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6 Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Maybe the liberals are right, we NEED open borders to let Islam in. Can't count on Christianity to save the West.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Quote: (09-28-2018 05:34 PM)Krazyhorze777 Wrote:  

Maybe the liberals are right, we NEED open borders to let Islam in. Can't count on Christianity to save the West.

Christianity is cucked, but that does not mean that you cuck to something 1000 times more retarded.

Obviously the retarded logical choice is tu commit suicide by nuking yourself or to surrender to a cult that fosters 50%+ inbreeding, constant polygamy, anti-science behavior, lots of gay sex as an Islamic paradox due to massive polygamy. That's like curing your cold by shooting yourself in the head or the Eastern Europeans fighting against communism by committing mass-suicide.

[Image: HF3QikI.jpg]

The logical choice to an elite-driven top-down Orwellian system is not to surrender to a more retarded one - that's cuck-talk.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
...and to the Left Pacific go the smart ones, before the Islamists take the US completely as they are in the process of taking the last bastion of Western Europe. Don't think for a second that "light Sharia" would ever be good for America, let alone occur. If Islam becomes the dominant religion here, why would it unfold as anything less than the batshit-insane fundamentalism so prevalent throughout the Middle East and upper Africa?
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Islam is incredibly well engineered. Like clockwork when 10% of the population is Muslim they appear as "light" or "moderate". When it starts to rise you start seeing insane extremism. The more I read the more I start to think it was an ingenious all in one solution to support, maintain, and continue conquest. It just works so well.

I don't think Christianity is much better for other reasons but I find Islam as a populous control tool damn effective especially for its age
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
< It's not. If you study it better then yes - it's a wonderful tool for a medieval conquest cult that lets the upper tier of men hoard all the women, produce a bunch of inbreds over the generations, destroy science, but the impetus for slaves - sex and warrior- and work-slaves - creates constant turmoil and desire to conquer.

That would in theory continue until the world is conquered for Islam, returns to an inbred backwards Middle Ages and then reverts into constant conflicts between the sects and Islamic flavors, because polygamic societies cannot retain any stability. It's a perfect sestem for medieval constant conflict and the top to get more looty and booty so to say.

It's more like a cancer just as the cult of Baal, Talmudism or the Aztec sun-cult were stupid mental cancers. And Christianity is infinitely better - almost any of the big world religions is betteer. Scientology is 100 times better - the world turning all into Scientologists would be far superior. The study of the religion has to encompass everything that is going on in the religion - even to this day with many changes just being forced on them by the West.

Plus - whenever they start to reach 30-40% of the population, then war is almost inevitable. This stupid White Sharia crap is being repeated by 4Chaners who have no idea what sharia entails in full and how it fucks up your culture forever.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
The western countries are long gone being Christian. Yes they still have he holidays and you have churches closing down and attendance to services or mass is downward. If not for the influx south of the border many churches in the USA would be closed. As for westernEurope it's the same deal. Brits have abandoned the Anglican Church.

As for Christian countries where citizens still attend service or mass, well they aren't so cucked.

Back to the topic. The public schools are committing suicide. They will be replaced by private schools and homeschooling.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Islam is a force of nature. It's the scourge to punish and cleanse wicked degenerate societies like Modern West. It is stupid, illogical, unscientific, primitive - yes. But that is why it is a sure safeswitch to activate in cases of global degeneracy. You cannot reason it out of existence - you can only out-virtue it consciously.

Many critics of Islam think it is a historical accident. Or that it is from Satan. No, it is from God/nature, despite being wrong. They think were it not for Muhammad Islam would not exist. Wrong. Just like someone would invent Radio if not for Marconi, invent lightbulb, if not for Edison - someone else would create a religion that kills all disbelievers. That religion would always gain power once it becomes justified if the disbelievers actually behave morally more repulsive then the adherents of that aggressive faith. Just like nature states that any ecosystem must have herbivores, and carnivores and parasites to maintain balance - so does there exists a need for a punishment religion like this.

