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What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Hey folks, I got a situation and I need to hear what you might think:

There's this girl who friends me on Facebook about a week ago, three days pass, I don't text her, she finally decides to break the silence with "I really like your beard", then it escalates to nudes and blowjob gifs in about an hour, pretty easy catch for me (you can also say it's the other way around, lol). She didn't seem slutty to me, seems smart and says she does talk to other guys but it's different with me (usual talk I guess). One night she mentioned having a relationship with me, I said I don't do LTRs, she seemed offended but let it slip anyway.

One day goes by without me texting her and when I finally did, she says she wants to fuck me when I get back (I'm out of town for now). I always reply with non-needy texts like "sure you can make me cum?" etc. She seemed to be active at first, but now if I don't text her, she doesn't either, playing a game with me.

Now, what I wanna know is what's her fucking deal? Even though she says she's only had one sex partner and wants to be with me only (sexually), I don't really believe that shit. She acts aloof, but also says she cares for me deeply (one time I told her I was going out to drive for an hour, didn't get back till morning, she freaked out, called my friends crying asking if I was alright.). She also asks me about other girls, gets offended at seeing my pic with another chick. Next day she doesn't text at all (neither do I). One day she's preparing for the best night of her life and then it's like that again.

Now, there's two contradictory behaviors, I know she likes me a lot (I can tell that much), but is all of this fuck-n-suck and then silence a game? If it is, is she doing it out of jealousy and attraction or am I just another goon in her list? I'm positive I will fuck her the moment I tell her I'm back (and I could give two shits if I don't), but I wanna know what you guys think, I'm a newbie to this stuff.

Consider this post of me asking for advice to get better at this.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

He's playing you hot n cold, and it's working. You've got yourself worked up in a lather about this girl.

What's so special about her? Try to be objective.. otherwise these chicks will just 'live rent free in your head', as they say.

You should concentrate on building better game skills to handle generic situations instead of taking one specific interaction and analysing the shit outta it.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Don’t listen to what she says, watch what she does. You’ve yet to bang her, and she’s likely playing you.

You also have to care less about her; you’re too invested. Find out some dirt on her, that usually takes her right off the pedestal. These girls seem like they’ve got their shit together, but they have a million flaws and red flags—find them, and you’ll see her as purely a sex object, which is what she is until proven otherwise.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )


I know, nothing VERY special, she's a straight up 8, hot chick, but not the best.


I know she's playing me and the fact that it's getting into my thoughts is making me mad.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

I’m that case put your foot down and tell her to fuck off. If she likes you she’ll pursue you.

Let her go.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )


I'm not gonna be texting her until I get back and once I do, I'll tell her to give me a promised blowjob, how's that?

: )

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

BIG Red Flag. She sounds like psycho - maybe Borderline. Troubles. Run away.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )


which red flag you mean exactly?

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Quote: (09-13-2018 04:33 AM)#_# Wrote:  

Now, what I wanna know is what's her fucking deal? Even though she says she's only had one sex partner and wants to be with me only (sexually), I don't really believe that shit. She acts aloof, but also says she cares for me deeply (one time I told her I was going out to drive for an hour, didn't get back till morning, she freaked out, called my friends crying asking if I was alright.). She also asks me about other girls, gets offended at seeing my pic with another chick. Next day she doesn't text at all (neither do I). One day she's preparing for the best night of her life and then it's like that again.

Nigga you two ain't even fucked yet and she plays this all drama-queen BS on you? Even supposed she isn't playing you to curve you later (and that a big red IF) how crazy would she be post-coitus? Grab your sandals jump outta window and high tail it out of there like you playing GTA.

Borderline personality or high drama manipulative, won't end well either way. You damn lucky you ain't neck deep in this shit. Get outta there.

I once fell for a chick who is like this. Bitch turn me from green pill to extra dark pill, took me awhile to go red.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

-1 There's this girl who friends me on Facebook about a week ago, three days pass, I don't text her, she finally decides to break the silence with "I really like your beard", then it escalates to nudes and blowjob gifs in about an hour, pretty easy catch for me...

-2 one time I told her I was going out to drive for an hour, didn't get back till morning, she freaked out, called my friends crying asking if I was alright

-3 She also asks me about other girls, gets offended at seeing my pic with another chick.
-4 One day she's preparing for the best night of her life and then it's like that again.

Pump and dump.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )


so, not good for even a side chick you fuck when you got no shit to do?!

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Quote: (09-13-2018 07:55 AM)Pytonga Wrote:  

-1 There's this girl who friends me on Facebook about a week ago, three days pass, I don't text her, she finally decides to break the silence with "I really like your beard", then it escalates to nudes and blowjob gifs in about an hour, pretty easy catch for me...

