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First steps getting out there (field report, kinda)

First steps getting out there (field report, kinda)

So after building my life back piece by piece and finally getting out myself away from a toxic person some things have started happening.

Still have not been able to go out to do daygame so mainly tinder and badoo. Got some good convos going from a few matches and got a bunch of dates, figured this was as good a place as any to start.

I know my biggest problem is showing intent and not getting stuck in my head, this was a good opportunity to get some practice. Some practice I got too.

Friday I had a date in another town about an hours train ride away. Slept poorly the night before and had to rush from work to make it. Not in a good state of mind at all, was stupid too and had a beer on the train which didn't exactly help things. Got there and gave her a hug but she seemed pretty reserved. This affected me almost instantly, I could feel myself closing up and it was pretty much done after that. Couldn't get myself out of that state and went on manual mode pretty much the whole date. Walked around a bit and went for a drink, awkward banter from both sides the whole time. Agreed that the date was a failure as we walked back, parted in good terms.

On the train home I decided to just drink some beer to wash away the taste of that. Hung around a girl who was with her mom and just started joking around with them, had a IDGAF attitude. To my surprise she slipped me her phone number before I had to get off. Blew it though by sending her a whatsapp message, didn't reply. Should've probably called her. It was a nice feeling still.

Saturday went on another date. Some discgolfing and eating out, sat there for a good few hours. Couldn't really detect that much interest from her but eye contact was pretty strong. I could feel myself getting anxious again and getting stuck. Decided I had to just do something so I grabbed her hand as we walked back, pretty responsive to that. Didn't walk long before we were making out and after that it was straight to my place. Clothes off and banging, 2 times.

Sunday a new date again with girl number 3. We had some pretty intense texting the days before with pictures exchanged. She seemed pretty into me from that, was worried though that it was too much and that she had painted a different picture in her head of me. So we went for a picnic and the vibe was pretty good throughout. After I ate I suggested we rest for a while on the blanket. Worked pretty well as she layed besides me I carefully started touching her on the stomach, no resistance. Pretty soon we were making out and she was dry humping me. Things went a bit stale for a while because she got some urgent work stuff she started stressing about. Got it going again though and in the parking lot when I took her back she had my dick in her hand and breasts half out, almost got a blowjob. Today she texted me she was embarrassed about it, guess things went too fast for her. We'll see, it doesn't seem completely hopeless from todays convo. And her breasts were like pornstar quality.

Tomorrow I have another date coming so I'll report in this thread how it goes.

All in all I'm starting to get back my self-confidence, I can already feel that women react to me a bit differently. After years of hearing that I'm a piece of shit this really feels good. Not long ago just the though of daygaming felt just way too distant to do. Now it is going to be the next step for me. To start going out and actually get to learning game.

First steps getting out there (field report, kinda)

Another date today, didn't go all that great.
Went for a picnic again as the location is great near an old castle. She was a bit on the chubby side and seemed pretty reserved throughout, eye contact from her was almost non existent. She was chatty though and was smiling and laughing a lot but kept looking into the distance or the ground. Kept her distance and didn't know how to navigate or do to get some physical escalation going so I kept a lighthearted and humorous vibe.

Took her hand as we were walking back but she wasn't very receptive, pretty quickly took her camera to take a picture to get out of it. I guess I can call this lead cold. Not gonna message her again, if there was any interest I guess I will see if she contacts me.

My take is there was maybe something there but she was shy and I didn't do a great job of making things happen. Too much into my comfort zone again.

First steps getting out there (field report, kinda)

^Was this a first date? Was the location for the picnic isolated? Nobody walking through the area?

If this was indeed a first date, she might have been a little uncomfortable since there weren't any people around you.

For some reason, online chicks are paranoid as fuck about being murdered by their dates.

Start with a social scene and build the comfort from there. Once you know she is comfortable around you, then take her for a picnic or something more intimate.

Comfort is what it is all about. Once that is established, you'll be able to take her wherever.

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

First steps getting out there (field report, kinda)

Quote: (06-19-2018 01:17 PM)Remington Wrote:  

^Was this a first date? Was the location for the picnic isolated? Nobody walking through the area?

If this was indeed a first date, she might have been a little uncomfortable since there weren't any people around you.

For some reason, online chicks are paranoid as fuck about being murdered by their dates.

Start with a social scene and build the comfort from there. Once you know she is comfortable around you, then take her for a picnic or something more intimate.

Comfort is what it is all about. Once that is established, you'll be able to take her wherever.
It's a touristy place so there were people nearby the whole time, actually it's the same place I took the girl on sunday to and she was a bit embarrassed because of the people walking by when things got heated.

I think there was enough comfort but I'm not sure there was enough attraction. I really need to work on bringing myself out more, I easily fall into that mode where I'm stuck in my head and the social interaction becomes this auto-mode of pleasantries where I'm not really showing who I am.

With some people this is much easier for me, girls who are high energy themselves. I know it boils down to my own insecurity, not being able to fully believe in myself and being scared of lame reactions from the other.

