members or none bang 7s, when traveling, which is actually what I expected. I do expect us to go even lower than 5s very soon. Unfortunately, I'm already there.
The so called 'Dating Market Crash.'

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

back in 2013 i was in koh phi phi in thailand. i was trying to game a HB 9 and her friend in a hostel. brittish girls both travellers. we ended up going out to a bar.the bitchy girls ended up inviting 3 other good looking guys with solid game. short story.nobody got laid. the girls just make us compete for them for nothing.a total waste of time.. pretty girls above 8 are a waste of time these days they know they can just point a finger and any guy will want them.if you are travelling just enjoy your travels instead. if a hot girl is nice to you fine. if not no need

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

It’s not that it’s THAT hard. Certainly not impossible. It’s the trade-off of your valuable and limited time, as a TRAVELER.

Note I said traveler. Not expat. Not tourist on vacation. There’s a big difference.

The reason most guys don’t reply is because they’re expats, not travelers. Or they’re just chilling on vacation.

I know a lot of expats. I meet them daily. Some are even “location independent”. BUT they’re essentially living the same life abroad that they would at home.

There are a small minority’s who are students, but I rarely see them anymore because they are stuck on campus. You only meet them in hostels or occasionally at attractions.

The expats I know all sit in front of a computer most of the day. The lucky ones get to hangout in coffee shops. They rarely leave their neighborhood. It’s a non-issue for them to run a little game on their commute, meet online girls for an afternoon coffee, spend their entire weekend clubbing and sleeping.

So yeah expats in bigger cities regularly get 7s and higher. Don’t conflate this with actual travel. They’re able to do this over months by developing social circles and offering more potential for a serious relationship. They’re not wandering around town with a backpack unsure of where they’ll sleep tonight.

You as a traveler should not have this flexibility. If you do, you’re likely making a huge sacrifice. Going after high value women as a traveler is a gamble that often doesn’t pay off in time. Even when you do get that 7+ for a one night stand you’ve probably sunk as many hours into it. That’s just not sustainable day after day.

Now for the vacation guys. Yeah some bang 7s regularly. But they also do almost no actual sightseeing in their “travels”. Maybe a free walking tour (which they spend the whole time distracted by group dynamics and running covert game tactics). Wonderful.

It’s easy to spend your vacation in party mode. As you should. Do night game, sleep late, try some food, see the top 5 or 10 sights. Most guys are happy just to walk around a mall enjoying their SMV bump.

OP, it sounds like that after doing lots of actual TRAVEL you’ve begun to consider all these things and are trying to make sense of your frustration. It’s normal. You can get away with burning the candles at both ends for only so long. And when you actually travel outside a city there’s just won’t be many viable options for women. You have to take what you can get.

What it really takes to bang a 7 when traveling?

Quote: (09-28-2018 05:00 PM)Pointer Wrote:  

[...] Instead she will travel with her sponsor/boyfriend or her group of friends for a couple weeks here an there and, like you said, piss all the money on hotels, clothes shopping (both before and during the trip), fancy restaurants and cocktails.
I was dating a "princess" in Poland who didn't even know what a hostel was. [...]

Sorry, but I refuse to accept that hot girls in the 8+ range are locked out of travelling game guys (I won't say the average gamer because let's assume you're of above average in SMV) by way of the excuse of "her sponsor".

This topic has spread about the forum of late like the plague and fascinates me. In my youth, I've lived in two of these sorts of Insta-whoring cities, and plan to spend more time in similar regions (the South of France, the North of Italy) upon attaining a location-independent income.

I cannot bring myself to believe that all these northern and eastern European hotties that soak up the IG thirst in Le Cinque Terre, Marbella, Dubai, or Bali are able to do that singularly off a sponsor's dime and are locked out of even an above-average game guy whose yen for these sorts of destinations means that he mightn't be able to spend such significant amounts of time in any one spot.

As I mentioned, I live in one such city now, teeming with said Nordic and Slavic hotties. Whenever I've closed one (invariably IG), I'd scroll through her pics and wonder how the fuck she could afford to travel through all these glamour cities in Europe while still in art school.

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