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Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

By drugs I mean, weed, alcohol, coke, pills, crazier stuff like herion and meth too

Personally I went through a phase from 21-26 where I was addicted to alcohol and xanax, I didnt not want to be sober at all, alcohol in particular was my main choice of devil, around 27 I started to calm down, get my shit together and now I lead a pretty clam normal life.

I just turned 29 and I have these feelings of wanting to drink again, smoke weed, I want to feel drunk, high again, Im not entirely sure why I feel this way but it worries me, I wasnt in a very good state of mind back then and honestly my life was shit, why I would ever want to go back to that, its dumb but there is just an allure to drug use, its easy and it takes you away, dont have to deal with shit, just a quick and easy fix, maybe that makes me weak but I just wanted to ask what other people’s experiences are on this topic.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Why do people like drugs? Because they work!

But, if you can't control your drug use/consumption of alcohol, it's best to avoid all together. Besides, you plainly admit that your life is better now and it was shit back then. You have your own positive proof of why you should avoid them.

Years ago, I had a terrible problem with alcohol abuse. I tried cutting back. I tried treatments. I tried substitute meds. The only thing that helped in the end was going cold turkey. Nowadays, I have to be very disciplined about my alcohol use. All it takes is one vacation or friends coming from out of town to visit--those "special occasions" conducive to a binge session and I can sense that I'm going down a path that's hard to come back from...

I'd say just stay without it. Besides the addiction aspect, it's also unhealthy, financially costly, and leaves you less focused and less productive.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

I agree that you’re better off not doing drugs at all but if you’re going to, do them in moderation. This is something that I sometimes struggle with and it doesn’t really get easier with age.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

You don't have enough hobbies.
You probably have too much free time.
If you're lifting 3-4 times a week, working on a few small business ideas, learning a new language(s) do you really have the time to experiment with drugs?

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

I'm not going to get holier-than-thou about drinking and drugs, as I've done quite a bit of both in my youth, but you need to be real about the activities you're actually undertaking while doing drugs/alcohol. If it's not fun without alcohol/drugs, then that means the activity itself isn't fun. So stop doing it. Find something else to do. The same people that complain about kids on smart phones are the same ones doing essentially the same thing but with alcohol, they're pursuing that cheap dopamine hit b/c they can't handle being bored and are too lazy to do something that's more positive, productive but not as quick-hit. Also, if you're using it as a crutch socially/dealing with women, then you need to confront your fear/insecurity head on.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

If you wanna drink... just drink I say.

What's wrong with knocking back a few beers every other day? Its actually not that hard to do this in moderation. After a night of drinking, I have no urge to do it again the next day. Your body will usually signal that to you. Now, I would never do hard drugs. But alcohol? Hell yea.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

It sounds like you need to get addicted to the gym before you fill your body with poison.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

This. I'd also add some people are into the bad boy/risk of losing it all aspects of it. That and quite frankly our society is getting fatter and lazier. Why build something when you can just go home and smoke weed after working a pathetic 40 hours a week? America might be cooked at this point so people should be focused on working on some kind of emergency plan at this point. FYI I don't do drugs and have been clean for 5 years, they aren't needed in my opinion.

Quote: (09-23-2018 05:39 PM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

You don't have enough hobbies.
You probably have too much free time.
If you're lifting 3-4 times a week, working on a few small business ideas, learning a new language(s) do you really have the time to experiment with drugs?

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Man Duncan I strongly suggest you take care of these issues with the actual help of professionals! Turn off your Red Pill / SJW Radar... and focus strictly on their addiction expertise. Some of the responses you've received in this thread would actually have professionals get their licenses revoked!

I personally recommend you delve into Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Can be done by yourself... and is extremely powerful. Recommended from David Deangelo... the guy now making 20 Mil / Year! If you check it out... I recommend the author Michael Hall, and his book Mind Lines.

Pricey... but definitely worth it in my eyes! If you just want to check it out... his book Winning the Inner Game is more of an introduction to what NLP can do for you, and is way cheaper. Strictly to Help you with Physical Sentations is Thought Field Therapy from Dr. Roger Callahan.

Last ditch effort would be psychoanalysis under hypnosis. The Brain is simply too powerful for conventional treatments to work... and will power has it's limitations! Just like alternative media... seek out alternative treatments!

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Moderation in all things.

Avoid hard drugs at all costs. Avoid excessive amounts of liquor because it prematurely ages you.

I enjoy weed on occasion because it exposes me to another level of consciousness that I don't often feel in my regular day to day. It also makes sex even more enjoyable. At the end of the day it adds another dimension to my life as opposed to taking one away. As long as you're not using substances because you lack something, then you won't get addicted to them.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

18-23 did a lot (really a lot) of cocaine...used to live with a group of guys we were all hooked up and had fairly easy access to money.

I never considered myself an addict but I have seen my friends having cocaine psychosis and that is no joke.
People unscrewing lightbulbs to see if there were police bugs in them, cutting themselves with a knife because they thought they had bugs in their arms, locking themselves in a bathroom for three hours because "there is someone at the door that wants to stab me"..All sort of crazy shit really dude.
Some guy I know went to jail because he lit on fire an African drug dealer over 50euros.
Once I stopped hanging with that group I basically stopped drugs if not occasionally.

