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No Symptoms - Tested Positive for Herpes - Ethics.
09-21-2018, 08:11 PM
6 months ago I tested positive for herpes despite having zero signs of having herpes. I had mild pain when urinating so I was paranoid about stds. It turns out the pain was a mild urinary infection that went away on its own, and while I did test negative for all the serious stuff, I tested positive for herpes.
Now, because I have no symptoms and have as far as I know have a very low chance of transmission: do I have a moral obligation to mention this to women?
Would you tell a woman that while you don't have herpes sores you do have it in your system?
I'll also add that so far I haven't been telling anyone and I have just been wrapping up.
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09-21-2018, 08:19 PM
Did the test differentiate between type I and type II herpes? Because I did a test that was positive for "I/II". I've had cold sores (once every couple of years) so I assume it's type I, but there's no way to be sure unless I do another, more specific test I don't think we have in Canada (would have to order a test kit from the US).
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09-21-2018, 08:24 PM
I do not have herpes but I have read a lot about it/transmission. A solid percentage of people who have herpes are like you, asymptomatic (no sores, etc). However, you can still transmit the disease to a partner and they could show symptons. You may never get sores. Also, it’s possible for hsv-1 (oral) to be passed to the genitals (and vice versa for hsv-2.)
As for ethics, I would appreciate any girl telling me. But then I wouldn’t sleep with them. I don’t want the risk. But if you don’t have any active sores, wearing a condom, etc. You may want the bang more than you want to tell the truth. I personally wouldn’t blame you but I know certain people would.
But honestly, herpes isn’t that big of a deal. It’s just a big nuisance but most people won’t break too bad or if they do it’s just that first one that is the worst.
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09-21-2018, 10:12 PM
Forget it dude, don't tell them.
We live in a clown world today, where women are racking up 100 notch counts and begging Alphas not to use protection. They'll catch that and worse eventually.
I don't know why such a big deal is made out of herpes. It does nothing
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09-21-2018, 10:20 PM
I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve tested and have type 2 but never had symptoms and if I did, then it was so minuscule that it went unnoticed. I got it through protection as I’ve only been with 4 women, of which 3 were one nighters/short flings. You should consider taking the IGG type specific if you haven’t already. I went back for confirmatory testing and scores both fell into what they call a gray zone/false positive(1.1-3.0). So honestly I can’t be so sure I even have it unless I take another test called the western blot(200-300USD)so I don’t tell anyone unless I legit see something down there. The stigma is too great and I use protection so I choose not to disclose unless I’m in a LTR and decide to go unprotected
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09-29-2018, 05:56 PM
I'm fairly certain a vast majority of sexually active people will have herpes type 1 or 2 by the time they are 35. It's a lot more common than people think.
A lot of kids get type 1 by drinking from other peoples cups.
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No Symptoms - Tested Positive for Herpes - Ethics.
09-29-2018, 07:26 PM
Quote: (09-21-2018 08:11 PM)flyinghorse Wrote:
6 months ago I tested positive for herpes despite having zero signs of having herpes. I had mild pain when urinating so I was paranoid about stds. It turns out the pain was a mild urinary infection that went away on its own, and while I did test negative for all the serious stuff, I tested positive for herpes.
Now, because I have no symptoms and have as far as I know have a very low chance of transmission: do I have a moral obligation to mention this to women?
Would you tell a woman that while you don't have herpes sores you do have it in your system?
I'll also add that so far I haven't been telling anyone and I have just been wrapping up.
Everybody has some forms of herpes though. Even newborns often have some herpes strains. (via transplacental transmission) Herpes 3 is what causes chickenpox in children for example. Basically everyone will accumulate many of these latent viruses, and the immune system can never get rid of them. Maybe there will be a cure someday though.
I would refrain from sexual intercourse until I was 100 percent sure I was asymptomatic, then there is little reason to tell girls. It will destroy any vibe you have going anyway. The prevalence of CMV and EBV (herpes 4,5) are very high, also in the Western world. Most people will accumulate these herpes strains, even if they are sexually conservative. CMV has a very negative effect on immune ageing. It`s an immune-dominant virus, that in turn can increase your risk of dying from everything from cancer to CVD etc. (Due to reduced immune function.) Epstein-Barr (HHV4) can cause mono, which can even be fatal in some people.
My point is that it`s basically impossible to relate to, or have sex with anyone if you start thinking about these things like a virologist. Yes it`s a good idea to screen who you sleep with, since some girls have a lot more baggage than others. But anyway, as long as you`re not showing any symptoms then I wouldn`t worry about it. Give it some time though, so your immune system can form antibodies, and the virus will go into hiding. (Unfortunately forever.) Also be aware that these latent viruses can reactivate. Things like inflammation due to poor diet, alcohol, gut dysbiosis (grains, sugars often causative) and new infections also are triggers. So a healthy lifestyle will always help. (Paleo diet etc.)
We will stomp to the top with the wind in our teeth.
George L. Mallory
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No Symptoms - Tested Positive for Herpes - Ethics.
09-30-2018, 03:58 AM
It's very difficult to get an accurate read on herpes if you don't have an outbreak. Blood tests have a lot of false positives.
If you don't have a sore on your dick, you have no obligation to warn anyone.
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09-30-2018, 12:03 PM
Funny how people dismiss a disease that has no may not such a nuisance when you're young and strong but when reaching 60 and your immune system starts to weaken you might regret banging that slut.
What if you have kids or you live with someone ? How do you control the spread of the disease when you know that somebody might get it just by using your towel or drinking from a cup ?
I wouldn't like to live with that kind of responsibility. Sure, a lot of people have it nowadays (somewhere close to 25%) but many people are idiots.
If you're going out with a girl that's conservative you should definitely tell her. If it's a ONS with some slut then I don't see a moral issue, she knows the risks.
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02-28-2019, 04:41 PM
Does anyone know if its true that HSV1 can be passed from the mouth to genitals via blowjob or oral sex? Its just so confusing because HSV1 is supposed to be oral herpes, but then I've seen reports that it can be passed to any skin contact including the genitals but it won't really show up on the genitals.
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02-28-2019, 05:15 PM
80% or people have herpes (oral type) and not very many symptoms, or outbreaks a few times a year.
Absolutely no big deal.
If you have Genital Herpes however, that is a big deal, much rarer, much more serious and definitely should be disclosed.
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03-23-2019, 05:04 AM
I got it using a condom, so you are never truly safe. First outbreak was in the base of the shaft where the hair grows. I read the theory that the hair growing down there is a natural barrier to help protect or lessen the chance of getting stds.
Worst case scenario you have a few outbreaks from time to time... i got generic valtrex from indian dropshippers (the 1000mg pill is like a dollar or less) and it shortens the outbreaks a lot... if they normally can last maybe 5 or 6 days... you can make it disappear in almost 2 or 3 depending on how big it is.
If you have a lot of outbreaks you can take valtrex daily as supressive therapy for long periods.
Ive had 3 ex's and as far as i know none have had problems. I think having symptoms can be actually better in a way, because you really know if the virus is active and waiting for you to have sex.
Things that trigger it: foods high in arginine, stimulants, bad sleep, stress.