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Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 11:16 AM)balybary Wrote:  

[Image: attachment.jpg40009]

Amazon puts workers in cage? What! I didn't know the servitors working there were still considered humans.

[Image: 315d6611665e90306f4423a6c082c91b.jpg]

Amazon has patented a system that would put workers in a cage, on top of a robot

Amazon says it never implemented the technology and has no plans to, but the design appeared to be an effort to allow humans to safely enter robot-only zones in Amazon’s highly-automated depots to make repairs or pick up dropped objects.

What the fuck does "putting workers in cages on top of robots" even mean? Nothing, and the explanation provided makes sense. You could come up with terrible descriptions for totally boring uninteresting things at most jobs.

With Amazon burning books, latching on to a fake news "workers rights" story is a totally wrong headed angle of attack.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

To all the free marketeers and libertarian impotents:

I wish your local utility companies will deny you water, heat, electricity, natural gas, and waste removal services cause why not. It's free market.

In all seriousness, gtfo with all that "free market" bullshit and constitutional masturbation. We are in a state of war and the opponent is playing dirty. People like you are a bigger problem than rabid feminazis and their handlers cause your indifference enables them to grab the "free market" by the pussy and redistribute wealth and access to it as they wish.

I don't share the optimism on this board. We are in the early stages of totalitarianism and there is nothing to cheer about. Brace yourselves for a very dark period. Winter is coming.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Speculator I share some of your pessimism. People with all these "public square, regulation" comments fail to realize Congress had these people in front of them a few days ago and decided the pressing issue was Russian bots and $1000 Facebook ad campaigns.

And if they sufficiently swing this next election it's game over. They know they have a free shot, because the only political option available in time is executive order.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

For the crypto nerds here, a project I've had my eye on the last two years, Particl, is building a blockchain privacy platform which will host a decentralized marketplace.

Amazon banning Roosh's books (in addition to the InfoWars drama and other recent censorships) is a perfect example of why we need a project like this in the world.

Just like Bitcoin provides an unstoppable, uncensorable, uninflatable digital currency, Particl is building a marketplace that can't be stopped, censored, or brought down by TPTB.

All purchases are filtered on the back end through the PART token, which is built on a Bitcoin codebase but with Monero anonymity tech (confidential transactions and ring signatures) which hides both the sender/receiver addresses as well as the amount sent, so every transaction on the platform is 100% private. They've even developed an automated escrow system that removes the need for third parties.

While I do hold PART tokens, this isn't necessarily investment advice - I think everyone on the RVF could benefit from using a platform like this, and I'm excited to see it come to fruition.

Mainnet launch is planned for sometime late Q4/early Q1 2019 - I'll create a thread soon to provide more information once the date gets closer. In the meantime, here is an old but thorough overview of the project. Feel free to PM me for more details if interested.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I called up customer service of Amazon and I asked them that I wanted a book that was available a day ago and why is it not there anymore.

The agent had a European accent and did not know much about it. So he said he will put me on hold and talk to his leadership team. After a while he came back to me saying that his leadership has informed that the author (Roosh)pulled the book and if he wants it there, then he should contact Amazon.

I straight away told the agent that I follow the Author's blog and he mentioned that the book has been removed from Amazon. The agent then said to me that I should contact the author and inform him to contact Amazon. I replied back that I am not in personal touch with the author and that the book was selling well right before it disappeared and therefore why would the Author remove it. I told the agent it doesn't make sense and something else is going on. He agreed but said he doesn't know. I told him he should find out through his leadership team.

I then pretended as if I was searching on google about the book and I came across the Huffington news. I told the agent to do the same. He saw that the book got banned and was surprised. I told him that his leadership team is not telling him the truth and this is disappointing that I am getting wrong answers from customer service. He said he is noting my feedback and will submit it

Then I asked him why is this book banned when there are thousands of actual offensive books including on Hitler available on Amazon where as this is a book just on getting along well with women. I added asked why is Amazon banning books suddenly and why are they dictated by Huffington Post.

He absolutely agreed with me and was also surprised why this happened as there seemed nothing wrong with the book ( these were his actual words and this is a recorded conversation). He said he would take all this feedback up with the leadership team.

I also told him to note down that I did not like what Amazon has done, and since I have been a good prime member, this action is highly disappointing and I am thinking of closing down my account. I also informed him that many people I know, are interested in buying the book from Amazon and now I am going to inform them that this has happened.

The agent agreed on all of this and said he would inform his leadership team and also hoped that the book gets reinstated.