A predator kills the weakest and slowest member of the herbivore herd - possibly a sick one, thus doing a favor to the herbivore heard and stopping the spread of sickness or at least weak genes. So is Islam doing a favor to the rest of the world by cleansing it of the degeneracy. Still Islam remains a shitty state of things - better not to have it. But you will not out reason it, you can only live virtuously enough for it have no justified reason to attack you, then you will have the strength to push it back to some weak and reduced state where it will linger waiting to activate once the surrounding superior cultures lose their way and become sick again.

If you are teaching your own children homosexuality - you deserve to be culled. It is perfectly justified in eyes of God for any smelly medieval camel piss drinker to cull you. Yes God does prefer violence over degeneracy. Always have and always will. That is the rough love he has given to the world, that is just and merciful. It is the greatest mercy for the sinner to die. It is a relief and celebration of love for both him and those around him. If you have other ideas about what love, justice and mercy looks like - you are wrong and possibly a degenerate. Blame modern Christianity for twisting the nature of these concepts in society.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
^That's in the top ten posts of the year.

I have struggled at times to explain why Islam to me appears as the lesser of two evils when compared to this satanic world order we face.

You've summed it up perfectly. The hyenas will never rule the buffalo but without them the sick buffalo will infect and kill the rest of the herd.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
^ Above few posts reminded me of one of my all time favourite posts from an old blog called LaidNYC. It is a post about balance. Lots of other good posts in the thread, though they aren't as on topic: thread-43214.html

Quote: (12-16-2014 12:00 PM)Isaac Jordan Wrote:  


Unnatural Selection

Once upon a time the harsh winter of northern latitudes brought forth a great selective pressure upon its human inhabitants. The challenges of the terrain selected for the clever, and the cold climate allowed brains to expand with little metabolic cost. The minds it shaped brought forth innovation, first benefitting themselves and their spawn. Then capital, markets and money co-evolved with agriculture and eventually developed into an Industrial Revolution to solve problems for the masses at a low price of $19.95. Now western humanity has all the comfort and prosperity that 99.9 % of humans did not have throughout history, with none of the brainpower required.

Today the threats of predators, vicious weather, starvation, and sexual excess have been solved by innovations built by great minds: Temperature controlled housing, superior technology and weaponry, mass produced food, medical innovation. It is only with these prosperous luxuries that this generation can consider progressive arguments that would get themselves laughed out of their village in shame throughout civilized history. Indeed, being a progressive has become a way to signal just how comfortable and high status you are. Thank you for the innovations in reproductive medicine, now stay out of my bedroom while I laugh at the religious ethics that was my ancestor's penicillin. Open your borders, disarm and share everything with the world or you're a backwards racist hick. This washing machine is great, now stop oppressing women like a caveman.

With these comforts, for the first time the selective pressures that will shape the genome of future generations is not coming from nature, it is coming from high verbal IQ shysters within the populace. But Darwin don't care. Threats to reproductive fitness can come from a bear running at you, or from a TV telling your daughter to never settle. You see the unfortunate story of a woman who spent the currency of her youth on degrees and contracepted sex with alpha males and then her IVF doesn't take at 35. What I see is a gazelle who got eaten by a cheetah because it couldn't run fast enough. To the universe, the result is just the same. There are those who won't reproduce by their own carelessness or choice. It isn't to be fought. It is evolution in action. It isn't sad, it is a beautiful thing to witness.

Those who are most susceptible to believe the slick liars when they preach equalism and egalitarianism and pathological altruism will see their reproductive fitness decline. Teach your daughter to be a strong independent feminist and you'll take your death rattle with no grandchildren at the side of your bed. Embrace the blank slate and don't say anything racist in front of your children, and your grandkids end up looking nothing like you. Refuse to extend a middle finger at the warm n' fuzzy everyone-gets-a-trophy philosophy and your son ends up a pussy. But with evolution, there are winners as well as losers. Some will resist these pressures. Indeed, the cultural marxists should be careful what they wish for: They're selecting for the smartest, most fertile, most racist, most patriarchal group the world has seen.

Of course, the high time preference underclass who can't summon the willpower to reach for a condom in the heat of the moment will continue to spawn above the carrying capacity of their earning power. But an Idiocracy can only be supported by the grace and altruism of wealth-producing hosts. The civilized world that they thieve trust from is held together with precarious threads, not least of all being a novel fiat reserve currency. A black swan event will not be kind. When the greenback goes full Madoff and/or technological advances finally crush all the monkey-sorting-widget jobs and the parasite class must be formalized with a Guaranteed Minimum Income, you will see flight on a massive scale. Secession, expatriation, high walls, immigration-by-genome and no apologies.