-2 one time I told her I was going out to drive for an hour, didn't get back till morning, she freaked out, called my friends crying asking if I was alright

-3 She also asks me about other girls, gets offended at seeing my pic with another chick.

My two cents;

She's crazy.

Stay away.


What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Actually I take back what I said. Homeboy seems new to the game, so it's only right and proper that he paid the dues and learn something like we all did. Plus crazy pussies are the best.

OP, ditch what everyone said. Text her about coming over for netflix and chill/coke and drug/whatever is trendy in the hood these days (assuming she's still DTF). Fuck the brain out of that chick in all position you can think of. You probably only get to do this once before she goes all nut. Then prepare for the worst drama in your life, potential rape charge and jail time included. You will learn something and you will come out stronger. It's fun, it's potentially life destroying, but you only get to do this when you are young and stupid. Would make some great stories one day.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Fuck her ASAP and then ghost her ASAP.
She is crazy...never stick your dick to crazy for a long time.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

You're being played or cat-fished. Might be someone you know, might not be.

If it's too good to be true, it usually is.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

It sounds like you're 'gaming' her using texts/online messaging.

This is a good way for newbies to learn and understand game, because you can be more bold and say things you wouldn't normally say. Then you can learn what works and what doesn't. You also have more time to think and even read game websites/blogs and ask for advice before you respond.

However it is still a newbie way of gaming. The problem is that your online/text persona won't completely match the real you. And the things you say that you think are cool "you sure you can make me cum?" will actually make you start to seem pretty lame and weird.

You need to cut back on all this messaging bullshit now, use it for logistics and start to practise in real life.

Secondly, never escalate with a girl if you can't have sex. It destroys the sexual tension and mystery, and means sex will actually be less likely to happen because of your sexting messages. It also puts a pressure and expectation on the girl, making her even more likely to flake.

Thirdly you care too much. She should text you first or you don't text at all. Texting her first telegraphs the message that you are a sad loser with no life and nothing better to do. If you actually want to talk to her to see her or something send her something meaningless and funny at first and then you can casually say hey I'm doing x do you want to come?

You should actually not care about this girl, if she comes back, great you can have some meaningless sex! If not then you can do you more important things anyway.

She is probably realising you care, because girls are very perceptive like that, and she is going to be less interested in you as a result.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Have you met this girl in person? My initial reaction was that you were being catfished, but I'm assuming that there is some sort of social connection if she's phoning your friends.
I wouldn't be concerned with the hot and cold behaviour as much as the obsessive, jealous stuff. If she's like this when you haven't banged her, imagine the batshit lunacy if you did.
Probably best to stay well away...

Men are not creepy. Do you know what’s creepy? Spiders, because we don’t know how they move.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

@Al O'Peesha

She called my friends on fb (friends list > choose anyone > call > ask about me kinda stuff), she's not imaginary, we talked on fb video chat a couple of times.

I don't really give a shit about her, although I must admit I was kinda obsessed with her for a few days.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Sounds like borderline personality disorder. Procede with caution.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

The thing is I've suffered lots of traumas in the past (not telling this to get pity, just to clarify) and it left me with terribly low self-esteem and no sense of self. It takes me a great deal of effort just to deal with a woman, but despite that I try my best to stay detached and it got me this far, but it's still a struggle for me to get over something, even if it's insignificant. That's why I was fixated on this girl.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Quote: (09-14-2018 02:46 PM)#_# Wrote:  

The thing is I've suffered lots of traumas in the past (not telling this to get pity, just to clarify) and it left me with terribly low self-esteem and no sense of self. It takes me a great deal of effort just to deal with a woman, but despite that I try my best to stay detached and it got me this far, but it's still a struggle for me to get over something, even if it's insignificant. That's why I was fixated on this girl.

Brother I'd be me worried about my self esteem then a possibly sketchy girl.

Tread carefully with this girl, stop messaging/texting so much, pull it back to meetin up at X place, at Y time, on Z day.

Now back to you.

I think you should do an honest evaluation of the traumas you'd had in your past.

You need to be brutally honest with yourself, so we can be brutally honest (in a caring way) with you.

You need work on your inner game and self love.

Fortunately you came to the right place to find help.

You don't have to be detached from the world and what it has to offer.

Start working on yourself first and everything else will follow.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )


Thanks dude, truly appreciate it.

I am working on myself, even though it's mostly suffering, I'm improving bit by bit. I've promised myself a lot of times that I wouldn't touch a woman until I recover from this crap (because a relationship is more pain than joy for me), but as fellow men you should understand how hard it's to live without sex. I got one regular chick, but she's been chewed and swallowed, no more fun for me. My biggest problem is staying emotionless, I get worked up like a girl over everything and it makes me so mad that one time I smashed a laptop with my fists.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

I really do think writing your traumatic experiences are going to help us help you.

