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Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

I find it weird that you have to hate on a guy when it doesn't matter one bit. I'm not a great person but still it doesn't sit right with me.

It seems like jealousy on your part due to the shit he managed to get during his short life for minimal work. While you haven't gotten what he has and probably worked harder and more for less while having more time. And now when he's down you can brag about you being on "top" . Like when nerds daydream about sticking it up to the jocks and stunting on them when they become older.

Haha I don't sit around and cry and think about all people that have died i know about. But at the same time you shouldn't try to put a negative spin on someones death. He's a human being after all. We will all die one day don't you wan't people to remember the good shit you done instead of the negative shit?

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Quote: (09-07-2018 09:11 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

I find it weird that you have to hate on a guy when it doesn't matter one bit. I'm not a great person but still it doesn't sit right with me.

It seems like jealousy on your part due to the shit he managed to get during his short life for minimal work. While you haven't gotten what he has and probably worked harder and more for less while having more time. And now when he's down you can brag about you being on "top" . Like when nerds daydream about sticking it up to the jocks and stunting on them when they become older.

Haha I don't sit around and cry and think about all people that have died i know about. But at the same time you shouldn't try to put a negative spin on someones death. He's a human being after all. We will all die one day don't you wan't people to remember the good shit you done instead of the negative shit?

Yes, hater, jealous of dead junkie etc.

I did not get what he had: a needle in my blue arm as I die very young.

I have never paid any attention to this guy, I was not his target audience but ride that white steed and defend all the hollywood degenerates.

Celebrity worship is one of the key aspects of the sickness causing our culture to degenerate and decline.

In your last post you said "do psychedelics."

I have done more psychedelics than Leary and McKenna combined. You know what I learned from a couple thousand hits of acid and liters of PCP? Psychedelics give people utopian delusions and you should not overuse psychedelics.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

You should refute my points instead of diving and deflecting from my questions? Is you're name Tom Brady by any chance?

Lol this not about celebrity worshiping culture. This about humanity. Men don't kick on other men when they are down. Don't you abide by those rules?. Instead of insulting a dead man who hasn't caused you any harm you should take time to reflect about your anger.

People take drugs to deal with shit. Do you have total control over your emotions and mind. Or maybe your immune to pain. A big part of taking drugs is to feel lucid and remove your pain? How do you know you wouldn't do the shit he did if you was in the same shoe as him. In this time of age drugs are one of the few ways to vent. Their is no more family structures or social structures to put control over those types of stuff.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Quote: (09-07-2018 09:27 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

You should refute my points instead of diving and deflecting from my questions? Is you're name Tom Brady by any chance?

Lol this not about celebrity worshiping culture. This about humanity. Men don't kick on other men when they are down? Don't you abide by those rules?. Instead of insulting a dead man how hasn't caused you any harm you should take time to reflect about your anger.

People take drugs to deal with shit. Do you have total control over your emotions and mind. Or maybe your immune to pain. A big part of taking drugs is to feel remove your pain? In this time of age that's one of the few ways to vent. Their is no more family structures or social structures to put control over those types of stuff.

Dude I'm not that worried about Mac Miller and I think it's strange defending him is important to you, that is all. But if you love Mac Miller fine, good for you. He's a great role model for kids.

edit: Yeah going for a walk I should not be debating about people who I don't know any songs by or give a rats ass about I'll leave that to others

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

I didn't like his music that much but he had some cool lyrics and beats sometimes. A beta schmuck at times musically but pretty talented.

I think he deserves a modicum of respect. He wasn't a politician or an extreme asshole just an entertainer who died too young.

Say what you want about contributing to the downfall of the west or perverting our culture but as someone who was just a fairly normal human with as far as I can tell a net neutral effect on society he deserves respect in death while the family and fand are still grieving. Have some tact, there's time for criticisms later and that's real shit. The need to find the most damning shit about the recently deceased isn't cool and it doesn't make you cool. It just shows you have awful timing and not nearly enough respect for a life. And remember this guy died at 26, he wasn't even in his final form yet, he hadn't even begun to reach the apex of success and impact a man can reach. All by his own doing which is a tradjedy but it's just that; tragic. Stop trying to be edgey we have respect for the recently deceased for a reason it's a strong and honored tradition. Give it a fucking month at least

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Godfather dust you stated in a thread that you were involved in criminality and drugs yourself.
Is it fair for me to call you a degenerate then? No i would be a beta ass pussy if i did and i think you wouldn't be too pleased with me if i did.

But still you do the same thing to another man how has had a shared a similar journey as you have had. What makes you better then him.

I was in a sunken place myself and shit could had gone bad but love my family, friends and positivity is what pushed me through. People who gave me support pushed me through. Not hate, Hate is only good for fucking ,gym, war and protecting your loved ones. It doesn't have much value then that. You become a better man when you control it.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Quote: (09-07-2018 09:40 PM)Lowkey Wrote:  

Godfather dust you stated in a thread that you were involved in criminality and drugs yourself.
Is it fair for me to call you a degenerate then? No i would be a beta ass pussy if i did and i think you wouldn't be too pleased with me if i did.

But still you do the same thing to another man how has had a shared a similar journey as you have had. What makes you better then him.

I was in a sunken place myself and shit could had gone bad but love my family, friends and positivity is what pushed me through. People who gave me support pushed me through. Not hate, Hate is only good for fucking ,gym, war and protecting your loved ones. It doesn't have much value then that. You become a better man when you control it.