So keep up the "progress". Release those cheetahs and we'll see which gazelle can run the fastest. You think each time a universal ballot or activist judge swings left you've won a battle when really you're just creating more leg room for my grandkids in Elysium.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
The west has been infected by a thought parasite. It’s our version of the plague of Mideval Europe. Though not as tragic in that your don’t see your half your neighbors and family die. The end result is just the same. Think of all the people that weren’t born because of this thought plague, the brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, neighbors who weren’t ever born. If not from mass migration to the west from Nations and culture who are now being infected our town and cities in the West would be just as empty as they were during the plague. Nature/Darwin has dictated what the solutions is. Hopefully you have the immunity to survive it. If you do, you will inherit the earth once it’s passed.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
[Image: doctor-congratulations-its-a-boy-mother-...516281.png]

We all know a big part of this is that token gender/transgender studies mother who gets their child to parrot fucking braindead rants from Jezebel or Feministing.

These people hound the principals, their child's teachers and even other parents until they get their way.

Inasmuch as I wish some parents would grow greater spines when it comes to the education of their children, the vast majority of parents are largely indifferent to this insanity, focused as they are on paying their bills, dealing with stress at work, or salvaging/tolerating their shitty marriages.

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder: http://slovakia.travel/en/nove-zamky
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Quote: (09-28-2018 08:26 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Islam is a force of nature. It's the scourge to punish and cleanse wicked degenerate societies like Modern West. It is stupid, illogical, unscientific, primitive - yes. But that is why it is a sure safeswitch to activate in cases of global degeneracy. You cannot reason it out of existence - you can only out-virtue it consciously.

Many critics of Islam think it is a historical accident. Or that it is from Satan. No, it is from God/nature, despite being wrong. They think were it not for Muhammad Islam would not exist. Wrong. Just like someone would invent Radio if not for Marconi, invent lightbulb, if not for Edison - someone else would create a religion that kills all disbelievers. That religion would always gain power once it becomes justified if the disbelievers actually behave morally more repulsive then the adherents of that aggressive faith. Just like nature states that any ecosystem must have herbivores, and carnivores and parasites to maintain balance - so does there exists a need for a punishment religion like this.

A predator kills the weakest and slowest member of the herbivore herd - possibly a sick one, thus doing a favor to the herbivore heard and stopping the spread of sickness or at least weak genes. So is Islam doing a favor to the rest of the world by cleansing it of the degeneracy. Still Islam remains a shitty state of things - better not to have it. But you will not out reason it, you can only live virtuously enough for it have no justified reason to attack you, then you will have the strength to push it back to some weak and reduced state where it will linger waiting to activate once the surrounding superior cultures lose their way and become sick again.

If you are teaching your own children homosexuality - you deserve to be culled. It is perfectly justified in eyes of God for any smelly medieval camel piss drinker to cull you. Yes God does prefer violence over degeneracy. Always have and always will. That is the rough love he has given to the world, that is just and merciful. It is the greatest mercy for the sinner to die. It is a relief and celebration of love for both him and those around him. If you have other ideas about what love, justice and mercy looks like - you are wrong and possibly a degenerate. Blame modern Christianity for twisting the nature of these concepts in society.

Islam is no force of nature and Islam is in reality no tool for less homosexuality, but the reality is that more homosexuality happens. It's a dirty fucking secret in all Muslim countries from the dancing boys of Afghanistan, the boy prostitutes of Pakistan, the orgies of the Ottomans, to the power-bottoms of the Saudis.

Statements like these are made by guys who have no idea what is coming along with Islam. It's not the lesser of two evils - it's one of the worst of evils since after it takes hold, then it permanently takes hold of the minds and destroys great cultures from within. It's a fucking religion that lowers IQs by 10+ points over generations! It's a religion that regularly burns libraries and wipes out any non-Muslim art and science.

