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List your top 5 turn-offs.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

I know there've been threads on this, but I figured I'd try a more honed-in compilation. List your top 5 turn-offs -- either specific attributes, or even "types". As a bit of extra fun, try to list them according to level of reprehensibility.

1. Fat
2. Religious
3. Tats/Piercings
4. Protester/Political-Activist type
5. Rockabilly type

Really, for me, those 1st 3 take care of it, but I'm sure there's a few 'types' that strike me as definitively unappealing.

Let's see how many we can all strike in common.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Fat
2. Stupid
3. Unnatural/heavily altered appearance (e.g. tats, piercings, dyed hair, lipstick, excessive makeup)
4. Low energy/sour attitude/lacks the "happy gene"
5. Protester/political activist type

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Fat
2. Feminist
3. Protester/Political-Activist type (might be redundant with Feminist)
4. Disagreeable/Difficult personality (might be redundant with the first three on my list)
5. Loud person overall (might be redundant with all of the above)

List your top 5 turn-offs.

Don't worry about redundancies, as there'll be a few to be sure. Just lay out the list.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Fat
2. Phone addict.
3. Chews loudly
4. Unpleasant
5. Thinks they are the shit

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Fat
2. Feminist
3. Constant one-upmanship
4. Hipster/lesbian/activist type
5. Heavy drinker/smoker/eater

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

List your top 5 turn-offs.

That #1 entry goin' strong . . .

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. FAT
2. Entitled Attitude
3. Masculine/One-upping you
4. Smoking
5. Dumb

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Fat
2. Lazy
3. Unnatural makeup
4. No physical or mental talent
5. Fake nails and hair

List your top 5 turn-offs.

Only has guy friends
Has kids
No sense of humor

Bonus: big clits

List your top 5 turn-offs.

Poor hygiene
Body hair. I've seen some hot women try and get away with bleaching their stach...just NO
Feminist/loud personality
Too much makeup

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. FAT
2. Floppy Titties
3. Roast Beef looking vagina
4. Picks food out her teeth with her fingernails
5. Eat peanut butter raw with a spoon

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Fat/Overweight (maybe should remove this one and assume it's automatic)
2. Smoking
3. Tattoos
4. SJW (Especially Feminist)
5. Strong "Feral" Accents (Bogans, Texas Drawl and a few others)

Really there are an awful lot more that could go on the list after the first 4 which are pretty firm.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Sucking her fingers when she eats. I find this disgusting for both men and women. Use a napkin.

2. Clanking her metal spoon on her porcelain plate while eating or against a coffee cup while stirring. I once made an ex start eating every meal with chopsticks because her eating habits sounded like she was playing the drums.

3. Trying to talk to me while I am in the bathroom taking a shit. I'm trying to be discreet here so you don't realize Armageddon is happening below me, give me my space.

4. Clapping heavily when she starts laughing. It just hurts my ears and comes across as attention seeking.

5. Asking any questions whatsoever about war or politics. If I ever discuss those things, which is rare, I reserve them for very close friends.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

Another one (I knew I'd forgotten one) - "sports team" chicks. I hate that. I think it's like when chicks post pix of themselves on the shooting range or skydiving, stuff that you'd typically view as masculine pursuits. Do any of these women realize that not a single guy in the history of anything finds this shit attractive?

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1 - underweight / too fat (i am ok for chubby)
2 - tatoos (and all that comes with that : bad hygyene, dress bad, smoking, etc). Girls who eat crisps in front of me or other bad food.
3 - moms where i can see the stretch marks (that is, most of the moms)
4 - low IQ, peasants, dumbasses, slumrats, shitheads
5 - when the girl can't suck. I really hate those types of girls who let saliva drop on my body when they suck me. I give them another chance and if fail again it's get out of here, you can't even suck properly
6 - Girls who are maniac, will rub off the precum before sucking, will be checking if there is still the condom when i fuck her, asking "did you come already" all the time. They are quite rare but can appear sometimes.
7 - fake boobs. Many girls i had to turn down because of that

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1) Fat
2) Ugly
3) Short Hair
4) Tattoos
5) Body piercing

List your top 5 turn-offs.

Quote: (07-22-2018 03:06 PM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

1) Fat
2) Ugly
3) Short Hair
4) Tattoos
5) Body piercing


List your top 5 turn-offs.

Lets rule out Fat and Ugly... those should go without saying

3)Pancake Ass
4)Face Moles. Big problem in SEA
5)Floppy titties and/or wierd nips

List your top 5 turn-offs.

Ruling out fat and ugly...

1) Feminist/SJW
2) Disorganized calendar causing flakes.
3) No sense of humor.
4) Smoking.
5) Showing texts from orbiters to DHV.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Fat
2. Excess weight
3. Obesity
4. Corpulence
5. "Curves"

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Annoying nasally voice
2. No ass
3. Waking me up in the middle of the night when I'm tired
4. No sense of humor
5. Nipple hair

I would say fat but that never turns me on in the first place.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1) Fat, dumpy body.
2) Odors (bad breath, body, off-scent)
3) Bad skin
4) Excessively self absorbed ('I' every third word)
5) Bad voice - nasally or vocal fry

BONUS - Forced, strained smiles

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Fat
2. Bad teeth and or breath
3. Bad Hygiene
4. Bad skin
5. Bad manners

The rest of the shit such as phone addict or attitude can vary in ammounts I can handle and also depends on if I just want a quick bang or what. The rest of the above are immediate turns offs for me and will kill my boner instantly.

Bad teeth especially. I can't make out with a girl with bad teeth and if I can't make out with her it will be hard to get in the zone to bang her.

List your top 5 turn-offs.

1. Old
2. Poor Hygeine , Presentation
3. Bad Manners, Loud
4. Flabby
5. Spoiled

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

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