I can conclude from this that the customer reps in charge of books section havent been informed . Also their leadership team is either telling them lies based on instruction or also have not been informed. In such a case, probably it was someone high up in the management, who Huffington Post have attached to their stinky pussies, who ordered the book to be banned without giving much instruction to his/her subordinates as to why it is being banned.

I agree with the Speculator. We can't sit idle and let this just keep happening. I will not allow this totalitarianism bull shit nor will I allow these people to keep on deciding the rules.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Roosh, are you planning on doing an interview with Alex Jones?

Vox Day also did one and I saw that he is selling his Alt-Right Hero comics on the infowars platform, so this might help too - especially since the Infowars viewership is certainly partly not so Red-Pilled (on male/female relationship issues) or Game aware.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I'm glad Infowars covered it. We all have to help each other not just come to the defense of people we like.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

What about a lawsuit for libel, slander and tortious interference against everyone involved with getting the book banned?

While it may cost in legal fees, it could nuke the opposition enough that they never do something like this again to anyone.

The alternative, and low cost way to start the process, is to have someone draft the complaint and summons for you, against everyone involved, and that would start the expenses running on the other side to respond.

After that you could decide to get a law firm or see if there was enough support to pay for a law firm on these issues.

While a company like Amazon may not care about the cost, individuals that falsely flag the book would have to put out at least $10K to have a response filed in any lawsuit and maybe be put on notice that doing things like this is not a smart (or no cost to them) thing to do.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

mike makes a good point about parallel institutions and how we're getting kicked off more and more stuff. gab just got delisted by google

edit: sorry don't know how to add images

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Had a feeling this would happen. I'll make it a point to order it off your website. It's very similar to a passage in David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell. The example talks about how a group of impressionists including Monet were rejected year after year by the Salon, the major art exhibition of the city. You were considered a failure if it did not get accepted and they only accepted certain types of paintings that must conform to society's standard. It must not be offensive and of a certain style. They essentially were the gatekeepers of the art world.

"The acceptance by the Salon came with a cost: it required creating the kind of art that they did not find meaningful, and they risked being lost in the clutter of other artists' work... Did they want to be a Little Fish in the Big Pond of the Salon or a Big Fish in a Little Pond of their own choosing? In the end, the Impressionists made the right choice, which is one of the reasons that their paintings hang in every major art museum in the world."

If these companies like Amazon that have monopolies continue censorship it's only a matter of time before uncensored platforms come up, hopefully soon.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 09:18 AM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

Just got mine direct from roosh. Why did Bezos need to be involved in the first place?

While it's true that Roosh can sell to his most committed fans on his own platform, Amazon is an important content discovery platform that can get new readers.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 10:05 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Got a new email from Amazon today. This is the first time it had a first name. Still no answers.
[Image: attachment.jpg40012]

(((Noah))) hehehehehhe

Why nobody noticed until now? heheheheh

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Quote: (09-11-2018 12:35 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 12:18 PM)SeaFM Wrote:  

Quote: (09-11-2018 08:44 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

B) "No women. No gays." Ring any bells?

Clearly not the same thing.

This is “don’t call my house” vs “you’re not allowed to use the phone”.

What is the steadfast legal principle you are using to separate the two?

You can't go before a judge and say "but your honour, ya gotta consider the scale."

It's of no relevance.

What is the steadfast legal principle that compels a private organisation to grant someone a platform if they would otherwise choose not to?

Laws are not something you just feel your way through. You can't go before a judge and say "judge, it sorta seems like this is not right".

If there is a legal principle or case history that can be applied state it plainly.

There is not, because if such a thing existed then an appeal against censoring or banning would already be winding its way through to the supreme court.

This shit gets really tiring. When conservatives scream about their first amendment rights owners of the tech giants laugh and laugh and laugh, because they know that it a dead end road for the conservatives. You want a straight run at the end zone but there's no way through that defense. You can choose to smash yourself against it pointlessly or you can choose to go around it. Those are your options.

Basically if something is a mass communications system or utility then even if it's privately owned the owner is obliged to offer services to all without discrimination. So the phone company can't cut your service if they don't like your politics.

Amazon holds an effective monopoly on vanity publishing at this point, and you could make a case that qualifies it as a common carrier. On a larger scale the real issue is that the law hasn't caught up to the fact that broadcast style communications is as unlimited and low cost as p2p once was. Back when you only had a finite amount of radio frequencies or bookstores didn't have room for self-published authors it made sense to allow discrimination on content. Now that anyone can make a website, youtube video, or self-publish, there's clearly a problem with letting the companies that control those system arbitrarily block content creators.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Anyone else have a hard time paying attention to work when stuff like this is going on?