First steps getting out there (field report, kinda)

I gotcha.

Sometimes, there are dates where the chemistry is awesome and doesn't result in anything, other times, the chemistry is non-existent, but you still get the bang.

Attraction plays a big part, but your game will also need to be on point for things to continue moving forward.

When you interact with a woman, give as much as you get. If she opens up about something, do the same. If she sexualizes the conversation, continue with it. Give and take.

If you open up, she will be more comfortable with you.

Don't worry about being stuck in your own head. Let the conversation flow. Ask questions. Keep them relevant to the conversation and try not to change topics so deliberately.


You: I just saw this concert last week that was awesome. The set was on point.

Her: Oh nice, I just saw xxx.

You: Cool, were they any good live?

Her: Oh yea, but they didn't play my favorite songs.

You: And those would be...

Her: xxx and xxx.

You: I gotcha. Who else do have you seen live?

When you get deeper into conversations, you'll build that connection which will build that comfort.

The auto mode that you refer to seems like it's the basic "what do you do?, where do you live?, what do you do for fun?" kind of things.

When you dive deeper into topics of discussion, she will open up about what she really wants/likes. This will give you a better idea of who she is and what she is all about. Then, you'll be able to establish some connections and rapport and be able to escalate easier.

Learn through trial and error. You're getting the dates, all you need to do is work on your closing. Keep it up, man!

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

First steps getting out there (field report, kinda)

Quote: (06-19-2018 02:24 PM)Remington Wrote:  

I gotcha.

Sometimes, there are dates where the chemistry is awesome and doesn't result in anything, other times, the chemistry is non-existent, but you still get the bang.

Attraction plays a big part, but your game will also need to be on point for things to continue moving forward.

When you interact with a woman, give as much as you get. If she opens up about something, do the same. If she sexualizes the conversation, continue with it. Give and take.

If you open up, she will be more comfortable with you.

Don't worry about being stuck in your own head. Let the conversation flow. Ask questions. Keep them relevant to the conversation and try not to change topics so deliberately.


You: I just saw this concert last week that was awesome. The set was on point.

Her: Oh nice, I just saw xxx.

You: Cool, were they any good live?

Her: Oh yea, but they didn't play my favorite songs.

You: And those would be...

Her: xxx and xxx.

You: I gotcha. Who else do have you seen live?

When you get deeper into conversations, you'll build that connection which will build that comfort.

The auto mode that you refer to seems like it's the basic "what do you do?, where do you live?, what do you do for fun?" kind of things.

When you dive deeper into topics of discussion, she will open up about what she really wants/likes. This will give you a better idea of who she is and what she is all about. Then, you'll be able to establish some connections and rapport and be able to escalate easier.

Learn through trial and error. You're getting the dates, all you need to do is work on your closing. Keep it up, man!
I think I have a pretty good hang on keeping the conversation flowing, throwing some observational humor in there. Something is still off about my body language I suspect, probably I'm also too reactionary. As of now the dates seem to have gone cold.

2 girls mentioned that I was different from the image they got from the texting, trying to wrap my head around it as I don't use any routines when texting. Just my own humour, whatever happens to amuse me. It's just so damn hard to see it yourself. But it's pretty clear, they were attracted to the image they got from our convos but I couldn't keep it congruent on the date.

Guess I should stop putting so much energy into online and just get out there, think the problem is I'm trying to put the cart before the horse. I'm not getting dates regularly by no means from Tinder, most of the matches (1-2 a week) go absolutely nowhere.

Gonna have to throw these into the x-files I think, focus on real life approaches instead. I know I shouldn't put too much weight into it as I know how much of a jungle online can be with girls getting hundreds of messages per day. Still it affects me more than I would like.

Going out friday with my buddy and got him a bit enthusiastic to chat up some girls, we have great chemistry at keeping it fun. I do much better when I have another person to keep things fun and pump my state.

First steps getting out there (field report, kinda)

Quote: (06-20-2018 01:27 PM)ZappBrannigan Wrote:  

Guess I should stop putting so much energy into online and just get out there, think the problem is I'm trying to put the cart before the horse. I'm not getting dates regularly by no means from Tinder, most of the matches (1-2 a week) go absolutely nowhere.

Yeah, get offline. Online is a crutch (I know I'm repeating old advice). If you live in a place with bars, coffee shops, malls, foot traffic, you're better off trying to make an impression in real life. For one thing, you'll progress much faster and not have to deal with the bullshit of apps, matching, writing profiles, pics, being catfished, and all the other shit that comes with online dating. Just use texts to setup dates at first and when you're more comfortable with each other, you can add in some text banter/cat gifs or whatever.

Girls want a guy to meet them in real life, they just have this idea it's not going to happen/impossible. I met my last girlfriend on a plane. I'm just sayin', 2018 there is no better time to go OFFLINE. Everyone is online and you will be in a league of your own offline.

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