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Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

Reading through this thread is strange and my only take away is that Ballr isn't ready for a relationship, not even a 'mini' LTR.

It's a wedding, people go, they dance, they drink and they flirt with each other (assuming singleness) and it appears your hangup is the parents, I went to a wedding with an ex prior to meeting her parents (same culture of meet the parents = serious), had a great time and got to know them well, that relationship was the strongest one I had. It doesn't matter that her culture means you meeting the parents is the equivalent of a marriage proposal, you're not from that culture, they'll cut you some slack (IME).

I'd say suck it up buttercup and go, enjoy yourself, you won't be cucked unless you don't go in which case, who knows?

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

I don't disregard anyone's advice. Not sure why so many attacks on this subject.

I make up a lot of a scenarios in my head because I am paranoid about this and I don't know why everyone in here so quick to trust a situation like that. Again, I did not go to the wedding so anything is possible. It's not jealousy or envy. I'm trying to look out for red flags so I don't get fucked in the future.

You're all the way right its about interaction with other men. A lot of you have accepted this. It's new to me. Thought of it is uncomfortable. I may be over-reacting. I've never left a woman around a bunch of guys and girls I've never met. I think of the worse even though this chick is in love with me, wants my children, marriage, etc. It's a mental struggle.

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

Well what exactly is the red flag here? She wants to celebrate her friends commitment to hopefully a long term relationship? If this were a bachelorette trip to Vegas I would understand, not this though. The real danger is by not going and not wanting her to is you coming off as incredibly weak minded, insecure, and boring.

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

Unless if you plan on locking her in the house, being around other people is a part of life.

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

Ballr, your post screams insecurity. Luckily, you're in a good place to cure it, brother.

I recognize your symptoms, I was madly jealous at my first few LTR's, years ago. I combined my jealousy and strictness with alpha traits, it came off even worse than if I have been an utter beta. Had it been so, I would have been perceived as a "niceguy" with a lot of insecurity; this way, I was perceived as a possessive asshole who wouldn't let his GF fucking breathe... seriously, I was way too jealous, very irrational. There is a line for everything.

Yes, I know it's hard, I know you'll be full of doubts. But that's the way life is.
You'll then learn to not give a fuck! If She, She being any of your future girlfriends, cheats on you - no big fucking deal, you'll send her off and find a new one tomorrow. No, same night. You need to stop caring so much.

As we say: being a player in an LTR is not about not having emotions. You're a human being, of course you have emotions.
It's about not letting those emotions rule you, or ruin you.
You can care for a girl, but if she fucks up, you WILL next her mercilessly and move on. Nothing of value will be lost.

Furthermore, you can't live your entire fucking life in fear of some dumb girl cheating on you, man. I know what's inside of your head, I've been like you when I was really young.

Accept that there are only two options - your GF isn't a slut, or she is one.
If she isn't, you can leave her on a deserted tropical island with a hundred men and she won't cheat on you.
If she is, she'll flirt or text with, kiss or fuck some other guy at some point in your relationship, and it will end. And you will find an another girl the same night.

So in order to not be a weak, jealous, needy, strict BF, follow my instructions and hints:

- Abundance mentality.
- Don't fucking care. Don't. If she cheats on you, there are 3 more waiting behind the corner.
- If she flirts with someone, posts pics online where the best man is squeezing her ass or something, you'll know right away she isn't GF material - life just got easier, hit that NEXT button
- Unfortunately, you'll have to realise that your girlfriends must also go out and have a social life. I don't want to go hard on you. But yeah. Grow up, bro. You can't hold her in a dungeon.
- gym
- this forum. Classic advice, read, read, read. Grow as a man, in all aspects of your life.
- manosphere in general - ditto as above
- this thread:

As soon as you accept my post and internalize it, you'll start to get better. Don't view this as a scold - it isn't one. I'm trying to help, and in my experience, things like this are best helped in this way - brutally and directly. Wake up.

