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Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

'I don't stare at ugly women. Ever.'

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (09-27-2018 03:47 PM)RVF400 Wrote:  

Appreciate all the replies and insights.

Interesting how Roosh tackles what is going on right now in the very first pages of Game. No wonder it was banned...

Are there hard copies of the book still available?

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

I would have just told the dude "Tell her I'm not interested, Maybe if she continues working out and gets her body right, I'll come get her number" or something like that. But then again, awkward situations don't really phase me.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

You did the right thing by not reacting too much.

If he wants to be captain save a girl, that's his delusion

Interesting, a lot of women in my gym wear yoga pants, work out their glutes in front of all the men.

I just stare for about a second unapologetically, then get back to my lifting, as if to say "you're nice to look at, but not that important"

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (09-27-2018 04:52 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2018 03:47 PM)RVF400 Wrote:  

Appreciate all the replies and insights.

Interesting how Roosh tackles what is going on right now in the very first pages of Game. No wonder it was banned...

Are there hard copies of the book still available?

Don't think so, I was speaking metaphorically. I bought the PDF/audio book version.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (09-27-2018 04:36 PM)djk100 Wrote:  

Speaking of redpill,Reddit redpill has been quarantined

To be honest I don't really care about anything on Reddit. I say such start using aka /pol/. Much more red pilled and further to the right. They're really smart too so incorrect facts don't get to the top because of god knows what.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (09-27-2018 01:03 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  


"Yeah I was looking at her tattoos and was wondering what awful thing must have happened to emotionally damage someone enough to make them do that to themselves. Its just sad. Tell her its not her fault"


But yeah - it gets worse every day. The women are getting batshit insane being pushed by the mainstream to accuse all men of imagined crap.

Dealing with SJWs and even male feminists is frankly getting easy.

"Dude - I identify as a lesbian woman and was just checking her out. Are you by chance trans-lesbian-phobic?"

"Brother - I recently converted to Islam and I was just seeing with disgust how this dirty whore parades her body around. I strongly disapprove of any women being in the gym at all. Leave me alone with your first world White privilege problems."

Do an appropriate accent with each of those personas.

There are a myriad ways of dealing with that crap, but it's a sad state of affairs. I was in plenty of gyms where guys sometimes stood drooling behind a girl watching her do squats. I have had girls smiling when I watched them squat, because they knew that it looked sexual - so long as a guy does not get physical, gets in her space or follows her around the gym, then this is no issue. And most sane masculine men see the difference between a bloke casually checking out a girl and a real creeper. There is no shortage of strong guys in any gym who would fuck up a real creeper - it's probably one of the worst places for real creepers because they risk their health going there.

What you witnessed OP is less Red Pill, but a sign of the feminazi-SJW-globohomo-soy-Beta-cuck state. Your experience was more political than based on basic biology.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (09-27-2018 03:56 AM)JackinMelbourne Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2018 02:09 AM)RVF400 Wrote:  

the general war against any alternative thought

The general war against entirely normal thought...

The general war against any thoughts at all

[Image: 1507076327053.png]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (09-28-2018 04:46 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2018 01:03 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  


"Yeah I was looking at her tattoos and was wondering what awful thing must have happened to emotionally damage someone enough to make them do that to themselves. Its just sad. Tell her its not her fault"


But yeah - it gets worse every day. The women are getting batshit insane being pushed by the mainstream to accuse all men of imagined crap.

Dealing with SJWs and even male feminists is frankly getting easy.

"Dude - I identify as a lesbian woman and was just checking her out. Are you by chance trans-lesbian-phobic?"

"Brother - I recently converted to Islam and I was just seeing with disgust how this dirty whore parades her body around. I strongly disapprove of any women being in the gym at all. Leave me alone with your first world White privilege problems."

Do an appropriate accent with each of those personas.

There are a myriad ways of dealing with that crap, but it's a sad state of affairs. I was in plenty of gyms where guys sometimes stood drooling behind a girl watching her do squats. I have had girls smiling when I watched them squat, because they knew that it looked sexual - so long as a guy does not get physical, gets in her space or follows her around the gym, then this is no issue. And most sane masculine men see the difference between a bloke casually checking out a girl and a real creeper. There is no shortage of strong guys in any gym who would fuck up a real creeper - it's probably one of the worst places for real creepers because they risk their health going there.

What you witnessed OP is less Red Pill, but a sign of the feminazi-SJW-globohomo-soy-Beta-cuck state. Your experience was more political than based on basic biology.

Same girl that smiled at you one week can report your ass the next depending on what stage of her fertility cycle she's in, or any other number of variables.

For situations like this I suppose it would be good and also funny to learn a few phrases in Armenian (if you're white) or Russian or some other scary sounding language. Some soyfaggot white knight hassles you then you get abrasive and start gibbering at them in a hostile sounding foreign tongue. Dumb cucks will probably shit themselves, assuming they've accosted a beloved immigrant who also might be part of some sort of slavic mafia organisation.

YA yem syr v voskresen'ye! Moy dom ukhozhen! YA sobaka! Davay budem druz'yami!

It'd make for a funny story later.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

"Listen doll, one day when you're old wrinkly and undesirable, you'll miss the days men used to check you out. Enjoy it while it lasts."

Turn your back on her and walk away.

*edit, don't take these women seriously OP. They don't want to be and they know it deep down. Dont get to down. They're loss they get to go through life miserable. Enjoy.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Don't just stare. If you liked it be about action. Help spot her squat.

[Image: 63f7deb93cb56351eefa88a737a01c86.jpg]

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

I feel just as you described.