I know that alcohol provokes hallucinations too, hasn't happened to me so don't know what the causes are if excessive drinking or what.

I would say whatever you do just do it in moderation, if you do a line or smoke some weed once a month nothing is gona happen but only you know if you have the consciousness not to develop an addiction.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Consider going to your local Narcotics Anonymous meet up. They are on all over the planet, are free and are excellent.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

But yes, the allure is there. For many, it's about 'having something to do', escaping the anxious feeling that many experience when we have some free time but nothing to do with it.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

TheDuncan, I can relate to your desires now, except my drug of choice was/is sex. Really, really good intense sex. I only combined it with mild hallucinogens a few times (alcohol a few more) and it peaked in my late 20s, early 30s.

I think many men can relate to that time being very intense, often feeling at a crossroads. I found that I lacked a clear sense of purpose and meaningful / satisfying hobbies (aside from chasing and banging tail).

I recommend going through the workbook 'Is Your Genius at Work?' which helped me immensely in clarifying my direction. I also engaged in some inner spiritual exploration, meditation, silent retreats which had their own deep transformative value that I had no way to conceive of before committing to them. No cult stuff just spending time listening to an awakened teacher who had gone down the path of life a bit ahead of me that I could learn from and explore the Truth for myself.

Over time - and I can't point to one thing but a general need to be free of bondage to anyone or anyting - I came to feel much less allure for any of those external drugs. I discovered the beauty of my soul and the peace that resides within me (all of us) at all times. That held and holds a richness which no stimulant can touch. As a Christian I can say it's direct contact with the Holy Spirit. As a Buddhist I could say visiting nirvana. I also appreciate the teachings of David Deida where he expresses we can cultivate an inner resilience which allows us to experience a substance without getting addicted. Although some things are best left alone...

Feel free to PM for more specific feedback and recommendations.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Second everyone saying that you might want to see a professional. I will mention my own story, as it may be of some assistance. I managed to avoid any serious problems with alcohol and drugs, despite probably having a genetic propensity to abuse.

I did this through sheer force of will after observing several close friends and relatived destroy their lives through substance abuse.

There is an element of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (the exact name escapes me at the moment) that encourages interacting with people who are in much worse shape than you are. This serves to develop gratitude in a sort of "at least I'm not at that level" way. I found that it also caused me to say, "I am never going to get to that level." For that reason, I specifically advise attending something like NA. If for no other reason, it might scare you straight.

Currently out of office.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Quote: (09-23-2018 12:23 PM)TheDuncan Wrote:  

By drugs I mean, weed, alcohol, coke, pills, crazier stuff like herion and meth too

Personally I went through a phase from 21-26 where I was addicted to alcohol and xanax, I didnt not want to be sober at all, alcohol in particular was my main choice of devil, around 27 I started to calm down, get my shit together and now I lead a pretty clam normal life.

I just turned 29 and I have these feelings of wanting to drink again, smoke weed, I want to feel drunk, high again, Im not entirely sure why I feel this way but it worries me, I wasnt in a very good state of mind back then and honestly my life was shit, why I would ever want to go back to that, its dumb but there is just an allure to drug use, its easy and it takes you away, dont have to deal with shit, just a quick and easy fix, maybe that makes me weak but I just wanted to ask what other people’s experiences are on this topic.

All that shit's bad, I'm down to weed.

I was never really an alcoholic but binge drinker and the next day I feel like utter garbage and quit in December (also made GREAT strides this year losing a ton of extra weight I've had for a few years. I feel fantastic.)

Drugs are a temporary fix, I used to be addicted to opiates and angel dust (also sniffing blow, fucking whores playing dice all that) constantly in trouble. Eventually most people on this path end up dead or in prison. Unless they stop.

I'm attempting to quit weed for a month but it has some positives. Namely I am a highly energetic, somewhat aggressive individual, and if I smoke at the end of the day (11pm or so) I calm down and don't feel the need to get up, go outside, and possibly get in trouble. I naturally have a almost hypomanic energy at times. Smoking anytime before everything is finished throws me off, and is probably bad for anyone (although some claim weed has zero negative effects on them.) I want to see if a break makes me sharper. But yeah day 2 (also almost 4am and wide awake, few days I'll see how I feel.)

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Pulled in... I stay in. I'd sniff some duster if I need to just to stay high.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Alcohol is the thing I gotta watch out for. Took like a 3 month break beginning of the year, but of course the allure of summer partying got me back into the mix a little bit. I don't guzzle the beers (especially heavy craft beers) like I used to so I too managed to shed a gut thanks to the diet change combined with some solid cardio. I definitely avoid drinking every day. I avoid drinking alone. I'm typically drinking mainly in nightlife situations (mainly weekends & not even every single weekend) & in those situations I definitely got a weak spot for the mid to high grade vodkas (baseline being Tito's). I avoid mixing with sugary bullshit these days. I cut out the sugary sodas & juices from the equation.