And can also help us spot common traps and things you have missed.

It's okay to have emotions, it's learning to control them that takes time and skill.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Although I'm not really comfortable to speak about all this, I'll be honest with ya'all. Chronologically speaking, I've never had a good childhood: problems at home (fighting etc.), bullying both physically and psychologically, being abused because I was fat as a child (think that destroyed my self esteem from the young age), all of this really crippled my sense of self, I never felt true love from anyone (and when someone did, I couldn't accept, thought I did not deserve it), I spent all my life floating around, thinking I didn't really exist. Then I got into college, still chubby, invisible to girls, my anxiety & depression started to overwhelm and I quit. After that I spent some time working on myself, things didn't seem too hopeless then because I had seen some progress. Then both of my parents died in a terrible way, you don't really wanna hear any of that. It took me 6 months just to get over it, PTSD still persists though. Some time later I got a girlfriend, she was amazing, we had a genuinely good relationship, this realtionship kinda saved me, I started to have a positive outlook on life, but one year later she died in a car accident. I don't want to and cannot put into words how much it destroyed me. I hit the absolute bottom and naturally - suicidial thoughts started to join in. I would have taken my life couple of times already if it weren't for people who care for me deeply, I wouldn't want them to suffer the same way I did. Basically, I swore to myself that I would not give up and try to get a better life as long as I'm alive. Getting laid is part of that, but with all of this shit hanging down on my neck it's terribly hard.

I'm only telling this because you asked and I'm thankful that you're interested and want to help me get better. Now, emotional bullshit aside, I really want to get good at this stuff (meaning girls, getting laid n shit.), not because I'm desperate for girls (even though I kinda am, didn't really want to admit it), I want it because I've never had it in my life (not counting a few not-so-great chicks here and there), it would be pretty awesome to be able to get laid like a king. But more than that I want to become a confident individual with a IDGAF attitude, not for girls' sake, I repeat. I read TRP, RooshV and a few other sources, it's all gold but implementing it is VERY FUCKING difficult.

Don't take this post as if I'm crying like a little bitch. I'm not.

What's Her Deal?! - In Need of Advice : )

Quote: (09-14-2018 04:57 PM)#_# Wrote:  

Although I'm not really comfortable to speak about all this, I'll be honest with ya'all. Chronologically speaking, I've never had a good childhood: problems at home (fighting etc.), bullying both physically and psychologically, being abused because I was fat as a child (think that destroyed my self esteem from the young age), all of this really crippled my sense of self, I never felt true love from anyone (and when someone did, I couldn't accept, thought I did not deserve it), I spent all my life floating around, thinking I didn't really exist. Then I got into college, still chubby, invisible to girls, my anxiety & depression started to overwhelm and I quit. After that I spent some time working on myself, things didn't seem too hopeless then because I had seen some progress. Then both of my parents died in a terrible way, you don't really wanna hear any of that. It took me 6 months just to get over it, PTSD still persists though. Some time later I got a girlfriend, she was amazing, we had a genuinely good relationship, this realtionship kinda saved me, I started to have a positive outlook on life, but one year later she died in a car accident. I don't want to and cannot put into words how much it destroyed me. I hit the absolute bottom and naturally - suicidial thoughts started to join in. I would have taken my life couple of times already if it weren't for people who care for me deeply, I wouldn't want them to suffer the same way I did. Basically, I swore to myself that I would not give up and try to get a better life as long as I'm alive. Getting laid is part of that, but with all of this shit hanging down on my neck it's terribly hard.

I'm only telling this because you asked and I'm thankful that you're interested and want to help me get better. Now, emotional bullshit aside, I really want to get good at this stuff (meaning girls, getting laid n shit.), not because I'm desperate for girls (even though I kinda am, didn't really want to admit it), I want it because I've never had it in my life (not counting a few not-so-great chicks here and there), it would be pretty awesome to be able to get laid like a king. But more than that I want to become a confident individual with a IDGAF attitude, not for girls' sake, I repeat. I read TRP, RooshV and a few other sources, it's all gold but implementing it is VERY FUCKING difficult.

Don't take this post as if I'm crying like a little bitch. I'm not.

Sucks man, BUT:

You're not disfigured, you have a will to improve yourself, and you've found a great community that can absolutely help you get there.

As for your goals, remember that getting laid like a king is pretty damn rare. I think that improving your mental state, your physical state, and your social skills is going to be paramount.

Careful with the IDGAF attitude as it's easy to be over the top with this. You shouldn't care about things that aren't truly important. Failing at picking up any particular girl is not important, what's important is that you improve. Care about what's important instead of about what's not.

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