Whatever - you can all dream about a mystical super-moral Islam while in reality the uncle raping his son gets full family backing and even if everyone knows, no one tells. The Islamic madrasses are a 100 times worse than what is happening among Catholic priests, but not a peep about it.

If you think that it's a solution to turn Muslim, then you are mistaken. You are exchanging passing propaganda with a permanent debilitating condition.

How the fuck would it have improved the economic system of communist Eastern Europe if everyone turned Muslim?
The current gay and trannie pushing will pass as well - only a tiny portion even among the liberals are infected with the mental sickness - many go back and most are just liberal normies.

Islam is also no force of nature weeding out the weak - pre 2001 it was viewed as poor and backwards and irrelevant. The globalists created some bigger false flags, then pushed millions of them into the West, they promoted the idiocracy extraordinnaire as the Religion of Peace. Without the full monetary and ideological backing of the globalists just as feminism, Islam would be a smear of madness laughed at by everyone with total ban of creating even mosques.

Again - it's a primitive medieval warcult that is not ethical, that is not really combative towards gays (since fucking a power-bottem or raping a little boy does not make you gay in Islam), it's neither strong, nor is it a solution. Only because it is strong in a medieval setting does not mean jack shit - a pack of wolves, lions or elephants are also strong and powerful when a human faces those animals with little more than an unsharpened stick - those were difficult battles even for the stone-age man. But just like those animals are ridiculous dangers, the same goes for Islam. To the globalists they are nothing but vicious dogs set upon the West and even aided on all sides, so that the dogs can help take away the freedoms of the West, marginalize them and divide and conquer.

And besides - the majority of incoming refugees to the US are South Americans and the majority of the new ones will be Subsaharan Africans and not Muslims.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Quote: (09-29-2018 03:22 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

If you think that it's a solution to turn Muslim, then you are mistaken. You are exchanging passing propaganda with a permanent debilitating condition.

I am sad you misrepresented my post. I certainly would never suggest to turn to Islam as a solution. Islam pretty much disgusts me. I was merely saying that the evil of Islam gets stronger proportionally to the evil of degeneracy to counteract it.

Is Islam secretly full of homosexuality? I am not sure. Sure some Islamic countries like Pakistan seem to have a lot of small boy abuse and homo-pedophilia. At the small time I strongly doubt that is case in Chechnya or Dagestan. I think it depends.

Quote: (09-29-2018 03:22 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Again - it's a primitive medieval warcult that is not ethical, that is not really combative towards gays (since fucking a power-bottem or raping a little boy does not make you gay in Islam), it's neither strong, nor is it a solution. Only because it is strong in a medieval setting does not mean jack shit - a pack of wolves, lions or elephants are also strong and powerful when a human faces those animals with little more than an unsharpened stick - those were difficult battles even for the stone-age man. But just like those animals are ridiculous dangers, the same goes for Islam. To the globalists they are nothing but vicious dogs set upon the West and even aided on all sides, so that the dogs can help take away the freedoms of the West, marginalize them and divide and conquer.

Sorry but Islam is more serious then danger then a pack of dogs. I have not seen too many people being converted into thinking they are cats and dogs or elephants, but I see people being subverted by Islam and converted into it all the time. Sure most of those people are not geniuses, but their reproductive function seems to be all right and that is what matters more.

I think it is in human nature to always overestimate the level of homosexuality of your hated ideological opponents. Many atheists and Jews think all Catholic priests are homosexual pedophiles. Certain Christians think everyone in Hollywood is a homosexual pedophile. And Islam haters suspect homosexual pedophilia in all of Islam too. It might be that all these systems have some level of covert pedophilia, but at least it is not open and is still shunned in public. The modern liberal level of degeneracy is on the whole another level where there is no shame at all and homosexuality for children is though openly and with pride. So I would say it is still much worse then any covert homosexuality that probably exists in all cultures, due to some baseline genetic deviation.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters

Yeah - and listen more to Ex-Muslims who have many stories to tell about the reality of homosexuality. Raping a little boy or fucking another man makes you not gay under Islam, getting a BJ by a man also does not make you gay.

It's the same as with all their other definitions.

The Western-funded fertility is clear of course and a danger to the countries, but numbers, pure naked hairy ass numbers are not going to win. Otherwise - Israel would have long been wiped out by the Arabs. 10% Whites can massacre a 90% Muslim country.

