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Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

It's okay for Marines to kill people in faraway lands for globalist interests, but saying the word "faggot"? That's unacceptable! Our trained killers must be politically correct while they kill!


An infantry battalion commander sacked in the middle of a deployment with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, or MEU, was at least partially fired for allegedly using a term that could be disparaging to members of the LGBTQ community, Marine Corps Times has learned.

Following a vandalism incident during a port call visit by the San Antonio-​class amphibious transport dock New York in Gaeta, Italy, Lt. Col. Marcus J. Mainz, the commander of 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, allegedly used the term “faggot” or “faggoty” during a meeting with the 2/​6 Battalion Landing Team leaders, multiple sources have told Marine Corps Times.

Corps officials have said Lt. Col. Marcus J. Mainz was fired May 19 over a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.

Several Marines were charged with and punished for underage drinking while on liberty during a port visit in Italy. One of those Marines was also charged with vandalizing a construction site.

Mainz was abruptly relieved of command by commander of Naval Amphibious Force, Task Force 51/​5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade as the 26th MEU was operating in the 5th fleet area of operations, which covers the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and the Horn of Africa.

The MEU had just wrapped up exercises in Jordan called Eager Lion.

The incident regarding the firing of the infantry commander is still under investigation.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

I'm picturing that scene from Full Metal Jacket except Private Pyle has one of those pink hunting rifles they sell to women.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Quote: (09-03-2018 06:41 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It's okay for Marines to kill people in faraway lands for globalist interests, but saying the word "faggot"? That's unacceptable! Our trained killers must be politically correct while they kill!


An infantry battalion commander sacked in the middle of a deployment with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, or MEU, was at least partially fired for allegedly using a term that could be disparaging to members of the LGBTQ community, Marine Corps Times has learned.

Following a vandalism incident during a port call visit by the San Antonio-​class amphibious transport dock New York in Gaeta, Italy, Lt. Col. Marcus J. Mainz, the commander of 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, allegedly used the term “faggot” or “faggoty” during a meeting with the 2/​6 Battalion Landing Team leaders, multiple sources have told Marine Corps Times.

Corps officials have said Lt. Col. Marcus J. Mainz was fired May 19 over a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.

Several Marines were charged with and punished for underage drinking while on liberty during a port visit in Italy. One of those Marines was also charged with vandalizing a construction site.

Mainz was abruptly relieved of command by commander of Naval Amphibious Force, Task Force 51/​5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade as the 26th MEU was operating in the 5th fleet area of operations, which covers the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and the Horn of Africa.

The MEU had just wrapped up exercises in Jordan called Eager Lion.

The incident regarding the firing of the infantry commander is still under investigation.

The bigger issue is that his fellow marines ratted him out KNOWING it would ruin the man's career.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Quote: (09-03-2018 06:48 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2018 06:41 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It's okay for Marines to kill people in faraway lands for globalist interests, but saying the word "faggot"? That's unacceptable! Our trained killers must be politically correct while they kill!


An infantry battalion commander sacked in the middle of a deployment with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, or MEU, was at least partially fired for allegedly using a term that could be disparaging to members of the LGBTQ community, Marine Corps Times has learned.

Following a vandalism incident during a port call visit by the San Antonio-​class amphibious transport dock New York in Gaeta, Italy, Lt. Col. Marcus J. Mainz, the commander of 2nd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, allegedly used the term “faggot” or “faggoty” during a meeting with the 2/​6 Battalion Landing Team leaders, multiple sources have told Marine Corps Times.

Corps officials have said Lt. Col. Marcus J. Mainz was fired May 19 over a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.

Several Marines were charged with and punished for underage drinking while on liberty during a port visit in Italy. One of those Marines was also charged with vandalizing a construction site.

Mainz was abruptly relieved of command by commander of Naval Amphibious Force, Task Force 51/​5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade as the 26th MEU was operating in the 5th fleet area of operations, which covers the Persian Gulf, Red Sea and the Horn of Africa.

The MEU had just wrapped up exercises in Jordan called Eager Lion.

The incident regarding the firing of the infantry commander is still under investigation.

The bigger issue is that his fellow marines ratted him out KNOWING it would ruin the man's career.

He was probably a faggot.

Faggot as in bitch, not faggot as in faggot.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

^True that, DarkTriad.

Click the link Roosh posted, the comments on that article are hilarious!!!

One guy posted some truth, "If any Marine gets offended by some name calling the have no business in the Marines. The military will call you many names so get used to it. If this commander is fired because of political correctness then the person who fired him needs to be fired."

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

It's the current year[Image: tard.gif]


Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

I hear Private Pyle has been promoted to Colonel and will be taking his place.

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Marines need their safe spaces too...

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Quote: (09-03-2018 06:48 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

The bigger issue is that his fellow marines ratted him out KNOWING it would ruin the man's career.

Having been on many deployments in the 6th Fleet AOR (The Med), the faggot comment was icing on the cake and likely the result of the investigation resulting from the Gaeta port visit rather than a whistleblower from the faggot incident. Seen it happen first hand before. This is the real reason he got fired:


Several Marines were charged with and punished for underage drinking while on liberty during a port visit in Italy. One of those Marines was also charged with vandalizing a construction site.

Here is an older, more detailed and less sensational article that outlines some of the law breaking fun that was had.

ANYTHING that involves host nation law enforcement is just asking to get relieved, if you're the one to tell your boss you fucked up you can spin it but if someone else tells him and they blow it out of proportion you're done.


One of the six Marines, a then-lance corporal, was also charged with “wrongfully damaged property” and “pulling on a street sign and kicking over a construction fence,” according to the charge sheets.