Hey you are right I was wrong (not sarcasm.)

While I stand by the stuff I said about rushing to mourn celebrities that has nothing to do with Mac Miller and a thread about his death is a poor place to push this argument.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

I think that grown men who worship athletes/musicians/celebs are usually losers, probably most on this forum would agree with this. Paying a small tribute to a dead musician whose music you enjoyed is FAR from "celebrity worship".

Truth is, when you're in your teens and early 20s, still figuring shit out, it can be hard to find people to relate to. Mac was one of those guys for me. He was around my age, similar middle-class upbringing, and when he broke onto the scene in 2010, I liked his stuff immediately. His biggest hits are more party/pump-up songs ("Donald Trump" being one of them), but the majority of his music is slower and reflective. He talked about depression, girl problems, etc... shit that I could relate to at the time. It made me realize that even a guy who's raking in the money has problems, and helped bring me out of a huge funk I was in.

I don't give a fuck if he is liberal (almost all celebs are), or that he died (likely) of an amphetamine overdose. He unfortunately died far too young.

Rest in Peace Mac.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

You mess with the curse
Shit ends for the worse.

Can I be a rapper now?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

RIP Mac Miller. Yet another cautionary tale to come out of the rap game / entertainment world.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

@RDF well said.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Have no idea who this is, I'm getting old man.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Man, this is crazy. Some friends and I were just talking about how he doesn't get his due props. His album GOOD:AM is one of my favorite albums of all time. RIP.

I swallow my pride and I’m hiding what’s making me mad
Everybody saying I need rehab
Cause I’m speedin' with a blindfold on and won’t be long
‘til they watching me crash
And they don’t wanna see that
They don’t want me to OD and have to talk to my mother
Telling her they could have done more to help me
And she’ll be crying saying that she’ll do anything to have me back
All the nights I’m losing sleep, it was all a dream
There was a time that I believed that
But white lines be numbing them dark times
Them pills that I’m popping, I need to man up
Admit it’s a problem, I need a wake up
Before one morning I don’t wake up

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Lol all these tributes for a post modern (((artist))) gone too soon.

Fuck Mac Miller and fuck normal white dudes who dickride this soulless culture... this is how it ends and you should know better.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Quote: (09-07-2018 10:45 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Lol all these tributes for a post modern (((artist))) gone too soon.

Fuck Mac Miller and fuck normal white dudes who dickride this soulless culture... this is how it ends and you should know better.

[Image: GTDGFAQ.png]

He's a "post modern (((artitst)))" just because, what, he wasn't a Trump supporter?

Guys like you are pathetic.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

WOW these Trump haters from (((the tribe))) are checking out early.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

In post-modern America, when you live an art form created by the 6.5% of the population that commits half the murders... sometimes you don’t make it out alive.

Even the money changers get got. Sad!

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Guys who love rap should be grateful this dude died like so many of their idols.

Rap culture>die young>morons emulate>hood culture>die young>Rap culture>die young>morons emulate>hood culture>die young>Rap culture>die young>morons emulate>hood culture>die young>Rap culture>die young>morons emulate>hood culture>die young>

If these dudes and every hood rat was living to 95 and dying of a stroke then nobody would give a shit about rap culture because it would be "lame".

You worship death, you pay the tribute.

Dumb prick would have been better off getting a job at Walmart and marrying a 6. But dudes have to lionize his dumb ass and now a shitload more kids are going to live the same moronic dead end existence that this chump did.

Ghetto culture is a death-cult. You reap what you sow.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

This thread is going the way I expected. I just hope this tragedy will serve as a warning and a lesson to others. Dont do drugs.

Don't debate me.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Heres an even worse example if you wanna debate over dead (drug) rappers...

He was a drug addict and died from an overdose... I still listen to his music everyday because at one point in my life it helped me get by and still do because it takes me to a place where I'm happy...

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Some real quality posting here. Shit-talking recently deceased people for their politics or tribe or some stupid shit they once said, no matter who it is, is not behavior worthy of respect.

There are ways to express disagreement with someone, without spewing over their corpse. The latter is what leftists are doing, and we purport to be better men around here, so let’s stick with the former.

Watched the short documentary someone linked. Mac Miller seemed like a talented multi-instrumentalist, in addition to his rapping skills. Probably could have gone in any artistic direction he’d have wanted. Sad to see creative spirits go due to opiate use.

Rest in peace.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

They aint tryna hear that shit though ^

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Godfather Dust,

Former PCP and heroin addict junkie who was restrained to a mental health facility and self admittedly smashes cripples trying to tell us how "degenerate" Mac Miller and celeb culture is.

Lol you can't make this shit up.

Lowkey bruh don't waste another second on this loser.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Godfather dust dies of pcp overdose.

"RIP G-dust. 1 like = 1 respek. Straight up Playa."

Sounds dumb? The kind of mentality that keeps down the ghetto? Big Jewbux invested to keep these dump fucks bouncing between jail and the rim shop. Your rap hero is an ethnic and cultural perverter.

But studio Jews wrote some dope beats for him. Build that muthafucka a statue!

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Mac Miller Dead at 26 of Drug Overdose

Quote: (09-07-2018 11:06 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

In post-modern America, when you live an art form created by the 6.5% of the population that commits half the murders... sometimes you don’t make it out alive.

Even the money changers get got. Sad!

Autist confirmed.

I can tell you get no pussy.

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