The problem is rather top-down - and the globalists don't want Europe to turn Muslim and neither will the US or Canada. That's just a misunderstanding of the planners who are not morons and draft agendas decades into the future. Of course they know that if you continue like that, then a majority Muslim Europe would be a civil-war plagued hellhole - they would not even be able to consolidate the power.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Quote: (09-29-2018 04:30 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  


That article looks to me like a gay propaganda - gay is everywhere- people everywhere like freedom (freedom meaning freedom to be homo of course).

Quote: (09-29-2018 04:30 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

10% Whites can massacre a 90% Muslim country.
Agreed - but only if the whites are not cucked or gay.

Quote: (09-29-2018 04:30 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

That's just a misunderstanding of the planners who are not morons and draft agendas decades into the future.

Well if these mythical planners are all-seeing, all-forecasting, all-knowing then truth has no chance and everything is lost and every discussion is pointless.

I prefer to think that morality pays off and immorality after a while robs a person of both sanity and forecasting powers, and truth shines out eventually. I think these planners are much more short-sighted then people give them credit and that they are going to dig a hole for themselves with welcoming of Muslims and sub-saharans too.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Thread needs GIFs.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Quote: (09-28-2018 02:58 PM)Abelard Lindsey Wrote:  

I read about this stuff with depressing frequency and can only conclude that the purpose cannot be anything other than the sexualization of children.

When I was a child (child being defined as pre-pubescent) growing up in the 70's, I didn't even know what "sex" was and didn't even care. I had a friend try to explain it to me when I was like 11 years old or so and it went right over my head. Most of us didn't know what sex was because it was never a part of our childhood. If people are trying to push this stuff into the grade schools and even into kindergarten, it can only be for the purpose of sexualizing our children. the is because there would be no other reason for kids to have knowledge of this stuff at those ages.

Going against natural law. Sexualization before nature makes it happen through puberty. It has been predicted in Aldus Huxley's Brave New World and is now coming to fruition.

Add to that the double whammy of sodomy and the inherent nature of what it represents. The death of the human species.

They hate life and worship death.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Quote: (09-28-2018 06:38 PM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

< It's not. If you study it better then yes - it's a wonderful tool for a medieval conquest cult that lets the upper tier of men hoard all the women, produce a bunch of inbreds over the generations, destroy science, but the impetus for slaves - sex and warrior- and work-slaves - creates constant turmoil and desire to conquer.

That would in theory continue until the world is conquered for Islam, returns to an inbred backwards Middle Ages and then reverts into constant conflicts between the sects and Islamic flavors, because polygamic societies cannot retain any stability. It's a perfect sestem for medieval constant conflict and the top to get more looty and booty so to say.

It's more like a cancer just as the cult of Baal, Talmudism or the Aztec sun-cult were stupid mental cancers. And Christianity is infinitely better - almost any of the big world religions is betteer. Scientology is 100 times better - the world turning all into Scientologists would be far superior. The study of the religion has to encompass everything that is going on in the religion - even to this day with many changes just being forced on them by the West.

Plus - whenever they start to reach 30-40% of the population, then war is almost inevitable. This stupid White Sharia crap is being repeated by 4Chaners who have no idea what sharia entails in full and how it fucks up your culture forever.

4Chaners fail to understand that Christianity has been Patriarchal and can be Patriarchal. Its variant of course would far outshine Islam as evidenced by the past 1800 years of Christendom from its beginning. Helping to bring forth and sustain high civilization and ensuring flourishing all across Europe.

And being able to do this without needing to resort to ninja-suits like Burkhas and ridiculous morality policemen. Or enshrining wife-beating and other forms of actual abuse.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Some serious soul shattering naivete here where Islam is concerned. Simeon_Strangelight has by far done the best analysis. If you think violent homosexuality in Islam is exaggerated talk to some service men who have been deployed to Afghanistan. Europe is going to have to decide if it wants to survive or not. As for the OP this is disgusting and dangerous beyond words. I try to tell some about what is happening in schools in the advanced west and I either get the roll of the eyes or the shrug of the shoulders. This is the worst kind of child abuse. The scary part is that it is only the beginning.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
The German-Turkish genius-writer Akif Pirincci put it recently well why Christian countries developed so differently especially in the last millennia - though Rome and Greece were also great civilization creator without Chrstianity and would have reached modern level of development if they had banned slavery (making labor saving inventions necessary).