The damage totaled less than $500, but was enough to warrant involvement and investigation by Naval Criminal Investigative Service and local law enforcement in Gaeta.

The Marine involved in the vandalism was busted down to private first class, placed on restriction for 45 days, forfeited half of his pay for two months and received 45 days of extra duty.

After the Marine nudes FB scandal, if you get caught sending nudes without "consent" it is a no BS automatic separation from the service. This guy didn't send even the image, he just didn't rat out whoever did.


That same month and on the same ship, a lance corporal was busted down one rank after he failed to report a violation of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice — the “wrongful broadcast of an intimate image,” the charge sheet detailed.

#MeToo is alive and well in the military unfortunately.


Two other Marines were hit with equal opportunity violations. In March, a junior enlisted Marine aboard the amphibious assault ship Iwo Jima, made a “sexually suggestive comment” that contributed to a hostile work environment, according to a charge sheet.

This type of petty shit is par for the course. But this shit comes out on COs command surveys and they get slammed for it.


A staff sergeant was reprimanded for using a “disparaging term towards another person’s race” and drunk and disorderly conduct following a port visit to Limassol, Cyprus, in March. The staff sergeant was forfeited some pay and was placed on restriction for 45 days and received 45 days extra duty.

We like to think of the military as the MAGA machine but most of the senior leadership (O-6) and especially up to the Flag Officer/General Officer (FOGO) level are political creatures and are still pozzed from the Obama era and subscribe to the zero defect mentality. Over the most innocuous allegations you can go from hero to zero. In these paper pushing asshole's minds liberty incidents like the above are the most pressing danger facing our forces today [Image: tard.gif] Every CO in the military has what's called a command climate survey. This anonymous survey, members of the command answer a series of questions regarding random things like amount of racism, sexism, stress levels, and other things that only vaginas worry about. Point being, I've seen COs sacked just for the responses to these surverys. Marines will do Marine stuff, nothing will change that.

Via some other forums, people who have worked directly with Lt. Col. Mainz in the past hold him in high regard. Our USMC is weaker for this BULLSHIT.

Here is a pic of the warfighter (on left):

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

The people that fired him are all faggots.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

This reminds me of saying that someone once told me. US military saving grace is noncom officer corp is extremely competent, while its commissioned officer corps is usually a cesspool most of the time.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Quote: (09-03-2018 09:52 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

This reminds me of saying that someone once told me. US military saving grace is noncom officer corp is extremely competent, while its commissioned officer corps is usually a cesspool most of the time.

Sounds like most of the commissioned are REMFs.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Quote: (09-03-2018 11:14 PM)EvanWilson Wrote:  

Quote: (09-03-2018 09:52 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

This reminds me of saying that someone once told me. US military saving grace is noncom officer corp is extremely competent, while its commissioned officer corps is usually a cesspool most of the time.

Sounds like most of the commissioned are REMFs.

Especially with Obama in the office. It going to take some time for Mattis and Trump to clean house for the military.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

"Sorry you thought I said was actually maggot"


Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Wow, what a bunch of limp-dick faggot cocksuckers.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Several Marines were charged with underage drinking; I still can't believe that Americans can join the military, be sent overseas to fight in wars but can't legally drink a beer.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Quote: (09-04-2018 12:19 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Several Marines were charged with underage drinking; I still can't believe that Americans can join the military, be sent overseas to fight in wars but can't legally drink a beer.

No, you actually need to take it one step further - American males, by law, are required to sign up for the draft when we turn 18. The last draft that we had was the Vietnam War. It never went away.

So, here's the fixed version of what you just wrote:

I still can't believe that American males are forced to sign up for the military draft at 18 years of age, so that their government can send them to war anytime it damn well pleases, but can't legally drink a beer.

God Bless America.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Shit dude, when American males hit 18 in the US it's required by law to register for the draft. I think the girls are required to get dumb tattoos when they hit 18 or something.

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

This is so gay.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Faggot is not a slur it’s just a reference to the fact that many Christians do not condone homosexuality and that their behavior will cause them to burn in hell like a bundle of twigs. Calling the word a slur is tantamount to denying those Christians the exercise of their religion. It’s Christophobic

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Marines charged with under aged drinking???
All American military over 18 are allowed to drink OZ in fact we insist on it.Our drinking age is 18.
As far as I know it's 18 in Europe too.
Sounds like there is a real cock sucker element in that Battalion.You just don't do that shit to your own blokes.

Or the CO was dangerous so the boys got rid of him on the faggot charge.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Quote: (09-04-2018 06:17 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Marines charged with under aged drinking???
All American military over 18 are allowed to drink OZ in fact we insist on it.Our drinking age is 18.
As far as I know it's 18 in Europe too.
Sounds like there is a real cock sucker element in that Battalion.You just don't do that shit to your own blokes.

Or the CO was dangerous so the boys got rid of him on the faggot charge.

I reckon it's probably some female navy puke ratted. Doubt it'd be a male marine.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

Quote: (09-04-2018 06:17 PM)Green-On-GO Wrote:  

Marines charged with under aged drinking???
All American military over 18 are allowed to drink OZ in fact we insist on it.Our drinking age is 18.
As far as I know it's 18 in Europe too.
Sounds like there is a real cock sucker element in that Battalion.You just don't do that shit to your own blokes.

Or the CO was dangerous so the boys got rid of him on the faggot charge.

16 in the DACH countries and Serbia, and 18 for hard liquor.

Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"


Marine battalion commander fired for using the word "faggot"

I really though this was fairly standard usage in such an environment. Hell, I worked in a corporate office where the word "faggot" was commonplace except when the obvious flames were in earshot.

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