P. S.
Could someone please explain to me what is a mini LTR? I googled it but couldn't find the answer. So, there is FwB, there is ONS, there is STR, there is LTR. What the hell is a mini LTR?! Something between STR and LTR?

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

Quote: (09-09-2018 01:38 PM)Ballr Wrote:  

I make up a lot of a scenarios in my head because I am paranoid about this and I don't know why everyone in here so quick to trust a situation like that.

OK, but again, "like that", meaning like what?

It's a wedding. You know all those married couples? They all had one.

When you first posted, I assumed this was a bunch of scumbags who are going to drink themselves half to death. I've seen those weddings, the ones where the police come break it up at the end of the night and somebody leaves in an ambulance. Fair enough.

It sounds like a perfectly normal wedding and like this girl is from a traditional family with traditional parents who are also comfortable at the wedding.

So, like what?


I'm trying to look out for red flags so I don't get fucked in the future.

Sometimes women do weird shit at weddings and funerals because their brains are in emotional overdrive, but the bottom line is that she's been selected as the maid of honor. She's excited. She wants you to go with her because she likes you, wants to show you off, and this is a big day for her.

If she's really crazy about you, she might be deeply hurt that you don't want to be a part of it. If you don't care, that's cool, but it sounds more like you're just being avoidant and are genuinely stressed out because you know your decision doesn't add up.


You're all the way right its about interaction with other men. A lot of you have accepted this. It's new to me. Thought of it is uncomfortable. I may be over-reacting. I've never left a woman around a bunch of guys and girls I've never met.

Your profile says you're in the United States and that it is your home country. I have trouble believing this unless you're a clingy codependent. If she's attractive, she's not even going to make it through the grocery store without some dude chatting her up. If she wants to cheat, she will. If she doesn't, she won't.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

You're not going to last long with any girl if she realises you're too afraid to even leave her alone for even a second because you think she might cheat on you.

Why not just assume she's fucking around anyway? Then there's nothing to be paranoid about. Problem solved.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

I let my girl go to the store once and freaked out when she said the cashier was a guy. HUGE red flag. What do you guys do in a situation like that?

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding


I let a girl birth my two sons. Now she feeds them, cuddles with them and bathes them. She even let them suck on her titties a little when they we're babies. Should I be worried that an Oedipus like situation isn't developing?

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

I let my girl go to church

Should I be worried that she may suck the priest off while he’s giving the sermon?

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

LOL you guys are funny

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

I'm less concerned about the wedding, and more about which state OP will be driving in.

If him and his girl are in Oregon or New Jersey, that's just asking for constant warm approaches from gas station attendants.

States that don't let you pump your own gas are a minefield of potential cheating opportunities.

Best to just buy an electric car right now so you can be prepared for all future possibilities.

You don't want to be the guy asking yourself later: "Was This Beta?"

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

I haven’t let my girl go out in so long that she has gone blind and now navigates the basement using echo location

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

Quote: (09-10-2018 02:51 AM)astro Wrote:  

I haven’t let my girl go out in so long that she has gone blind and now navigates the basement using echo location

Yeah, I've got that too but now I'm paranoid - just read about these things called 'bats' with leathery skin - all they do is hang around. They are basically just PUAs from what I can tell.

What if they find the basement where I got my lady stashed? I make her wear cloth coverings on her feet knees elbows and hands so no-one can hear her when she moves but.. what if they echo locate her?
So many paranoid situations running through my mind right now.

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

All those scenarios are a little far fetched.

I'd be more worried about Cristiano Ronaldo allegedly raping her in the arse.

Right or Wrong? - Hoetendencies at Rehearsal Dinner/Wedding

So she's going to a wedding with her traditional parents, who (I assume) know she has a boyfriend (you) and you are wondering if she's gonna flirt with other guys in front of them.

Surprised no one pointed this out.

Anyway now that this thread has been revived. Status update?

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