In fact, there were so-called knife murders and rape among total strangers in such countries as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, largely far less in Islamic regions than in the new Germany of "diversity". This had a very simple reason and went back almost 2000 years. Islamic societies was alien to the unconditional trust and belief in the state that had originally arisen from Christianity. At that time, the Catholic Church was unwillingly accelerating the social progress of the West at that time, because of its "marriage and family program". Christianity fought since late antiquity, far beyond the incest prohibitions in the Bible. And after the separation from the Eastern Orthodox, the Western Catholic Church seized an obsession with this problem: Of the seventeen synods between 511 and 627, the marrying rules thirsted thirteen; In the year 1003, King Henry II finally forbade marriage in the Holy Roman Empire to cousins ​​of the sixth degree - that is, with a common ancestor among their 128 great-great-great-great-grandparents! One was no longer allowed in the family, but had to marry another Christian. That's why there are no tribes left in Western Europe. Their order and penalty function was delegated to the as always designed state. Spectacular side effect: From now on, the brother brothers and sisters, who are not related to each other by blood, worked together not only in clans of relatives, but also with masses of strangers. marriage

By contrast, state authority is alien to Islam. Muslims are made up of large families, clans and tribes, and they only submit to the idea of ​​the state, even if it appears in the form of a beastly dictator or a "strong man" who is temporarily inferior (Muammar al-Gaddafi ). The so-called Islamic culture of violence is less a product of individual brutalization, but an instrument of mutually in-chess-keeping competing tribes and clans. The rape of a girl or the killing of a boy of another clan or another extended family can have the worst consequences for the entire tribe. So you have to think carefully about who you rap, steal and mess with.

These men, socialized in an archaic legal system of tribal control, bloodshed, and verbal and representational remunerations, met in those years in Germany with a completely individualized society, the weighing of the permitted and the sentencing of the unauthorized into the hands of faceless officials had laid. Since there were no blood kinship of whatever intensity between these officials and those Germans who demanded their right and a just punishment of the crime committed against them, all the judgments about the archaic men from the foreign country were based on abstract, individualized and "Tamed" society tailored paragraphs to speak under human-philosophical aspects.

I haven't heard this, but this massive banning of tribal inbreeding (that mainly the elite ignored) led to the de-tribalization and creation of nations. Though I might add - that happened before in Rome and Greece, but obviously the Northerners needed some other convincing. Never-mind that this lowers intelligence and creates other factors. The ancient Christian church elders knew their stuff and who knows why they created those rules - probably as a greater tool to spread the Christian faith, but maybe some saw through the problems with inbreeding.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Mage is spot on about what Islam is, in my view. I know he is technically a pagan, but the Bible says pretty much the same thing, more than once. When a previously pious and righteous people forsake the natural law and turns to unnatural passions and worship of false gods, it will perish at the hands of barbarians. You can view it as a natural mechanism or as a punishment from God. In my worldview it is the same.

See Deuteronomy 28, for example:

«15 However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you: (...) 30 You will be pledged to be married to a woman, but another will take her and rape her. You will build a house, but you will not live in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not even begin to enjoy its fruit. 31 Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will eat none of it. Your donkey will be forcibly taken from you and will not be returned. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and no one will rescue them. 32 Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand. 33 A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days. 34 The sights you see will drive you mad. 35 The Lord will afflict your knees and legs with painful boils that cannot be cured, spreading from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. 36 The Lord will drive you and the king you set over you to a nation unknown to you or your ancestors. There you will worship other gods, gods of wood and stone. 37 You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule among all the peoples where the Lord will drive you. 38 You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it. 39 You will plant vineyards and cultivate them but you will not drink the wine or gather the grapes, because worms will eat them. 40 You will have olive trees throughout your country but you will not use the oil, because the olives will drop off. 41 You will have sons and daughters but you will not keep them, because they will go into captivity. 42 Swarms of locusts will take over all your trees and the crops of your land. 43 The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. 44 They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail. 45 All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you. 46 They will be a sign and a wonder to you and your descendants forever. 47 Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, 48 therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you. 49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand, 50 a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young. »
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
I can't believe that people still put up with public schools anymore. Most animals, even so-called primitive ones, go to the ends of the Earth to protect their children from harm. Humans do little or nothing.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
Quote: (09-29-2018 02:34 PM)ilostabet Wrote:  

