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Harald Baldr- Great travel videos

Harald Baldr- Great travel videos

I binged watched a ton of his videos one week. He has great travel vlogs. The most memorable video for me was his "buying property abroad" video. I ended up forwarding the videos to some friends interested in buying a condo in Medellin. I was already wary of certain foreign properties, but this video sealed the deal for me. No thanks! I'll stick to fully developed nations.


Harald Baldr- Great travel videos

Common sense, really.

Don't buy real estate in countries with unstable economies and if the people's mentality is significantly different than yours.

Harald Baldr- Great travel videos

Also been reading him for a couple of years. His content is legit and quite original. He is certainly familiar with the forum and I daresay we'd get on well in person too if we met.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

Harald Baldr- Great travel videos

As an aside, I was in this expat group once, where he posted a link to one of his blog posts and people just went nuts. Mostly women of course, but also soy boy expats. Too funny. I am very happy we have this forum, where someone like Harald Baldr can be considered normal.

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