Quote: (09-07-2018 11:28 AM)General Mayhem Wrote:
This topic has been discussed already but I have been thinking about it a lot lately.
I work for a well-known corporation in the US that is going this way as well. I am speculating they are grooming a woman to take over as CEO in a few years and there has been a large uptick in the number of women in the office I work in. It's part of a much larger cultural trend.
As you can imagine I have had a lot of time to reflect on this while planning a permanent exit.
I think the most men with a keen sense of what's going on will opt out of female dominated workplaces for self-employment or jobs that only men are willing to do. The men who stay will become even more feminized.
If you are an average of the people you spend the most time with and you spend most of your time in an office full of women what the fuck do you think is going to happen to you?
What I noticed is that women will constantly shit test you vying for dominance. Some women are good and they are just there to pick up the wage and go home but others want their workplace to be drama-filled with no real afterthought of losing their job.
what's extremely common is even if they are below or equal to you in hierarchy, they will try to pass work onto you. It could something too hard for them or a chore they don't want to do. Without a tyrant managing to put fear into them they will naturally gravitate to being comfortable and doing a little as possible.
There are insidious women out there in any office. At least one will try to bring you under heel by trying to pressure you into doing something by name dropping a manager. Other times they will simply bypass your consent and do something without asking you because someone higher up said it was okay.
"I don't think the manager would like that"
"Did you tell the manager about this?"
"The manager said it was ok..."
"manager manager manager..."
Everyone gives women a pass no matter how dumb or incompetent they are - I suspect the reason is that everyone subconsciously is aware that women are bigger children and they cannot be held responsible as an adult would be. The same reason women get less time in prison despite committing identical crimes to men. On a daily basis I see women screw up but nobody calls them on it, it's just quietly dealt with. This is in stark contrast to how a man cops it when he makes an error and you don't hear the end of it.
From my experience, I've been able to silence everyone by being extremely based and telling the women around me that:
1) I don't care about keeping my job at all and
2) The company needs ME, I don't need the company
This seems to silence any woman that tries to manipulate me. Nobody higher up has pulled me aside to question me on this but if they did I would tell them the same thing and ask them why I should stay in the company. If your company is filled with women - it's a shit company. Seriously, how can a company filled with women compete with others that have mostly men in them? Good help is hard to find and they don't want to lose anyone competent. If your CEO is a woman GTFO before the company fails.