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09-27-2018, 02:09 AM
I was already pretty close, but a small event in my personal life and the larger goings on in the world around us have pushed me over the edge.
This morning, half asleep just before 7 a.m. ( inspired by Roosh I am off coffee for a month ) I am in the gym on the bench press. 25 feet away are two girls at one of the squat racks.
One, a white chick is maybe 6, however in the economically and culturally deprived So Cal shit hole I am currently working in she probably rates a fair bit higher. At any rate the nearly full arm tattoo she is sporting is a major turnoff, and I am really no longer interested in western women, and Americans in particular after so many years in Asia.
I watched the one girl do a few squats, keep in mind I am 20 to 25 feet away at least in a lightly crowded gym. Mostly I am gazing off in between sets thinking about all the shit I have to do in the day ahead.
Lift some more weights, then a take a rest. A guy comes over and says, " the girl over there says you are looking at her and its making her uncomfortable"! At this point I could kind of notice that these were most likely off duty gym staff who knew each other. The blonde, a mixed race girl and a black guy.
I told the dude that I was minding my own business and not looking at anyone. The gym is not anywhere I would try to game anyways. He kinda sheepishly mumbled that he was just relaying info.
Hour later sitting in the sauna thinking it over I should have asked the dude why he was being captain save a hoe, and how did she know I was looking at her if she wasn't looking at ME?
Been going to this gym almost 2 years, lots of weird people there but they are mainly harmless. Had a random 5 come up to me after a Yoga class, stick her hand out and ask my name. I didn't scold her for invading my safe space.
So this is where we are at in 2018 in America. LOOK at someone in a public place ( I think we used to call that people watching when I was growing up ) and you are now a quasi sexual predator. Of course if I was Chad things may have been different.
Watching what is happening with all the Supreme Court / Kavanaugh bullshit, MeToo and the general war against any alternative thought in this country is urging me to accelerate my departure. I am very fortunate that I never got married and had kids, have been stacking cash and already have a place over seas...I should have been there two years ago but a desire to try to save more money has kept me working part time in the States. ( not worth the years of my life )
I think the writing is on the wall. I have never seen the country so divided, and they are trying to start a war between men and women now, not happy with left and right, black and white.
No sense in me trying to fight it, I think the States is a dead end for most men. So today I just worked a bit harder in prepping the things I need to do to get out of here and onto greener pastures...and I bought Game.
TLDR; Just look at a girl in public now and be accused of a sex crime or emotional assault.
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09-27-2018, 05:49 AM
The next time someone does that, look them straight in the eye, remain expressionless, and in pure, plain English say: "I don't speak English."
(or say nothing at all, perhaps you're deaf or mentally challenged, who knows?)
**Continue to stare and remain in uncomfortable, emotionless, silence until you have reached the desired effect**
An alternative is, If you are wearing headphones, this works great: refuse to remove the headphones. Don't say a word. Just do the emotionless eye-gaze. Pretend as if you haven't heard a word the person has said until they go away.
What is clutch in both scenarios is your ability to be completely unaffected by their words. Don't stare aggressively nor look shocked. Don't smile. Nothing. Just make your face a completely neutral blank space.
You'd be surprised how uncomfortable this makes people. They will usually regret they ever spoke to you.
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09-27-2018, 06:01 AM
It looks to me like a textbook case of Staring While Looking Like Virginia Tech Shooter.
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09-27-2018, 06:59 AM
^^Pretty much. It creeps people out. Either way, it's effective.
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09-27-2018, 07:09 AM
You watched a chick do a few squats then you gazed off into la la Land. Of course that looks a little creepy even if she was wearing something that demanded eyes on purpose. You would probably would have done better if you just owned it. This is the gym equivalent of staring at a chick on the beach putting sunscreen all over her body on.
"Yeah I looked. I get it was a little creepy as I've never even talked to the chick."
That would have probably got you a better result.
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09-27-2018, 07:19 AM
It's funny because I thought of this yesterday when I was working out. I was on the ground stretching, perusing IG, and gazing around at the hotties (I go to a gym near university and where lotsa post grads live)...if a girl accused me of staring at her, I'm not sure how I'd respond. I suppose it would be how I was approached.
I think my first reaction would be deadpan, as if I had no idea why anyone would approach me and propose such a ridiculous thought. Because that's honest. Whether I think it's ridiculous to accuse someone of gazing around, or I think it's ridiculous that a chick wearing yoga pants and a tight top doing hip thrusts in public doesn't expect to get stared at...either way it's ridiculous.
I probably wouldn't explain the reason for the ridicule.
(Again, no personal offended or outraged emotion, but forceful with authority. No reason to escalate or draw attention...but stand your ground.)
"*What* are you *talk*ing about."
"You were staring at that chick (or you were staring at me)"
"Quit bothering me during my workout, and quit being ridiculous."