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

It may be the best move for free speech advocates is to brigade the shit out of Trump's Twitter account and try to get Twitter insiders to ban him. I don't think any other bans/deplatforming will cause any action by "our" Congress.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Roosh, are you really going on holiday while all this is happening?

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

This bullshit needs to STOP. These companies, which are monopolistic public utilities, cannot continue to deplatform people. Especially in such a politically obvious biased method.

Actions we can take:

  1. Contact representatives. Many states are looking to regulate / break up these companies due to publicity.
  2. Stop doing business with these companies


Many of you probably buy Amazon gift cards and give them to friends / family for X-mas This is so bad. Not only does it give Amazon money, but it refers to Amazon a new customer, so they get a new lifetime stream of money from the new customer.

Give people gift cards for competing platforms For example, this year I will probably give gift cards to They offer free 2 day shipping on most goods without requiring a "prime membership".

This has two effects 1) Direct money to a competitors 2) The receiver of the gift card will be forced to use to use the gift card. As a result, they may spend more money on even after they use the gift card. Getting customers to create an account on a new platform is the hardest part and the gift card solves it.

If we all work together, we can make a serious impact. Btw, this is not about Pick any competing platform in whatever category of products concerns you.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

I think it is fully clear what it is going on here. We took too long to put the data points together and it might be too late, and well most people have not put the data points together at all yet. Let me explain what the situation likely is, byelaborating from the ground up how smart engineers with decent experience from working in silicon valley or NYC would execute this plan:

First of all you have to start from the roots: The people behind this hunt are most likely in the California coast or in the East coast. So it is very likely that the seeds were planted in either NYC, Silicon V or both. But there is only so much atomized angry people will do. Sure, they are angry, motivated, moderately smart and while integrated they mostly act on their own.

But the ground is seeded with motivation and the people involved are in positions in power. It only takes one person that knows well a few people to set up a Slack channel. Maybe at first just to complain between themselves. You have to understand that Slack channels can be set so that the company where they work might not even know the chat exists (Tech companies have complained that their own firms might have incel Slacks and they don't know how deep that goes).

But Slack is not just a chat, slack is a collaboration tool with many plugins, and you can also invite people and control a lot over the layout. Two things happen after: First, you bring in more people. What kind of people? People you work or used to work with that you know share your views. With the high turnover you will end up having, eventually, people from most companies or tech organizations.
Second, you use Slack ad-hoc to coordinate actions that their top people deem necessary and to the extent they can. Evidence for this was very likely the banishment of Anglin and the reaction to Charlottesville. They were reactive at first, not proactive.

But then again, Slack has got plugins and the software world has got what is called Agile Development, which you can apply to many things outside development. Two main things to keep in mind: A backlog and a Kanban board. So what they are likely doing now is adding people to the backlog that they want to digitally bring behind the house and make them disappear them forever, and for each week or 2 weeks the people in the Slack channel take anybody from the to-do column, add it to the "under work" column and act upon it with the other people in the channel. In this way, many like-minded people from many different companies that have monopolies over most online services get together to execute actions upon somebody in the "work" column. Evidence of this is the change in tempo and cadence in the last few months: the change from reactive action to systemic action.

Online Banishment and Censorship powered by Agile. Combining zealotry with the tools that initially made Sillicon Valley move fast in bringing ideas to reality.

What can be done? I hope you can speak Chinese. Or pray for a solar flare. Don't get yourself on the backlog.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Can someone please explain why a baker can be forced to sell a wedding cake that celebrates gay marriage, but Amazon cannot be forced to sell a book that celebrates dating women?
Hasn't that case set a precedent for all of USA until the end of time, like for example the infamous Roe v. Wade did?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Because Bezos has fuck you money and owns the whole fucking market. It's the only game in town.

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Bought... I am eager to read Roosh's blackpilled perspective in this book

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

@Creepy Eel, the supreme court ruled in favour of the baker in that instance, though in any event thatsm case is irrelevant and inapplicable precedent in this instance.

I'd wager that Roosh has a very strong case in favour of the reinstatementvof his books should he desire to venture down that route. Could boost his popularity as well.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Wow, really weird things.

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

BortimusPrime establishes the basic framework for any envisaged litigation. That Amazon is large and dominant enough is not even remotely moot. In such circumstance, the only legitimate hypothetical disallowance would be where the content is egregrious enough to the extent that it would fall outside the ambit of legitimate free speech. A position that is prima facie unlikely

Amazon has banned Game and 8 of my other books

Not in the game anymore but purchased on Roosh's website to support him!

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