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New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

[Image: Picture1.jpg]

[Image: 2e7d104d2e23f915e2dceb5648078ad6.jpg]

In its first sixty years Cosmopolitan didn't fully descend into depravity. Then the 1960s happened.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Quote: (08-30-2018 02:44 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Copied over from the Forum Lounge:

-Is success an illness? (Trump I'm looking at you)
-The other lover (I support my wifes boyfriend)
-Tess Holliday wants the haters to kiss her ass (Her front ass, since you can't find her front hole)

[Image: tard.gif]

I got a good laugh out of this - can't believe women actually read this psycho babble.

PS fun fact - that land whale is ONLY 5'3 !

Ok but how tall is she / it?

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Just think if the roles were reversed and it was an obese male on the cover of a magazine. No woman wants a fat guy just like we don't want fat women.

Quote: (04-21-2014 04:47 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  
On the cool, she probably had at least one too many tortiillas, but the tetas was mas gorda, comprenede?

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

I often see people heading into the offices of whatever group publishes a bunch of fitness magazines - Men's Fitness and a bunch of other ones I've never heard of.

Without exception, none of the people I've seen walking in there at 9:00 AM have any business working for a fitness magazine. More like Wanda's Macaroni Salad Quarterly

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least thought about acquiring.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Of course, the editor of Cosmo, Michele Promaulayko, looks nothing like this and you can bet your shekels she'd lose it if she did:

[Image: kq7b5s10.jpg]

This is just more skinny, bodyist women trying to railroad the competition to make themselves look better.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Between the gargantuan tattooed woman and the satirical-sounding headlines, I'm wondering if the magazine cover is photoshopped. Either that or the media content in the UK is just ridiculous.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

This woman looks a lot like my grandmother on my dad's side. She was pretty cool, but way overweight.

One day when I was 12 we were out walking in Washington, DC. It was a gorgeous spring day, the Monday after Easter. We were getting ready to cross the street and she took hold of my arm. Then suddenly she grabbed her chest, collapsed on the sidewalk, and died, while I stood and screamed for help.

The end.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

There's a spelling mistake on the front cover.....

It should read "Cosmic"

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

@SuperFire - WB Promaulayko, WNB the cover model in the OP.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Reading the comments section is hysterical. Oh god. I love to read people insulting a fat pig. Everybody havin a good time making jokes about the soon-to-die fattie. What could be better?

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Quote: (08-30-2018 02:43 PM)RedKurrant Wrote:  

Wow... What sane man would put a ring on that?!

[Image: pig-with-nose-ring.jpg]

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Quote:Cosmopolitan Wrote:

The other lover: Why I vetted my wife's affair

[Image: facepalm2.gif]

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Cosmo model convention, -2025 colorized


Deus vult!

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

So she has a misses piggy tattoo.

I don't get it. I know some fat women. They do shit like that.

One fat woman has for print car seat covers and little cow figurines all over the place. another's tiresome kind of fondness for piglets.

Fat women are self concious. I don't understand why they would co everything possible to distance themselves from the porcine/bovine communities.


New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

We love to throw jokes about whales, walruses and whatnot, but have you ever considered the actual BMI of these animals?

Walrus: 133
Blue whale: 124
Manatee: 121

Yet despite that tremendous BMI, those creatures still look more graceful than this landwhale.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

I was so close to posting this yesterday, but I had last minute doubts about whether it was a hoax or not. Such is the state of modern society that I genuinely couldn't decide whether it was bona fide.

Just when does this slide hit the bottom ...

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Isn't it interesting how quickly these movements change from "acceptance" to "promotion/glorification." It wasn't many years ago that kids were being taught not to be cruel to fatties, while also acknowledging that being fat is unhealthy and you'll be much happier if you lose weight. Now we've gone from "don't be cruel" to "if you look like this hippopotomus, then you're great just the way you are and you should never change." No woman truly wants to look like this monster, but this is just one more disincentive for fat chicks to lose weight and improve their lives. It turns out that brutal fat shaming, while cruel, is actually in everyone's best interest, and our evil great grandparents knew exactly what they were doing when they damaged their daughter's self-esteem by reminding her she was fat. They fat shamed out of love because they wanted what was best for her, and fat shaming works. It's the reason that you don't see any size 22 behomeths walking around Tokyo or Seoul - it's because they haven't abandoned the wisdom accumulated over generations, that sometimes kindness requires cruelty.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Quote: (08-31-2018 04:43 AM)Horus Wrote:  

Isn't it interesting how quickly these movements change from "acceptance" to "promotion/glorification." It wasn't many years ago that kids were being taught not to be cruel to fatties, while also acknowledging that being fat is unhealthy and you'll be much happier if you lose weight. Now we've gone from "don't be cruel" to "if you look like this hippopotomus, then you're great just the way you are and you should never change." No woman truly wants to look like this monster, but this is just one more disincentive for fat chicks to lose weight and improve their lives. It turns out that brutal fat shaming, while cruel, is actually in everyone's best interest, and our evil great grandparents knew exactly what they were doing when they damaged their daughter's self-esteem by reminding her she was fat. They fat shamed out of love because they wanted what was best for her, and fat shaming works. It's the reason that you don't see any size 22 behomeths walking around Tokyo or Seoul - it's because they haven't abandoned the wisdom accumulated over generations, that sometimes kindness requires cruelty.

bring back fat shaming indeed. seems to have died down considerably, overwhelmed by the sheer mass of pro-fatness promotion out there

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Be fat

Don't be successful

Have affairs

Getting raped could well be sexy

I don't really know what to say I'm that stunned.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

The irony about Ten Tonne Tess is that her "fame" is wholly based on the fact that she's NOT fat in the face. She just happens to be a freak where the weight doesn't go to her face, so she looks relativity ok from the shoulders up. If her face was as proportionally fat as the rest of her no one would be interested, because she would look fully like a tattooed walrus. I mean she literally looks repulsive, she is so fat. Even with all the cosmo photoshopping she actually produces a physical reaction in me, she is so grotesque and vile.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Obesity is healthy, says Cosmo.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Fat shaming tactic - fat folk have big feet & larger carbon footprints...

Land whales place a heavy burden on our precious planet.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

She's not fat guys, she's big boned.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

Wonder Woman vs. The Gigantic Woman. I'd pay to see that.

New Cosmo cover featured GIGANTIC woman

That is one women I would not want to be around in elevator on hot summer day. I fear the smell and max out the weight limits of the elevator will lead to my death. She be dead the moment she enters menopause. Ovaries won't be protecting her heart anymore form the crap she eats.

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