This is my delivery when a girl I'm seeing accuses me of something...dumbfounded condescension. That's a pretty good term actually, dumbfounded condescension. At the very least it's good to buy time, since you aren't really saying anything.
Never complain, never explain
(One note...helps a lot to have a few friends at the gym. Chat with the employees a little when you're in.)
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
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09-27-2018, 08:31 AM
She probably did this out of a desire for validation.
By the description she's got nothing going for her; and sounds you are at least out of her pay grade if not league. And you obviously know where the places you will expend your attention are.
You take a brief look at her, maybe you wrinkle your nose and then pay no attention to her. She invents in her mind you're harassing her. It's the sort of bauble of validation a tattooed bird brain would rustle up to feather their nest.
When people feel slighted, rather than seeing the parameters of the social interaction, it's much easier to invent a narrative than to swallow the reality: a girl rejects you = she's a pig; a guy looks at you like you're a post-wall six = I'm being harassed.
I've also overheard a few times women complaining about 'unwanted' attention they got to their girlfriends. "Charl, you'll never guess what just happened. I was walking out The Lion and some bloody pig, wolf whistled at me. Disgusting!" But what she's really saying is, "I am so hot guys can't control themselves around me." If her friend replied, "That's nothing. Two guys wolf whistled at me last night and one grabbed my ass." The first would feel aggrieved she's been outdone in this social-SMV Olympics.
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09-27-2018, 10:12 AM
Once a stereotypical stocky chubby ugly feminist was playing the victim game on how she was stared at all the time by men and how this is sexual harassment and so on. I literally had to smirk, which of course she considered an attack on her...some feminist newspeak or other. I assured her calmly and politely that 95 per cent of men wouldn't even notice her presence. She ended up literally crying (which I'm sure was some sort of "microaggression" on my side).
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09-27-2018, 11:17 AM
I've always thought in that situation just saying I'm not wearing my glasses and can't see anything would suffice.
I'm a silent dude that just does my routine and leaves, so when somebody says something to me it catches me off guard and pulls me out of the moment. Takes me longer to process whats being said to me. I remember just a few weeks ago a big fat cellulite ridden trog who thought she was a power lifter came over and gave me shit for 'moving too much' in my own squat rack and distracting her. Caught me by surprise, told her I was already done and walked off.
Hate getting fucked with when I'm just going about my day. I'd like to further hone a lower tolerance for bullshit.
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09-27-2018, 12:10 PM
This situation is a bit ridiculous and it seems she was being dramatic/ seeking validation.
Slightly related to this is when you are talking to a girl that you're actually attracted to, or on a date with says something like "all men are the same they just want sex" or "Men are always just looking at me". I never back peddle and act like I'm not "one of those guys"
I usually say "that's because you're hot. I mean, look at you. Turn around. Yep, I'd tap that" or maybe "that's because you got the goods girl. who wouldn't want to tap that?"
Girls usually appreciate it because I'm not a kiss ass just pretending I'm a harmless, dickless fuzzball who wants to be friends first and get to know her or I wasn't looking at her "in that way".
- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.
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09-27-2018, 01:03 PM
"Yeah I was looking at her tattoos and was wondering what awful thing must have happened to emotionally damage someone enough to make them do that to themselves. Its just sad. Tell her its not her fault"
Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example
"Leap, and the net will appear".
John Burroughs
The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
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09-27-2018, 01:12 PM
I bet her form while doing squats was shit, too, and that's what you were merely glancing at. I'm also in So Cal, so I wonder how close our proximity is.
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09-27-2018, 01:26 PM
I'm a firm believer in going after the boyfriends, brothers, even fathers of the girls that act a fool. Never hit a girl, ok that's fair. But the weak, enabling men in these chicks' lives are fair game. Once they start being the whipping boys for these types of women they will either leave them or demand a change in their behavior.
Several years ago, I did see a drunk, belligerent chick start a fight with a random dude at a bar. He ignored her but she continued antagonizing him. Her boyfriend came up and tried to restrain her and he squared up and decked the boyfriend square in the nose. Blood everywhere and the guy escaped. I didn't see what happened later on with the couple but I know that either he got pissed at her and left or she got turned off by her man getting his ass beat in one shot that she left him.
The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.
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09-27-2018, 02:13 PM
If I was trying to bang I’d open with “What’s it feel like to be a cliche?” ( I actually have with girls with visible tats or that smoke) Results were better than 20%
Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example
"Leap, and the net will appear".
John Burroughs
The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell
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09-27-2018, 02:44 PM
Plain expression, no laughter whatsoevet:
Is she supposed to be sexy?
You think you're pretty or somethin?
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09-27-2018, 03:47 PM
Appreciate all the replies and insights.
Interesting how Roosh tackles what is going on right now in the very first pages of Game. No wonder it was banned...
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09-27-2018, 04:34 PM
"There isn't YET a law saying where I can look"
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09-27-2018, 04:36 PM
Speaking of redpill,Reddit redpill has been quarantined