Mage is spot on about what Islam is, in my view. I know he is technically a pagan, but the Bible says pretty much the same thing, more than once. When a previously pious and righteous people forsake the natural law and turns to unnatural passions and worship of false gods, it will perish at the hands of barbarians. You can view it as a natural mechanism or as a punishment from God. In my worldview it is the same.

See Deuteronomy 28, for example:

«15 However, if you do not obey the Lord your God and do not carefully follow all his commands and decrees I am giving you today, all these curses will come on you and overtake you: (...) 30 You will be pledged to be married to a woman, but another will take her and rape her. You will build a house, but you will not live in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not even begin to enjoy its fruit. 31 Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will eat none of it. Your donkey will be forcibly taken from you and will not be returned. Your sheep will be given to your enemies, and no one will rescue them. 32 Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand. 33 A people that you do not know will eat what your land and labor produce, and you will have nothing but cruel oppression all your days. 34 The sights you see will drive you mad. 35 The Lord will afflict your knees and legs with painful boils that cannot be cured, spreading from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. 36 The Lord will drive you and the king you set over you to a nation unknown to you or your ancestors. There you will worship other gods, gods of wood and stone. 37 You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule among all the peoples where the Lord will drive you. 38 You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it. 39 You will plant vineyards and cultivate them but you will not drink the wine or gather the grapes, because worms will eat them. 40 You will have olive trees throughout your country but you will not use the oil, because the olives will drop off. 41 You will have sons and daughters but you will not keep them, because they will go into captivity. 42 Swarms of locusts will take over all your trees and the crops of your land. 43 The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. 44 They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail. 45 All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you. 46 They will be a sign and a wonder to you and your descendants forever. 47 Because you did not serve the Lord your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity, 48 therefore in hunger and thirst, in nakedness and dire poverty, you will serve the enemies the Lord sends against you. He will put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you. 49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from the ends of the earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand, 50 a fierce-looking nation without respect for the old or pity for the young. »

This is great Truth. Ancient texts including Bible contain many of these. Problem is in modern times both atheists and the Christians think of this "curse" as literally a some sort of evil spell God casts upon those who do not please him. Atheists see tyranny in this and think it is all ridiculous and unscientific so they do not believe. Christians then would be fearful sheep who wish to serve this tyrant God and accept these words as face value. Paganism is about understanding the true roots and consequences and the hidden laws these texts contain. We see this unfolding before our very eyes, the mechanism how the wicked get replaced by foreign savages, we can observe now that this curse is a clearly natural chain of cause and effect. There is no Tyrant God who will curse you if you don't do as he likes, there is Nature that will cull you trough natural selection if you trespass natural law. This natural law is a beautiful God - perfectly just, gives no favors to those who pray with empty words, only your actions matter. At the same time you are part of the nature too and part of the divine. Nobody is going to judge you, you are going to judge yourself. You can judge life for yourself and you can judge death for yourself, the sin and the punishment are the same, the virtue and the grace are the same - it all connects very beautifully.

Another thing worth mentioning - You will not hear these super wise excerpts from the Bible in church, especially if you go there only in Sundays. The readings for Sunday masses are hand picked to only show how nice Christianity is and to convey basic theology. The dark warnings and serious places holding true wisdom are left out, you will have to read the Bible on your own to find them.
Year old British Schoolkids Asked to Write Gay love letters
@Mage, I agree with about half of what you wrote there (I'm a Christian myself, so obviously I don't agree with some parts of your assessment - curiously enough, I tend to agree with your assessment of modern Christians and modern Christianity). In my experience most pagans seem to just be hiding their atheism to avoid fedora memes, so it's great to see one who isn't and actually recognizes the existence of a natural law (though obviously we disagree about the origin). Still, I would much more quickly trust a reasonable pagan of your sort than a churchianity type.

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