However, that gym BS is a first. I probably would have walked up to her and her diversity squad and said something along the lines of "Hey honney bunnnzzzz, It wasn't my intention to make you feel sooooooooo deeply offended and uncomfortable. It should comfort you to know that in fact, I was only staring at your eye-sore tattoo, and meant no sexual intent what so ever. [Image: smile.gif]"

But then again, I have a one-way ticket leaving this hell-hole clown country in January. I'm burnt out and stopped giving a shit long ago.

We just have to keep counting the days my friend!

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (09-27-2018 10:59 PM)RVF400 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2018 04:52 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-27-2018 03:47 PM)RVF400 Wrote:  

Appreciate all the replies and insights.

Interesting how Roosh tackles what is going on right now in the very first pages of Game. No wonder it was banned...

Are there hard copies of the book still available?

Don't think so, I was speaking metaphorically. I bought the PDF/audio book version.

I'll likely try to grab the paperback edition once it becomes available.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (10-03-2018 02:56 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

I'll likely try to grab the paperback edition once it becomes available.

Likewise so I could easily pass it off to someone in need in a pinch.

I gotta say I dig the audio version, easily as well done as anything I have listened to on Audible and glad Roosh did it himself instead of having it ready by someone else.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

One time I was talking quietly on my cellphone in a coffee shop. Some woman comes up to me and asks me if I could politely lower my voice because she was trying to read. I didn't realize I was in the library. And I was practically whispering. Anyway, a handsome guy sat next to her and her voice raised 1000 decibels. She acted as if they were both on an island by how loud she was.

It's a shit test. Women are always shit testing when they sense someone who might be high status. Some women give IOI's and some women shit test. Usually the 8's and above would just give you eye contact and the 6's and below will give you an attitude.

Where this country has failed is that as a society, the men in power are collectively failing shit tests. Women don't even expect us to take them seriously. It's a game to them.

And not only are we taking them seriously, but we are encouraging outraged womanhood. It's an epidemic.

Instead of putting bratty women in their place like King Solomon, we assign them divine status and supplicate to them.

America has failed the collective shit test from crazy women, and that is why there is a red pill movement.

When women are not put in check, they become insane. All egos become insane when given too much power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Here in Eastern Europe it's still a bit different fortunately.

I've had many girls going out of their way to squat (or do all sorts of butt or boobs displaying exercises) in front of me just because I'm one of the few better looking non-gay dudes at my gym. And I always manage to piss them off in exactly the same way - by ignoring them completely. The gym is too close to home (I'm married) to fool around and first and foremost I go there for the workout.

However, 90% of that posing is just validation seeking. I actually tested it a couple of times - instead of ignoring, I would scan her head to toe and give my best smirk. You could see her face lighting up with pride but the posing would usually end there and then - mission accomplished, validation received, no need to get messy with the dick.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

I'm hardly a gym guy any more, but when I used to go to the university gym, I would be so flummoxed by how beautiful these 18-21 year old women were, that I had to take my glasses off so as not to stare at them. This was at UC Berkeley, which I believe is notorious for having the dumpiest girls in the California college system. God knows what it would be like elsewhere. But off when the glasses, and everybody would turn into hazy blobs of color.

I could see, though, that in this hysterical age we are living in now, that even with that tactic, I would still get shit for "creeping somebody out" for merely staring off deep in thought. That's where we are.

To the original poster, I don't think you are describing being "red-pilled," but "black-pilled," and you're not wrong to be.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (10-03-2018 03:45 PM)masta Wrote:  

America has failed the collective shit test from crazy women, and that is why there is a red pill movement.

When women are not put in check, they become insane. All egos become insane when given too much power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Wow! This is rather insightful. There is something weird too about dumpy broads being the biggest pain in the asses now. Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (09-27-2018 02:09 AM)RVF400 Wrote:  

So this is where we are at in 2018 in America. LOOK at someone in a public place ( I think we used to call that people watching when I was growing up ) and you are now a quasi sexual predator. Of course if I was Chad things may have been different.

Well, obviously. That's the nature of the game, and the sooner you accept it the less miserable you will be. Sex is not an equal opportunities game. Some men will get away with murder because they'll make bitches' hormones crazy. If you're one of them bitches will do anything to get your attention. On the other hand if you give off school shooter vibes they'll call the gym instructor on you if you as much as look at them. Pretending otherwise is no different from fat feminist campaigning for "fat acceptance".

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

"I don't have my contact lenses in today, I can't see 10 feet in front of my face."

You were wise not to apologize; those days are over. MeToo started off being about cash grabs (Weinstein, Louis, etc.), but of course for so many women attention and sympathy are just as valuable, especially when they don't have access to Hollywood types.

The dam is starting to crack, but soon it will burst forth unleashing a deluge that will swallow us all. I can see it starting to affect the nobodies among my co-workers and social circle. The results range from relatively harmless consequences like being ostracized to doing jail time and having reputations ruined, which is to say having mug shots come up as the top Gxxgle results for one's name. You are now basically guilty until proven innocent. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg.

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (10-03-2018 03:45 PM)masta Wrote:  

It's a shit test. Women are always shit testing when they sense someone who might be high status. Some women give IOI's and some women shit test. Usually the 8's and above would just give you eye contact and the 6's and below will give you an attitude.

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

Today I became 100% Red Pill.

Quote: (10-17-2018 04:36 AM)blck Wrote:  

Quote: (10-03-2018 03:45 PM)masta Wrote:  

It's a shit test. Women are always shit testing when they sense someone who might be high status. Some women give IOI's and some women shit test. Usually the 8's and above would just give you eye contact and the 6's and below will give you an attitude.

Classic remembering the scene I pulled that off one day on a Ukrainian girl, it worked as a charm!

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