No matter what I do, my judgement does start to blur a little bit once the alcohol starts kicking in. I also have a tendency to get a little bit manic & abnormally high energy when that buzz kicks in as well (kind of helps with "clown game" & "dancefloor game"). Got a portable BACTrack breathalyzer in my car to ensure that I don't end up driving drunk. Always got backup options on deck like hailing an Uber.

Fortunately I have not blacked out from alcohol since early May 2016. That is a feeling that I wish to never experience again & I definitely experienced it several times throughout my 20's (I'm in my mid-30's now).

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Quote: (09-27-2018 05:00 PM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Alcohol is the thing I gotta watch out for. Took like a 3 month break beginning of the year, but of course the allure of summer partying got me back into the mix a little bit. I don't guzzle the beers (especially heavy craft beers) like I used to so I too managed to shed a gut thanks to the diet change combined with some solid cardio. I definitely avoid drinking every day. I avoid drinking alone. I'm typically drinking mainly in nightlife situations (mainly weekends & not even every single weekend) & in those situations I definitely got a weak spot for the mid to high grade vodkas (baseline being Tito's). I avoid mixing with sugary bullshit these days. I cut out the sugary sodas & juices from the equation.

No matter what I do, my judgement does start to blur a little bit once the alcohol starts kicking in. I also have a tendency to get a little bit manic & abnormally high energy when that buzz kicks in as well (kind of helps with "clown game" & "dancefloor game"). Got a portable BACTrack breathalyzer in my car to ensure that I don't end up driving drunk. Always got backup options on deck like hailing an Uber.

Fortunately I have not blacked out from alcohol since early May 2016. That is a feeling that I wish to never experience again & I definitely experienced it several times throughout my 20's (I'm in my mid-30's now).

I got that "energetic drunk" you described. Jordan Peterson said if you get energetic or highly euphoric it could be genetic alcoholic tendencies (interesting video I will look for later if I remember.)

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

I found this very interesting. I have these symptoms. I've never been an alcoholic but I was absolutely a binge drinker, I was going out maybe 2-4 times a month having 10 drinks or so until December. I forget exactly why I decided to stop but I know my hangovers had gotten disgusting. And I've lost 51 pounds since I put down the sauce.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

I've sampled most drugs. And gone through a couple week binges with them, along with alcohol and weed.

But I always take a long break after that or in some cases just quit entirely. 1. You feel like shit. 2. The diminished marginal returns with drugs kicks in fast.

You're chasing a high that'll never come back. When you have that realization, an intelligent person drops the pursuit right then and there.

Which brings me back to the main point. Addicts are retards. I feel bad for them sure. I feel bad for ugly people too. Both unfortunately just ended up on the bottom of the Darwinian ladder

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Never liked the feeling of losing control. Been smashed drunk less than I can count on the fingers on one hand. I find that drugs and alcohol are an attempt to fill a void or hurt in your life, because sober, I have plenty to live and fight for. If you are spiritually and intellectually fulfilled, drugs and other addictions have no sway to you. Read up on the great threads in this forum about how to lead a fulfilling life, including a sound spiritual life. Contentment is so much more profound than pleasure.

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Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

I stopped drinking completely after i went on pub crawl and got blackout drunk.
My friend had to fill me in on what i said/did.
Lucky for me i'm a laid back happy drunk and not aggressively looking to start shit.
I even managed to get a number of a Korean girl that was my gf until she moved back to Korea.
I swore off all booze after that.

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

Quote: (09-23-2018 12:23 PM)TheDuncan Wrote:  

By drugs I mean, weed, alcohol, coke, pills, crazier stuff like herion and meth too

Personally I went through a phase from 21-26 where I was addicted to alcohol and xanax, I didnt not want to be sober at all, alcohol in particular was my main choice of devil, around 27 I started to calm down, get my shit together and now I lead a pretty clam normal life.

I just turned 29 and I have these feelings of wanting to drink again, smoke weed, I want to feel drunk, high again, Im not entirely sure why I feel this way but it worries me, I wasnt in a very good state of mind back then and honestly my life was shit, why I would ever want to go back to that, its dumb but there is just an allure to drug use, its easy and it takes you away, dont have to deal with shit, just a quick and easy fix, maybe that makes me weak but I just wanted to ask what other people’s experiences are on this topic.
go do ayawaska

Anyone else get pulled in by the allure of drugs?

I went through a period between 20-25 with a lot of hard drugs. I'm kind of surprised I came out of it as well as I did, I still have old friends which are stuck in that cycle and it's not a great place.

That said, I did have what I would refer to as a positive impact from some psychedelics (particularly DMT) but overall I have no desire to return. Alcohol has been a continual vice in my life that I've largely overlooked because it's legal and socially acceptable but in the last year or so I've come to realize how terrible it is for me. That JP video hits the nail on the head with me in regards to alcohol, I am that person. I'm just glad I'm figuring this out now and not 10 years down the track.

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