Make no mistake: this guy is a fuckstain, especially for repeating the favorite lie of leftists that Roosh "supports rape". Jack SmitHIV certainly made a deal with the devil and largely brought this on himself.
BUT... a number of guys here are probably overestimating his actions and forgetting the climate we all live in. "Emotional abuse" descriptions in feminist rags like Jezebel are ripe for hyperbole and histrionic chronicles of female pseudo-victimhood, not just about the women's feelings and responses, but also regarding what the guy did.
Whilst it's very easy to totally conflate his soy politics with the behavior Jezebel describes (therefore believing Jezebel's typist and the accusers), we need something of a timeout to consider things.
Quote: (09-25-2018 08:19 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:
If he was really ZFG, they would never have gone public with this stuff. They felt shitty after the fact that they let a Gamma humiliate them.
I'm not convinced he humiliated them at all.
I get what you're saying, but I think we can all agree that the pro-SJW/feminist political climate is wood-chipping guys who behave in accordance with healthy notions of masculinity.
It's hard for us to allege that feminism is attacking real acts of masculinity while we simultaneously insist that a ZFG or similar attitude will prevent girls from making false accusations in the first place.
The idea that being a ZFG guy is a kind of prophylactic against this #MeToo movement is patently absurd because:
1) No man is ZFG all the time;
2) A ZFG guy is not always going to come across as ZFG to others, even when he is actually not giving any fucks (lost in translation mode), or that ZFG display won't win them over and may actually offend. The type of girl, her fluctuating moods, and other factors all affect how it's received; and
3) The incentives for flimsy rape and now emotional abuse claims - attention, fame, new careers, validation, socially sanctioned excuses for personal addictions/failures, and money - are bigger than ever before and it's hard to see how a ZFG mentality is going to be the panacea it's made out to be (I'm sure Harvey Weinstein was ZFG with at least some of the women he fucked, women who later accused him of rape).